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- Ultimate Language Teacher
- A Foreign Language Teacher
- Distributed by:
- Ultimate Software
- P. O. Box 2454
- White City, OR 97503
- (503) 830-0501
- Programming by Richard W. Watson
- Documentation by Richard W. Watson and Tom Knackstedt
- Copyright and distribution by
- Ultimate Software
- P. O. Box 2454
- White City, OR 97503
- (503) 830-0501 (voice)
- Program and Documentation Copyright 1991 Ultimate Software. All rights
- reserved.
- Ultimate Language Teacher is a trademark of Ultimate Software.
- PC, PC XT, PC AT, PS/2 are trademarks of IBM Corporation.
- We at Ultimate Software couldn't possibly produce products like this one
- without help. We would like to thank the following people:
- A special thanks to Mike for making this all possible.
- To Pat who has listened even when she had no idea what I was talking
- about, or why.
- To Tom for his excellent beta testing and advice.
- To Thomas for taking over my other responsibilities.
- To Mike Smedley and SoftC, Ltd. who developed The C Extended Library and
- The SoftC Database Library that made coding so much easier.
- The following tools were used in creating this software:
- Compilers: Borland C++ 2.00, and Borland Assembler 2.0.
- Libraries: The C Extended Library from Mike Smedley and
- TesSeRact, SoftC Database Library from SoftC, Ltd.
- Debuggers: Borland Turbo Debugger 2.0, and Borland C++
- Interactive Development Environment.
- Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
- Registration Information 1
- License Agreement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
- Technical Support 4
- Program Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
- Installation 5
- Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
- Main Menu 6
- Test Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
- Libraries 7
- People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
- Add a Person 8
- Remove a Person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
- See Scores 8
- Graph Scores. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
- Register 9
- Introduction Page 1
- Welcome, and thank you for trying the Ultimate Language Tutor.
- The Ultimate Language Tutor was designed to help you learn words from
- foreign languages like Spanish, French and German through quizzing.
- You'll find the Ultimate Language Tutor has a wide array of quizzing
- features and is very expandable through its library system.
- The Ultimate Language Tutor is being distributed through Shareware, which
- allows you to test out a program before purchasing it. Further
- explanation of Shareware and Registration can be found on this page.
- In the following pages you will learn how to install and use The Ultimate
- Language Tutor to its full benefit.
- The ASCII test found in this "electronic" manual are only slightly
- different from the printed manual. The printed manual is written around
- the concept that you are a registered user.
- Registration Information
- The Ultimate Language Tutor is a copyrighted program protected by all
- applicable U.S. and International copyright laws. If you have obtained
- this copy from a shareware disk vendor, an on-line computer service or
- bulletin board, a friend or colleague, or any similar source, you have the
- trial (unregistered) copy. You are allowed to use this copy without
- charge for a limited time as specified under the license agreement. After
- this time, you must register in order to continue using The Ultimate
- Language Tutor legally.
- This method of distribution is known as Shareware, a distribution concept
- began by Jim Button. It allows you, as a user, to evaluate the software
- in your own home to make sure it meets your needs before you pay for it.
- The registration fee for The Ultimate Language Tutor is only $20. Payment
- of this fee entitles you to:
- A disk with the latest version of The Ultimate Language Tutor,
- registered directly to you.
- A program that will allow you to create your own (or modify existing)
- libraries of words for use with this tutor.
- An upgrade to the next major release of The Ultimate Language Tutor.
- Technical Support via telephone or selected Electronic Bulletin
- Boards.
- Notification of other programs within the Ultimate Software Library.
- Ultimate Language Tutor's License Agreement Page 2
- (1) Copyright: This program, documentation, and supplied libraries are
- Copyright Ultimate Software 1991, and are protected by U.S. and
- International copyright laws. You are granted a license to use your copy
- of The Ultimate Language Tutor under the terms and conditions specified in
- this license agreement.
- (2) Definitions: The Ultimate Language Tutor is being distributed in
- two forms: 1. The "registered" copy being distributed on diskette from
- Ultimate Software, with a unique serial number and the words "Registered
- Version" appearing at the border of the "Program Description Window" and
- on the diskette label. 2. A "shareware" copy being distributed via
- electronic bulletin boards, on-line services, shareware disk vendors, or
- another individual. This copy will have the words "UNREGISTERED VERSION"
- appearing at the border of the "Program Description Window".
- (3) Shareware Copies: Shareware copies are distributed to allow you to
- try the program before you pay for it. These copies are still Copyright
- Ultimate Software 1991. These copies are not to be confused with "public
- domain" or "free" software. You are allowed to use the shareware copies
- for a trial period of 30 days. Once the trial period is over, you are
- required to register with Ultimate Software for $20.
