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- ----------------------- PRINT - External DOS Command -------------------------
- PRINT prints files on the printer.
- FORMAT: PRINT [[d:][filename[.ext]][/T][/C][/P]...]
- d: - the drive letter of the file. If omitted, the default drive is
- assumed.
- filename - the filename of the file to be printed.
- .ext - the filename extension of the file to be printed.
- /T - terminates the print command. Printing of the current file is
- stopped, the paper is advanced to the next page, the printer alarm
- sounds and all files queued for printing are canceled. The
- message "All files canceled by operator" will be printed.
- /C - cancels files in the queue of files to be printed. The filename
- preceding /C and all filenames following the /C, until a /P is
- encountered, are canceled. The message "File canceled by
- operator" will be printed.
- /P - prints the preceding filename and all following filenames until a
- /C is encountered. If no / parameter has been specified, then /P
- is assumed.
- Global characters (* and ?) are allowed in the filename and extension.
- Entering PRINT with no parameters will display the names of files in the
- print queue.
- Only files in the current directory may be queued for printing. You may,
- however, change the current directory without affecting previously queued
- files.
- The first time PRINT is entered after starting the system, the resident size
- of DOS is increased by approximately 3200 bytes. PRINT also will display the
- prompt:
- Name of list device [PRN]:
- You then specify the output device, such as LPT1, LPT2, COM1, AUX, etc.
- Pressing RETURN without specifying a device will cause the default, PRN, to
- be used. Specifying an invalid device may cause unpredictable system
- operation.
- PRINT keeps track of the files to be printed in a queue. They are printed in
- the order in which they are entered. The paper is advanced to the top of the
- next page after each file is printed. Tab characters, if found, are expanded
- with blanks to the next 8-column boundary.
- If a disk error occurs, PRINT cancels the printing of the file, prints a disk
- error message, advances the paper, sounds the alarm and prints the remaining
- files in the queue.
- While PRINT has data to print the printer cannot be used for any other
- purpose. The messages "out-of-paper" or "time-out" or "not ready" will be
- given if a CTRL-PRTSC, SHIFT-PRTSC or other printer commands are entered.
- The disk with files to be printed must remain in the specified drive and the
- files to be printed must not be erased or altered until the printing is
- completed or terminated.
- Print the file MYFILE. MYFILE is on the default drive:
- Print all files on the default drive that have the filename extension .DAT:
- Cancel the file MYFILE that has been queued for printing:
- Cancel the printing of the current file and remove all files from the print
- queue: