Reverse Code Engineering RCE CD +sandman 2000
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Assembly Source File
621 lines
extrn GetTickCount : PROC ; to get 'random' base information
randseed dd 0 ; 64 bit random seed
dd 0
strcpys dd 0
strcpyt dd 0
cmpstr1 dd 0
cmpstr2 dd 0
cstrlen dd 0
kgincd db 'keygen include v.2 (c) scut / blizzard'
; keygen include v.2, 980818
; (c) scut of blizzard 1998
; free use, as long as you give me credits
comment ⌡
numeric functions:
print_hex_32b will print the number in eax to *edi, in hex, fixed len 8 bytes
print_hex_16b will print the number in ax to *edi, in hex, fixed len 4 bytes
print_dec_32b will print the number in eax to *edi, in dec., no fixed len
print_dec_16b will print the number in ax to *edi, in dec, no ficed len
read_dec_32b will read a decimal from *esi, returning it in eax
read_dec_16b will read a decimal from *esi, returning it in ax
string functions:
strnlen will return the length of the string *esi in eax
strcpy will copy *esi to *edi, if carry set len is eax, else asciiz
strcmp will compare *esi to *edi, if carry set len is eax, else asciiz
returns: clc = equal, stc = unequal
strrmv will all chars same as al from *esi, returning in *edi,
note: esi and edi can be the same, the string will be terminated
strloc will lowercase an asciiz string in *esi
strupc will uppercase an asciiz string in *esi
random functions:
randomize will initialize the random seeds, do this after a delay (user-input)
random will return a pseudo-random number in eax, boundary by eax
print_hex_32b proc
mov ecx,8 ; 8 digits
p2hl0: rol eax,4 ; rol left 4 bits
mov bl,al
and bl,1111b
cmp bl,0ah
jl p2hl0a
add bl,7
p2hl0a: add bl,'0'
mov [edi],bl
inc edi
dec ecx
jnz p2hl0
endp print_hex_32b
print_hex_16b proc
mov ecx,4
p6bl0: rol ax,4
mov bl,al
and bl,1111b
cmp bl,0ah
jl p6bl0a
add bl,7
p6bl0a: add bl,'0'
mov [edi],bl
inc edi
dec ecx
jnz p6bl0
endp print_hex_16b
print_dec_32b proc
mov ebx,10
xor ecx,ecx
p2dl1: xor edx,edx
div ebx
push edx
inc ecx
or eax,eax
jne p2dl1
p2dl2: pop edx
add dl,'0'
mov al,dl
dec ecx
jnz p2dl2
xor al,al
print_dec_32b endp
print_dec_16b proc
mov bx,ax
xor eax,eax
mov ax,bx
mov ebx,10
xor ecx,ecx
p6dl1: xor edx,edx
div ebx
push edx
inc ecx
or eax,eax
jne p6dl1
p6dl2: pop edx
add dl,'0'
mov al,dl
dec ecx
jnz p6dl2
xor al,al
print_dec_16b endp
read_dec_32b proc
mov edi,10
mov ecx,10
xor ebx,ebx
xor edx,edx
a2tl0: lodsb
or al,al
jz a2tle
sub al,'0'
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,al
mov eax,edx
mul ecx
add eax,ebx
mov edx,eax
dec edi
jnz a2tl0
a2tle: mov eax,edx
read_dec_32b endp
read_dec_16b proc
mov bx,ax
xor eax,eax
mov ax,bx
mov edi,5
mov ecx,10
xor ebx,ebx
xor edx,edx
a6tl0: lodsb
or al,al
jz a6tle
sub al,'0'
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,al
mov eax,edx
mul ecx
add eax,ebx
mov edx,eax
dec edi
jnz a6tl0
a6tle: mov eax,edx
read_dec_16b endp
strnlen proc
xor ecx, ecx
dec ecx
strln0: lodsb
inc ecx
or al,al
jnz strln0
mov eax, ecx
strnlen endp
strcpy proc
mov strcpys,esi
mov strcpyt,edi
jc strcl0
mov ecx,512
strcl2: lodsb
dec ecx
jz strcl1
or al,al
jnz strcl2
sub esi,strcpys
mov ecx,esi
mov esi,strcpys
jmp strcl3
strcl1: stc
strcl0: mov ecx,eax
strcl3: rep movsb
strcpy endp
strcmp proc
mov cmpstr1,esi
mov cmpstr2,edi
jc strl0
mov edi,cmpstr1
xor al,al
mov ecx,512
repne scasb
or ecx,ecx
jnz strl0b
strl0b: sub edi,cmpstr1
mov eax,edi
strl0: mov cstrlen,eax
mov ecx,cstrlen
mov esi,cmpstr1
mov edi,cmpstr2
strl0a: lodsb
mov bl,al
mov al,es:[edi]
inc edi
cmp al,bl
jne strl1
dec ecx
or ecx,ecx
jnz strl0a
strl1: stc
strcmp endp
strrmv proc
mov bl,al
rmvl0: lodsb ; get char
or al,al ; end of string ?
jz rmvle ; yes -> eop
cmp al,bl ; strip char ?
je rmvl0 ; yes -> next char
stosb ; write char if not strip-char
jmp rmvl0
rmvle: stosb ; terminate *edi
strrmv endp
strloc proc
mov edi,esi
locl0: lodsb
or al,al
jz locl3
cmp al,41h
jl locl2
cmp al,5ah
jg locl2
add al,'a'-'A'
locl2: stosb
jmp locl0
locl3: stosb
strloc endp
strupc proc
mov edi,esi
upcl0: lodsb
or al,al
jz upcl3
cmp al,'a'
jl upcl2
cmp al,'z'
jg upcl2
sub al,'a'-'A'
upcl2: stosb
jmp upcl0
upcl3: stosb
strupc endp
randomize proc
call GetTickCount
mov ecx,eax
and ecx,111b
ror eax,cl
mov ebx,eax
call GetTickCount
add eax,ebx
mov dword ptr randseed,eax
rol eax,4
and eax,111b
add eax,010b
mov ecx,eax
shl ecx,1
rndzl0: call GetTickCount
and eax,111b
dec ecx
jz rndzl1
cmp eax,ebx
jne rndzl0
rndzl1: call GetTickCount
mov ecx,eax
and ecx,111b
ror eax,cl
mov ebx,eax
call GetTickCount
add eax,ebx
mov dword ptr randseed+4,eax
randomize endp
random proc ; limit in eax, return in eax
mov ecx,eax
mov eax,dword ptr randseed+4
mov ebx,dword ptr randseed
mov esi,eax
mov edi,ebx
mov dx,ax
shl eax,16
mov ax,bx
shl ebx,16
xor bx,bx
rcr dx,1
rcr eax,1
rcr ebx,1
adc ebx,edi
adc eax,esi
add ebx,000062e9h
adc eax,00003619h
mov dword ptr randseed,ebx
mov dword ptr randseed+4,eax
xor edx,edx
div ecx
mov eax,edx
random endp