- (4) Registered Copies: Registered copies are only distributed to those
- persons who have purchased them through Ultimate Software or an authorized
- reseller. You registered copies may only be used in accordance with the
- License agreement and any additional specifications defined within
- enclosed documents. (In other words, for site licenses.)
- (5) Use on Networks or Multiple Systems: A site license agreement will
- accompany your copy of the Ultimate Language Tutor if you have purchased
- one. The number of "users" permitted will be defined within this
- document. If you did not purchase a site license agreement, then you are
- limited to one "user".
- (6) User: A computer on which the Ultimate Language Tutor is installed,
- regardless of whether the user is aware of this installation.
- (7) Copying the Ultimate Language Tutor:
- Registered Users:
- You may make as many copies of the Ultimate Language Tutor as
- you require for your own backup purposes. No copies of the
- REGISTERED version shall be distributed by you or anyone acting
- in your behalf (employees, etc.) to anyone who has not purchased
- the Ultimate Language Tutor. You may create and distribute an
- unlimited number of copies of the UNREGISTERED version(s) to
- License Agreement (continued) Page 3
- anyone you wish as long as the maximum billed amount does not
- exceed $6.00 (US) for this program, documentation, and any other
- "accompanying" parts related directly to this program.
- Unregistered Users:
- You may make as many copies of the UNREGISTERED version(s) to
- give / distribute to anyone you wish as long as the maximum
- billed amount does not exceed $6.00 (US) for this program,
- documentation, or any other "accompanying" parts related
- directly to this program.
- (8) Distribution: You MAY NOT attempt to distribute this program with
- the intent of mass production for the public without prior written
- permission by Ultimate Software. You MAY create individual copies for
- friends or associates for their individual use. If you are a bulletin
- board system or shareware disk vendor: you may not distribute this
- diskette without prior written permission of Ultimate Software unless you
- are part of the Association of Shareware Professionals and are approved by
- the ASP for distribution.
- (9) Limited Warranty: Ultimate Software warrants to the owners of
- registered copies of the Ultimate Language Tutor that the software will
- operate as described in the documentation, and that the diskette and
- manual will be free of defects which interfere with normal use. This
- warranty is valid for 90 days from the date of purchase from Ultimate
- Software. During this warranty period Ultimate Software will at its
- option repair or replace any defective item(s), or refund the purchase
- price of any defective item(s), if such defect is found to be the fault of
- Ultimate Software and not the result of misuse or abuse beyond "standard"
- use. In no event will Ultimate Software be held accountable for any
- financial amount exceeding the purchase price of this package.
- (10) Guarantees: If you are not satisfied with the registered copy of
- the Ultimate Language Tutor, you may return the entire package at any time
- up to 90 days after the date of purchase to Ultimate Software for a full
- refund. This applies even if you have found no software defects.
- Technical Support Page 4
- Technical support is available to registered users. If you are evaluating
- a shareware version of the Ultimate Language Teacher, we will be available
- to answer questions about installation, however, we cannot provide
- continuing support until you register. We have found that most of the
- questions asked can be answered in the documentation, so please be sure to
- review all of the documentation before calling.
- The best way currently to contact us for support is by phone. We are
- considering setting up support areas on other Bulletin Board Systems;
- however, this support is not currently in effect. You can find our
- telephone number at the beginning of this documentation.
- Program Features
- The Ultimate Language Tutor was written to help people studying a foreign
- language by quizzing them on words listed in a library. As the program
- developed, more and more features were requested and eventually included.
- The list of features currently is as follows:
- Libraries segmented by Noun, Verb, Misc...:
- It was determined that the new language was learned easiest when the
- words were grouped into like areas, for instance, Nouns, Verbs,
- Miscellaneous. When these areas are reviewed, one could then move on
- to learn phrases and verb conjugation.
- Keeping track of scores for people:
- If you select the people menu, you can enter your name and set up
- memory to track your testing scores. At each test area, the computer
- will ask you if you would like to test for a specific person. It will
- then display a list of people it knows for your selection. After the
- test is complete, you can return to the people menu and view your
- scores as a graph. If you do not complete the test, the score will
- not be kept. If you change libraries, all the scores will be erased
- and you begin tracking scores under the new library, unless you have
- registered. In the registered upgrade, the scores for any tests done
- by a specific person will be tracked in the database.
- Easy access to libraries:
- When you pick a library from the main menu, you will be presented
- with a list of the libraries on the default drive. Simply scroll
- through this list and select the new library. The new library will
- be loaded, and you may test from it.
