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- ----------------------------------------
- I I
- I I
- I Version 2.0 I
- I I
- I A Musical Learning Game for the I
- I IBM Personal Computer I
- I I
- ----------------------------------------
- February 26, 1987
- Courtney E. Krehbiel
- 199 N. El Camino Real, Suite F175
- Encinitas, CA 92024
- Copyright (c) 1987 Courtney E. Krehbiel All Rights Reserved
- ---------
- This program and manual are copyright (C) 1986 by Courtney E.
- Krehbiel. All rights reserved. Non-registered users, public
- domain librarys, and computer software clubs are granted a
- limited license to use this product on a trial basis, and to copy
- the program for trial use by others subject to the following
- limitations:
- The program is distributed in unmodified form, complete with
- all programs and documentation.
- No fee, charge or other consideration is requested or
- accepted other than by C. E. Krehbiel with one exception.
- Public domain software libraries are entitled to charge a
- maximum of $6 per distribution diskette to defray their
- costs of copying and mailing.
- The program is not distributed in conjunction with any other
- product without the written permission of the author.
- If you intend to use ABC FUN KEYS on a regular basis, please
- register and show your support for the author and his family.
- Commercial, educational, business or governmental use is
- prohibited without the express written permission of the author.
- Registration fees for such uses are extremely reasonable. Please
- write for details.
- A registration form is contained in Appendix A at the end of this
- manual. We appreciate your support. Please register.
- Copyright (c) 1987 C. E. Krehbiel Page 2
- ABC FUN KEYS Registration
- ------------
- User feedback is an integral part of any successful software
- program. Please share your impression of ABC FUN KEYS by writing
- us a message when you register. Any comments or suggestions you
- care to pass along will help us improve the program and enhance
- the enjoyment of other children who may use it.
- When registering, PLEASE include the serial number of your
- program so that we can properly assign commission credit. See
- following page for details on our commission plan to assist us
- with program distribution.
- ABC FUN KEYS is distributed as User-Supported Software. We
- encourage you to try the program and share it with friends as
- long as:
- The program is distributed complete and unchanged,
- accompanied by the documentation.
- No fee, charge or compensation is requested or received
- except by C.E. Krehbiel.
- ABC FUN KEYS is not distributed in conjunction with any
- other product.
- If you use our program on a regular basis, please show your
- support by registering. You may register by sending a check or
- money order for at least $10 to:
- Courtney E. Krehbiel
- 199 N. El Camino Real, Suite F175
- Encinitas, CA 92024
- See the following page for a discussion of registration benefits
- including our commission plan for assistance with program
- distribution. Appendix A contains a registration form to assist
- you with registration information.
- Copyright (c) 1987 C. E. Krehbiel Page 3
- ABC FUN KEYS Registration
- ---------------------
- $10 Registration Contribution
- -----------------------------
- For the $10 registration, users will receive our thanks and
- appreciation plus the following benefits:
- - All registered owners will receive notification of any
- major updates of ABC FUN KEYS.
- - All registered owners will also receive the ability to
- place their name as registered owners in the Initial
- Window display and the Registration Window display.
- Most important, you will receive a good conscience and the
- knowledge that your fairness and honesty are setting a good
- example for your children. A program of this magnitude requires
- many many hundreds of hours to write and illustrate. By
- registering and showing your support, the author and others are
- motivated to improve existing programs and provide others via the
- User-Supported Software distribution method.
- Program disks are not included in the $10 registration fee.
- $20 Registration Contribution
- -----------------------------
- For a $20 registration, you will receive all the benefits listed
- above plus the following:
- - All contributors at this level will receive a floppy disk
- with the latest program revision and picture files for the
- number keys 0 through 9.
- - Your program disk will contain a serial number assigned
- only to you which can not be changed by other users. You
- will receive a 20% commission on all registration proceeds
- generated from your serialized program.
- This commission plan is to reward you for for your assistance in
- distributing the program to friends and bulletin board systems
- and encouraging other users to register.
- The author maintains a database of registered users, serial
- numbers, and commission credits. Commission credit is only
- accrued to registered serial numbers since all contributors
- receive the ability to upgrade the program with their name.
