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Text File | 1988-09-11 | 59.6 KB | 1,212 lines |
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------G.E.B.---------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- Distributor of Quality Public Domain and User Supported
- Software for the I.B.M. and compatible user.
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- --------
- -(004) EZ-FORMS EXECUTIVE Excellent to create your own business
- forms, supports most dot-matrix and HP laser printers.
- -(005) FORM LETTERS 100 Boilerplate business letters
- at a touch of a key.
- -(618) LEGAL FORMS & LETTERS 100 Rental agreements, liens,
- contracts, promissory notes, fictitious business name statements +
- many more.
- -(015) PARTS INVENTORY CONTROL VER 1.1 Excellent inventory
- program.
- -(024) PROJECT MANAGEMENT VER 3.61 Computes cash flow,
- cost reports, Gantt charts, menu-driven.
- -(438) PURCHASE ORDER SYSTEMS Keep track of purchase
- orders out, vendor lists, etc.
- -(025) RELIANCE MAILING LIST VER 2.01 Well-bred mailing
- list program, menu-driven, easy to use.
- -(026, 027) SALESEYE VER 2.3 Helps people in the sales
- field to keep track of leads and prospects.
- -(485) STOCK Specialized stock inventory system, excellent for
- business maintaining inventory items that need to be reordered at
- certain levels, also YTD. reports.
- -(029, 030) THE FRONT OFFICE Ver 5.1 menu-driven, job
- prospecting, costing, great for direct sales, order
- processing,
- ------------
- -(033, 034) ABC Create multiple fonts for Epson printers,
- design drawing and print, needs CGA.
- -(035) ANSIDRAW Draw graphics characters on your monitor
- the easy way, add a professional look to your screens.
- -(577) CC-SURVEYOR For use with Generic CADD, point manipulation
- utilities, create points and point numbers.
- -(562) COLLAGE Creates slides on your monitor then display them with
- a slide show effect.
- -(573) CHEMICAL Molecular modeling and display program, can rotate
- and view from different angles, 3-D animation.
- -(036, 037, 038, 039) DANCADD 3D VER 1.3 Very powerful CAD
- system also capable to view 3-D image from angles, slide show
- capability, needs 640K and CGA.
- -(040) DESIGNER On-line help, good for writing graphic
- screens for games, or animation, needs CGA.
- -(583, 584) DROEGE Design Robot for Origination of Exacting Graphic
- Engineering. A Manual CADD program designed for PCB up to 12 layers
- deep.
- -(543) EXPRESSGRAPH EZ to use business graphics program
- -(413) FINGERPAINT Easy to use basic paint program, needs
- CGA. or HERC.
- -(579, 580) FLODRAW For drawing full page diagrams, symbol libraries
- included.
- -(009) GANTT Produces good quality GANTT charts.
- -(644) GEM-CLIP ART For Desktop publishing needing .GEM art files.
- -(041) GLUDRAW Needs CGA, lots of on-line help, simple to
- use.
- -(042) GRAPHICS FONT DESIGN UTILITY VER 2.0 For designing
- fonts in the ASCII range from 128 to 255.
- -(043, 044) GRAPHTIME II VER 2.5 This is a limited demo
- version of a powerful business graphing program, needs CGA.
- -(536,537) GRAPHTIME II (for herculeas graphics) See Graphtime II.
- -(045) HI-RES RAINBOW Full featured paint program with
- pull down windows, icons, many excellent features, will
- support mouse and other devices, needs CGA.
- -(556) H&P CALENDAR & DRAW Create calendars on screen, fill in and
- print out. Draw using X, Y coordinates. Req. CGA.
- -(393) IMAGE-3D 3-D wire frame modeling, move, rotate,
- scale, needs CGA.
- -(394) IMAGE-3D As above but for EGA.
- -(046) MAPMAKER Needs CGA, great for computer generated
- map making.
- -(047) PC-ART Needs CGA, Drawing program, line & box,
- circle, 10 fonts, image library, crayon and paint brush
- drawing.
- -(501) PC-DEMO Graphics demo package, It demonstrates graphics
- animation & program interface capabilities.
- -(357) PC-DEMONSTRATION SYSTEM Demo system for PC or
- program presentation.
- -(048) PC-GRAF Needs BASIC and CGA, does line graphs.
- -(049) PC-GRAPH Generate graphs from many database
- programs, print and save graphs, alter location of text.
- -(050, 407) PC-KEY DRAW Mighty mixture of programs for
- screen drawing, does slide shows, use with or without a
- mouse, easy to use CAD system, req CGA.
- -(051) PC-PICTURE Produce graphic images, makes slide
- shows. needs CGA.
- -(052) PRESENT Great for displaying .PIC files, many
- different ways to fade in and out slides, parts of slides,
- needs CGA.
- -(053) PRINTER ART Designs for your screen, Clown,
- Enterprise, Snoopy, Vader, Santa, Schroder, +many more.
- -(402) PRINTSHOP GRAPHICS Many new and exciting graphics
- for the printshop program.
- -(633) SCREEN DESIGN AID Ez-design of display screens.
- -(054) SLIDE GENERATION Produces pictures on graphics
- printer suitable to photograph to make medium resolution
- slides.
- -(055) THE DRAFTSMAN Advanced package to design
- presentation-quality graphs, charts and slide shows, needs
- graphics monitor, supports mouse.
- ------------
- -(056) BIBLEQ Trivia game with 1000 multiple choice
- questions from the Bible.
- -(479) BIBLE QUIZ PLUS Quiz on the proverbs in the bible.
- -(057) CHURCH CONTRIBUTIONS Excellent for keeping track of
- contributions, member lists.
- -(586) HEBREW QUIZ A Biblical Hebrew language tutor, teaches
- alphabet, verbs, vocabulary and grammar.
- -(510) HERITAGE CHURCH SYSTEMS Automates daily tasks of membership,
- contributions, church status, all on a weekly basis.
- -(058, 059, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377) KING JAMES VERSION
- Complete 21 disk set archived on to 7, complete text of the
- King James Version.
- -(060) MINISTERS SERMON INDEXER Pull down menus, easy to use.
- -(061, 062) WORDWORKER Cross reference for the New
- Testament.
- --------------
- -(531) 121 Communications package designed to let 2 users chat
- while files are being transferred.
- -(063, 401) BOYAN D-3 New program on the market, auto baud
- rate select, +many more nice features.
- -(619) FIDO BBS The FIDO BBS system.
- -(491) FORA A multi-user & chat system for BBS use up to 17 lines
- and up to 2400 baud.
- -(064) FREE-CALL Unlimited long distance for your modem
- for only $25 per month, also large BBS nationwide BBS list.
- -(065, 066) GT-POWERCOMM Full feature communications
- program.
- -(067) HOST-III VER 1.1c BBS System, supports XMODEM.
- -(068) IBM BBS BBS written in BASIC, simple.
- -(069) IT (Ideal Terminal) Emulates VT-100 and VT-52.
- -(070, 071) KERMIT VER 2.29 Implements KERMIT file
- transfer protocol, emulates DEC VT-102 terminal.