- Database tracking (added to the registered version):
- When you have started a test, your name, date, time, and the library
- name will be added to a database, along with the area you are
- testing. When you have completed your test, the database will be
- updated. This database is dBase III compatible and can be modified
- through dBase III, dBase III+, dBase IV, FoxBase, FoxPro, PCFile or
- any dBase program capable of handling dBase III data files.
- Program Features (continued) Page 5
- Reporting (added to the registered version):
- The reporting functions allow you to report to disk, screen or any
- standard printer. The database can be sorted by Name, Library, or
- Date. Then there is a list of filtering functions so that you can
- isolate one student, one library, a group or groups (nouns,
- verbs...), a range of dates, or only completed tests. These
- functions were set up to allow you to view how you have been doing
- since you started. For instance, you could create a report of only
- your name, in all libraries, tested after 06/30/91, for only
- completed tests, and include only nouns and verbs. This would let
- you isolate only areas of the database you want to view.
- Library Builder (distributed with the registered version):
- The library builder allows you to create customized libraries for use
- with the Ultimate Language Teacher. This can be of great help for
- tests in school or even if you are about to head to a foreign country
- and don't feel that the included libraries will be enough. The
- Library Builder will also allow you to create other language
- libraries -- you don't have to stick with just one.
- Installation
- The Ultimate Language Tutor was written for the IBM PC, PC/XT, PC/AT,
- PS/2, and compatibles. It requires MS/PC-DOS 2.0 or above, and at least
- 512K on your machine, free ram should be slightly above 269K.
- Files
- The files listed below should be included with your shareware version, or
- copy you receive:
- TEACHERS.EXE This is the Shareware version of the Ultimate Language
- Teacher.
- TEACHER.CFG This file contains configuration information and a
- copy of the registration sheet. You may view/print
- this sheet from within the program.
- LIB?????.DAT These are the data files or libraries used by the
- Ultimate Language Teacher.
- For registered users, your copy should include the above, plus:
- LIBBUILD.EXE This is the library builder used to create
- LIB?????.DAT files.
- TEACHERR.EXE This is the Registered version of the Ultimate
- Language Teacher.
- Execution Page 6
- The program was designed around the use of bar menus to allow the easiest
- possible interface between user and program. All menus include mouse
- support if a mouse driver is loaded.
- The main menu will include different selections depending upon whether you
- are using the registered version or not.
- Test ->Test from the selected library.
- Libraries ->Libraries allow for other languages and more words
- People ->Allows for up to 3 people to "compete"
- Register ->Registration form and registration number
- QUIT ->Returns you to DOS or your menu program
- In order to elaborate on each selection, I will follow each of them to the
- end and then come back on the others. Therefore, here is a cross-
- reference table to the beginning of other menu selections:
- TEST Page 6.
- PEOPLE Page 8.
- REGISTER Page 9.
- The test menu will open a new menu that should appear with the following
- selections:
- NOTE: If there are not enough words in an area to test you on, there will
- be a message like: Insufficient nouns in the library.
- Nouns ->Test from the XXX nouns in the library.
- Verbs ->Test from the XXX verbs in the library.
- Phrases ->Test from the XXX phrases in the library.
- Verb Conj. ->Test from the XXX Conjugated Verbs in the library.
- Miscellaneous ->Test from the XXX Miscellaneous words in the
- library.
- MAIN MENU ->Returns you to the main menu.
- When you select what area you would like to be tested on, you will be
- asked the following questions:
- Would you like to test for a specific person (Y/N)?
- NOTE: This question only appears if you have entered a person under the
- people menu. This will allow you to track scores during this session.
- Would you like a multiple choice test (Y/N)?
- Execution (continued) Page 7
- If you select no you will have fill in the blank answers, otherwise you
- will be presented with a list of 5 possible answers. NOTE: There are no
- fill in the blanks under verb conjugation.
- Would you like ENGLISH to XXXXXXX (Y/N)?
- If you select yes, the test will display the question in ENGLISH and ask
- you for the foreign language answer. Otherwise, this will be reversed.
- During testing, the screen will be divided into two major screens, the
- the left will display the question and await your answer. The QUIZ
- RESULTS SCREEN will have information on the test so far; for instance,
- number correct, number tested, percentage correct, average time per
- answer, and time for last answer. The information on amount of time for
- testing is not recorded and placed there for your own convenience.
