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- ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ ╔═══╗ ║
- ║ ║ 0 ║ POLYSOFT ║
- ║ ╚═══╝ presents ... W U N D E R B O O K 1.0 ║
- ║ ║
- ║ WUNDER BOOK is a collection of FIVE colorful and fun games for ║
- ║ children 3 to 10 years old (but adults can have fun too, especially ║
- ║ with learning typing and foreign languages). A fun-while-you-learn ║
- ║ experience for children who like to learn and explore new and ║
- ║ WUNDERFUL objects, numbers, alphabets, words, shapes, and languages ║
- ║ of different cultures using the universal language of GRAPHICS. It ║
- ║ stimulates and encourages children to develop memory, perception, ║
- ║ pattern and word recognition, and language efficiency at the same ║
- ║ time makes learning an interactive activity of fun. Different topics ║
- ║ and subjects can also be easily added later as additional libraries ║
- ║ as children continue to expand their knowledge. ║
- ║ ║
- ║ WUNDER BOOK features : five different games, totally child-friendly ║
- ║ symbol-menu-driven operation, on-line help, mouse support, progress-║
- ║ keeping and great color graphics and music. It requires IBM PC or ║
- ║ compatible and 256K of memory. A hard disk is preferable but not ║
- ║ required. ║
- ║ ║
- ║ WUNDER BOOK is distributed as Shareware: if you like this program, ║
- ║ please become a registered user. Print or list file REGISTER.DOC for ║
- ║ more information of registration benefits. Distribution of this ║
- ║ shareware program version is encouraged. ║
- ║ ║
- ║ The WUNDER BOOK source code, object code, library images and manuals ║
- ║ on paper or on disk, are (C) copyrighted 1991 by POLYSOFT. Concept ║
- ║ and Design of this program by Hung Pham Le 1991. ║
- ║ ║
- ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- 0. INDEX
- 1.................. DISCLAIMER
- 2.................. PROGRAM CONTENT
- 3.................. DISTRIBUTION
- 5.................. OPERATION
- 7.................. REGISTRATION BENEFITS
- This program is provided "as is" and it is without warranty of any kind
- that it will work correctly in any or all situations. No liability
- shall be assumed for direct or consequential damage caused by the use
- of this software. The only claim POLYSOFT makes is that there are no
- intentional bugs or fatal errors in any original copy of the program
- that you received directly from POLYSOFT.
- 1. README .......... Text, Important information
- 2. REGISTER.DOC .......... Text, Registration order form
- 3. WB.DOC .......... Text, Documentation ( This file )
- 4. WB.EXE .......... Wunder Book Program
- 5. WBMASTER.WB .......... Master Graphics Library.
- 6-10. *.WBD .......... Data files
- 11-15. *.WBL .......... Related Graphics files
- Page 1 of 4
- Distribution of this program is encouraged as long as the following
- Shareware principles are observed :
- All of the above mentioned 15 files should be included in the
- distributed disk and should not be altered in any way. POLYSOFT
- authorizes the distribution ONLY of the 15 above mentioned files. Any
- additional picture files will be distributed only to registered users
- exclusively and directly by POLYSOFT.
- If archiving this program for BBS use or library use, please include
- all files and use the name WBOOK1, for example, WBOOK1.ARC or WBOOK1.ZIP.
- This will provide consistency for future updates.
- COMPUTERS : IBM PC/XT/AT/386,PS/1,PS/2 or compatibles.256 K memory.
- DISPLAY : EGA or VGA ( 16 color adapter ).
- MOUSE : A Microsoft or compatible mouse is OPTIONAL.
- GENERAL : WB.EXE, WBMASTER.WB and at least one *.WBL and its related
- *.WBD files must be present at your current disk drive and directory
- for WUNDER BOOK to run. The *.WBL and related *.WBD files are data files
- for the program. For floppy users, once the program is loaded and runs,
- the program allows swapping in and out floppy disks which contain other
- CONSECUTIVE *.WBD and related *.WBL files. Floppy swapping should occur
- only when the disk drive is not active (the drive LED light is not lit).
- The program will detect your display card. It will also sense if there
- is a mouse attached by checking for the mouse driver.Please install the
- mouse driver before running WB. Feel free to use the mouse, or keyboard
- keys (A to Z, ?, 1, 2, 3, 4, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, and ESC), or any
- combination of both at any time during play.
- Auto detection of the display card may not work for some EGA or VGA
- computers. Use the manual detection mode if you encounter the message
- "Error in initializing graphics" when starting the program. Type WB ?
- and <CR> (carriage return) for information on manual game start.
- MENUS : The menu is always accessible. Click on a mouse button or hit
- F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, or ESC key to select a menu item.
- :------------:
- : F1 : Select this to play the game of MATCHING OBJECTS.
