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- DAD'S CHOICE Version 1.0
- The Manual
- The minimum hardware requirements for running DAD'S CHOICE are
- 256K RAM and color graphics adapter (CGA). A mouse is optional
- but recommended for the Graphics option. The minimum software
- requirement is DOS version 2.0 or higher.
- This window lists all the main options that you may choose from
- such as Laser Blast, Bug Numbers, Applespider, Addition and
- Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Prealgebra Math and
- Graphics. There are three ways to select an option from Main
- Menu. You can use the up or down arrow keys to highlight the
- desired option then press the ENTER key to accept the option.
- You can also press the key corresponding to the first letter of
- the desired option until the option is highlighted then press
- the ENTER key. Finally, you can use your mouse to highlight
- the option then press the left button to select. Accept END or
- press the ESC key to stop the program.
- Use the right and left arrow keys to select whether or not you
- want sound. Most math options produce sound to indicate a wrong
- answer (beep) or a correct answer (tune) when sound is on.
- Some options have level windows. These windows are used to
- select learning levels. Choose from this menu using the same
- techniques as in Main Menu. Accept END, press the ESC key, or
- press the right mouse button to return to Main Menu.
- This is an exciting game that entertains and teaches quantity.
- First, a number of blocks are shown. Then, colored numbers
- begin to float across the screen. The object of the game is to
- shoot the correct number with the laser. The correct number is
- the one that equals the number of blocks. To shoot, simply push
- the SPACE BAR. To return to Main Menu press ESC.
- Points are given for each hit. The faster you play, the larger
- the number of points given. The speed can be increased by using
- the > key and decreased using the < key.
- If you want to change the background color just press c. Be
- careful not to choose a background color that matches the color
- of one of the floating numbers. If this happens you will not be
- able to see that particular number.
- This math suboption teaches the concept of multidigit numbers.
- You are shown three large boxes. The box on the right will have
- 0 to 9 large individual bugs. The center box will have smaller
- bugs grouped in clusters of 10 each. The box on the left will
- have very small bugs in groups of 100 bugs each. Your job is to
- find how many bugs are shown on the screen.
- You must first count the number of large bugs in the far right
- box. Type this number and press ENTER. This gives you the
- least significant digit. Next, count the number of groups that
- contain 10 bugs and enter this number. This gives you the next
- most significant digit. Finally, count the number of groups
- that contain 100 bugs and enter this number. This gives you the
- most significant digit and you're done. Ten points are given
- for completion. As always, if the sound is on, DAD'S CHOICE will
- also play you a tune.
- This is a very exciting and intense game that drills you in basic
- addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The
- applespider wants to eat your apple. You must prevent this by
- using the arrow keys to move the apple out of the spider's way.
- At the beginning you are given 10 free moves. To get more moves
- you must solve the equation at the bottom of the screen. For
- every correct answer you get five more moves and one point added
- to your score. As your score increases, the spider gets faster.
- As always, press ESC to stop.
- This option has four levels of difficulty. In each level the
- numbers are chosen at random.
- In Level 1, beside each number, stars are shown whose sum equals
- the number. For example, suppose you are asked to add the
- numbers 2 and 3. Beside 2 there will be two stars and beside 3
- there will be three stars. To find the answer just count the
- number of stars, type the answer and press the ENTER key. If
- you are asked to, for example, subtract 2 from 4 there will be
- two stars beside the number 2 and four stars beside the number
- 4. However, two of the four stars beside the number four will
- be blinking to indicate the two that will be taken away. Also,
- the two stars beside the number 2 will be blinking. To find the
- answer just count the number of stars that are not blinking.
- Level 2 is exactly like Level 1 except that the numbers are
- larger and the stars are not shown.
- Level 3 illustrates how to add and subtract multiple digit
- numbers by stepping you through the process. Again, all numbers
- are chosen at random. Active elements of the problem are
- highlighted by flashing the digits. Individual questions in the
- form of simple equations are shown at the bottom of the
- interactive window. A flashing cursor at the end of this
- equation indicates that an input is expected. If you enter the
- correct value it will be placed in its proper spot. The
- computer will beep if the answer is incorrect.
- Level 4 is exactly like Level 3 except numbers with decimals are
- used.