- Therefore, PLEASE include the serial number of your disk when
- registering so commission credit can be properly assigned.
- Commission payments will be made every six months in June and
- December or whenever a commission account exceeds $20.
- Copyright (c) 1987 C. E. Krehbiel Page 4
- ABC FUN KEYS User Supported Software
- -----------------------
- User-supported software is a means for the computing community to
- receive quality software while directly supporting software
- authors. It is based on the ideas that:
- The value and utility of software is best assessed by
- the user on his or her own system. Only after using a
- program can one really determine whether it serves
- personal applications, needs and tastes.
- The creation of independent personal computer software
- can and should be supported by the computing community.
- Copying of programs should be encouraged, rather than
- restricted. The ease with which software can be
- distributed outside traditional commercial channels
- reflects the strength, rather than the weakness, of
- electronic information.
- Under the user supported concept, anyone may request a copy of a
- user-supported program by sending a blank, formatted disk to the
- program author together with an addressed, postage-paid return
- mailer. A copy of the program, along with documentation, will be
- sent by return mail on the user's disk.
- The program carries a notice suggesting registration for the
- program. Registration is voluntary on your part.
- Regardless of whether you register, you are encouraged to copy
- and distribute the program for the private, non-commercial use of
- others.
- Copyright (c) 1987 C. E. Krehbiel Page 5
- ABC FUN KEYS Computer System Requirements
- ---------------------------------------------
- In order to run ABC FUN KEYS, you must have at least the
- following minimum level of equipment:
- An IBM Personal Computer or compatible with:
- - 128 K RAM or more
- - 1 double sided disk drive
- - PC-DOS Ver. 2.0 or later
- - Color graphics display card
- - Monochrome monitor
- Recommended additions include:
- - 512 K RAM
- - RAM disk software
- - Color monitor
- By storing the picture and music files on a floppy disk simulated
- in RAM (RAM disk), the speed and keyboard responsiveness of the
- program are substantially improved.
- -------------------------------------
- ABC.EXE -- The main ABC program in executable file format.
- ABC.DOC -- This users manual.
- A.SPF thru
- Z.SPF -- "Scrunched picture files" that will be loaded and
- displayed by the ABC program.
- SONG1.SNG thru
- SONG26.SNG -- Musical song files that will be loaded and played
- by the ABC program.
- SCRUNCH.EXE - A program to create the .SPF files from picture
- files generated with Mouse System's PC Paint
- program.
- Copyright (c) 1987 C. E. Krehbiel Page 6
- ABC FUN KEYS Introduction
- ------------
- ABC FUN KEYS is a learning program designed to introduce a child
- from the ages of 2 to 5 years to the concept of letters, the
- alphabet, and computer keyboards. The program has been designed
- around colorful, full screen pictures and familiar nursery rhyme
- melodies to make learning as enjoyable and stimulating as
- possible.
- The program consists of four related learning games and several
- game options structured around the alphabet. Both the pictures
- and musical scores have been developed on commercially available
- editors and can be easily expanded or changed by interested
- parties.
- Due to the age of the intended user, it is recommended that an
- adult supervise the operation of this program.
- Copyright (c) 1987 C. E. Krehbiel Page 7
- ABC FUN KEYS Game Descriptions
- -----------------
- ABC FUN KEYS contains four slightly different learning games. At
- the beginning of the session, one game can be selected. During
- the course of play, the selection can be changed without re-
- starting the program.
- In the first three game types, a menu of picture files
- representing the alphabet is presented. The entire alphabet may
- be selected, or portions may be chosen for special learning
- emphasis. Letters may be selected in any order, usually
- alphabetical.
- Once the game has been started, a letter and picture are
- displayed on the monitor. The child must press the corresponding
- letter on the keyboard. When successful, a short musical piece
- selected at random is played and the colors in the picture flash.
- This is repeated until all the selected letters have been used
- whereupon the picture selection begins to repeat.
- The first three learning games follow the process described above
- with the following differences:
- Game One - Normal: The selected letters are displayed in
- the order selected. The keyboard is always live and
- incorrect key choices are greeted with a buzz.
