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- HelpDOS
- Copyright 1985, 1986 by
- Help Technologies
- 25 Pope Road
- P.O. Box 399
- La Honda, CA 94020
- 415-856-2322
- This document repeats and covers much of the information in the printed
- HelpDOS USER'S GUIDE included with the registered version. It was
- prepared by Public Brand Software, P.O. Box 51315, Indianapolis IN
- 46251, 1-800-IBM-DISK. Any errors herein are probably the result of the
- transcription from the printed GUIDE. The Software and Help Files are
- the same as in the registered (commercial) version for DOS Version
- 2 (2.0, 2.1, etc). Help tailored for DOS Versions 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 are
- available from Help Technologies.
- The HelpDOS Software, Help Files and accompanying Documentation are
- copyrighted. The Software may be copied onto another diskette or fixed
- disk for purposes of backup of original copy and/or for installing the
- Software for use in a convenient manner. No other use is allowed unless
- expressly permitted under law or by Help Technologies.
- Copies of this Software, Help Files and this accompanying Documentation
- may be made for distribution under the User Supported Concept where free
- distribution of software may be made with the understanding that
- satisfied users are obliged to pay a registration fee as described
- below. The Help Files and this accompanying Documentation may not be
- altered in any way. This software may not be sold for more than a
- nominal disk fee except by Help Technologies or their direct assignees.
- Electronic distribution of copies of this Software, Help Files and this
- accompanying Documentation may be made via Bulletin Boards,
- Communication Services Networks, etc. The complete set of Software, Help
- Files and this accompanying Documentation must be distributed together
- without any alterations.
- i - Warranty, Liability, Trademark statements
- ii - Registration Information
- iii - Registration Form
- 1 - Introduction
- 2 - Installing HelpDOS
- 5 - Using HelpDOS
- 8 - Problem Determination
- i
- A limited Warranty of the media on which the Software is recorded is
- supplied with the registered (commercial) version of HelpDOS. This
- warranty is supplied, in writing, with that version.
- Some states do not allow limitations on how long the implied warranty
- lasts, so that the above limitations may not apply to you. This warranty
- gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which
- vary from state to state.
- Help Technologies, its software suppliers, distributors and dealers,
- make no warranties or representations, either expressed or implied, as
- to the Software, Help Files and Documentation, including without
- limitation, the condition of the Software and Help Files and the implied
- warranties of its merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
- Help Technologies' liability in all respects is expressly limited to the
- remedy set forth herein, and Help Technologies shall not be liable for
- any lost profits or for any direct, indirect, incidental or
- consequential or other damages suffered by the purchaser or others
- resulting from the use of the Software or Help Files.
- Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
- consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not
- apply to you.
- HelpDOS is a trademark of Help Technologies. Public Brand Software is a
- trademark of Public Brand Software, Inc. Where the term DOS is used in
- this documentation, reference is implied to PC-DOS (a registered
- trademark of International Business Machines Corporation) or MS-DOS (a
- registered trademark of Microsoft, Inc.) Where the term DOS is used we
- do not intend to use these trademarks in a generic sense.
- ii
- Evaluation copies of the latest version are available from Public Brand
- Software at the above address for $ 5.00. This $ 5.00 is not a part of
- nor will it reduce the registration fees stated below.
- Satisfied users are expected to pay a registration fee as follows:
- For PRIVATE use at home by individuals. This also applies to any site
- that has one and only one computer in the building.
- Fee: $ 20.00
- For this you get:
- --> Acknowledgement of payment.
- --> The next major update on disk upon its release.
- --> The commercial HelpDOS User's Guide and diskette. The
- diskette contains Help files and menus for DOS Versions 2,
- 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2. The printed User's Guide contains
- complete instructions on HelpDOS, including detailed
- information on adding your own Help files and menus.
- --> Telephone support from Help Technologies.
- --> Notification of new releases.
- --> Reduced fees for new releases (the fee for the most recent
- update was $10).
- For CORPORATE use. This applies to any site that has more than one
- computer in the building even if HelpDOS will be used on only one
- computer. This also applies to any networked system. This is known as
- Full registration.
- Fee: $ 30.00 per computer using HelpDOS.
- or $ 25.00 per computer where more than 10 computers will have
- HelpDOS installed.
- or $ 20.00 per computer where more than 100 computers will have
- HelpDOS installed.
