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- IV
- In less than 2 hours, you will have learned to create, edit,
- and print a sophisticated document with dBASE IV. You will
- be able to create a data entry form, report, and even your
- own application program. R&D's training will even teach
- you how to use dBASE IV's powerful command mode. You will be
- well on your way to mastering the skills needed to use dBASE IV
- with confidence in your professional career.
- Getting Prepared
- Follow the instructions that came with your
- computer to start up your system.
- Place your R&D training program diskette
- in drive A:
- Display the C:> prompt on your screen.
- If you are using drive B:
- Place your R&D training program diskette in
- drive B:
- Display the C:> prompt on your screen.
- Begin
- Type C:> R&D
- Don't worry about uppercase or lower case letters.
- Press the ENTER key.
- In a few moments, a question will appear on your screen
- asking you whether or not you have a color monitor. After
- you answer the question with a Y or N you will begin
- your training.
- Displays the value of one or more ?/??
- expressions.
- Sends output directly to the printer. ???
- Displays or accepts information in a specified @@
- format at a given set of screen coordinates.
- @CLEARS A PORT = Clears a portion of the screen or of @@...CLEAR
- the active window.
- @...CLEARALLOW = Allows you to change the colors of a @@...FILL
- specific rectangular region on your screen or active window.
- @...FILLDRAWS = Draws a box on the screen or active @@...TO
- window with single lines, double lines, or specified
- characters.
- @...TOCREATES = Creates a character memory variable ACCEPT
- for storage of keyboard entries.
- Activates an existing bar menus and displays it for use. ACTIVATE MENU
- Activates a previously defined pop-up for use. ACTIVATE POPUP
- Restores access to the entire CRT screen. ACTIVATE SCREEN
- Activates and displays a defined window from memory and ACTIVATE WINDOW
- directs all output to that window.
- Allows you to add new records to the end of the active APPEND
- database file.
- Copies records from an existing file to the end of the APPEND FROM
- active database file.
- Adds record to a database file from information in an array. APPEND FROM ARRAY
- Imports a file into a named memo field. APPEND MEMO
- Gives you access to dBASE IV's Control Center. ASSIST
- Computes the arithmetic mean of numeric expressions. AVERAGE
- Starts a transaction, records changes made to a file BEGIN/END
- and provides the option to rollback the changes. Also TRANSACTION
- ends the transaction an commits the changes.
- Full screen, menu assisted mode for editing and BROWSE
- appending records in a database file.
- Computes financial and statistical functions with your CALCULATE
- data.
- Allows you to call binary file program modules loaded in CALL
- memory.
- Stops the execution of a command file, closes all open CANCEL
- files and returns to the dot prompt.
- Full-screen command to display or change the contents CHANGE
- of a record in the active database file.
- Erases the screen and repositions the cursor to the lower CLEAR
- left-hand corner of the screen.
- Used to close alternate, database, format, index and CLOSE
- procedure files.
- Reads a file containing dBASE IV source code, and COMPILE
- creates an executable object code file.
- Searches for the next record in the active database CONTINUE
- file that meets the condition specified by the most
- recent LOCATE command.
- Adds a field to a database file's structure which holds CONVERT
- information required for multi-user lock detection.
- Duplicates all or part of an active database file, COPY
- creating a new file.
- Creates a duplicate of any file. COPY FILE
- Converts a list of index (.ndx) files into file tags COPY INDEXES
- in a single .mdx (multiple index) file.
- Copies the information from a single memo field to COPY MEMO
- another file.
- Copies the structure of the active database file to COPY STRUCTURE
- a new file, but does not copy any records.
- Creates a new database file whose records contain COPY STRUCTURE
- the structure of the current file. EXTENDED
- Converts multiple index (.mdx) file tags into index COPY TAG
- (.ndx) files.
- Fills an existing array with the contents of one or COPY TO ARRAY
- more records from the active database file.
- Tallies the number of records in the active database COUNT
- file that match specified conditions.
- Allows access to the database file design screen. CREATE or
- Forms a new database file from the structure created with CREATE FROM
- Builds a view (.vue) file that is compatible with CREATE VIEW FROM
- Allows access to the dBASE IV Applications Generator. CREATE/MODIFY
- Allows access to the dBASE IV label designer. CREATE/MODIFY LABEL
- Allows access to the query design screen. CREATE/MODIFY
- Allows access to the report designer. CREATE/MODIFY
- Allows access to the forms design screen. CREATE/MODIFY
- Deactivates the active bar menu and erases it from DEACTIVATE MENU
- the screen, while leaving it in memory.
- Erases the active popup menu from the screen while DEACTIVATE POPUP
- leaving it intact in memory.
- Deactivates specified windows and removes them from the DEACTIVATE WINDOW
- screen, without releasing them from memory.
- Allows access to the dBASE IV program debugger. DEBUG
- Creates one- or two-dimensional arrays of memory variables. DECLARE
- Defines a single option in a popup menu. DEFINE BAR
- Defines a box to be printed around lines of text. DEFINE BOX
- Assigns a name to a bar menu and associates an DEFINE MENU
- optional message with the menu name.
- Defines a single pad in a bar menu. DEFINE PAD
- Defines a pop-up window's name, location, border, DEFINE POPUP
- prompts, and message line.
- Defines windows, borders and screen colors for windows. DEFINE WINDOW
- Marks records in the active database file for deletion. DELETE
- Deletes the indicated tags from multiple index (.mdx) DELETE TAG
- files and closes index (.ndx) files.
- Displays directory information similar to that displayed DIR
- by the DOS DIR command.
- Similar to the list commands, only displays one screen of DISPLAY
- information at a time.
- Executes a dBASE command file or procedure. DO
- Structured programming command that selects only one DO CASE
- course of action from a set of alternatives.
- Structured programming command that allows command DO WHILE
- statements between it and its associated ENDDO to be
- repeated as long as the specified condition is true.
- Full-screen command to display or change the contents EDIT
- of a record in the active database file.
- Causes the printer to advance to the top of the next page. EJECT
- Either advances the streaming output to the defined EJECT PAGE
- ON PAGE handler on the current page, or to the beginning of
- the next page.
- Removes a file from the disk directory. ERASE
- Copies the open database file to a file format usable by EXPORT
- PFS:FILE, dBASE II, Framework II, or RapidFile.
- Searches and indexed database file for the first record FIND
- with an index key the matches the specified character
- string or number.
- Identifies a user-defined function within a procedure. FUNCTION
- Positions the record pointer to a specified record in GO/GOTO
- the active database file.
- Menu-driven command that provides information about HELP
- Structured programming command that enables conditional IF
- processing of commands.
- Creates dBASE IV files from PFS:FILE forms, dBASE II IMPORT
- database files, Framework II database and spreadsheet
- frames, RapidFile data files and Lotus .WK1 spreadsheets.
- Creates and index in which record from a database file are INDEX
- ordered.
- Used in dBASE programs to prompt a user to enter an INPUT
- expression from the keyboard. Data entry is terminated by
- using the ENTER key.
- Adds a single new record to the database file at the INSERT
- current record location.
- Creates a new database file by merging specified JOIN
- records and fields from two open database files.
- Uses a specified label format file designed with LABEL FORM
- MODIFY LABEL to print, display or write labels to a
- file on disk.
- Used to view the contents of a database file in an LIST/DISPLAY
- unformatted columnar list.
- Displays directory information similar to that LIST/DISPLAY FILES
- displayed by the DOS DIR command.
- Outputs a list of commands that have been executed and LIST/DISPLAY HISTORY
- are stored in the history buffer.
- Provides information on how dBASE IV is using the LIST/DISPLAY MEMORY
- computer's memory.
- Provides information about the current dBASE IV session. LIST/DISPLAY STATUS
- Displays the field definitions of the specified database LIST/DISPLAY
- Identifies the workstations currently logged in to LIST/DISPLAY USERS
- dBASE IV in a networking environment.
- Allows the user to load binary files into memory. LOAD
- Searches the active database file for a record that LOCATE
- matches a specified condition.
- Logs out the current user and sets up a new log-in screen. LOGOUT
- dBASE IV full-screen text editor. MODIFY COMMAND/FILE
- See CREATE commands. MODIFY
- Moves a window to a new location on the screen. MOVE WINDOW
- Indicators for comment lines in a program (.prg) file. NOTE/*/&&
- Call the execution of a program if an error occurs, the ON ERROR/ESCAPE/KEY
- ESC key is pressed, or the <<key label name>> key is
- pressed.
- Associates a pop-up menu with a pad of a given bar menu. ON PAD
- Triggers and action when the streaming output reaches a ON PAGE
- particular line on the current page during a ?/?? or
- EJECT PAGE command.
- Used for error trapping and recovery during full-screen ON READERROR
- operations.
- Associates an action with a bar menu pad. ON SELECTION PAD
- Specifies the command or procedure that executes when a ON SELECTION POPUP
- pop-up menu selection is made.
- Removes records that are marked for deletion from the PACK
- active database file.
- Assigns local variable names to data items passed from a PARAMETERS
- calling program.
- Used to execute macros from the current macro library. PLAY MACRO
- Structured programming commands that control a printjob.
- Allows the user to create local memory variables in a PRIVATE
- lower-level program with the same names as memory variables
- that were created in a calling program.
