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- #ASCII: Stands for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange." It
- is a standard format used by computers to store and transfer data.
- See also BYTE.
- #Asynchronous Communications Adapter: A hardware device that provides serial
- communications capabilities to communicate with other computers or devices
- supporting the RS-232C communications standard.
- #Batch File: A file of Commands and Batch Subcommands to be executed when the
- name of the batch file is entered. The commands are executed as though they
- were entered through the keyboard. Batch files must have .BAT as the filename
- extension.
- For more information, see BAT-OVER in the OVERVIEW menu.
- #Baud: The rate at which information is transmitted through a communications
- line. Baud rates are expressed in bits per second. As a rule of thumb, a baud
- rate divided by ten equals characters per second. For example, a baud rate of
- 300 is equivalent to 30 characters per second.
- #Boot: Means "Start the computer," or "Start DOS."
- #Break: Terminate the current operation. Most DOS commands and programs can
- be "broken" by holding down the CTRL key and pressing the BREAK key. This is
- also called a Control-Break.
- Note: On some computers, such as the TANDY 1000, the BREAK key is used alone
- (without the CTRL key).
- #Byte: A unit of information the computer recognizes as a character. One byte
- is equivalent to one character (a letter, number, symbol or blank). A byte is
- composed of eight "bits." A bit is a 0 or 1, signifying the on/off state of an
- electronic circuit. The 0 and 1 values of eight bits (2 to the eighth power)
- result in 256 unique states, accounting for the 256 ASCII codes of the computer.
- Bit is a contraction for BInary digiT.
- See also ASCII.
- #Chaining Commands: The DOS feature called "piping" lets you chain commands or
- programs together with automatic redirection of input and output. The output of
- the first command is used as the input to the chained command. The "|" is used
- to specify chaining.
- For example, to produce a directory list sorted by filename, the SORT
- command is chained to the DIR command, as in:
- When the above command is executed, the directory list produced by DIR is
- passed as input to SORT which sorts the data and displays it.
- See REDIRECTION for related information. See PIPING in the ADVANCED menu for
- detail usage information.
- #Cluster: One or more consecutive sectors of disk storage. DOS keeps track of
- files on disk by storing the locations of file clusters (the sectors where file
- contents are stored) in a table. This table is called the File Allocation
- Table. When DOS reads a file's information from disk, it searches the File
- Allocation Table, finds the addresses of the clusters that contain the file's
- information, and then reads the information from the appropriate clusters.
- See also SECTOR and TRACK.
- #Command Line: The place on the screen where you enter a command. The command
- line begins with the DOS prompt "d>", where "d" is the drive letter of the
- default drive.
- See SYSTEM PROMPT, CURRENT LINE and RETAINED LINE for related information.
- #Command Processor: The COMMAND.COM file. It contains the instructions needed
- to activate DOS and make it usable. It also contains the "internal" DOS
- commands and the batch subcommand processor. When DOS is started, the contents
- of COMMAND.COM are loaded into memory.
- #Concatenate Files: To join two or more files into one file. Files are
- concatenated by the COPY command, using the "+" sign between the files to be
- joined.
- The following copies FILE1 and FILE2, and concatenates them in a new file,
- FILE3. The data from FILE1 is copied first to FILE3 and then the data from
- FILE2 is added to the end:
- #Console: The keyboard and screen are called the "console." The computer user
- interacts with the computer through the console. The user communicates to the
- computer through the keyboard and the computer uses the screen to display its
- responses.
- #Control-Break (See Break)
- #Current Directory: The directory of a disk that DOS will use by default. Since
- DOS lets you create multiple directories, you must indicate which directory you
- wish to work with. If you do not specify a file's directory in a DOS command,
- the current directory is used by default.
- The CHDIR (Change Directory) command changes the current directory.
- See DIRECTORY PATH and FILESPEC for related information.
- #Current Line: The line on the screen where DOS commands and program names are
- entered. "Retained line" is a related term. The current line is the current
- command you are preparing for DOS, and the retained line is the previous command
- that DOS has stored in memory.