- In each of these levels a complete correct answer is rewarded by
- the addition of 10 points to your score and the playing of a tune
- if sound is on. You can press ESC to quit and return to Level
- Menu when you're done.
- This option also has four levels of difficulty. Level 1 is
- similar to Level 1 of the Addition and Subtraction option because
- you must count stars that do not blink to find the correct answer.
- The difference is that the stars are grouped differently and
- there is only one line with stars. For example, suppose you are
- asked to find the product of 4 and 2. At the bottom, where the
- answer belongs, you will find two groups with four stars each.
- In other words, the computer has taken the four stars and placed
- them in the answer line twice. There is a total of 8 stars and
- they have been placed on the line where the number 8 belongs.
- If you are asked to, for example, divide 12 by 3 then beside the
- 12 will be placed three groups of stars with 4 stars in each
- group. Only one group will not be blinking. So, if you count
- the stars that do not blink, you'll find the correct answer to
- be 4.
- Level 2 is like Level 1 but larger numbers are used and no stars
- are displayed.
- Level 3 leads you through long division and/or multiplication
- with multiple digit numbers. As in Level 3 & 4 of the Addition
- and Subtraction option, active elements of the problem are
- highlighted by flashing the numbers. The instructions and
- questions to be answered are displayed at the bottom of the
- interactive window. The flashing cursor at the end of this
- question or equation is an indication that the computer is
- waiting for an input.
- Level 4 is identical to Level 3 except that decimals are used.
- In each of these levels a complete correct answer is rewarded
- by the addition of 10 points to your score and the playing of a
- tune if sound is on. You can press ESC to quit and return to
- Level Menu when you're done.
- This option also has four levels of difficulty. All four levels
- are basic introductory algebra but the difficulty level does
- increase slightly with each level chosen. In each level you are
- asked to solve for the unknown value of Y. Just follow the
- instructions and answer the questions, and the computer will lead
- you through the solution. When you see the cursor flashing, the
- computer is waiting for an input.
- In all the Math options, the active parts of the equation are
- highlighted by flashing the numbers. Also, the final correct
- answer is rewarded by the addition of 10 points to your score and
- the playing of a randomly chosen tune if the sound is on. Press
- ESC to quit and return to Level Menu when you're done.
- If you are not a registered owner of DAD'S CHOICE you can use
- this option to print a registration letter.
- Although anyone may find it useful, this graphics module was
- designed especially for children. With this software your child
- can draw lines, circles, boxes, arcs, text, or other figures we
- call macros. The macros can be drawn in one of five
- sizes -- small, medium, large, extra large, and very large. All
- these figures and macros can be drawn in one of four colors
- (back-ground or none, red, blue, and white). Actually the red
- and blue colors are magenta and cyan but these terms are usually
- not recognized by children. Once the drawing is complete your
- child can color-in the drawings by painting them in one of five
- colors.
- By placing animation marks in the drawings at strategic
- locations you can also animate your drawings. This is a little
- more complicated and may require the assistance of parents.
- This software comes with six example drawings. These are draw1,
- draw2, draw3, draw4, draw5, and draw6. You may load them using
- the FILE option which is located in MAIN GRAPHICS MENU. You may
- use these drawings to practice deleting or painting. Draw3,
- Draw4, and Draw6 are animated drawings -- try them!
- The following paragraphs describe the operation of this program
- in detail.
- This section shows you the logical breakdown of the various
- options.
- Graph Options:
- 1-DRAW
- Draw Options:
- 1-LINE
- 2-BOX
- 5-END
- 6-ARC
- 7-TEXT
- 3-DELete
- 5-END
- 9-COPY
- 2-FILE
- File Options:
- 1-SAVE
- 2-GET
- 4-
- 5-END
- 5-END
- The instructions are always found on line one above the drawing
- box. If the cursor is visible its position will be shown on
- line 2 with the x-position first and the y-position shown last.
- The x-position increases from left to right while the y-position
- increases from top to bottom. The options will always be shown
- on the last row, below the drawing box.
- The cursor is a round flashing object that appears in the GRAPH
- and DRAW options. Its sole purpose for existing is to show you
- your location in the drawing box. It will not show on your
- printed drawings.
- The cursor can be moved using the keyboard or the mouse. If you
- don't have a mouse you must use the keyboard.
