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- "Bible-Q" is a quiz-type game for the IBM PC and
- compatibles. It is designed to challenge your factual
- knowledge of the Scriptures and to encourage you to dig in
- them. The shareware version of the game contains 600
- multiple-choice questions drawn from the Scriptures. More
- questions are available through registration.
- "Bible-Q" is provided as user-supported software.
- User-supported software is a means for the computing
- community to receive quality software and at the same time
- support software authors directly. It is based on the
- following assumptions:
- The user can best determine the value and usefulness
- of software by trying it on his own system. After
- trying a program one can tell whether it serves his
- or her applications, needs, and tastes.
- The creation of independent personal computer
- software can and should be supported by the computing
- community.
- People should be able to copy programs freely to make
- the most use of the powerful tools provided by
- electronic information.
- If you like this program and decide to make use of it,
- please register for $10. In return, you get the latest
- version of "Bible-Q" with 1200 questions. I also have
- another program called "Daily Bread" available. Please see
- below for a description of that program. Your support helps
- me maintain my hardware and software and in turn support
- you.
- Robert S. Smith
- 557 Plantation Rd.
- Pelican Lake, WI 54463
- Copyright (C) 1986 - 1989 by Robert S. Smith. All rights
- reserved. Non-registered users are granted a limited license
- to use this product on a trial basis, and to copy the
- program for trial use by others subject to the following
- limitations: 1) This program is distributed as is. 2) No
- fee, charge, or other consideration is requested or
- accepted. Shareware distributors who charge for disks must
- have written permission to distribute this program.
- Beyond an IBM PC or good compatible with one disk drive and
- 256 K of memory, no special equipment is necessary. The
- game runs equally well on monochrome or color systems.
- 1
- I have another program called "Daily Bread." This program
- is a calendar which displays the day, date, a Bible passage,
- and a suggested Bible reading. The readings cover the
- entire Bible over the course of a year. You can run "Daily
- Bread" in a memory-resident mode and pop up passages over
- your applications. Verses are available from either the
- King James Version or the New International Version.
- To receive the latest registered copies of both "Daily
- Bread" and "Bible-Q," send $15.
- Also available: Quizzle, a program which allows you to
- generate your own quizzes in a Bible-Q format. Quizzle
- allows you to use your word processor to generate quizzes as
- long as it can handle ASCII or DOS text files. Add $10 to
- registration for this program.
- First you will probably want to make a backup copy of the
- game. Use the "diskcopy" command or the "copy a:*.* b:"
- command. Then set aside one of the disks in your archive.
- To start the game, boot your computer with your DOS disk.
- At the A> prompt insert your "Bible-Q" disk in the a: drive,
- type "bq" (no quotes), and hit enter. The game will load
- automatically. You may also copy the files to your hard
- drive, if you have one, and run the game from there. The
- only thing to remember is that the game must be run from the
- default drive and the default subdirectory. For example, if
- you copy this game to a directory called c:\games you must
- be in that directory when you type "bq" to run the program.
- You can change to that directory with the "cd" change
- directory command. The program must be able to find the data
- files (cat1.dat through cat5.dat). Note: "Bible-Q" is also
- available on 3.5" diskettes.
- If you want sound while running the program, use the "s"
- switch when starting the program from the command line.
- Example: at the A> prompt type "bq s" (no quotes) and hit
- <enter>. Make sure there is a space between the "bq" and
- the "s. "
- With certain types of monochrome systems, the print may be
- hard to read because some text is bright while the rest is
- dim. If you have this problem, use the "c" switch at the
- command line. (At the prompt enter "bq c").
- "Bible-Q" is meant to be easy to play. Simply follow the
- onscreen instructions. There are modes of play. types of
- game. In the manual game the player(s) can choose the
- category and difficulty level of the question. In the
- automatic game the program does this automatically.