- For this you get:
- --> Acknowledgement of payment.
- --> The next major update on disk upon its release.
- --> The complete HelpDOS Package which includes the HelpDOS
- User's Guide and diskette in the commercial binder. The
- diskette contains Help files and menus for DOS Versions 2,
- 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2. The printed User's Guide contains
- complete instructions on HelpDOS, including detailed
- information on adding your own Help files and menus.
- --> Telephone support from Help Technologies.
- --> Notification of new releases.
- --> Reduced fees for new releases (the fee for the most recent
- update was $10).
- Site Licenses are available. Contact Help Technologies for details.
- iii
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Name
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Title
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Company/Organization
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Address
- ___________________________________________________________________
- City/State/Zip/Country
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Telephone
- Check one: ___ PRIVATE REGISTRATION ($20)
- (California Residents add 6% Sales Tax)
- For PRIVATE Registration, send Check or Money Order payable to Help
- Technologies. For CORPORATE Registration, send Check or Money Order, or
- submit a company P.O. to Help Technologies (terms: Net 30).
- Help Technologies
- 25 Pope Road
- P.O. Box 399
- La Honda, CA 94020
- 415-856-2322
- 1
- HelpDOS is a "Help System" for using DOS. HelpDOS consists of menus,
- detail reference information, a technical dictionary and a
- cross-reference feature called "Hints." These components work together
- to show you, quickly and easily, what DOS can do and how to use it.
- Menus give an "at a glance" overview of DOS Commands, Special Keyboard
- Keys and Batch Subcommands. The menus show you what DOS can do. You can
- get detail reference information for the DOS facilities by selecting it
- from a menu. The detail information explains what the facility does and
- how to use it.
- A Technical Dictionary explains the terms that are frequently used with
- DOS and personal computers. In addition to defining the terms, the
- dictionary contains additional reference information and usage notes.
- The Hints Menu shows categories of actions you can take with DOS. When
- you select a Hint category from the menu, HelpDOS will show you a menu
- of the DOS facilities that pertain to that category. For example, when
- you select the Hint category "Print," HelpDOS will give you a menu of
- the ways you can print information with DOS. The Hints feature is a
- unique and powerful aspect of HelpDOS. It helps you find the right DOS
- facility for your task and exposes you to related facilities you may not
- have known about.
- You may add your own help files and menus to HelpDOS. This provides a
- convenient way to view reference information for your special programs,
- batch files, procedures, or whatever you wish to have on-line. Adding
- help information to HelpDOS is easy. You simply create and modify these
- files with your word processor or editor, and update the appropriate
- HelpDOS menu. Detailed information about the process is available to
- registered users.
- 2
- This diskette contains help information for DOS Version 2. (Note: help
- information for DOS Versions 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 are available from Help
- Technologies).
- You may run HelpDOS from diskette or install the system on a fixed disk.
- There are three steps to the installation process:
- 1. Make a copy of your HelpDOS diskette. (below)
- 2. Perform the installation. (below to page 4)
- 3. Run the HelpSET program to set configuration options. (page 4)
- Make a copy of your HelpDOS diskette
- You should make a copy of your HelpDOS diskette as follows. This
- provides a backup in case your original diskette becomes lost or
- unusable. If your are installing HelpDOS on a fixed disk you may skip
- this step.
- 1. Boot up your machine as per normal.
- 2. With your DOS diskette in the A: drive or the DISKCOPY command
- available via a path on your hard disk enter:
- DISKCOPY (if you have one diskette drive)
- DISKCOPY A: B: (if you have two diskette drives)
- Follow the prompts to copy the "Source Diskette" (this disk) to the
- "Target Diskette" (the copy to be made).
- Performing the Installation
- HelpDOS can be installed on a diskette or a fixed disk. If you are
- going to use HelpDOS on a diskette, all you need to do is run the
- HelpSET program to establish configuration settings. See the section
- "HelpSET Configuration Settings" on page 4 for details.
- NOTE: If your computer has just 128k of memory you should copy the
- COMMAND.COM file from your DOS diskette to the diskette where HelpDOS is
- installed. If this is not done, DOS will prompt you to insert a diskette
- with COMMAND.COM each time you quit the HelpDOS program.
- To install HelpDOS on a fixed disk, follow the instructions below.
