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- .space1
- Introduction to Teach-A-Tot .................... 1
- The Right Hardware ............................. 1
- Getting Started on Teach-A-Tot ................. 2
- Learn the numbers .............................. 3
- Guess the number ............................... 4
- The Counting Song .............................. 4
- Learn the letters .............................. 5
- Guess the letter ............................... 5
- The Alphabet Song .............................. 6
- Learn the shapes ............................... 6
- Guess the shape ................................ 7
- The Shape Song ................................. 7
- .space1
- Welcome to TEACH-A-TOT a program which helps you teach your child
- about letters, numbers, and shapes. TEACH-A-TOT combines color
- graphics and music in an easy to use package that allows you to
- use your IBM Personal Computer to teach your child some basic
- concepts.
- TEACH-A-TOT uses a menu to allow you to easily select the option
- that will be run. The menu uses colored symbols to allow your
- child to recognize and run options even if the child cannot read.
- Each option is easy to learn and a single key (the ESC key)
- can always be used to return to the menu.
- TEACH-A-TOT is designed for preschool children (ages 1-5). It
- allows you to help your child learn things like letters, numbers,
- and shapes and at the same time learn a basic use of the
- computer.
- To run TEACH-A-TOT on your IBM Personal Computer you must have:
- - At least 64K of memory with DOS 1.0 or 1.1 (128K for DOS 2.0)
- - A single diskette drive (single or double sided)
- - A color graphics attachment
- - A TV set or color graphics monitor
- .eject
- To load the TEACH-A-TOT program into your computer, proceed as
- follows:
- 1. Position the System Unit Switch to OFF.
- 2. Holding the TEACH-A-TOT program diskette on the end with the
- label on it, label facing up, insert it into the drive until
- the rear stop is felt. Push down the load lever.
- 3. Position the System Unit Switch to ON.
- 4. After the system has emitted one beep, the light on your
- diskette drive will come on to indicate that the program is
- loading. Loading may take up to one minute, so be patient.
- When the program has completely loaded, the TEACH-A-TOT Menu
- will appear. You are now ready to begin TEACH-A-TOT, but our
- advice is to read the instructions in this book first.
- The TEACH-A-TOT Menu consists of nine options:
- 1. Learn the numbers
- 2. Guess the number
- 3. The Counting Song
- 4. Learn the letters
- 5. Guess the letter
- 6. The Alphabet Song
- 7. Learn the shapes
- 8. Guess the shape
- 9. The Shape Song
- .eject
- Each option number is followed by several colored symbols. The
- symbols can be used to teach your child to select an option even
- if your child cannot read the options.
- The meanings of the colored symbols are:
- The blue arrow - This is a learning option. The item being
- learned will be presented in order and any
- key may be pressed to continue the option.
- The red question mark - This is a guessing option. The item
- being learned will be presented and the
- correct key must be pressed to continue the
- option.
- The yellow music note - This option plays a song that helps
- to teach the item that is being learned.
- The green 123 - This option will teach numbers.
- The green ABC - This option will teach letters.
- The green shapes - This option will teach shapes.
- By teaching your child the meanings of these of these symbols and
- the location of the ESC key, an older child should be able to run
- TEACH-A-TOT by themself.
- To run an option, select the option by pressing the option
- number on the keyboard. You do not need to press the ENTER
- key, just select the option number.
- After you have selected one of the nine options, the option
- will begin executing. For further information on each of the
- nine options refer to the following sections that describe
- each of the nine options
- DESCRIPTION: This option will display each of the numbers
- starting with 1 and going thru 9. The numbers
- will be displayed as large color numbers along
- with the appropriate number of hearts.
- HOW TO RUN: To run this option you must select option "1"
- from the TEACH-A-TOT Menu. After each number
- has been displayed you must press any key to
- display the next number.
- HOW TO END: To end this option you can press the "ESC" key
- after any of the numbers has been displayed.
- Pressing the "ESC" key will return to the
- .eject
- DESCRIPTION: This option will randomly display a number
- of hearts on the screen. The number of hearts
- displayed will be between 1-9. When the hearts
- are on the display, you must count the hearts
- and press the correct number on the keyboard.
- HOW TO RUN: To run this option you must select option "2"
- from the TEACH-A-TOT Menu. When the hearts are
- displayed, you must count the hearts and press
- the correct number on the keyboard. If you press
- the correct number you will hear the familiar
- "Charge" song and the number will be displayed
- next to the hearts. If you press the wrong
- number you will hear a short low tone that
- indicates you're wrong. You must continue until
- the correct number is pressed.
- HOW TO END: To end this option you must press the "ESC" key
- instead of pressing the correct number. After
- pressing the "ESC" key you will return to the
- DESCRIPTION: This option will play "The Counting Song" as
- ten little Indian boys are drawn on the screen
- in time with the song.
- HOW TO RUN: To run this option you must select option "3"
- from the TEACH-A-TOT Menu. Once the option has
- been selected the program will play the entire
- song without intervention required. After the
- song completes you may press any key to repeat
- the song again or press the "ESC" key to return
- to the TEACH-A-TOT Menu.
