The Rift (Preview Build 39)
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Text File
264 lines
speed 1.0
halotex halo.dds
halohealthtex anchor.dds
halosize 0.008
halogrowtime 0.5
crosshairtex crosshair.dds
crosshairsize 0.05 0.1
crosshairminsize 0.004
crosshairspeed 8.0 4.0 // seconds per rotation
crosshairgrowtime 0.5
crosshairgrowsize 2.0
crosshairdietime 0.25
beacontex beacon.dds
beaconsize 0.02 0.1
beaconcornersize 0.02 0.1
beaconspeed 2.0 // seconds per rotation
beaconexplodesize 10.0
beaconexplodetime 0.5
beaconmaxangle 85.0
/ nebulaetex neb-wi~1.dds
nebulaetex dusty.dds
gridtex orbit.dds
grid2tex grid2.dds
shipiconstex shipicon0000.dds
proxlogostex proxlogos001.dds
squadnumtex squadnum0000.dds
unitnumtex unitnum0001.dds un000.dds
selectedtex selected.dds
commicontex comm.dds
// These have global vars
select termin30.wav
deselect termin32.wav
goto termin16.wav
orbit term16-region02.wav
squadAssign sound19b.wav
squadSelect squadsel.wav
player1 player1.wav
player2 player2.wav
attack term15.wav
zoom termin06.wav
tab beep_1d.wav
esc key_ack2.wav
highBeep beep_1d.wav
lowBeep beep_2d.wav
tutText beep_2a.wav
panelOut panelout.wav
panelIn panelin.wav
animText key_ack2.wav
// These don't have global vars
mission1 miss1b.wav
mission2 mission2.wav
mission3 mission3.wav
nebula neb1.wav
starburst starbrst.wav
cannon burst1.wav
revup revup.wav
revving revving.wav
revdown revdown.wav
turret friction.wav
intro intro.wav
texture font128.dds
charPerRow 12
charPerColumn 16
texture default.dds
hotspot 0 0
texture defaultselect.dds
hotspot 0 0
texture orbit0000.dds
hotspot 0.5 0.5
0 0 0.2
1 1 0.2
2 2 0.2
3 3 0.2
4 4 0.2
texture attack.dds
hotspot 0.5 0.5
texture scrolldown.dds
hotspot 0.5 1.0
texture scrollup.dds
hotspot 0.5 0.0
texture scrollleft.dds
hotspot 0.0 0.5
texture scrollright.dds
hotspot 1.0 0.5
cornertex selectioncorner.dds
fieldtex selectionfield.dds
fieldrepeat 4.0
texture constructambient.dds
hotspot 0.5 0.5
texture construct0000.dds
hotspot 0.5 0.5
0 0 0.1
1 1 0.1
//#define MIP_512 6
//#define MIP_256 5
//#define MIP_128 4
//#define MIP_64 3
//#define MIP_32 2
//#define MIP_16 1
//#define MIP_8 0
stars0000.dds 4 5 // Should only load the first frame on low mem
nebula.dds 4 5
nebula2.dds 4 5
nebula3.dds 4 5
Panels.dds 4 5
Comm.dds 2
squadnum0000.dds 1
"unit stand-in 0.dds" 4 5
"unit stand-in 2.dds" 4 5
"unit stand-in 1.dds" 4 5
"squad stand-in 34.dds" 3 4
"squad stand-in 56.dds" 3 4
"squad stand-in 78.dds" 3 4
"squad stand-in 90.dds" 3 4
"squad stand-in 12.dds" 3 4
shipicon0000.dds 3 4 // Do not need to be in texture memory at all, except for Task Panel, and then only a few at a time
backarrow.dds 2
Un000.dds 2
task0000.dds 3
pilotface0000.dds 3 4 // Need something special for this one so all faces are loaded all the time
arrow.dds 2
squadnum0002.dds 1 3
squadnum0001.dds 1 3
squadnum0003.dds 1 3
squadnum0004.dds 1 3
squadnum0005.dds 1 3
squadnum0006.dds 1 3
squadnum0007.dds 1 3
squadnum0008.dds 1 3
squadnum0009.dds 1 3
coin-rift.dds 4 5
coin-twave.dds 4 5
"Panel Frames.dds" 4 5
"Panel Labels.dds" 3 4
default.dds 2 3
defaultselect.dds 2 3
orbit0000.dds 2 3
attack.dds 2 3
scrollup.dds 2 3
scrolldown.dds 2 3
scrollleft.dds 2 3
scrollright.dds 2 3
constructambient.dds 2 3
construct0000.dds 2 3
selectioncorner.dds 2 3
selectionfield.dds 2 4
beacon.dds 3 4
halo.dds 4 5
anchor.dds 3 4
crosshair.dds 3 4
dusty.dds 4 5
neb-part_solid2.dds 4 5
orbit.dds 2
grid2.dds 3 4
font128.dds 4
// All this stuff below here will be removed eventually and be edited using
// the music scripts, mission editor, and entity editor
volume 0.35
0 therift0
1 therift1
2 therift2
asteroids 20 100
ast_dist_min 1.5
ast_dist_max 1.9
ast_height 0.5
ast_spread_min 0
ast_spread_max 180
celestial celestial1
sun sun
asteroids 100 200
ast_dist_min 1 1.5
ast_dist_max 1.5 2 1.9
ast_height 0.5 1.0
ast_spread_min -40 -30
ast_spread_max 40 -60
celestial celestial2
sun bluesun
asteroids 200
ast_dist_min 1.0
ast_dist_max 1.25
ast_height 0.5
ast_spread_min 0
ast_spread_max 360
celestial celestial3
sun whitesun
size 150.0
billboards 50
size_range 20.0 80.0
color 255 0 0 128 255
grow_speed 0 2
spin_speed 0 0 -10 10
texture dusty.dds
/ detail nebula-detail.dds
size 40.0
billboards 25
size_range 5.0 20.0
color 50 255 255 128
grow_speed 0 2
spin_speed -1 1
texture dusty.dds
/ detail nebula-detail.dds
size 60 40
billboards 40 25
size_range 10 40 5.0 20.0
color 64 0 128 92
grow_speed 0 1
spin_speed -0.3 0.3
texture neb-part_solid2.dds
/ detail nebula-detail.dds