- First, let's assume that you don't have a mouse. You may move
- the cursor one pixel at a time by using the appropriate arrow
- key. If you want to move in larger steps in the vertical
- direction, use the PGUP or PGDN keys. To move in larger steps
- horizontally you must first press the CONTROL key then the
- left or right arrow key before releasing the CONTROL key.
- Now lets assume you have a mouse and have loaded its driver
- software. The only way you can move the cursor now is to move
- the mouse. You'll find that this is much easier and faster
- than using the keyboard.
- In this menu your options are 1-GRAPH, 2-FILE, 3-ERASE, 4-PRINT,
- and 5-END. Choose one of these options by pressing the number
- corresponding to the desired option. For example, if you want
- to create a graph press the "1" key on the keyboard.
- In this menu the mouse does not function. All selections must
- be made from the keyboard.
- When you choose this menu from MAIN GRAPHICS MENU you'll find
- that your options are 1-DRAW, 2-PAINT, 3-DELete, 4-CLOAK,
- 5-END, and >. Choose > to see the additional options. These
- are <, 6-ANIMATE MARK, 7-ANIMATE, 8-EXPORT, and 9-COPY.
- Choose < to see the first 5 options again. Press c to change
- the background color.
- If you don't have a mouse, select the options by pressing the
- appropriate number key or the > or < key. If you do have a
- mouse you may also select an option by placing the mouse
- directly over the desired option until you see an arrow
- pointing down. When you see this arrow press the left button.
- Pressing the right button is equivalent to choosing END.
- Choose this menu from the GRAPH menu when you want to draw
- something in the drawing box. Your options in this menu are
- 1-LINE, 2-BOX, 3-CIRCLE, 4-MACRO, 5-END, 6-ARC, and 7-TEXT.
- If you don't have a mouse, select an option by pressing the
- number key that corresponds to the desired option. If you
- do have a mouse you may select the desired option by placing
- the cursor directly over the option at the bottom of the
- drawing box until you see the down arrow. When you see the
- arrow press the left button. To see options 6-ARC and 7-TEXT
- you'll have to select >. To see the first five options again
- you'll have to choose <.
- After you choose one of these seven options you will be
- asked to choose a color. Your color options are: 0-None,
- 1-Blue, 2-Red, or 3-White. If you do not have a mouse,
- choose the color by pressing the corresponding number key.
- If you do have a mouse, choose the color by pressing the
- right button until the desired color is written on line 2
- above the drawing box then press the left button to accept
- it. Remember, the color none is the background color. This
- color can be changed by pressing the c key on the keyboard.
- When you choose to draw a line you will first be asked to
- choose a color. After you have chosen a color you will be
- asked to move the cursor to where you want the line to
- start then press ENTER. If you have a mouse, you may
- press the left button instead of pressing ENTER. Once
- you've done this, move to the position where you want the
- end of the line and accept this point in the same manner.
- Now that you've chosen the color, the starting point of the
- line, and the ending point, the line will be drawn. After
- the line is drawn you will be placed back in the DRAW menu.
- You may then choose another figure.
- When you choose to draw a box you will first be asked to
- choose a color. After you have chosen a color you will be
- asked to move the cursor to where you want one corner of
- the box to be then press ENTER. If you have a mouse, you
- may press the left button instead of pressing ENTER. Once
- you've done this, move to the position where you want the
- opposite corner to be and accept this point in the same
- manner.
- Now that you've chosen the color and two opposite corners,
- the box will be drawn. After the box is drawn you will be
- placed back in the DRAW menu. You may then choose another
- figure.
- You'll first be asked to choose a color in the manner
- described above. After you've chosen a color you'll be
- asked to enter the radius. This radius must be measured
- in x-axis pixels. The y-axis pixels are further apart
- than those of the x-axis and a circle will have 0.833
- times as many pixels in the y direction.
- After you've entered the radius from the keyboard, you'll
- be asked to position the cursor where you want the center
- of the circle to be and press ENTER. If you don't have a
- mouse use the arrow keys to position the cursor then press
- ENTER. If you do have a mouse position the cursor with
- the mouse then press the left button. After you've done
- this you'll be returned to the DRAW menu.