- :------------:
- : F2 : Selects this to play the game of DIFFERENT OBJECTS.
- :------------:
- : F3 : Selects this to play the game of SPELL THE NAME.
- :------------:
- : F4 : Selects this to play the game of GET MISSING LETTERS.
- :------------:
- : F5 : Selects this to play the game of MATCH WORD TO OBJECT.
- :------------:
- : F6 : Selects this to toggle on/off the SOUND.
- :------------:
- : ESC : Selects this to bye-bye (quit).
- :------------:
- Page 2 of 4
- 1. MATCHING OBJECTS: The object of this game is to identify objects
- that are identical out of 4 being displayed. Choose them by
- clicking the mouse button on objects or hit 1, 2, 3, or 4 key.
- 2. DIFFERENT OBJECTS: The object of this game is the opposite of that
- of MATCHING OBJECTS, which is to identify and choose objects that
- are NOT the same out of 4 being displayed. Choose them by clicking
- the mouse button on objects or hit 1, 2, 3, or 4 key.
- 3. SPELL THE NAME: The object of this game is to familiarize and
- remember the name of the object by entering (spelling) each
- character of the name of the object. Use the mouse to click on
- character or hit the same key on the keyboard. The game is also
- great to learn typing.
- 4. GET MISSING LETTERS: higher level than SPELL THE NAME. The object
- of the name is to get the missing letters and fill in the blanks to
- complete the name of the object being displayed. Enter ? key for
- clues.
- object of this game is to choose the correct object out of 4 being
- displayed to match with the name being displayed. Choose the object
- by clicking the mouse button on it or hit 1, 2, 3, or 4 key.
- During any game,if the entry is a correct choice, the object color will
- flip and an up note is sounded. If it is an incorrect choice, a down
- note is sounded. A section of the book binding will change its color
- when there is a perfect score (no wrong tries). When the binding changes
- its color completely, a song will be played, signifying that the player
- just "accomplished" one more "book" of the WUNDER BOOKS.
- TO START: At the DOS prompt type WB followed by ENTER. Then the theme
- song will be played. The program information will be displayed next.
- You will be then asked to select a language out of 4 selections
- (English, Spanish, French, German) by clicking mouse on the desired
- choice or hitting 1, 2, 3, or 4, respectively. You then will be asked
- to select a menu item. Now you are ready to play WUNDER BOOK.
- A new game can be started or a new screen can be displayed any time
- during the play by selecting a menu item.
- WUNDER BOOK combines the challenges and rewards of games with teaching
- basic principles. This approach works well because it is fun.
- There are hundreds of different objects randomly selected and displayed
- to play again and again. WUNDER BOOK is equivalent to numerous pre-
- school children books plus features they cannot offer: interactiveness,
- variability, flexibility, beautiful colors, and fun with computer. And
- last but not the least, it provides the EASIEST way to learn new
- languages in addition to mother's language.
- 1. MATCHING OBJECTS: will help children develop observance skill,
- perception, pattern and color recognition. It brings out the
- analytical skills in them.
- Page 3 of 4
- 2. DIFFERENT OBJECTS: teaches same as above plus logical thinking.
- Children will first learn to recognize patterns or objects that are
- the same, then they will learn that the rest are not the same. This
- logical thinking is important in math and reasoning.
- 3. SPELL THE NAME: teaches children new words for many objects familiar
- to them by asking them to enter and spell one character of a word
- one at a time. By typing these words or picking them with mouse
- and relating the word to displayed objects, children will remember
- (i.e. learn) these words so naturally without realizing they are
- learning them.
- 4. GET MISSING LETTERS: this games strengthens word memory and offers
- challenge to children to master their word knowledge. Children can
- play at their own pace and can resort to ? key for helping clues.
- 5. MATCH WORD TO OBJECT: this offers a fast,refreshing exercise of word
- memory when children already know and remember the objects.
- If you have a printer, please print out and read the documentation
- file WB.DOC. Simply type : COPY WB.DOC PRN at the DOS prompt.
- Portions (c) Copyright Genus Microprogramming, Inc.
- WUNDER BOOK is distributed as Shareware: if you like the program,
- please become a registered user by sending $ 15 to POLYSOFT.
- List or print file REGISTER.DOC for more information.
- ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- o o
- o * You will receive the latest version of this program. o
- o * A future release will include more games and user suggested o
- o improvements. o
- o * Technical support . Please write to POLYSOFT. o
- o * Registered users receive more free shareware from POLYSOFT. o
- o o
- o You will receive 2 floppy disks packed with 200 colorful o
- o pictures for the five games. o
- o o
- o o
- o ............................. o
- o : POLYSOFT : o
- o : P.O. BOX 38938 : o
- o : HOUSTON,TX 77238 : o
- o ......................U.S.A.. o
- o o
- ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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