- 2
- At the request of several users, Bible references were added
- so that users can check the context of the questions. At
- times no specific reference was applicable, so the program
- refers the user to a map or dictionary, or simply replies
- with the word "general." Here is a list of the abbreviations
- used for Bible books:
- Gn Genesis Ec Ecclesiastes
- Ex Exodus Sol Song of Solomon
- Lv Leviticus Is Isaiah
- Nu Numbers Jr Jeremiah
- Dt Deuteronomy Lm Lamentations
- Jos Joshua Eze Ezekiel
- Jdg Judges Dn Daniel
- Ru Ruth Ho Hosea
- 1 Sm 1 Samuel Jl Joel
- 2 Sm 2 Samuel Am Amos
- 1 Kgs 1 Kings Ob Obadiah
- 2 Kgs 2 Kings Jon Jonah
- 1 Chr 1 Chronicles Mic Micah
- 2 Chr 2 Chronicles Na Nahum
- Ezr Ezra Hab Habakkuk
- Ne Nehemiah Zph Zephaniah
- Est Esther Hg Haggai
- Job Job Zch Zechariah
- Ps Psalms Mal Malachi
- Pr Proverbs
- Mt Matthew 1 Tm 1 Timothy
- Mk Mark 2 Tm 2 Timothy
- Lk Luke Tt Titus
- Jn John Phm Philemon
- Ac Acts He Hebrews
- Ro Romans Jas James
- 1 Cor 1 Corinthians 1 Pe 1 Peter
- 2 Cor 2 Corinthians 2 Pe 2 Peter
- Ga Galatians 1 Jn 1 John
- Eph Ephesians 2 Jn 2 John
- Php Philippians 3 Jn 3 John
- Col Colossians Jd Jude
- 1 Th 1 Thessalonians Re Revelation
- 2 Th 2 Thessalonians
- 3
- The questions are arranged in five categories--Old Testament
- 1, Old Testament 2, Geography etc., Life of Jesus, and New
- Testament. The "Old Testament 1" category contains
- questions drawn from the books of Genesis through Ruth.
- "Old Testament 2" contains questions from 1 Samuel through
- Malachi. "Geography etc." contains questions on
- geographical facts drawn from the whole Bible. It also
- contains general questions on the Bible. "Life of Jesus"
- contains questions drawn from the four gospels. "New
- Testament" contains questions drawn in general from the New
- Testament. Each category has 120 (240 for registered
- version) questions.
- Press the Esc key.
- You now have the option of printing out quizzes. This
- option appears on the first menu. Subsequent menus will
- display the types of quizzes available. This feature should
- be useful for Bible classes and church groups.
- TANDY USERS (& other compatibles)
- If you have arrow keys separate from your number pad, they may
- not work for the manual mode of the game. You may need to use
- the 2,4,6, or 8 keys for the arrow keys.
- Players scoring more than 30,000 points in the game get the
- Berean award on the scoreboard screen. What is the significance
- of this award? I can't tell you--it's related to one of the
- questions!
- Robert S. Smith
- 557 Plantation Rd.
- Pelican Lake, WI 54463
- "Bible-Q"
- PO Box 1790
- White Salmon, WA 98672
- (Wisdom Research has kindly consented to handle the registrations to
- free up my time for ministry and programming.)
- 4
- WR89 Invoice #________ (office use only)
- Date: _______________
- Name: __________________________________________________
- Address: __________________________________________________
- City _________________________ State ______ Zip _____________
- Where did you receive your copy of "Bible-Q"? _____________________
- Amount enclosed $__________
- "Bible-Q" only __ "Bible-Q" and "Daily Bread" __
- Add "Quizzle" __
- Send $10 to register "Bible-Q." Send $15 if you would like to
- receive "Daily Bread" along with the latest version of "Bible-Q."
- A demo version of "Godspeed," a speedy Bible search program with
- many features, is included with orders of $15 or more. Add $10 if
- you would like "Quizzle" included. (Price may rise in coming
- years. Check with the author if the program file is more than 2
- years old.)
- Check one:
- 5.25" 360 K diskettes __
- 3.5" 720 K diskettes __ (add $1)
- Type of computer:
- Comments:
- Please make check payable to Wisdom Research and mail to:
- Bible-Q
- PO Box 1790
- White Salmon, WA 98672
- Thank you for your support.