- Directly below these two screens will be two bar graphs. The top graph
- shows the amount of the library you have been tested on and the other
- shows you the percentage correct. If, for instance, you get the first
- question correct, the bottom bar will be all the way across the screen and
- the top bar will move proportional to the amount of the library that
- question represents.
- Once testing is completed or if you press ESC before completing a test
- sequence, a summary box will replace the two windows and two bar graphs.
- It will tell you how you have done and if you have completed the test. At
- this point, you can press enter or click the mouse on the phrase "Press
- Enter to Continue". You will be returned to the TEST MENU to select
- another area for testing or return to the MAIN MENU.
- If during testing, you decide that you want to use another library, you
- should simply select LIBRARIES from the main menu. A list of currently
- accessible libraries will be displayed for you to select from. Simply
- move the high-lighted bar up or down and press enter when you are on the
- library you want. If the library you want is not displayed, you can use
- the PgDn or PgUp keys to check for another screen. If you are using a
- mouse there will be two arrows on the border for moving the high-lighted
- bar, or you may simply click on the library you want. The library
- function will not load more than 50 libraries, so if there is a library
- you know should be loaded, check to make sure you don't have more than 50
- libraries in one directory. All library names must match the file mask
- "LIB*.DAT", for instance LIBSPAN.DAT is OK, but LSPANISH.DAT is not.
- PEOPLE Page 8
- The people selection will bring up another menu, something like this:
- Add a person ->Add a person to the list
- Remove a person ->Remove a person from the list
- See Scores ->View current scores for all people
- Graph Scores ->Show a graph of the scores, comparing all
- people
- MAIN MENU ->Return to main menu
- The program was designed to keep an internal table of the people testing
- to record there results and to show them their results compared to others
- currently using the program. When you select ADD A PERSON, the menu will
- be replaced by a box showing all of the names in the internal table. It
- will then ask you for a new person. If you choose not to enter another
- person, you can simply press ENTER or ESC to return to the PEOPLE MENU.
- If you enter a person, the person will be added to the internal table and
- the names in the box will be updated. Once you have entered the maximum
- number of people, the PEOPLE menu will automatically return. If you have
- the maximum number of people already entered and try to enter another, a
- message will appear informing you of the problem. You must either remove
- a person or continue testing with the people currently on the list.
- As mentioned under ADD A PERSON, the internal table of people is limited
- to a certain number. Once this number is reached, you must remove a
- person to add a person. This area of the people menu will help you do
- this. When you select Remove a Person, a list of the people that are
- currently on the list pops up, and you can select a person to remove.
- Press ESC if you don't want to remove a person.
- This will display the current scores for the people the computer knows
- about. Once you are done viewing, you can press ENTER to return to the
- people menu.
- This is much like SEE SCORES; however, it will display the scores as a
- graph. Some people find this method easier for determining who is ahead.
- When you select this function, there will be a list of the people on the
- left, and a box on the right with the current scores for nouns listed.
- You need to use the arrow keys at this point to display each person's
- scores, or select Quit.
- When you select register from the MAIN MENU, a box will come up displaying
- a message that you can either print the registration form or display it on
- screen. Then it will ask if you would like the form printed. If you
- answer Yes, please make sure your printer is set up and has paper in it.
- The registration form is only one page and there shouldn't be any problems
- with printing. If you answer No, the registration form will be displayed
- on screen in three separate screens; just press a key to see the next one.
- If you are copying down the form, please make sure that you copy
- everything down exactly as you see it. Then fill out the questions. If
- you don't feel like answering the questions about your system, that is
- fine. However, please feel free to make any comments or suggestions
- anywhere on the sheet. Also make sure to copy down the special
- registration number. The registration number tells us where your copy of
- the Ultimate Language Tutor came from.
- Remember that registration will bring you an upgrade to the Registered
- version of the program. The registered version has all of the features
- found in this copy and includes the following:
- 1. Database functions: All of the tests for a specific person will be
- recorded. Any record can be easily removed if you decide you don't
- want anyone to be able to see your initial scores.
- 2. Reporting functions: Any of the scores recorded in the database can
- be viewed in a report. Reporting is very flexible, output may be
- redirected to either the screen, printer, or a file. All reports may
- be sorted by Name, Library, or Date. All reports allow you to
- "filter" out whatever you don't want on the report. For example:
- You could have a report sorted by date with only a specific person
- tested on a specific library with only completed tests from nouns,
- verbs, and misc.
- 3. Information about all of the other Ultimate Software programs that
- are currently available, as well as new ones as they are released.
- 4. Unlimited technical support: We have a phone number you may call in
- the event that you have any problems with this program.
- End of Ultimate Language Tutor Documentation