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- nani ji
- migi
- hidari
- masugu
- honto ni
- dake
- so desu ka
- irimasu
- matte imasu
- tomodachi
- what time?
- right
- left
- straight
- really?
- only
- is that so?
- to need
- to wait
- friend
- nomimono
- something to drink
- Heya ni otoko no hito wa imasu ka.
- Is the man in the room?
- tabemono
- something to eat
- Kaite kudesai.
- Write it please.
- Watashi no uchi wa California ni arimasu.
- My house is in California.
- Toile wa doko desu ka.
- Where is the toilet?
- Eki wa doko desu ka.
- Where is the station?
- kamera-ya
- camera store
- kohii-ya
- coffee store
- pan-ya
- bread store
- Watashi no meishi desu.
- This is my card.
- Toile wa doko desu ka.
- Where is the toilet?
- Kore wa pen desu.
- This is a pen.
- ichi ju go
- 15
- If we cut off the `masu' in a verb and put in it's place `mono' we get a word
- that means `something'. For example `tabemasu'is`to eat'. If we cut off the
- masu part we get `tabe'. If we add `mono' we get `tabemono',something to eat.
- The weather in Japan varies greatly from Hokkaido to Okinawa. Tokyo's
- temperature range is similair to Washington, DC. Osaka is like Durham, NC.
- Coffee served in Japan is very dark and thick. It is served with a gravy-
- like white non-dairy creamer which almost everyone uses. To pay the cashier
- you should ask for them to write down the amount because it takes a long
- time to be able to recognize large numbers that are quickly spoken.
- `Kaite kudesai' means `write it down please'. It is a common gaijin saying.
- We can make any noun into a store that sells that product by adding `ya'
- onto the end of the noun. For example:
- pan-ya = bread store
- reekodo-ya = record store
- hon-ya = book store
- Always keep a good supply of business cards with you. `Meishi' or business
- cards are frequently exchanged by all the people in a room. Many people
- place their newly recieved business cards in an order on the table that
- corresponds to the seating of the people around them. This is a common
- practice when trying to learn new names. Let the Japanese pick the seating.