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- These are versions 2.O1 of
- They consist of the following 5O files:
- README.DOC This document.
- README.EXE Used to read README.DOC directly.
- RURCI.EXE The "R U Ready for Calculus I ?" main program.
- RURBC.EXE The "R U Ready for Business Calculus ?" main program.
- RUNME.BAT Used to run either RURCI or RURBC (optional).
- GETKEY.COM Used by RUNME.BAT to accept input to a batch file.
- INSTRCI.DOC Instructions for RURCI (can be read from RURCI).
- INSTRBC.DOC Instructions for RURBC (can be read from RURBC).
- CREDITS.DOC Acknowledgments of help from various people.
- HISTORY.DOC Version revision history.
- ALG001.CDD Elementary Algebra review questions (enciphered).
- ALG001.HLP Elementary Algebra Help file.
- ALG001.LST Advice to someone doing poorly in ALG001 review.
- ALG002.CDD Factoring review questions (enciphered).
- ALG002.HLP Factoring Help file.
- ALG002.LST Advice to someone doing poorly in ALG002 review.
- ALG003.CDD Fraction and exponential review questions (enciphered).
- ALG003.HLP Fraction and exponential Help file.
- ALG003.LST Advice to someone doing poorly in ALG003 review.
- ALG004.CDD Exponents and radicals review questions (enciphered).
- ALG004.HLP Exponents and radicals Help file.
- ALG004.LST Advice to someone doing poorly in ALG004 review.
- ALG005.CDD Functions and Equations review questions (enciphered).
- ALG005.HLP Functions and Equations Help file.
- ALG005.LST Advice to someone doing poorly in ALG005 review.
- ALG006.CDD Inequalities review questions (enciphered).
- ALG006.HLP Inequalities Help file.
- ALG006.LST Advice to someone doing poorly in ALG006 review.
- CURVE001.CDD Curves review questions (enciphered).
- CURVE001.HLP Curves Help file.
- CURVE001.LST Advice to someone doing poorly in CURVE001 review.
- FORM001.CDD Functions from Formula review questions (enciphered).
- FORM001.HLP Functions from Formula Help file.
- FORM001.LST Advice to someone doing poorly in FORM001 review.
- GREEK001.CDD The Greek symbol review questions (enciphered).
- GREEK001.HLP The Greek symbol Help file.
- GREEK001.LST Advice to someone doing poorly in GREEK001 review.
- TRIG001.CDD Elementary Trig review questions (enciphered).
- TRIG001.HLP The Elementary Trig Help file.
- TRIG001.LST Advice to someone doing poorly in TRIG001 review.
- TRIG002.CDD Trig Identities review questions (enciphered).
- TRIG002.HLP The Trig Identities Help file.
- TRIG002.LST Advice to someone doing poorly in TRIG002 review.
- Q001.CDD Quotations (enciphered).
- Q002.CDD Quotations (enciphered).
- Q003.CDD Quotations (enciphered).
- Q004.CDD Quotations (enciphered).
- Q005.CDD Quotations (enciphered).
- Q006.CDD Quotations (enciphered).
- Q007.CDD Quotations (enciphered).
- If any one of these files is missing, the program will not function correctly.
- Furthermore, they should all be in the same directory.
- To start, make sure you are logged into the same directory as these files.
- If you want to run "ARE YOU READY FOR CALCULUS I ?", enter
- and then select I, to read the instructions.
- If you want to run "ARE YOU READY FOR BUSINESS CALCULUS ?", enter
- and then select I, to read the instructions.
- An alternative way to start either of these is to enter
- and then respond to the questions.
- ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ ║
- ║ This program may be freely distributed by any means, including bulletin ║
- ║ boards, provided that there is no fee or charge or consideration of any ║
- ║ kind involved which is in excess of $8. However, I retain all the rights ║
- ║ to this program. ║
- ║ ║
- ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- By kind permission of Gene Lowry, the latest version of this program, and
- others in this series, will always be available from the bulletin board
- BIGFOOT II, at (602)-886-7943, which is located in Tucson, AZ. The latest
- version can also be obtained by sending a formatted disk in a stamped, self-
- addressed disk mailer to me at the address below. There is no charge.
- I know this program runs on the following machines:
- Artisoft Compaq IBM PC IBM XT
- IBM AT Paradox Tandon PCX20 Zenith 151
- Zenith 158 Zenith 181
- If the program runs on your MS-DOS machine, and it is not listed above,
- please let me know, so I can add it to this list. Thanks.
- David Lovelock,
- Department of Mathematics,
- University of Arizona,
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- Tel (602)-621-6855 (my office)
- Tel (602)-621-6893 (departmental office)