- -(072, 073) KERMIT-MS for MS-DOS, HP150, DEC Rainbow 100,
- 100+, DEC-20, NEC APC, TI, WANG PC, HEATH/Zenith.
- -(074) MINITEL Stripped version of TELINK, menu-driven,
- supports XMODEM, MODEM7 or TELINK.
- -(075) PC-DIAL Written by Button, on-line timer, help,
- mini-editor, built in XMODEM protocol.
- -(077) PC-VT VER 8.4 Emulates DEC VT102 or VT100 terminal,
- on-line help, DOS shell.
- -(549) PROCOMM+ New release, EZ-to-use, replaces Procomm Ver
- 2.42, top quality, auto re-dial, menu driven, this is User
- Supported software at it's best!
- -(550) PROFONEDIT The directory editor for users of Procomm+
- Excellent, truly needed!
- -(546, 547, 548) QMODEM SST Ver 3.1 200 number dialing directory,
- last number redial, supports Hayes, Racal Vadic and others, script
- control possible, DOS shell, on-line help. Great.
- -(080, 081, 082) RBBS CPC15.1a Huge system, many menus,
- complete documentation.
- -(083) SIMTERM Hewlett-Packard terminal emulation.
- -(432) SUPERCOMM Menu driven easy to use modem program.
- -(084) SYSCOMM menu-driven, auto dial and log-on,
- unattended file transfer.
- -(085) TEKTRONIX 4010 Emulates Tektronix 4010, DEC VT100.
- -(441) THE BRAIN Excellent to create auto log-on and off
- sequences, to access other computers at odd hours, upload and
- download automatically.
- -(086, 087) WILDCAT BBS New easy to use many nice
- features! watch out RBBS.
- --------
- -(088) 3by5 CARD VER 3.0 Makes your computer into an
- efficient Rolodex but with the powers of indexing.
- -(089) ABC DATABASE Very user-friendly system, good for
- mailing lists and customer files.
- -(090) ADDRESS MANAGER VER 3.0 menu-driven, great for home
- use, prints labels and envelopes.
- -(440) BASEBALL STATS Excellent for the managers/coaches
- of baseball teams, keeps track of everything, all points by
- who.
- -(635) BLACQUE BOOK Name address phone database.
- -(091) BOOK INDEX BUILDER By Peter Norton, Helps preparing
- book indices.
- -(518,519) CATALIST A powerful & comprehensive list manager, prints
- envelopes, labels, rolodex cards, bulk mail lists, mail merge to 15
- top word processors including PC-WRITE.
- -(342, 343) CHEF 359 Excellent recipes, packed full of
- delicious tasty meals, treats, menu driven.
- -(489) CLASSBOOK DELUXE Multi-functional menu driven package, keep
- attendance, homework, & test scores as in a regular classbook.
- -(092) COUPONS For the coupon clipper sort by value, date,
- item and subject.
- -(093, 094, 095, 096) DATA BASE OF STEEL VER 3.1 Spreadsheet,
- Expert System, DBMS, Written in BASIC, Accounting,
- Payroll, A/R, inventory.
- -(595) DATABASE PUBLISHER Menu driven record and index file for up
- to 2000 names up to 100 categories.
- -(097, 098) DATABOSS VER 3.00.01 Database, import and
- export data from WordStar, PC-File III, DW III etc. flexible
- reporting features, mathematical and statistical functions,
- eight levels of sorting, Needs DOS 3.xx and BASIC.
- -(099) DBS-KAT VER 2.2 For people w/hard disk systems, can
- catalog 16,000,000 files, catalogs floppies also.
- -(100) DISKCAT VER 4.3f Reads floppy disk directory,
- sorts, categorizes, table of contents generation.
- -(493) DOCTOR DATA LABEL Designed for use as a professional mailing
- list mgr. organize, print and sort all different ways.
- -(475) DOUBLE BOGIE KILLER Menu driven golf database.
- -(101, 102, 103) DREAM (Data Retrieval, Entry And Management)
- relational DBMS, very adaptable, like dBASE only no code
- writing.
- -(105, 106) FILE EXPRESS VER 3.78 menu-driven, extensive
- manual, mailing list and report generator.
- -(484) FLOPCAT Multi-faceted disk catalog system, prints disk
- labels.
- -(107) FREEFILE Menu driven DBMS, on-line help, good for
- beginners but very powerful.
- -(108) HOME INVENTORY SYSTEM Needs BASIC, keeps track of
- everything in your home for yourself and insurance reasons.
- -(109) INFOBASE Forms driven DBMS comparable to Info-Star,
- on-line help.
- -(596) INSURE V 1.2 For organizing medical insurance records.
- -(421) INTELLI-TRIEVE Weighted retrieval utility for dBase
- III & III+ very powerful, menu driven.
- -(010) LABEL MASTER Great for printing labels 1, 2, 3, or
- 4 across with built in name, address, phone # and notes list,
- sort by name or zip code, easy to use menu driven.
- -(012) MAILING LIST Requires BASIC, auto-dialer for phone.
- -(110) MAIL MONSTER VER 2.6 top notch mail list program
- which allows the user to categorize and print small portions
- to a select groups if wanted.
- -(476) MASTERFILE Disk catalog program, Menu driven!
- -(636) MASS APPEAL General purpose mailing list mgt. program.
- -(353, 354) MICROGOURMET Needs dBASE II, Database of menus
- for excellent dishes.
- -(567) MINI-COUPONCAT Coupon and grocery manager.
- -(545) MINI-DB New database program, needs 512k, ez-to-use!
- -(480) MULTIBASE Menu driven flat file database system.
- -(111) NAMEPAL "Little Black Book" name, address, phone,
- list, notes prints mailing labels, rolodex cards, menu
- driven.
- -(112) NEWBASE VER 3.49 menu-driven DBMS, interfaces to
- many popular word processing systems, multi-key sorting,
- audit trail, macro keys, global functions, powerful search
- commands ><= if not, etc.
- -(113) PBASE VER 1.2 Programmable relational DBMS, report
- writing, based on the Structured Query Language (SQL).
- -(114) PC-DBMS Relation DBMS, menu help system, indexing,
- screen editor, laborious for beginners.
- -(461, 462, 463) PC-FILE + Ver 2.0 (461,462,463) Database, easier,
- faster and much more powerful than before, complete 250 page manual!
- -(514,515) PC-MAIL Professional mailing list program, menu driven,
- all the bells and whistles, fully functional.
- -(117) PDS*BASE VER 3.23 Admirable documentation, Needs
- BASIC, Excellent for large of small needs.
- -(605) PHONE CADDY Ez to use mail list management system, prints
- labels, rolodex cards, code addresses for selective listings, address
- envelopes, mail merge. + more.
- -(498) PRODEX Roladex tracking system, add edit, delete, search,
- view and print records.
- -(526) RUNNERS LOG & PERSONAL COACH Maintains database of running
- times, figures pace, produces comparative graphs and charts.
- -(118) SBD (Simple Database System) Relational DBMS
- written in C, good for systems with not much memory or disk
- space, requires only 64K RAM.
- -(119) SURVEYSOFT VER 3.0 For the surveyor, coordinates,
- Bearing/bearing intersection, field traverse, many more,
- extensive package, complete documentation.
