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- Business culture and attitudes in Japan contrast
- with those of the United States.
- In Japan, people are identified by the company
- they work for whereas in the US it is what you
- do that is an identifier. The Japanese company
- commands a sense of total commitment from its
- workers.
- Japanese value "Bottom Up Thinking". The individual
- is considered to be capable of doing his own thinking.
- Decisions are made slowly, but implementation is
- fast. The working style is participative,group
- oriented,and interdependent as contrasted with
- an individualistic,independent,and do-it-myself
- American style.
- A leader is valued as a facilitator in Japan.
- Confucian philosophy supporting harmony influences
- business characteristics. Individualism is more
- prized in the United States. In the US we have the
- expression "The Squeaky wheel gets the grease";
- but in Japan the contrasting philosophy is "The nail
- that sticks up gets pounded".
- A feature of the business culture is amae - indulgence
- and protection of one another. Coworker's idiosyncra-
- sies are to be tolerated. The human being is to be
- respected. Others are to be protected from errors,
- from bearing blame, or losing face. Distinctions
- between management and workers are not as extreme as
- in the United States.
- Only the large companies have lifetime employment.
- Retired people, women and subcontractors are considered
- to be the reserve labor force. The core group in
- the large companies is kept intact during the downturns
- in business cycles. If a person becomes dysfunctional
- in a large company, he may become one of the 'window
- people' who come to work and read the paper but are
- not fired.
- Hiring is done by group identification. Graduates from
- the University of Tokyo get the best jobs. The school,
- not the field of study, is the key criteria. It is not
- uncommon for liberal arts graduates to be trained into
- accounting. There is considerable job rotation,facilita-
- ted by the lifetime employment philosopy.
- The cozy relationship between the Japanese government
- and companies is a tradition that goes back over a
- hundred years.
- Many Japanese companies are tied together in a group
- united by a bank.
- The principal trading firms (accounting for 60 percent
- of imports and 50 percent of exports) and their affiliated
- banks are:
- Mitsubishi Shoji Mitsubishi Bank
- Mitsui Bussan Mitsui Bank
- Marubeni Iida Fuji Bank
- C. Itoh Simitomo and Daiichi-Kangyo
- Nissho-Iwai Sanwa Bank
- Simitomo Shoji Sumitomo Bank
- Toyo Menka Tokai Bank
- Nichimen Sanwa
- Kanematsu-Gosho Bank of Tokyo