- 3
- Installing HelpDOS on a Fixed Disk
- HelpDOS may be installed in the root directory or in a subdirectory
- named HELPDOS. It is highly recommended that you install the system in
- a HELPDOS subdirectory.
- To install HelpDOS to a HELPDOS subdirectory on a fixed disk, follow
- the instructions on this page. To install HelpDOS in the root directory
- follow the instructions on page 4.
- 1. Put the copy of the HelpDOS diskette in drive A.
- 2. Set the default drive to the fixed disk. For example, if your fixed
- disk is drive C, enter: C:
- 3. Use the DOS command, MKDIR ("make directory") to create the HELPDOS
- subdirectory. Enter: MKDIR \HELPDOS
- 4. Now copy all of the files from the HelpDOS diskette to the \HELPDOS
- directory on the fixed drive by entering:
- Note: you can also install from diskette drive B. In this case the
- COPY command would be: COPY B:*.* C:\HELPDOS
- Next, you need to add a path setting to an AUTOEXEC.BAT file on your
- fixed disk. By having a PATH command in an AUTOEXEC.BAT file, you can
- access the HelpDOS system without having to change the current directory
- to HELPDOS and without having to set the default drive to the fixed
- disk.
- The AUTOEXEC.BAT file is run every time you start-up or re-boot
- the computer. Putting the PATH command in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file
- ensures that the path setting will be in effect each time you
- use the computer.
- If you DO NOT have an AUTOEXEC.BAT file on your fixed disk, you should
- create one (in the root directory) by entering the following lines:
- CD\
- where "x" is the drive letter of your fixed disk.
- Next press F6 (which denotes the end-of-file). Then press RETURN, and
- the file will be created.
- If you already have an AUTOEXEC.BAT file, edit the file and add the PATH
- command given above or append ;x:\HELPDOS to the end of it.
- where "x" is the drive letter of your fixed disk.
- Re-boot your machine and the path will be set. Be sure to run the
- HelpSET program before using HelpDOS (see next page).
- 4
- To install HelpDOS on the root directory of a fixed disk, follow
- these steps:
- 1. Put the copy of the HelpDOS diskette in drive A.
- 2. Set the default drive to the fixed disk. For example, if your fixed
- disk is drive C, enter: C:
- 3. Copy all of the files from the HelpDOS diskette to the root directory
- of the fixed drive by entering:
- COPY A:*.* C:\
- Note: you can also install from diskette drive B. In this case the
- COPY command would be: COPY B:*.* C:\
- HelpSET Configuration Settings
- HelpSET is a menu-driven program which establishes configuration
- settings for HelpDOS.
- HelpSET performs three functions:
- 1. Sets the display screen type to monochrome or color. (default is
- monochrome)
- 2. Sets the colors to be used for a color display. You may choose the
- colors to be used for the Status Line, the Function Key line and menu
- selection letters, and the Help text. As you select colors, HelpSET
- shows you how they will appear in HelpDOS. Experiment with different
- color combinations until you find the one you like best.
- 3. Sets Beeps to ON or OFF. If Beeps are ON, HelpDOS will beep when an
- inactive key is pressed and when an error message is displayed.
- HelpDOS will function properly with Beeps OFF but you will not be
- informed when an inactive key is pressed. (default is Beeps ON)
- Running HelpSET
- 1. Set the default drive and directory to the installed HelpDOS program.
- If you installed HelpDOS in a \HelpDOS directory on a fixed drive you
- will need to use the command: CD \HELPDOS to set the current
- directory on the fixed disk to the HELPDOS directory.
- 2. Start HelpSET by entering: HELPSET
- HelpSET will give you easy to follow menus for establishing your
- configuration settings.
- This program reads and writes the HELPSET.UP file in the current
- directory. The disk containing the installed HelpDOS program
- must not be write-protected.
- 5
- After installing HelpDOS as shown on pages 2 thru 4, start HelpDOS by
- entering:
- For help with a specific DOS command, you may enter the name of the
- command when HelpDOS is started. For example, to get help on the RENAME
- command you would enter: HELP RENAME
- You can also select a HelpDOS menu at startup by specifying "menu"
- followed by the menu name. For example, to select the HINTS menu upon
- startup you would enter: HELP MENU HINTS
- If you do not make a selection at startup (that is, you entered just
- HELP) you will see a display that looks like this:
- |----------------------------------------------------------------------|
- | Help Menus 5 lines |
- | |
- | A ADVANCED - Advanced DOS Commands |
- | B BATCH - Batch Subcommands |
- | C COMMANDS - DOS Commands |
- | D KEYBOARD - Special Keyboard Keys |
- | E OVERVIEW - Overviews of DOS Facilities |
- | |
- | |
- | F1 Help F2 Print F3 Menus F4 Hints F5 Terms F9 Quit |
- |----------------------------------------------------------------------|
- Status Line (top line)
- The left side of the status line identifies the help information you are
- viewing. The right side of the status line gives the number of lines in
- the help information.
- When you make a selection from a menu, the name of the selected
- information is added to the end of the previous identification on the
- status line. This identifies the current information and shows you the
- name of the menu it was selected from.
- 6
- Function Keys
- The Function Key line displays the function keys used by HelpDOS.
- Pressing one of these function keys triggers a HelpDOS feature.
- F1 Help
- F1 displays a help screen containing a brief summary of HelpDOS'
- features. It also contains a summary of the Format Notation which
- HelpDOS uses to explain the parameters of DOS Commands. F1 is a "toggle
- key." Press F1 to display the help screen. Press F1 again to remove it.
- F2 Print
- F2 prints all lines of the current help information. Once printing has
- begun, you may cancel it by pressing F10.
- F3 Menus
- F3 shows the Help Menus and presents them for your selection. HelpDOS
- comes with the five menus shown on page 5. Menus you may add to HelpDOS
- will also appear when you press F3. HelpDOS automatically presents this
- menu of menus unless you select a menu or a help item when you start the
- program.
- F4 Hints
- F4 activates the Hints feature and presents you with a menu of Hint
- categories. When you select a hint, HelpDOS gives you a menu of one or
- more DOS facilities that pertain to the hint category. You may then
- select items from this new menu to see the detail information.
- F5 Terms
- F5 presents you with a menu of the terms in the technical dictionary.
- You may then select a term from the menu. The information will include a
- definition of the term and, when applicable, an explanation of the
- term's significance to using DOS, examples, and references to related
- information.
- 7
- F6 Return
- F6 returns you to the prior menu. This appears on the function key line
- ONLY after a selection has been made from a menu. Pressing F6 will
- return you to the menu where your previous selection was made.
- F9 Quit
- F9 ends HelpDOS and returns you to DOS. On most computers, the screen
- will not be cleared when you are returned to DOS. This allows you to
- position the HelpDOS display to the appropriate information and then
- press F9 to return to DOS leaving the help information you were viewing
- on the screen for your reference.
- Display Scrolling Keys
- Help information that has more than 21 lines may be scrolled forward and
- backward for viewing.
- Home - Positions the display to the top.
- End - Positions the display to the end.
- Up Arrow - Moves the display one line toward the top.
- Down Arrow - Moves the display one line toward the end.
- PgDn - Moves the display forward one screen.
- PgUp - Moves the display backward one screen.
- Selecting a Menu Item
- Menu items are prefaced with the letters A through U. To select a menu
- item, press the letter representing your choice. You do not press the
- Return key.
- Some menus have more choices than the screen can display. Use the
- Display Scrolling Keys as above to scroll the menu to the item of your
- choice. The letters associated with the menu items are reassigned when
- the display is scrolled.
- 8
- Problem Determination
- Problem: the scrolling keys do not work.
- Reason: With 21 or fewer lines, the display will not scroll.
- Reason: The keyboard pad is set to "numeric mode." Press the NumLock
- key to change it to "cursor mode."
- Problem: HelpDOS is not using the settings I specified in HelpSET.
- Reason: The current directory was not set to the directory containing
- HelpDOS when HelpSET was run. HelpSET always writes the setup
- file, HELPSET.UP, to the current directory. Be sure the current
- directory is set to the directory (root or \HELPDOS) where
- HelpDOS is installed before running HelpSET.
- Problem: When I enter HELP to start HelpDOS, I get the message "Bad
- command or file name" even though the HelpDOS disk is in the
- drive.
- Reason: The default drive is not set to the disk containing HelpDOS
- and/or the current directory is not set to the root directory.
- Reason: The DOS "path setting" may be incorrect if HelpDOS is installed
- in a \HELPDOS subdirectory. Refer to the HelpDOS installation
- instructions on page 3.