- ---------511) TEACHERS DATABASE All types of record keeping for up to 250
- students.
- -(120) THE ADDRESS BOOK User-freindly, Needs BASIC,
- supports WordStar and Word Perfect mail merge.
- -(495) THE HOME MGR. A dedicated database program designed to take
- care of all home database needs.
- -(121, 412) THE MOVIE DATABASE Database of 3500 movies,
- can search for movies by title, MPAA rating, Actors,
- director, writer, copyright date.
- -(122) VCRDBASE Store, retrieve, sort by name,
- publisher, actor, style, substyle, counter position, speed.
- -(539, 544) WAMPUM Menu driven full feature dBase III clone, reads
- and writes dBase III files, Excellent!
- -(123) WORLD menu-driven, demographic and statistical
- information from The Encyclopedia Britannica 1986 and
- Countries of the World and their Leaders 1986.
- ----------------
- -(569) AUTOMATED PLANNING FORM Menu driven planning tools.
- -(124) AUTOMENU VER 4.0 Makes it simple to operate a PC
- just point to the program you want from a menu, press a key
- and you are in. This is the best there is!
- -(444) COMPASS Word processing, spreadsheet, database,
- accounting, mailing list and calculator.
- -(395, 396, 397) EZ-MENU Simple easy to use menu system
- designed for the ease of operation by individuals new to
- computers.
- -(125, 126) FANSI-CONSOLE VER 2.0 Complete ANSI device
- driver, extends the ROM BIOS.
- -(127) FILE COMMANDO DOS shell puts you in control for DOS
- commands, menu control for DOS commands.
- -(128) HARD DISK MENU DOS shell with a 10 page menu, up to
- 100 different listings to run your programs.
- -(389, 390) HOMEBASE Best desktop org. for the year by PC-
- Magazine.
- -(650, 651) IN-CONTROL Harness the power of compiled dBASE III+, 1,000,000,000
- records per file, 99,999,999 categories. Includes Rolodex,
- activities, management and expense reports, mailing labels,
- appointments. On-line documentation.
- -(527) JUDY CLONE Appointment, commitments, schedules, memory resident.
- -(132) KEEP IN TOUCH Prints mailing labels, built in
- calculator, auto-dialer, elapsed time of call, alarm clock,
- needs BASIC.
- -(133) MAKEMYDAY VER 2.0 Time management system,
- appointment calendar, schedule, time and expense log, prints
- reports.
- -(134) MENU-MASTER VER 2.1 Password protect your files
- with this and access up to 12 programs with a touch of the
- key.
- -(492) MR. MENU Designed for ease of creation of simple menus for
- quick access to programs, files and dos functions.
- -(135) PC-DESKTEAM VER 1.04 menu-driven, on-line help,
- printer control, memory resident, alarm clock,
- calculator, calendar, note-pad, dialer, typewriter mode,
- ASCII chart.
- -(136) PC-TICKLE Appointment calendar, calorie counter,
- mini-editor, checkbook manager.
- -(436) POWER-MENU A operating environment which acts as a
- super-highway providing easy access to any program on your
- PC-.
- -(451) PRO-MENU Popular menu system, includes several ways
- to set up your system, also for multiple users of a single
- computer.
- -(137) PROGRAMMER'S CALCULATOR Has Reverse Polish Notation
- calculator with on screen stack display, 16 place precision.
- -(138, 139) QSYS DOS VER 3.0 Menu, message, appointment
- calendar, password access.
- -(606) REMINDERS A perpetual calendar w/tickler file.
- -(140) RESICALC Memory resident calculator.
- -(141) SOFT-TOUCH Makes it easy to program many keystrokes
- in to one, great time savings on repetitive keying.
- -(497) TICKLEX Handles appointments, deadlines, expectations,
- reminders and timetables.
- -----------
- -(530) ABC FUN KEYS Teaches the alphabet to children 2-5 years
- old, colorful full screen pictures and nursery rhyme melodies , CGA
- required.
- -(552) ALGEBRA TUTOR Req. DOS 3.xx Tutorial on Algebra.
- -(500) AMANDA'S LETTER LOTTO (500) Keyboard kaos, make a pointer, the
- name game, robot invasion & flash a smile (for young children)
- -(142) AMY'S FIRST PRIMER Six games to teach the basic
- skills to pre-reading children.
- -(523) ARE YOU READY FOR CALCULUS (523) Tutorial on Calculus, helps in
- review of algebra and Trig.
- -(411) EQUATOR Helps students learn the function, use and
- applications of various general purpose formulas used in the fields
- of math, finance, and science.
- -(143) FUNNELS & BUCKETS Built in fun way to teach math.
- -(144) HANGMAN VER 4.1 Has large vocabulary to draw from,
- many hours of excitement.
- -(145) HELPDOS Just type Help and you are guided into the
- Help System.
- -(146) HISTORY EDUCATION American History in seven time
- periods from pre-colonization, to WWII.
- -(147) IQBUILDER Work on your knowledge of synonyms,
- antonyms and analogies.
- -(148) KIDGAMES For children ages 2-10, teaches Spelling,
- how to read an analog clock, preschool math, pattern
- matching.
- -(408) LEARNING DISK Learning disk for public domain and
- user supported software, teaches you the best ways to get the
- programs up and running!
- -(149) LETTERFALL Game to teach and improve your touch
- typing.
- -(528, 529) LOTUS LEARNING SYSTEM Easy to use LOTUS 123 demo to
- teach novice computer users how to use Lotus 123.
- -(150) MATH PAK Requires BASIC, covers basic to advanced
- math addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
- binary, quadratic, U.S. to Metric, polar to rectangular,
- rect. to polar, trig, third order, +many more, on disk
- tutorial.
- -(151) MATH TUTOR Elementary school level for grades 1-6.
- -(152) MOONBEAM Determines the phase, position, and
- illumination of the moon, plots star data on the screen if
- you have CGA card.
- -(403) MORSE-TUTOR Teaches MORSE code easily 1-50 words per
- min.
- -(153) NAEPRIS Data from the National Assessment of
- Educational Progress Information Retrieval System, produced
- by the National Institute of Education.
- -(356) ORACLE Good to learn the I Ching or Tarot cards.
- -(154) PC-DOS HELP On-line DOS command help.
- -(410) PC-GRADEBOOK Aids teachers for grading tests and
- others, needs
- -(155) STARFINDER ON DISPLAY View parts of the sky on your
- monitor, view any star by its scientific or common name.
- -(450) TEST Prepare tests for your students/children with
- yes/no, true/false, 1/2/3, a/b/c/d/e/f, etc.
- -(156) TUTOR VER 4.6 Tutorial on the IBM-PC DOS, computer
- system and some components, good for the beginner.
- -(406) TYPING-TUTOR Excellent to teach and improve your
- touch typing skills, shows speed and accuracy.
- -(585) VAR GRADE Tracks up to 500 students grades, 80 exams per
- student, weighted exams, letter or number grade, can throw out lowest
- exam score, mean, median, average, plotting.
- -(157) VIDEOCHEM Secondary school level, teaches chemical
- valences, atomic bonding and structure, menu-driven.