- Identifies the beginning of a subroutine. PROCEDURE
- Creates and maintains security on a dBASE IV system. PROTECT
- Designates specified memory variables and array elements PUBLIC
- that you can use and alter in any dBASE program or
- subprogram.
- Closes all open files, terminates the dBASE IV session, QUIT
- and returns control to the operating system.
- Activates all @...GET's issued since the late CLEAR, READ
- Reinstate records that are marked for deletion in the RECALL
- active database file.
- Rebuilds all active index (.ndx) and multiple index REINDEX
- (.mdx) files in the current working area.
- Deletes memory variables, opening memory space for other RELEASE
- use.
- Changes the name of a file. RENAME
- Changes the contents of specified fields in the active REPLACE
- database file.
- Prints information from the active database using a report REPORT FORM
- form created by CREATE/MODIFY REPORT.
- Removes the integrity tag from a file. RESET
- Retrieves and activates memory variables and arrays RESTORE
- from a memory file.
- Restores macros that were saved to the current macro RESTORE MACROS
- library.
- Restores window definitions from a disk file to memory. RESTORE WINDOW
- Works in conjunction with SUSPEND, it causes a RESUME
- SUSPENDed program to continue executing.
- Re-executes a command sequence that caused an error. RETRY
- Restores control to calling programs, the dot prompt RETURN
- or the Control Center.
- Restores the database and index files to the state ROLLBACK
- they were in before the current transaction.
- Executes a specified DOS command, or any program RUN/!
- which can be executed by DOS, from within dBASE IV.
- Stores all or part of the current set of memory SAVE
- variables and array elements to a disk file.
- Saves the currently defined macros from memory to a SAVE MACROS
- disk file.
- Saves window definitions to a disk file. SAVE WINDOW
- Simplified alternative to the DO WHILE command. SCAN
- Searches for the first record in an indexed database file SEEK
- with a key that matches a specified expression.
- Used to choose a work area in which to open a database SELECT
- file.
- Displays a bar menu without activating it. SHOW MENU
- Displays a pop-up menu without activating it. SHOW POPUP
- Moves the record pointer forward or backward in a SKIP
- database file.
- Creates a new database file in which the records of SORT
- the active database file are positioned in the ASCII
- order of the specified key fields.
- Initializes one or more memory variables after creating STORE
- them.
- Totals numeric expressions to memory variables or arrays. SUM
- Debugging command to interrupt a running program. SUSPEND
- Outputs blocks of text to the screen or printer. TEXT
- Sums the numeric fields of the active database file TOTAL
- and creates a second database file to hold the results.
- Displays the contents of an ASCII text file. TYPE
- Release record and file locks so that other users can UNLOCK
- modify data.
- Uses data from another database file to replace fields UPDATE
- in the current database file.
- Opens an existing database file, and may open .mdx USE
- and .ndx index files.
- Causes all dBASE IV processing to pause until any key is WAIT
- pressed.
- Removes all records from the active database file. ZAP
- Records all output other than that of full-screen SET ALTERNATE
- commands to a text file.
- Saves each record to the disk after a single I/O operation. SET AUTOSAVE
- Turns the bell off or on, and sets its frequency and SET BELL
- duration.
- Changes the default blocksize of memo fields and SET BLOCKSIZE
- multiple (.mdx) files.
- Changes the default border of menus, windows, SET BORDER
- and @ commands from a single-line box to several other
- user defined border characters.
- Updates all fields, or only specified fields, SET CARRY
- depending on the syntax used.
- Used to create or open a catalog file. SET CATALOG
- Allows the input and display of century prefixes in SET CENTURY
- the year portion of dates.
- Controls the display and screen position of the SET CLOCK
- system clock.
- Allows the selection of colors and display attributes SET COLOR
- for use on color and monochrome monitors.
- Determines cursor movement at the end of an array field. SET CONFIRM
- Turns the screen display on and off from within a program. SET CONSOLE
- Changes the symbol used for currency. SET CURRENCY
- Changes the position of the currency symbol from the SET CURRENCY
- left of the currency amount to the right of the currency LEFT/RIGHT
- amount.
- Determines the format for date displays. SET DATE
- Tool for locating errors in a program. SET DEBUG
- Determines the number of decimal places dBASE IV SET DECIMALS
- displays for the results of numeric functions and
- calculations.
- Allows the user to select the drive where all operations SET DEFAULT
- take place and all files are stored.
- Determines whether records that are marked for deletion SET DELETED
- are included or ignored by other dBASE IV commands.
- Determines how field widths are indicated in the SET DELIMITERS
- full-screen mode.
- Prevents transfers to design mode from the dot prompt or SET DESIGN
- from the Control Center.