- Game Two - PlusKey: The selected letters are displayed in
- the order selected. The keyboard is "locked out" until
- the "+" key on the far right side of the keyboard has
- been pressed. After this key has been depressed, the
- keyboard is live until the next picture is displayed.
- The "+" key "lock out" feature allows an adult
- supervisor to discreetly moderate the pace of the game
- and elicit verbal responses from the child.
- Game Three - Random: The selected letters are displayed in
- random order until all letters have been used. The
- keyboard is always live.
- Game Four - Display: The fourth learning game allows the
- child to press a key on the keyboard and the computer
- will respond by displaying a picture of the letter and
- an associated item. The picture is displayed for the
- duration of a nursery rhyme melody.
- Copyright (c) 1987 C. E. Krehbiel Page 8
- ABC FUN KEYS Starting Play
- -----------------
- 1. Turn on the computer with a copy of your IBM DOS diskette in
- disk drive A.
- 2. If the DOS program asks you for the date and time, press the
- "return" key twice. The date and time are not needed for
- this program.
- 3. At this time, the display should contain the DOS prompt...
- A>
- 4. Remove the IBM DOS diskette from disk drive A and insert
- your copy of ABC FUN KEYS into disk drive A.
- 5. Enter the following command after the DOS prompt...
- ABC A:
- and then strike the "return" key.
- 6. Disk drive A will be activated and the opening windows for
- ABC FUN KEYS will be displayed.
- 7. Select any of the game variations by pressing any key until
- the window for the desired game is displayed. Press the
- "Esc" key to begin select that game.
- 8. If game 4 has been selected, it begins immediately and the
- child is instructed to press a key by a soft beep.
- 9. If games 1 through 3 have been selected, an alphabetical
- listing of the available ABC pictures is presented.
- 10. The letters of the alphabet and corresponding pictures can
- be highlighted by using the "arrow" keys in the numeric
- keypad to highlight the desired letter. To select the
- highlighted letter for game play, press the space bar.
- 11. Repeat step 10 to select as many pictures as desired.
- Pictures can be selected in any order. The order of
- selection is the order in which the pictures will appear for
- games 1 and 2.
- 12. Note that if it is desired to select all the pictures in
- alphabetical order, it is merely necessary to press the
- "Ctrl" and "A" keys simultaneously. (A for "all")
- 13. Once all the desired pictures have been selected, press the
- "Esc" key in the upper left corner of the keyboard to begin
- the game.
- Copyright (c) 1987 C. E. Krehbiel Page 9
- ABC FUN KEYS Game Features
- -------------
- 1. It is usually possible to restart the game from the beginning
- menu selection by pressing "Ctrl" "Home". (Press both keys
- simultaneously.) This is available whenever the program is
- waiting for a user keystroke.
- 2. Press "Ctrl" "End" to end the game and return to the DOS
- prompt.
- 3. A "flashcard" mode is available in games 1 through 3. To
- enter the flashcard mode, press the "Scroll Lock" key in the
- upper right hand corner of the keyboard. The length of the
- flashcard duration can be adjusted by pressing the "up arrow"
- key to speed up the rate and the "down arrow" key to slow
- down the rate. The flashcard mode can be stopped by pressing
- the "Scroll Lock" key once again.
- Note that the flashcard rate is dependent upon the speed of
- the disk drive and can not be increased beyond a certain
- point. Use of a ram-disk can significantly improve the
- performance of the program in this mode.
- 4. In some instances it may be desirable to eliminate the song
- which is played with each successful keystroke. This mode
- can be selected by pressing the "Num Lock" key. While in
- this mode, songs are inhibited and only a cheerful "Ta-Da"
- note is played. Operation can be restored to normal by once
- again pressing the "Num Lock" key.
- Copyright (c) 1987 C. E. Krehbiel Page 10
- ABC FUN KEYS Advanced Features
- ----------------------------------
- The use of a simulated floppy disk drive in RAM memory (commonly
- called a RAM Disk) can greatly speed up the rate at which the ABC
- program retrieves picture and music files. This makes the game's
- operation seem instantaneous. Due to the size of each picture,
- it is not possible to make everything memory resident except on
- fully equipped computers.