- -(158, 159, 160, 161) VOCABULARY & SPELLING Flash card
- type program, 7,500 word vocabulary, this is for high school
- to college level students.
- ---------------
- -(181, 182) FAMILY HISTORY Modular design, no limits on
- the number of relationships for each individual.
- -(183) FAMILY TIES Regular and Mormon mode of operation,
- well organized, easy to use.
- -(184) FAMILY TREE VER 3.02 Menu driven, single key
- commands, notes on each entry, for serious research.
- -(185) GENEALOGY ON DISPLAY VER 5.0 Menu driven, needs
- BASIC, easy to use, see companion disk "Notes on Display".
- -(186) NOTES ON DISPLAY Organizes and enhances Genealogy
- On Display.
- -------
- -(338) AM-TAX Assists in preparation of tax forms,
- excellent for playing what if questions, supports most of the
- many Tax forms.
- -(187, 188) BUDGETRAK VER 1.2 Single and double entry
- accounting package, built in password protection.
- -(589) CASH FLOW Personal checking account manager.
- -(189, 380) CASHTRAC VER 6.0 Great for checkbook,
- investment, 99 selectable budget categories, Commercial
- quality!
- -(378) CHECKBOOK CHARLIE Excellent program just released,
- menu driven.
- -(001) CHECKBOOK MANAGEMENT VER 3.0 Deluxe check register.
- -(190) CHECKLIST 3.31 Nice features like seeing checks
- formatted like an actual check on the screen, needs CGA.
- -(446) CHECKMATE Full featured interactive home financial
- program, prints checks, reports, reconciles statement.
- -(447) CHECKMATE-GL Full powered, multiple entry GL.
- designed to integrate with CHECKMATE, friendly and easy to
- use.
- -(627, 628) CK checkbook mgt. program keeps track of money rec'd. and spent,
- expense category, description.
- -(191) CK SYSTEM VER 3.0 Great for keeping track of your
- checkbook, graphing expenses, charting accounts.
- -(002, 003) CPA-LEDGER Admirable documentation, needs
- -(581, 582) DTIME KEEPER Great for client billing, provides past due
- accts, acct aging, totals, can add state tax, can bill by the minute,
- monthly or quarterly or any charges, menu driven!
- -(594) FASTBUCKS Home finance program, checking, charge, all types
- of accounts.
- -(193) FINANCE MANAGER VER 3.1 Double entry bookkeeping
- system, multiple report, sort and accounts.
- -(470) FINANCIAL CALCULATOR Ez to use, menu driven.
- -(194) FINANCIAL PROGRAMS menu-driven, easy to use,
- figures mortgages, loan tracker.
- -(006, 007, 008) FREEWAY PAYROLL SYSTEM Offers check
- printing, pension deductions, voluntary contributions, many
- more features.
- -(448) HOME-LOAN Figures out payments, payoff dates,
- principal and interest, how much you could have saved by
- adding X number of dollars per month to a payment.
- -(534) HOME MONEY MGR. Easy to use budgeting & checkbook management
- system.
- -(350) INCTAX VER 1.1 Calculates Federal Tax, does easy
- recalculations.
- -(604) JOB COST Simple to use job cost monitoring system, project
- profit/loss, cost center control, multiple job control.
- -(574) LAB COAT Labratory data and cost analysis program.
- -(610) LANDLORD A fast and friendly rental management system,
- maintains up to 9604 rental units, complete rental management system.
- -(011) LOAN AMORTIZATION Excellent on-line help,
- calculates loan schedules.
- -(588) MANAGEX For sending statements to clients on a regular basis.
- -(195) MANAGING MONEY with IBM PC Amortization schedules,
- balance remaining, monthly statements, gaining from credit
- card purchases, rates of return, +many more, needs BASIC.
- -(568) MINI-MINDER Rental property manager 400 unit maximum,
- billing, outstanding, reports.
- -(607) MORTGAGE LOAN AMORTIZATION Simple to use, can print or
- display on screen, many functions.
- -(013, 014) MR. BILL 14 programs accessed from a main menu
- system, great for processing bills, making reports.
- -(483) PAY TIME Figures payroll & writes checks.
- -(494) PC-ACCOUNT Ver 2.11 Personal accounting system w/data base
- retrieval capabilities.
- -(016, 017) PC-ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Figures 1099's, payroll,
- depreciation, good for small businesses that do not need a
- full blown double entry system.
- -(502) PC-BOOKS Easy to use & learn general ledger program.
- -(196) PC-CHECK VER 3.0 Menu driven checkbook with
- personal general ledger, great for small business and home use.
- -(486) PC-FLOW Personal cash flow budgeting system, keeps records
- as well as forecasting.
- -(018) PC-GENERAL LEDGER VER 1.4 Double entry bookkeeping
- system, excellent audit trail, up to 8 cost centers and 5
- bank accounts.
- -(019) PC-GL PC-AR PC-PR VER 3.2 Complete double entry
- system.
- -(197) PC-MONEY Federal tax estimating, portfolio
- management, menu-driven, also supports multiple checking
- accounts.
- -(020) PC-PAYROLL menu-driven, generates excellent reports
- summaries, W2, W3, 941, State, Local, FICA, Federal, pension
- +more.
- -(021) PC-SELL Designed for the management of retail
- stores to handle accounts receivable, invoice preparation.
- -(198) PC-STOCK Stock evaluation and tracking, menu-
- driven.
- -(481, 482) PERSONAL CHECKING ACCT. MGR. Menu driven, easy to use
- checking account register.
- -(022) PERSONAL GENERAL LEDGER Template for 1-2-3,
- complete chart of accounts.
- -(023) PDS*QUOTE VER 3.12 Helps users prepare quick and
- accurate project quotes.
- -(199) PFROI VER 2.15 For portfolio management, figures
- return on investment to help in tax foresight.
- -(578) PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE ANALYST Requires Lotus 1-2-3, set of
- complex macros, assortment of financial calculations.
- -(200) REAL ESTATE SYSTEMS Menu-driven, everything for a
- real estate office.
- -(201) SAGE TRADER For the commodity trader, graphic
- analysis.
- powerful but not to easy to operate for beginners.
- -(422, 423) SOAR Service oriented accounts receivables,
- customer billing, accounts rec., management reports, all menu
- driven.
- -(202) STOCK CHARTING SYSTEM VER 1.7 Sophisticated system
- to print and draw charts for stock, bond, security or
- commodity, needs CGA.
- -(203) STOCK MARKET ANALYZER Analysis program to track and
- chart stocks, displays data graphically.
- -(559) TAX PLANNER Estimate income tax, fine tune withholding on
- your pay check, print reports.
- -(204) THE PORTWORTH PACKAGE Great to monitor and rate
- your stock portfolios, graphing capabilities.
- -(205) THE STOCK TRADER Menu-driven, on-line help, tracks
- stocks, shows action in x-y graphs req. color + 2 floppies.
- -(032) TIME and MONEY VER 1.53 menu-driven, simple to use.
- accounting package.
- -(600) TIME TRACKER Keeps track of clients and billing.
- -(206) TRANSTOCK Great for users of the SOURCE to download
- stock info into data-management software directly.
- -(367) UNCLE Studies up to 4 different tax strategies, RPN
- style calculator built in.
- -(398) UVESTER Designed to track all types of investments,
- easily track portfolio value.
- ----------------
- -----
- -(213) GAMES #1 Bandit, Poker, Roulette, Stock, needs CGA.
- -(214) GAMES #2 Striker, Paratrooper, WWI Flying Ace,
- needs CGA.
- -(215) GAMES #3 Round 42, Pc-Golf, 3-Demon, Q-Bert, needs
- CGA.
- -(216) GAMES #4 Risk, Monopoly, Wheel of Fortune, needs
- CGA.
- -(217) GAMES #5 Breakout, Pango, Pac-Man, Kong, Bouncing
- Babies, needs CGA.
- -(218) GAMES #6 Centipede, Castle, Empire, Pac-Gal,
- Pitfall, for monochrome systems.
- -(219) GAMES #7 19 Games Written in BASIC, includes
- "Artillery".
- -(220) GAMES #8 Quix, Face, Blockade, Jet Simulator, needs
- CGA.
- -(221) GAMES #9 Chess, Mummies, Rockets, needs CGA.
- -(222) GAMES #10 Kamikazi, Keno, Monopoly2, Quest, needs
- CGA.
- -(553) 3-D CHESS Color or Herc. graphics req. excellent!
- -(629) ADVENTURE SOLUTIONS Hints tips and tricks for adventure games.
- -(565) ADVENTURE Nebula and Dark Continent. Text Adventure.
- -(599) ADVENTURE Text adventure, Under the Ice, Quest of Kukulcan,
- Braminar, Gymnasium, Palace.
- -(474) APOLLO MISSION SIMULATOR Simulates manned lunar exploration,
- req 8087 math co/processor & (2) floppies or hard disk.
- -(428) BACKGAMMON Backgammon game with on-line help and
- instructions.
- -(538) BEYOND THE TITANIC You are standing on board the Titanic on
- her maiden voyage... Text adventure.
- -(468) BRAIN TEASERS By OPUS 25 games on disk, trivia.
- -(445) BRIDGE PAL Complete card game of bridge with full
- documentation.
- -(162) BUTTONWARE ADVENTURES Castaway and South America
- trek, written by J. Button.
- -(163) C ADVENTURE D&D type experience, written in C, can
- save games for later play.
- -(430) CARD GAMES Bridge, Canasta, Hearts and draw poker.
- -(164) CAVEQUEST Like "Temple of Aphsai".
- Especially for PC-JR computers.
- -(603) CROSSWORD CREATOR Creates and solves crosswords.
- -(165) DND VER 1.2 Like "Dungeons and Dragons".
- -(166, 379) EAMON MASTER Fantasy role playing game.
- -(439) FIVE Dice game, Can't quit this one.
- -(419) INSTANT REPLAY FOOTBALL The ultimate football
- simulation, simulation only!
- -(167) LANDING PARTY Space science fiction type adventure
- game.
- -(168) MAHJONG Oriental card game, needs CGA.
- -(454) MAROONED AGAIN You have crashed on a hostile alien
- planet... but all is not lost, text adventure.
- -(638) NEBULA/DARK CONTINENT You are a NASA explorer..,Search for King
- Solomons diamond.., Text adventure.
- -(467) NETHACK Adventure Game 512k and hard drive recommended D&D
- type game w/ many levels corridors, New!
- -(169) NEW YORK Escape from New York Adventure.
- -(170) ORIGAMI The art of Japanese paper folding, needs
- -(223) PC-CHESS Chess program for the PC needs CGA.
- -(171) PC-MUSICIAN Devise and play songs, save them to
- disk.
- -(630) PC-RR Model rail road game.
- -(172) PHRASE CRAZE VER 1.05 Like "Wheel of Fortune".
- -(173) PIANOMAN VER 3.0 Play, record & edit music.
- -(224) PINBALL RALLY Plays standard, 5 balls at a time and
- Twilight Zone, needs CGA.
- -(509) PRINCE You have just inherited the rule of a small domain...
- Text adventure.
- -(225) REFLEX POINT Needs BASIC, combat Alien invaders.
- -(431) SBS GAMES Dots, labbits & Voldrons.
- -(174) SLEUTH VER 4.1 Like "Clue" adventure.
- -(488) SUPERNOVA An adventure set in the future on a remote mining
- planet... Text adventure.
- -(414) SUPER PINBALL Games include Blackbox, Chute,
- Double, Star, and
- Zipper needs CGA.
- -(551) TEXAS HOLDEM POKER New release, fun, 1 player only.
- -(175) THE AMULET OF YENDOR D&D type game, 20 levels of
- play.
- -(176) THE GOLDEN WOMBAT OF DESTINY Discover the Forbidden
- City adventure.
- -(177, 178) TRIVIA Trivia categories Science and Nature,
- Entertainment, Sports and Recreation, Mixed.
- -(179, 180) TRIVIAL TOWERS Hard questions, Needs BASIC.
- -(587) TURBO BRIDGE Play against yourself or computer, play 1 to 4
- hands, let computer play, teaches strategy.
- --------------
- -(226) AMY'S FIRST PRIMER PC-JR Version, Six games to
- teach the basic skills to pre-reading children.
- -(449) COMPOSER Graphics based music editor! see your notes on
- the screen or print out, 1 voice on the PC, 3 on the PC-JR.
- -(227) PC-CALC JR Like PC-Calc but for the JR.
- -(228) PC-DIAL JR Like PC-DIAL but for the JR.
- -(229) PC-FILE III JR VER 3.0 Like PC-FILE III but for the
- JR.
- -(230) PC-JR EDUCATIONAL GAMES Good for ages 6-60,
- Requires BASIC
- -(231) PC-JR GAMES Combat, dungeon master, global
- thermonuclear war.
- -(555) PC-JR MISC. Modem communications program, printer spooler,
- ram disk, etc.
- -----------
- -(554) ADA-TUTOR Tutorial on ADA programming.
- -(232) A.D.A. PROLOG VER 1.91p Most advanced artificial
- language system.
- -(233) BLACKBEARD Programmers screen editor, text
- formatter, mouse driver, +more.
- -(532) BOX Screen editor, create in minuets flashy data entry
- screens, menus that would take hours with normal editors.
- -(234, 399) C TUTOR Very extensive tutorial on the C
- language.
- -(235) CHASM VER 4.09 Cheap Assembler.
- -(236, 593) CROSS ASSEMBLER FOR IBM 370 Runs on the PC/XT/AT.
- Generous debugging and erase facility.
- -(237) ESIE Expert System Inference Engine, Artificial
- intelligence.
- -(238) FIG FORTH Written for Microsoft's MACRO-86
- assembler, rather unusual programming language.
- -(239) FORGE Turbo Pascal and dBASE III programmers aid for
- screen generation.
- -(240, 241) LAXON & PERRY FORTH Assembler, editor and
- decompilier included.
- -(242) LLSQ 14 basic FORTRAN programs.
- -(478) MAE Expert system shell (artificial intelligence).
- -(424, 425) MODULA-2 TUTORIAL Tutorial on the MODULA-2
- programming language.