- HOW TO END: To end this option you must press the "ESC" key
- after the song is done playing. Pressing the
- "ESC" key will return you to the TEACH-A-TOT
- Menu. The "ESC" key will NOT cancel this option
- while the song is playing.
- .eject
- DESCRIPTION: This option will display each letter of the
- alphabet in order starting with A and going
- thru Z. The letters will be displayed as
- large color letters.
- HOW TO RUN: To run this option you must select option "4"
- from the TEACH-A-TOT Menu. After each letter has
- been displayed you must press any key to
- display the next letter. At the end of the
- alphabet you may press any key to repeat the
- letters or press the "ESC" key to end.
- HOW TO END: To end this option you can press the ESC key
- after any of the letters has been displayed.
- When the "ESC" key is pressed, you will return
- to the TEACH-A-TOT Menu.
- DESCRIPTION: This option will randomly display the letters
- of the alphabet. The letters will be displayed
- as large color letters.
- HOW TO RUN: To run this option you must select option "5"
- from the TEACH-A-TOT Menu. As each letter is
- displayed you must press the correct letter
- on the keyboard to display the next letter. If
- the correct letter is pressed you will here a
- familiar "CHARGE" song and another letter will
- randomly be displayed. If the wrong letter is
- pressed a short low tone will tell you you're
- wrong. You must continue until the correct letter
- is pressed.
- HOW TO END: To end this option you must press the "ESC" key
- instead of pressing the correct letter. After
- pressing the "ESC" key you will return to the
- .eject
- DESCRIPTION: This option will display each letter of the
- alphabet in order with the "Alphabet Song"
- being played in time with the letters.
- HOW TO RUN: To run this option you must select option "6"
- on the TEACH-A-TOT Menu. Once the option has been
- selected the program will play the entire
- "Alphabet Song" without intervention required.
- After the song has completed press any key to
- repeat the song or press the "ESC" key to end.
- HOW TO END: To end this option you must let the entire song
- complete and then press the "ESC" key to return
- to TEACH-A-TOT Menu. The "ESC" key will NOT
- cancel this option while the song is playing.
- DESCRIPTION: This option will teach your child various shapes
- by displaying them on the screen. Random colorful
- shapes will be displayed one at a time. On the
- top of the screen will be printed what the shape
- is. The shapes that are displayed include
- squares, circles, rectangles, triangles,
- diamonds, and hearts.
- HOW TO RUN: To run this option you must select option "7"
- from the TEACH-A-TOT Menu. After each shape is
- displayed you must press any key to display
- another shape or press the "ESC" key to end.
- HOW TO END: To end this option you must press the "ESC" key
- after any of the shapes has been displayed.
- Pressing the "ESC" key will return you to the
- .eject
- DESCRIPTION: This option will display five shapes on the
- screen. Four of the shapes will be alike and
- one will be different. The different shape may
- differ in color or shape. Under each of the
- five shapes will be the numbers 1-5. You must
- press the number of the shape that is
- different.
- HOW TO RUN: To run this option you must select option "8"
- from the TEACH-A-TOT Menu. As each group of
- shapes is displayed you must press the number of
- the shape that is different. If you guess the
- correct shape you will hear the familiar
- "Charge" song and a yellow happy face will
- appear under the option you selected. If you
- guess the wrong shape you will hear a short low
- tone and a red frown face will appear under the
- shape you selected. You must continue until you
- guess the correct shape.
- HOW TO END: To end this option you must press the "ESC" key
- instead of pressing an option 1-5. After
- pressing the "ESC" key you will return to the
- DESCRIPTION: This option will teach your child various shapes
- by displaying them on the screen. The song "Old
- Mc Donald" along with a picture of a barnyard.
- is used. As the song is played, the various
- shapes appear in the barnyard in time with the
- music. On this farm there are squares, circles,
- triangles, and rectangles.
- HOW TO RUN: To run this option you must select option "9"
- from the TEACH-A-TOT Menu. After each verse of
- the song "Old Mc Donald" is finished you must
- press any key to continue with another verse.
- After all four verses have finished you can
- press any key to repeat the verses or press the
- "ESC" key to return to the TEACH-A-TOT Menu.
- HOW TO END: To end this option you must press the "ESC" key
- after any of the verses, which will return you
- to the TEACH-A-TOT Menu. The "ESC" key will not
- cancel this option while the song is playing.
- This disk copy was originally provided by "The Public Library",
- the software library of the Houston Area League of PC Users.
- Programs are available from the Public Library at $2 per disk
- on user-provided disks. To get a listing of the disks in the
- Public Library, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to
- Nelson Ford, P.O.Box 61565, Houston, TX 77208.
- of pressing the correct letter. After
- pressing the "ESC" key you will return to the
- .eject
- DESCRIPTION: This option will display each letter of the
- alphabet in order with the "Alphabet Song"
- being played in time with the letters.
- HOW TO RUN: To run this option you must select option "6"
- on the TEACH-A-TOT Menu. Once the option has been
- selected the program will play the entire
- "Alphabet Song" without intervention required.
- After the song has completed press any key to
- repeat the song or press the "ESC" key to end.
- HOW TO END: To end this option you must let the entire song
- complete and then press the "ESC" key to return
- to TEACH-A-TOT Menu. The "ESC" key will NOT