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- Introduction to BASIC
- |BASIC~ is one of many computer |languages~. The name BASIC is short for
- |B~eginner's |A~ll-purpose |S~ymbolic |I~nstruction |C~ode. Because it is one of the
- easiest computer languages to learn and master, BASIC has become the most
- popular language for the computer novice.
- BASIC consists of |statements~, |commands~ and |functions~. These are
- English words which have special meaning to the computer. BASIC |programs~ are
- simply many statements, commands and functions grouped together to perform a
- specific task.
- In the following chapters, new statements, commands and functions will
- be introduced to you one at a time. You then will be given a chance to try
- them out and see them in action. |The most important thing to remember is to~
- |try each one out~. Don't worry about making mistakes, you won't hurt the
- computer's feelings. If you do make a mistake, the computer will tell you so.
- If this happens, just try again, a little differently the second time.
- Remember to press |F2~ when you are ready to continue.
- -----
- The PRINT Statement
- The first thing we need to learn is how to make the computer write
- something on the screen. This is done with a |PRINT~ statement. The PRINT
- statement tells the computer to write on the screen whatever you put after the
- |PRINT 5~ 5
- If you want the computer to write the answer to a math problem, put the
- problem after the PRINT.
- |PRINT 3+2~ 5
- Now try both of the above examples, by typing what is |under~ the words
- |YOU TYPE~ and pressing the |return~ key. Then remember to press |F2~ to continue.
- -----
- The PRINT Statement (continued)
- If you want the computer to print words on the screen, you have to
- enclose the words in quotes (|" "~).
- |PRINT "Whatever comes to mind."~ Whatever comes to mind.
- If you want the computer to print both words and the answer to a math
- problem, you must separate the two with either a comma (|,~) or a semi-colon (|;~).
- |PRINT "The answer to 3+2 is";3+2~ The answer to 3+2 is 5
- |PRINT "The answer to 3+2 is",3+2~ The answer to 3+2 is 5
- The difference between using the comma and the semi-colon is the amount
- of space the computer leaves between items it prints. Now try the three
- examples above by typing what is under the words |YOU TYPE~.
- (In IBM BASIC you may omit the semi-colon, but many versions require its use.)
- -----
- Variable
- The next thing you need to understand is a |variable~. A variable is a
- symbol (usually a letter of the alphabet) that is used to represent a number.
- A variable can represents various values. They are extremely important when
- programming a computer. Here is how a variable works:
- In the algebraic expression
- |9=X+3~,
- |X~ is the variable. For the expression |9=X+3~ to be true, the value of |X~
- must be |6~ (because |9~ and |6+3~ are equal).
- In the expression
- |SUM=A+B~,
- |SUM~, |A~ and |B~ are variables. |A~ and |B~ may have any values, and the
- variable |SUM~ is the total of those values.
- -----
- Variable (continued)
- As you can see, a variable name may be more than one letter of the
- alphabet. In fact, it can be upto 40 |characters~. The first character of the
- variable must be a letter, but the next 39 can be either letters or numerals.
- There are many |reserved words~ that can not be used as variable names. A list
- of those words can be found by looking up |reserved words~ in your IBM BASIC
- manual.
- Listed are invalid variable names and reasons why they are invalid.
- |FAT@~ - All characters must be letters or numerals, |@~ is neither.
- |2TALL~ - The first character must be a letter, |2~ is a numeral.
- |PRINT~ - |PRINT~ is a reserved word, as are all BASIC statements.
- It is a good idea to make variable names as descriptive as possible.
- If you want to write a program that averages two numbers, use the variable
- names |AVERAGE~, |NUM1~ and |NUM2~. This helps you to identify what the variables
- are used for, but it doesn't help the computer. A variable name directs the
- computer to a place in its memory where the value of that variable is stored.
- -----
- LET Statement
- The |LET~ statement assigns an expression to a variable. In IBM BASIC,
- the word LET is optional. The equal sign is sufficient as in the following
- examples:
- |LET A=3~ or |A=3~
- In both of these statements, the value |3~ is assigned to the variable |A~.
- |LET SUM=A+B~ or |SUM=A+B~
- Here, the sum of the variables |A~ and |B~ is assigned to the variable |SUM~.
- |LET K=K+1~ or |K=K+1~
- In algebra the expression |K=K+1~ would be false (how can a number be
- equal to itself plus 1?). But in BASIC this means that the |new~ value of |K~ will
- be set equal to the |old~ value of |K~ plus |1~.
- -----
- PRINT and LET Statements
- Until a variable has been assigned a value (by using a LET statement),
- it will be equal to zero. If you use a variable in a PRINT statement, the
- value of the variable will be PRINTed, and not the variable name. Type in the
- following five lines to see how the PRINT and LET statements work together.
- |LET NUM1=45~
- |LET NUM2=5~
- |PRINT "The sum of";NUM1;"and";NUM2;"is";SUM~
- -----
- Line numbers
- As you learned earlier, a program is a group of statements. In order
- for the computer to remember, organize and execute the statements in a program,
- each statement must have a |line number~. The computer performs each
- statement in the order of its line number.
- In the following statements
- |10~ PRINT 3+2
- |20~ PRINT 3+3
- |10~ and |20~ are line numbers.
- -----
- LIST Command
- Typing |LIST~ and pressing return will print the program currently in
- memory. Type the following program and then type |LIST~ and press return.
- |10 PRINT 3+2~
- |20 PRINT 3+3~
- |30 PRINT 3+4~
- |40 PRINT 3+5~
- -----
- LIST Command (continued)
- The computer normally executes the program in numerical order beginning
- with the lowest numbered line. If you want to put the statement |PRINT 3+1~
- before line |10~, then assign it a line number less than 10.
- Type in the following:
- |10 PRINT 3+2~
- |20 PRINT 3+3~
- |30 PRINT 3+4~
- |40 PRINT 3+5~
- |5 PRINT 3+1~
- Now type |LIST~ and press return. The LIST command will display the
- program in numerical order. Conventionally, programs are given line numbers in
- increments of 10. The computer will |re-number~ the lines for you if you type
- the word |RENUM~ and press return. Try this out and then |LIST~ the program
- again to see what happens.
- -----
- RUN Command
- The |RUN~ command executes your program. When you typed in PRINT 3+2
- earlier and pressed return, the computer executed the PRINT immediately. Now
- when you place a line number before a statement, the computer places that
- statement in its memory and waits for a RUN command to execute the program.
- Type in the following, type |RUN~ and press return.
- |10 PRINT 3+1~
- |20 PRINT 3+2~
- |30 PRINT 3+3~
- |40 PRINT 3+4;~
- |50 PRINT 3+5~
- (Note that the semi-colon keeps the |8~ on the same line as the |7~.)
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- End of Lesson One
- This is the end of lesson one. Review the statements and commands
- you've covered in this lesson before going on. BASIC is an easy language to
- learn, but you shouldn't try to learn everything at once. Take some time to
- play with what you've learned before beginning lesson two.
- If you are using the BASIC Prof, |The PC-Prof.~
- let me know who you are! Send your name |P.O. Box 26~
- and address to: |Salina, Kansas~
- |67402-0026~
- If you like the Prof, include a contribution ($30 - $50 suggested) to
- help support development of additional volumes. Please copy and share the
- Prof. with other IBM P.C. users.
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