- -(243) MVP-FORTH Public Domain FORTH language.
- -(566) MYSTIC PASCAL Compiler, full screen editor, debugger, program
- tester.
- -(244) PASCAL COMPILER Compiler for an extended subset of
- PASCAL, good for learning.
- -(245) PASCAL MATH LIBRARY Single and double precision,
- trig, transcendental, arithmetic.
- -(246) PASCAL PROGRAMS Source code and compiled code from
- -(247, 248, 249) PASCAL TOOLS Adapted form the book
- "Software tools in PASCAL" many powerful uses.
- -(250, 251) PASCAL TUTOR Good PASCAL TUTOR and some PASCAL
- source code for the tutorials.
- -(252) PC PROFESSOR BASIC tutorial.
- -(253) POLYMATH Highly modulated and structured
- programming, on-line documentation, syntax like a HP
- programmable calculator.
- -(590) PROGRAMMERS UTILITIES For Pascal, C, converts Pascal source
- to C, 200 functions written in C and assembler.
- -(254) PTOOLS Many PASCAL routines, with source.
- -(557) QB2 TOOLS Tools for Microsoft's QuickBasic 2.0.
- -(255) RATBAS Rationalized BASIC, no line numbers, more
- structured.
- -(576) SNOBOLYT UTILITIES Many programming utilities here!
- -(256) SPA:WN Structured Programming/Wariner Diagram,
- automated code generation.
- -(257) SPL Structured Programming language, mix of
- structured BASIC with PASCAL type programming.
- -(598) T-REF Turbo-Pascal lister/cross referencing program.
- -(258) TASM VER 2.2 Assembler for 8 bit processors 8048,
- 8051 and 6502.
- implement small subset of PASCAL.
- -(426, 427) TURBO-C TUTOR Excellent tutorial on the TURBO-
- C programming language.
- -(260) UNIFORTH Sampler from Unified Software Systems,
- subset of the full professional UNIFORTH.
- -(622) V20/80386 DISSASSEMBLER Code dissasembler.
- -(560) VANILLA SOOBOL4 Programming language for non numeric
- applications.
- -(261) VISIBLE-PASCAL View the compiling as it operates,
- includes sample programs.
- -(592) WINDOW BOSS FOR C PROGRAMMING Helps you create pop up, pull
- down, status lines. Great!
- -(262) XASM Cross assembler, allows the PC to be used as a
- development tool for the Zilog Z8 group and Intel 8048, 8041
- CPUs.
- -(263) XLISP VER 1.7 Experimental programming language,
- Artificial intelligence.
- ---------------
- Periodical references, texts, books, syllabi collections.
- -(266) MAGAZINE BIBLIOGRAPHIES Reference articles on
- Amateur Radio.
- --------
- -(267) CRYPTANALYSIS HELPER Aids in the decoding of simple
- substitution aristocrat ciphers, suggests translation based
- on letter frequencies.
- -(268) ENCODE/DECODE For Electronic mail use.
- -(269) PC-CODE3 CODE4 This is geared to encrypt compiled
- files, this is the best by far. Not for export!
- -(270) THE CONFIDANT Provides two encrypting standards,
- The National Data Encryption Standard, and encryption for
- normal security use.
- ------------
- -(271, 272, 273) ANALYTICALC Database, spreadsheet, word
- processor, graphics, 18000 rows, 18000 columns.
- -(274) AS-EASY Lotus like, easy to use, on screen help.
- -(275, 276) EXPRESSCALC VER 3.12 Top notch , very similar
- to 1-2-3.
- -(458) EZ-SPREADSHEET VER 2.0 Fast and easy to learn with math,
- financial and
- business calculations built in.
- -(277) FREECALC Good spreadsheet.
- -(435) GOAL-SEEKER Use with lotus type spreadsheets to
- automatically find solutions with a reverse or backward
- search method.
- -(429) INSTA-CALC Pop up memory resident full function
- spreadsheet, math, trig, statistics, and financial
- calculations built in.
- -(464,465,466) PC-CALC+ Spreadsheet, complete 200 page manual
- every feature included, imports 123 files.
- -(279) QUBECALC Context sensitive help, macros, graph,
- nice one here!
- -(280) SIDEWRITER Allows you to print sideways, Excellent
- for 1-2-3, menu driven.
- -(281) TURBO-CALC Spreadsheet with word processor built
- in.
- ----------
- -(282) EPISTAT VER 3.3 Enter, append, edit, transform.
- -(283, 284) KWIKSTAT Scientific statistical analysis that
- is graphic oriented.
- -(285) LINPACK Linear Equation Package, requires FORTRAN
- compiler.
- -(558) PROBABILITY & STATISTICS Figures probabilities and Statistics
- up to 4 significant figures req. CGA.
- -(286, 287) SPPC VER 3.0 Interactive statistical package.
- -(288, 289) SST Helps to analyze the results of surveys
- for market researcher.
- -(471,472,473) STAT Statistical program developed by the University
- of California San Diego.
- -(520, 521, 522) STATMATE+ Statistical analysis package.
- ---------
- -(290) UTIL #1 Ram disk, IBM Character set, Printer
- buffer, screen saver, un-erase erased files, Epson utilities
- +more.
- -(291) UTIL #2 Alarm, C-Format (fast format both drives),
- fast disk, floppy disk speed up, function key template maker
- +more.
- -(292) UTIL #3 Banners, Print sideways, make secret sub-
- directories, area code finder, hard
- disk speed test (access, track to track).
- -(293) UTIL #4 Move files, color coded directory listing,
- sys speed check, Trojan horse detector, device driven system
- lock, security scramble text, bbs answering machine.
- -(294) AT-UTIL Many utilities most needed for the AT
- computer includes system slowdown for games.
- -(452) BAKERS DOZEN Spreadsheet, calendar, change file or
- directory-
- date/time, restore lost file, patch file, modify FAT. + many
- more.
- -(295) BANNER Make large banners with your Epson
- compatible graphics printer.
- -(512) BARCODE Prints barcodes up to 15 characters in length,
- single or multiple copies, sequentially numbered.
- -(296) BENCHMARK Tests all parts of your computer and
- printer.
- -(541) CMT-LABELMAKER Menu driven, help on screen label making
- program, any size label, put text wherever you want, modify, save and
- print, excellent!
- -(459) CPM-EMULATOR Lets your PC- run some CPM programs.
- -(490) DOC MASTER Tools for printing or viewing on disk ASCII
- files, Allows page formatting, margin and line per page.
- -(496) DCOPY Fast efficient copy program to copy files by creation
- or revision date.
- -(601) DESK COMMANDO For hard disks, Optimize, un-erase files,
- destroy data, rebuild a file from bad sectors, edit .com .exe files +
- many more.
- -(535) DISK COMMANDO For hard disks/ like Norton.
- -(404) DISK LABEL Labels diskettes in many ways, prints
- disk jackets, or inserts.
- -(420) DISK NAVIGATOR DOS shell with excellent features
- for hard drives, too many to list.
- -(297) DISK SPOOL VER 4.0 Spools data to disk file rather
- than printer.