- Macro refers to a command that draws a complex figure for
- you automatically --- a house for example. When you choose
- this option you will see a list of macros to choose from.
- Select a Macro by highlighting the desired Macro then
- pressing ENTER. You can highlight your selection by using
- the up or down arrow keys, by pressing the key
- corresponding to the first letter of the Macro, or by
- moving the mouse. If you use the mouse you may select the
- Macro by pressing the left button after it is highlighted.
- Once you've chosen a Macro and it's color you will be
- asked to choose a size. Your choices will be: 1-SMALL,
- 2-MEDium, 3-LARGE, 4-EXtraLaRGe, and 5-VERYLarge. If you
- don't have a mouse, choose a size by pressing the
- corresponding number key. If you do have a mouse, choose
- a size by pressing the right button until the desired size
- is written on the second line above the drawing box then
- accept it by pressing the left button.
- Choose this option to return to the GRAPH MENU.
- You'll first be asked to choose a color in the manner
- described earlier. After you've chosen a color you'll be
- asked to enter the aspect ratio. This is the ratio of
- y-axis pixels to x-axis pixels. Since we know that the
- y-axis pixels are 1/.833 times further apart than the
- x-axis pixels, to get a circle we will have to choose
- the aspect ratio to be 0.833.
- Next, we are asked to choose the radius. If the aspect
- ratio that we chose above is less than one, the radius
- will be measured in x-axis pixels. If the aspect ratio
- is greater than one, the radius will be measured in y-axis
- pixels. In other words it is always measured along the
- longest axis as measured in pixels.
- After you've entered the radius from the keyboard, you'll
- be asked to enter the start angle in degrees. This is the
- angle at which the computer starts drawing the arc. Next
- you'll be asked to enter the end angle for the arc. You
- can see that with these two values you can cause the
- computer to draw a half or quarter arc.
- Finally, you'll be asked to position the cursor where you
- want the center of the arc to be and press ENTER. If you
- don't have a mouse use the arrow keys to position the
- cursor then press ENTER. If you do have a mouse position
- the cursor with the mouse then press the left button.
- After you've done this you'll be returned to the DRAW MENU.
- Choose this option if you want to type some text in your
- drawing. This option supports most ASCII characters
- including the number characters 0 through 9. You are
- limited to 22 characters each time you use this option.
- Choose this option from the GRAPH MENU when you want to fill
- in an enclosed area with one of the following colors: 0-NONE,
- 1-BLue, 2-RED, 3-WHiTe, 4-GRAY, or 5-CHecKerBoaRD.
- If you don't have a mouse, choose a fill color by pressing
- the corresponding number key for the color listed at the
- bottom. If you do have a mouse, you may choose a color by
- pressing the right button until the desired color appears on
- the second line above the drawing box. Once the desired
- color appears written on that line, press the left button to
- accept it. After you select the fill color you will be
- asked for the existing boundary color for the area to be
- filled or painted. If you don't have a mouse, choose the
- boundary color by pressing the corresponding number key for
- the colors listed on the line below the draw box. If you do
- have a mouse, choose the boundary color by pressing the
- right button until the desired color appears on the second
- line above the drawing box. Once the desired color appears
- written on that line, press the left button to accept it.
- After you select the boundary color, move the cursor to a
- point within the boundary and press ENTER or the left mouse
- button. The area within the boundary will then be filled
- with the color previously selected.
- Warning - the area must be completely surrounded by the
- boundary color you specified or the paint will spill over
- outside the boundary. If you make this mistake you can
- correct it by going to the DELETE option and deleting the
- paint.
- Try to use a border color that is different than the desired
- paint color. If the colors are the same you cannot change
- the paint color without deleting the old one.
- If you try to delete a border while it contains paint it
- will make quite a mess; therefore, delete its paint first.
- If you want to paint your drawing it is best if you wait
- until all your drawing is finished. This allows you to make
- changes in lines, boxes, circles, macros, and arcs without
- having to delete the paint first.
- When you choose the delete option the last thing drawn will
- begin to flash and you will be asked if you want to delete
- it. If you choose yes, the drawing will be redrawn without
- that object. If you choose no, the next object will flash.
- This continues until you either choose yes, press the ESC
- key to escape, or all objects are flashed.
