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- #File: A collection of related information stored on disk and treated as a
- unit. A file is identified by its filename and optional filename extension.
- #Filename: A one- to eight-character string which identifies a file. Each file
- must have a filename and may have a one- to three-character filename extension.
- The following characters may be used in a filename:
- A-Z, 0-9, and the symbols: $ # & @ ! % ' ` ( ) - { } _ ^ ~
- All other characters are invalid.
- See FILESPEC and FILENAME EXTENSION for related information.
- #Filename Extension: A one- to three-character suffix to a filename. The
- extension is optional. When used, it must be separated from the filename by a
- period. The file MYFILE.DAT has the filename extension "DAT". Extensions are
- useful to add meaning to the filename. Certain extensions have special meaning
- to DOS. For example, BAT is used for batch files, COM for command files and EXE
- for executable programs.
- The following characters may be used in a filename extension:
- A-Z, 0-9, and the symbols: $ & # @ ! % ' ` ( ) - { } _ ^ ~
- All other characters are invalid.
- See FILENAME and FILESPEC for related information.
- #Filespec: Stands for File Specification. A filespec completely identifies
- a file to DOS.
- A filespec has the form:
- [d:] [path] filename[.ext]
- where d: = the letter of the drive where the file can be found. If the
- file is on the default drive, "d" may be omitted.
- path = the "directory path," which tells DOS which subdirectory,
- if any, the file is in. If the file is in the current
- directory, "path" may be omitted.
- filename = the filename of the file.
- .ext = the filename extension of the file, if one exists.
- related information.
- #Filter: A program or command that receives data from a standard input device,
- changes the data and writes the results to a standard output device. The
- commands SORT, FIND and MORE are filters. The filtering is accomplished via
- piping (program chaining using "|" between commands) or redirection (with <, >
- or >> ).
- Examples: TYPE MYFILE | MORE Displays the contents of MYFILE and halts
- the computer when the screen if full.
- SORT < MYFILE > MYFILE.SRT Sorts MYFILE and writes the sorted output
- to the file MYFILE.SRT.
- See PIPING and REDIRECT in the ADVANCED menu for detail usage information.
- #Fragmented File: A file that has many discontiguous (non-sequential or
- fragmented) sectors. DOS tries to allocate a file's data in contiguous areas,
- but cannot always do so if many files have been erased and added to the disk.
- Fragmented files take longer to access, since DOS cannot read them sequentially.
- The CHKDSK command will display files with discontiguous sectors. To obtain a
- list of fragmented files enter: CHKDSK *.*
- If the fragmented file is on diskette, you can cure the fragmentation by
- copying all the files onto a newly formatted diskette (using the COPY command).
- When the files are copied, DOS will allocate data in contiguous areas, thus
- relieving fragmentation. You may then either use the new diskette instead of
- the original or you can use DISKCOPY to copy the new diskette's files back to
- your original diskette. Note that this does not change the names of the files
- or their contents.
- #Global Filename Characters (* and ?): The asterisk (*) may be used in a
- filename and filename extension. It means any character can be in the position
- of the *, and in the remainder of the filename or extension. This global
- character lets you specify many files in one command.
- For example, by using the * with the DIR command, you could see all files that
- have the filename extension of DAT by entering:
- To see all files whose name begins with BUD enter:
- To see all files whose filename begins with BUD and whose extension begins with
- 8, enter:
- DIR BUD*.8*
- The global character (?), sometimes called a "wildcard," may be used in a
- filename and filename extension. It means "any character in this position."
- For example, by using ? with the DIR command, you could see all files with an
- eight character filename that begins with BUDGET and has a filename extension of
- DAT by entering:
- The seventh and eighth positions of the filename may have any characters.
- #Halt System: To halt the computer. DOS has three facilities which halt the
- computer until any key is pressed:
- 1. Hold down the CTRL key and press the NUM LOCK key. This will halt any
- operation.
- 2. Chaining MORE to a command will cause display scrolling to halt when the
- screen is full.
- Note: With the DIR command, the preferred way to halt the computer when the
- screen is full is to add /P to the end of the command, as in DIR /P.
- 3. A batch file can be halted by inserting the Batch Subcommand PAUSE in the
- batch file.
- #Internal Command: A DOS command that is stored in memory and may be executed
- without requiring a diskette containing DOS to be in use. The most commonly
- used commands, such as DIR, ERASE, CHDIR, DATE, RENAME (and others) are
- internal commands. This is distinguished from "external commands" which reside
- on disk.