- -(298) DOSAMATIC Task switching program allows the
- management of several programs at the same time.
- -(299, 300) DOS EXTENSIONS Adds various twists to DOS
- commands making them much more manageable.
- -(631) D'SCOPE Watches data travel through RS232 ports, keeps an eye on
- everything transmitted and received, req 2 RS232 ports up to 9600 baud.
- -(301) EGA UTIL #1 sets up 43 line text mode, Nansi.sys,
- change EGA color palettes easily, new text fonts, smooth
- scrolling +more.
- -(302) EGA UTIL #2 EGA screen blank, EGA support for Turbo
- Pascal, save EGA screen to disk for later view, +more.
- -(303) EXTENDED BATCH LANGUAGE Provides for better batch
- command processing like batch files that prompt the user for
- responses.
- -(437) EXTENDED DOS Another by Button! provides many
- useful extensions of many DOS commands.
- -(513) FANCY LABEL Excellent for disk or mailing labels, multiple
- copies, single double compressed or double compressed printing.
- -(304) FAST COPY Many disk copying programs designed to
- speed up the disk duplication process.
- -(305, 306) FANSI-CONSOLE Replaces standard console
- drivers and extends the ROM BIOS.
- -(307) FINDFILE Menu driven, tree display, finds files in
- sub directories quickly.
- -(308) GINACO Many utilities, word processing, note pad,
- label, printer control +more.
- -(540) GRAB+ Ver 4.5 Menu driven Laserjet+, II & Compatible envelope
- printer, prints return address if wanted, very professional, memory
- resident mode.
- -(625, 626) HAM-UTIL Code, antenna locations, realtime satellite tracking. +
- more.
- -(309) IMAGEPRINT Built in formatting, micro-justification,
- supports embedded \ commands, gives you letter quality from your dot
- matrix printer.
- -(453) LIST Printer utils. include auto pagination, page
- numbering, titling, headers, footers and others.
- -(391) LOCATE Scans disk and builds indexes, sort by key-
- word returns full path to files.
- -(388) LQ Letter quality print from your Epson compatible
- in several fonts including Courier, Greek, Helvetica, Roman,
- can be used stand alone or memory resident.
- -(310) MASTER KEY Similar to Norton utilities, super easy
- to use edit, erase, un-erase, duplicate file search +more.
- -(400) MONO Lets B&W monitors w/herc card run most color
- programs.
- -(460) NEWKEY Lets you re-configure your Alt + any other
- key to perform any sequence of multiple key strokes.
- -(311) OPTIMIZE Many utilities for optimizing hard drives.
- -(312) PACKDISK Deletes sub-directory and files, renames
- directory, eliminates file fragmentation,.
- -(313) PC-FONT Prints 243 of PC's 256 characters,
- configure printer without elusive control codes. menu driven
- for Epson, Panasonic, and compatible printers.
- -(314) PC-ZAP Allows the easy modification of DOS files
- without using DEBUG.
- -(455) RESICALC Pop up full function memory resident
- calculator.
- -(315) SCREEN AND PRINTER UTILITIES Many files on this
- one!
- -(602) SEEKEASY V5.0 Flexible match information retrieval program.
- -(533) SHORTCUT DOS commands menu driven, info on your system.
- -(316) SPACEMAKER The most powerful file compression
- around includes PKARC and ARC both versions, will compress
- files 10-90%.
- -(392) SQUEEZE PRINT Menu driven, saves paper, many
- choices of print features like no blank lines.
- -(317) STILL RIVER SHELL DOS shell to aid the
- inexperienced user in dos commands.
- -(318) SUNDRY DOS UTILITIES Copies ROM programs to disk,
- checks ports, change cursor size and shape.
- -(505) THE WEAK LINK (505) Similar to Brooklyn bridge for file
- transfer between 5 1/4" & 3 1/2" machines, backing hard drive up
- completely to another machine, supports file x-fer at up to 115k
- baud.
- -(319) ULTRA-UTILITIES Un-erase files, modify files +
- more.
- -(623, 624) UNPROTECT Many ways to unprotect many different programs and
- make
- back-ups of copy protected software.
- -(611, 612, 613, 614) VGA-DEMO Many VGA graphic demo's
- -(615, 616, 617) VGA-DEMO Many VGA graphic demo's
- ----------------------------------
- -(634) CITY DESK Desktop publishing program.
- -(321) EDIT General purpose text editor.
- -(503, 504) ESL-WRITER Designed for students, help on commands,
- punctuation, grammar, and revision.
- -(322, 323) EZ READER Full function text reader w/ all
- kinds of bells and whistles to make reading long files easier
- and more fun.
- -(324) ET-SPELL Good spelling checker for ASCII files,
- customizable.
- -(325) FREEWORD Menu driven easy to use, typewriter mode,
- search and replace, automatic formatting, justification.
- -(326) GALAXY Easy to use great for letters and simple
- manuscripts, WordStar compatible.
- -(620) HP-FONTS Centrum, Garamet, Helv, Optima, download uitl + more.
- -(621) HP-FONTS Barcodes, envelopes, lotus fonts, PC-Paintbrush/Laser Jet x-
- fer, Optimus, Roman.
- -(542) HP-LASERJET Several downloadable fonts, & Glyphix demo.
- -(433) LETTERWRITER An electronic address book, print
- letters with mail merge, address envelopes, very user
- friendly.
- -(632) MAX Freeware text editor.
- -(608) MAXI MAX 59 Macros for Word Perfect, plenty of great time
- saving features, 11 boiler plate memoranda forms.
- -(442) MEMOIRS A private diary with excellent features
- such as encrypting as you type, built in help and menu
- driven.
- -(327) NEW YORK WORD VER 2.2 Very powerful, spelling
- checker, macros, automatic hyphenation, mail merge, automatic
- table of contents and index generation, split screen and
- columns, calculator.
- -(328) PAGEONE This one emphasizes print formatting, menu
- driven from screen commands.
- -(329) PC-OUTLINE Like Thinktank, great for outlining.
- -(330) PC-STYLE Another by Button, this one analyzes ASCII
- files (text) for personal tone, readability, action.
- -(331, 332, 333) PC-TYPE+ 100,000 word spelling checker,
- automatic un erase lines accidentally erased, on-line help,
- mail-merge.
- -(334, 335) PC-WRITE VER 2.71 Very powerful, easy to use,
- on-line help, split screen editing +much more, 50,000 word
- spelling checker.
- -(640) PC-WRITE DCA DATA X-FER Simple DCA data x-fer to and from PC-WRITE.
- -(639) PC-WRITE LASER FONT SELECTOR Simple font selector for PC-WRITE.
- -(477) PROINDEX File indexing utility automatically marks from a
- list of words.
- -(336) SCREENWRIGHT For use in plays, text utilities to
- count words, create indexes.
- -(645) WORDSTAR AIDS Keyboard redefinition, printer, patches, color, editing
- features.
- -(443) WRITERS HEAVEN Transforms PC-WRITE into the fastest
- and most efficient editing tool around.
- -(337) ZURI Word processor for the person who forgets
- commands easily, on screen help.
- -------------------------
- -(339, 340) ASTROSOFT EPHEMERIS Great for astronomy,
- provides info on objects in the solar system, and sky
- catalogue program.
