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- ------------------------ MODE - External DOS Command -------------------------
- MODE has four Options. Each Option has its own format and parameters:
- 1. Sets operation mode on a printer.
- 2. Sets operation mode on a color/graphics display. Also switches between
- display adapters.
- 3. Sets options for an asynchronous communications adapter.
- 4. Route parallel printer output to an asynchronous communications adapter.
- NOTE: In DOS Version 3, you may preface this command with the drive letter and
- directory path, [d:][path], where the command file can be found.
- --------------------- Set Operation Mode on a Printer ---------------------
- FORMAT: MODE LPT#:[n][,[m][,P]]
- # - printer number (1,2, or 3).
- n - characters per line (80 or 132).
- m - vertical spacing, lines per inch (6 or 8).
- P - continuous retry on time-out errors.
- EXAMPLE: Set the operation mode for printer 1, to 132 characters per line and 8
- lines per inch:
- MODE LPT1:132,8
- ------------- Set Operation Mode on a Color/Graphics Display -------------
- (also switches between display adapters)
- FORMAT: MODE n or MODE [n],m[,T]
- n - color and/or width of screen. The following are valid values for n:
- 40 - sets color/graphics display width to 40 characters.
- 80 - sets color/graphics display width to 80 characters.
- BW40 - activates the color/graphics display adapter and sets the
- display to Black and White with 40 characters per line.
- BW80 - activates the color/graphics display adapter and sets the
- display to Black and White with 80 characters per line.
- CO40 - activates the color/graphics display adapter, enables color,
- and sets the display width to 40 characters.
- CO80 - activates the color/graphics display adapter, enables color,
- and sets the display width to 80 characters.
- MONO - activates the monochrome display adapter. The width is always
- 80 characters.
- m - R or L; shifts display right or left. 40 column displays are shifted one
- character, color/graphics displays are shifted two characters.
- T - requests a test pattern to align the display. A (Y/N) prompt will ask
- you if the screen is properly aligned. If you enter N, the shift is
- repeated and you are prompted again. Enter Y and the command ends.
- EXAMPLE: Switch to the color/graphics display, enable color and set the width
- to 80 characters:
- --------- Set Options for an Asynchronous Communications Adapter ---------
- FORMAT: MODE COMn:baud[,parity[,databits[,stopbits[,P]]]]
- n - asynchronous communications adapter number; 1 or 2.
- baud - 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800 or 9600. Only the first
- two digits are required.
- parity - N (none), O (odd) or E (even). If omitted, E is assumed.
- databits - 7 or 8. If omitted, 7 is assumed.
- stopbits - 1 or 2. If omitted and baud is 110, 2 is assumed. If omitted
- and baud is not 110, 1 is assumed.
- P - indicates that the asynchronous communications adapter is being
- used for a serial interface to a printer. Time-out errors will
- be continuously retried. The retries can be broken with
- Control-Break. To turn off continuous retry on time-out errors,
- reissue the MODE command without the P parameter.
- EXAMPLE: Set the communications protocol for COM1 to 2400 baud, even parity, 8
- databits, 1 stopbit:
- MODE COM1:24,E,8,1
- --- Route Parallel Printer Output to Asynchronous Communications Adapter ---
- # - printer number; 1, 2 or 3.
- n - asynchronous communications adapter; 1 or 2.
- Output for printer LPT# is redirected to the specified asynchronous
- communications adapter.
- You must first initialize the asynchronous communications adapter using
- Option 3 "Set Options for an Asynchronous Communications Adapter." You
- should also specify the P parameter in that initialization.
- To disable the redirection for the specified printer, use Option 1,
- MODE LPT#:[n][,[m][,P]].
- EXAMPLE: Redirect the output of parallel printer 1 to asynchronous
- communications adapter 2: