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- You open this at a bank.
- You put this on a letter so the post office knows where it goes.
- When something opposes something else.
- Something you read in a magazine.
- Where you go to deposit money.
- This person will cut your hair.
- Something you read with many pages.
- At this party, you may blow out candles and receive presents.
- Usually the first meal of the day.
- A mouse eats this.
- This bird is eaten baked, broiled and fried.
- Where many go every Sunday morning.
- What you find on the calendar.
- If your hands become this way, you should wash them.
- The number eight.
- Use this device to travel up and down the floors in a building.
- To finish something.
- A father, mother, and children make up this group.
- The number five.
- You could see this in an aquarium.
- The number four.
- Where you would grow vegetables.
- You could have a ring with 14K of this.
- Parks contain a lot of this green stuff.
- When you're in trouble you need this.
- This is what a cowboy rides.
- Many people live in this.
- Four-leaf clovers are supposed to bring this.
- This person oversees a city.
- There are twelve of these in every year.
- The earliest part of the day.
- The number nine.
- Too much of this could make your ears ring.
- Doctors and this person treat people in the hospital.
- The number one.
- This color is also a popular breakfast drink.
- These two people are your mother and father.
- This writing tool uses erasable lead.
- Everyone should go here to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic.
- The number seven.
- The number six.
- It's supposed to be the next best thing to being there.
- The number ten.
- What a couple calls their female child.
- A boy grows up to become this.
- What a couple calls their male child.
- A girl grows up to become this.
- The number three.
- The number two.
- The number zero.
- *
- What you might say if you were drowning.
- Shhhh.
- When you want to ask someone their age.
- What you might ask if you needed the facilities.
- When you need to make an important call.
- What you might say if you were lost.
- When you need to communicate and see if someone speaks your language.
- A friendly saying, meaning you are always welcome in my home.
- A question of time.
- What you might ask if you wanted information about immediate events.
- What you would say to someone very close to you.
- Say this if you want someone to turn the heater on.
- What you would ask someone you don't know.
- What you might say if the room is too chilly.
- When you're talking about somewhere you've eaten before.
- What you might say to someone who likes to smoke.
- What you might say when looking for entertainment.
- You would ask this when wanting to mail something.
- What you are when you wear formal clothing.
- You might hear someone say this at the airport.
- What an eager shopper may ask.
- A waitress may ask you this.
- An opening line.
- What you would ask a worker of a passenger train.
- A question heard during lunch.
- What you would ask an airline stewardess.
- What you'd say in unfamiliar surroundings.
- What a new employee might say.
- If you have a premonition about something.
- If it takes very little to accomplish.
- When it's 'for your eyes only'.
- A task that's not easy.
- If you say something that's exactly right. (coll)
- When you imagine being someone else. (coll)
- Teams are like this.
- People who do this can be funny as well as annoying.
- When you try to describe old friends.
- When you lead someone astray.
- Something is linked with something else.
- Lazy people do this.
- Everyone wants to do this.
- Parents want their children to do this.
- The whole idea behind credit.
- Do this if a car is speeding towards you.
- When you forget something you may have to do this.
- If you know something is definitely a fact.
- When you trust someone enough to tell them secrets.
- When an innocent person is sent to jail.
- Someone usually does this just before supper.
- When someone is embarrassed.