- -(415) BIO-RYTHEM Several different programs on this disk.
- -(341) BOWLING LEAGUE SECRETARY Bunch of programs needed
- to manage a league properly.
- -(507) BOWLING LEAGUE SECRETARY All new and updated!
- -(499) CAMBRIDGE HANDICAPPER A powerful sophisticated tool to
- handicap thoroughbred horses quickly and easily.
- -(570) DECISION ANALYSIS SYSTEM Helps to decide which course of
- action to take.
- -(516, 517) DEEP SPACE Let's you see star chart on screen & print
- out. Also find planets easily, needs CGA to view on screen.
- -(469) DO IT YOURSELF PROMO KIT Why send a card when you can send a
- greeting disk playing music and displaying pictures.
- -(344, 345, 346) FARM MANAGEMENT Assorted agricultural
- programs for Farm management.
- -(572) FLIGHT PLANNING List up to 20 waypoints, it lists longitude,
- latitude, magnetic variation, magnetic course, distances and elapsed
- time.
- -(416) FONEWORD Breaks phone #'s into all possible names,
- also program to turn names into anagrams.
- -(508) FOOTBALL POOL MGR. Menu driven and easy to use.
- -(347) FREEWILL California Legislature approved in 1983
- fill in the blank design, includes two different forms, and
- the California Civil code that covers the forms.
- -(591) GIFTS Finally help to find gifts for people who have
- everything!
- -(348) GOLF SCORECARD Menu-driven, needs BASIC.
- -(597) GREETINGWARE Christmas card on disk, plays 6 Christmas songs
- in which you can sing along, puts the words on the screen for ease of
- learning.
- -(349) HEALTH RISK Great for showing approximate health
- risks, from The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta.
- -(351) INSULTS Practical jokes for the PC.
- -(418) LIFEFORMS Creates forms of pseudo-life on your
- color monitor.
- -(405) LOTTO For the 6/49 type games, keeps track of
- previous #'s and generates lists of #'s to try.
- -(352) MEALMATE Targeted for the Diabetic.
- -(355) MUSE Excellent for authors and agents for keeping
- track of business.
- -(358) PC-FOIL Used to prepare good overhead transparencies.
- -(359) PC-GOLF VER 1.5 Analyses your golf game.
- -(360) PC-SPRINT Instructions to speed up your pc for $25-
- 50.00, can double system performance.
- -(361) REFLIST Good for making lists of reference material
- used, footnotes, bibliographies, menu-driven.
- -(524, 525) STAR CATALOG Catalogs 1700 local stars and planets,
- gives general coordinates, facts about planets and asteroids.
- -(362) TALKER Make your computer speak to you, create
- batch files to greet you at power-on, speak time of day.
- -(363) TELISOLAR Gives the user the tools to judge the
- cost effectiveness for solar conversions, menu driven.
- -(609) TENANTS RIGHTS California landlord/tenant law, Req. CGA.
- -(364, 365, 366) THE WORLD DIGITIZED Compilation of over
- 100,000 points of latitude and longitude, arranged by
- continent.
- -(561) VIRTUAL LIBRARY Book on disk of the electronic library of the
- future!
- -(368, 369) WALMYR Interactive computer aided learning,
- for social workers, psychologists, university instructors.
- -(637) WORLD TIME Displays map of the world & all time zones, time in major
- cities.
- -------------------
- -(417) BONZOWARE A milti faceted entertainment package for adults.
- -(641) PORNO SHOW I Animated Fun.
- -(642) PORNO SHOW II Animated Fun.
- -(643) STRIP POKER Cards Anyone!
- The following Girls disks will work on CGA with a dot-matrix
- printer, you may then view or print out these nude pinups.
- Please note: There are many pinups on each disk.
- -(646) GIRLS #1
- -(647) GIRLS #2
- -(648) GIRLS #3
- -(649) GIRLS #4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------NEW LISTINGS------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- We now sell bulk disks with a software order, (25) DS/DD 5 1/4" disks w/Tyvek
- jackets for $12.50 + an additional $1.00 S/H!
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------ORDERING INFORMATION---------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- Order By Mail: Send $1.99 Per 5 1/4" Disk
- Send $2.99 Per 3 1/2" Disk
- CA. RES. ADD 6.5%
- + $2.00 S/H Per order in CA. or
- + $3.00 S/H per order outside CA.
- Or
- Call For C.O.D.: There is a $3.00 C.O.D. Charge in addition
- to the above. (213) 285-3142
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- List Programs Wanted Here! Please Use Disk Numbers!
- Example: PC-TYPE+ (331,332,333) is three Disks! And would be
- ordered by listing 331 332 333 on the order form.
- _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
- _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
- _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
- _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
- _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
- Use Additional Paper if Needed!
- 5 1/4" 360k Disks $1.99 each
- 3 1/2" 720k Disks $2.99 each
- # of Disks_____x Price Per Disk_______=$________
- CA. RES. ADD 6.5%=$________
- in CA. Ship & Hand +$ 2.00
- Outside CA. Ship & Hand +$ 3.00=$________
- $3.00 C.O.D. if Applicable +$________
- All orders outside the U.S.A. Add $10.00 Extra S/H+$________
- (Must use funds drawn on a U.S.A. Bank)
- Please make check or money order for TOTAL$________
- Please Make Ck or M.O. Payable
- to G.E.B.
- Mail order to---------->G.E.B.
- 1626 N. Wilcox Ave. #922
- Hollywood, CA. 90028
- (213) 285-3142
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- We now sell bulk disks with a software order, (25) DS/DD 5 1/4" disks w/Tyvek
- jackets for $12.50 + an additional $1.00 S/H!
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------ORDERING INFORMATION---------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- Order By Mail: Send $1.99 Per 5 1/4" Disk
- Send $2.99 Per 3 1/2" Disk
- CA. RES. ADD 6.5%
- + $2.00 S/H Per order in CA. or
- + $3.00 S/H per order outside CA.
- Or
- Call For C.O.D.: There is a $3.00 C.O.D. Charge in addition
- to the above. (213) 285-3142
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- List Programs Wanted Here! Please Use Disk Numbers!
- Example: PC-TYPE+ (331,332,333) is three Disks! And would be
- ordered by listing 331 332 333 on the order form.
- _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
- _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
- _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
- _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
- _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
- Use Additional Paper if Needed!
- 5 1/4" 360k Disks $1.99 each
- 3 1/2" 720k Disks $2.99 each
- # of Disks_____x Price Per Disk_______=$________
- CA. RES. ADD 6.5%=$________
- in CA. Ship & Hand +$ 2.00
- Outside CA. Ship & Hand +$ 3.00=$________
- $3.00 C.O.D. if Applicable +$________
- All orders outside the U.S.A. Add $10.00 Extra S/H+$________
- (Must use funds drawn on a U.S.A. Bank)
- Please make check or money order for TOTAL$________
- Please Make Ck or M.O. Payable
- to G.E.B.
- Mail order to---------->G.E.B.
- 1626 N. Wilcox Ave. #922
- Hollywood, CA. 90028
- (213) 285-3142