- To speed up the program in this way requires ram-disk software
- such as AST Research's SuperDrive program which is not included
- with this program. 512K of RAM is recommended.
- Using the ram-disk software, create the electronic disk drive.
- Label the disk drive C:.
- Copy the picture and music files from the game disk to the
- electronic disk by issuing the following commands...
- COPY a:*.spf c: (press "return")
- COPY a:*.sng c: (press "return")
- Begin the ABC FUN KEYS game by typing...
- ABC C: (press "return")
- Note that using the program command "C:" following the call for
- the ABC program instructs the program to look for picture and
- song files on the electronic disk, C:. Picture and song files
- can be retrieved from any valid disk drive by changing this drive
- designation. If no drive designation is specified, the program
- assumes the current disk drive.
- -----------------------------------
- Using ABC FUN KEYS with a hard disk is similar to the operation
- of the program with a RAM disk except that complete drive AND
- path information must be provided at the program entry. For
- example, suppose the program ABC is located in a subdirectory
- called "\games" off of the root directory. To avoid cluttering
- up the games directory with the song and picture files, you may
- have placed them in the directory "\games\picsong". Your hard
- disk drive is drive C:. To start the game you would type...
- CD \GAMES <Return>
- Note that the ABC game must always receive drive information.
- Any necessary path information to the picture and song files must
- follow the drive specification.
- Copyright (c) 1987 C. E. Krehbiel Page 11
- ABC FUN KEYS Advanced Features
- -----------------------------------
- The picture files are labeled ".spf" which stands for "scrunched
- picture file". The picture files can be created by using the PC
- Paint program and mouse from Mouse Systems. Once the picture has
- been drawn with the PC Paint program, it must be "scrunched" for
- use with ABC FUN KEYS. The program SCRUNCH.EXE has been included
- on the game diskette for this purpose. The program is reasonably
- self prompting.
- The music files are labeled ".sng" for song file. ABC FUN KEYS
- can use up to 26 music files on the disk labeled SONG1.SNG
- through SONG26.SNG. These music files can be changed or created
- by using the PC MUSICIAN program written by Christopher Wiley.
- This program is a musical composition program for the IBM
- Personal Computer and is distributed on a User-Supported Software
- basis by Christopher Wiley, Box 111, VAMC, Prescott, AZ 86313. A
- contribution of $20 is suggested for PC MUSICIAN.
- Any assistance with either musical scores or pictures is
- gratefully accepted. The author is neither an artist nor
- composer.
- Copyright (c) 1987 C. E. Krehbiel Page 12
- ABC FUN KEYS Appendix A -- Registration Form
- We have included the following registration form to make sure
- that you remember to provide us with all the necessary
- information. Please help us by using this form. THANK YOU!
- Make check Courtney E. Krehbiel Order Form
- payable to: 199 N. El Camino Real, Suite F175
- Encinitas, CA 92024
- ============================================================
- Date:
- ============================================================
- Quan Description Unit Extended
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- | | |
- | ABC FUN KEYS Registration | $10.00 | $
- -----| (Registration certificate | |
- | but does not include disk.) | |
- | | |
- | ABC FUN KEYS Super Registration | $20.00 | $
- -----| (Current version, manual on | |
- | disk, number files, and | |
- | unique serial number for | |
- | the distribution commission | |
- | plan.) | |
- | | |
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Subtotal: $
- (CA residents please add 6% sales tax) Tax: $
- Total: $
- Payment by: ( ) Check ( ) Money Order
- Name: ................................................
- Addr: ................................................
- ................................................
- City: ................................................
- State: .................... Zip Code: ...............
- ============================================================
- * * * * * * * * * * * * IMPORTANT * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- Serial Number of Your Current Program: S/N .................
- ============================================================
- Note: The serial number can be found at the top of the
- information window behind the "Thank You" window.
- Copyright (c) 1987 C. E. Krehbiel Page 13
- ABC FUN KEYS Appendix A -- Registration Form
- Copyright (c) 1987 C. E. Krehbiel Page 14