- Activates a checking program in dBASE IV which compares SET DEVELOPMENT
- thecreation dates of the compiled object (.obj) file with its
- program source (.prg) file.
- Determines whether @...Say commands are routed to the SET DEVICE
- screen, printer, or a file.
- Selects between a monochrome and a color monitor, SET DISPLAY
- and determines the number of lines displayed.
- Retained in dBASE IV for compatibility with SET DOHISTORY
- Displays command lines from dBASE IV programs on the SET ECHO
- screen and/or printer as they are executed.
- Establishes whether a newly created database file is SET ENCRYPTION
- encrypted if PROTECT is used.
- Lets you halt the processing of a dBASE IV program by SET ESCAPE
- pressing the ESC key.
- Determines whether a comparison between two character SET EXACT
- strings requires the strings to be the same length.
- Allows a user to open a database file on a multi-user SET EXCLUSIVE
- system for exclusive use.
- Defines a list of fields that may be accessed by one SET FIELDS
- or more files.
- Allows display of only those records of a database SET FILTER
- that meet a specified condition.
- Retained in dBASE IV for compatibility with SET FIXED
- Allows a form to be used with the READ, EDIT, SET FORMAT
- Makes dBASE III PLUS programs that contain the SET FULLPATH
- functions MDX(), NDX(), and DBF() dBASE IV compatible by
- suppressing the display of the full pathname.
- Used to program a function key. SET FUNCTION
- Determines whether or not column titles are shown SET HEADING
- above each field for LIST, DISPLAY SUM and AVERAGE.
- Determines whether a pop-up window with dBASE IV SET HELP
- Help options appears, when a command is incorrectly
- entered at the dot prompt.
- Stores executed commands in a history buffer. SET HISTORY
- Changes the time display to either a 12-hour or SET HOURS
- 24-hour clock.
- Opens the specified index files, both index (.ndx) SET INDEX
- and multiple index (.mdx).
- Enables the display of prompts. SET INSTRUCT
- Determines whether the enhanced screen attribute is SET INTENSITY
- used for full-screen operations.
- Determines whether a lock is applied to records in SET LOCK
- multi-user systems.
- Adjusts the printer offset for the left margin for all SET MARGIN
- printed output. Does not affect video display.
- Changes the delimiter character used to separate the SET MARK
- month, day and year in the date display.
- Adjusts the width of memo field output. SET MEMOWIDTH
- Used for dBASE III PLUS only. SET MENU
- Displays a user-defined character string on the SET MESSAGE
- bottom line of the screen is SET STATUS is on.
- Positions the database file to the record immediately SET NEAR
- following the potential location of the sought-after
- key in that file.
- Defines the update interval of the record counter for SET ODOMETER
- commands that display a record count.
- Sets up any open index file or tag as the master index. SET ORDER
- Specifies the directory search route that dBASE IV SET PATH
- follows to find files that are not included in the
- current directory.
- Controls the display of the SQL SELECT command, and SET PAUSE
- stops the display of data after each command.
- Changes the character used for the decimal point. SET POINT
- Determines the number of digits that dBASE IV uses SET PRECISION
- internally in all math operations the use type N numbers.
- Directs all output not formatted with the @...Say SET PRINTER
- command to the printer or to a file.
- Opens a named procedure file. SET PROCEDURE
- Specifies the time interval between file checks on a SET REFRESH
- network.
- Links two open database files according to a key SET RELATION
- expression that is common to both files.
- Sets the number of times dBASE IV tries a network file or SET REPROCESS
- record lock command before producing an error message.
- Prevents the unintentional overwriting of an existing file. SET SAFETY
- display toggles for Num, Ins, Del and Caps on line 0 of
- the screen.
- Changes the symbol used for the numeric separator from SET SEPARATOR
- the comma to a specified character.
- Allow access to all records in linked files that match a SET SKIP
- particular key.
- Lets the ? and ?? commands print a space between the SET SPACE
- printed expressions.
- Activates the interactive SQL mode in dBASE IV. SET SQL
- Determines whether the status bar is displayed at the SET STATUS
- bottom of the screen.
- Halts the execution of a program after each instruction. SET STEP
- Determines whether the response to certain dBASE IV SET TALK
- commands is displayed.
- Turns the catalog file title prompt on and off. SET TITLE
- Activates the debugger when a error occurs in a SET TRAP
- program or ESC is pressed.
- Specifies the size of the type-ahead buffer. SET TYPEAHEAD
- Determines whether all records with the same key value SET UNIQUE
- are included in the index (.ndx) or the multiple
- index (.mdx) file.
- Performs a query created in the Control Center or from SET VIEW
- the dot prompt.
- Sets a default window that allows you to edit a memo SET WINDOW
- field within this default window.