- When deleting a painted area, the entire paint does not
- flash. A small circle located around one pixel in the
- painted area will flash. When deleting a graphics copy, a
- box will flash around the copied area showing you the
- graphics that is to be deleted if you choose to.
- If you have a mouse, pressing the left button is the same
- as answering yes and the right button is the same as
- answering no.
- The purpose of cloaking is to hide a piece of a drawing
- without completely deleting it. This is sometimes easier
- than going through the delete process. For creating an
- animated drawing it is an absolutely essential option.
- This option works by hiding everything within a boxed area
- that you define. You are first asked to place the cursor on
- one corner of the cloak area and press ENTER. You are then
- asked to place the cursor on the opposite corner of the area
- and press ENTER. Whatever is within the box drawn with
- these opposite corners will be hidden from view or changed
- to background color.
- If you find that not all the enclosed drawing becomes
- hidden, try it again. Sometimes it will not take it all in
- a single step.
- If you don't have a mouse you must move the cursor using the
- arrow keys on the keyboard. If you do have a mouse you must
- use it to move the cursor and you may use the left button
- instead of the ENTER key.
- Choose this option to return to the MAIN GRAPHICS MENU.
- Choose this option if you want to store the current drawing
- to be used later as an animation screen. This option is be
- demonstrated in the tutorial which is located in the file
- tutorial.doc.
- Use this option to animate your drawing if you have placed
- animate marks in the drawing as it was created. To stop the
- animation press number key 5 or press ESC.
- Use this option to export graphics to programs written in
- Turbo Basic. All the graphics within a box that you define
- will be stored in a file that you specify.
- You'll first be asked to place the cursor at the upper left
- corner of the graphics that you want to export then press
- ENTER. Next, you'll be asked to place the cursor at the
- bottom right corner of the graphics and press ENTER. You
- will then be shown the dimension of an integer array required
- to store the graphics. You'll need this number when its
- time to place the graphics in your new program.
- Finally, you'll be asked to enter a name, with no extension,
- for a file where the graphics can be stored. After the
- graphics is stored you'll be returned to the GRAPH menu.
- The following is an example Turbo Basic program for placing
- a drawing on the screen. The array dimension was 100 and
- the file name was draw10.
- OPEN "i",1,"DRAW10.GFL"
- FOR X%=0 TO 100
- Choose this option from the GRAPH menu by pressing the
- number key 9. You can use this option to copy graphics to
- another location in the drawing box.
- After you choose the COPY option you'll be asked to move the
- cursor to the upper left corner of the graphics you want to
- move. Once you have placed the cursor press ENTER. Next,
- you'll be asked to enter the cursor at the lower right
- corner of the graphics. Finally, you'll be asked to move
- the cursor to the upper left corner of the area you want the
- graphics copied to then press ENTER. The graphics will be
- copied to this new location.
- Be careful where you copy the graphics. If you copy it over
- some graphics that already exists, it probably will not look
- quite right.
- When you choose this menu from MAIN GRAPHICS MENU your options
- are 1-SAVE, 2-GET, 3-DIRECTORY, and 5-END. The keyboard must
- be used to select these options by pressing the corresponding
- number key.
- Use this option to store or save a drawing to file. After
- choosing this option you'll be asked to type the name of the
- file where the drawing is to be stored. Do not put an
- extension on the file name. For example, do not use
- something like draw10.dat. Just use draw10.
- Use this option to retrieve a drawing that you previously
- saved. You'll be shown a list of existing files and then
- asked to enter the name of the one you want. If you change
- your mind after choosing this option, just press ESC to quit.
- Choose this option to see all the graphics files on the
- current directory. Press the ENTER key to return to the
- FILE menu.
- Choose this option to return to MAIN GRAPHICS MENU.
- When you choose this option from MAIN GRAPHICS MENU any
- drawing that exists within the drawing box will be completely
- erased. After choosing this option you may start a new
- drawing.
- Choose this option from the MAIN GRAPHICS MENU when you want
- to print your drawing to a printer. This program was not
- designed with its own print routine. If you want a hardcopy
- of your drawing you must load your favorite graphics screen
- dump memory resident program before you load this program. A
- program like this that supports most dot matrix printers,
- called GRAPHICS, usually comes with your operating system.
- When you get your drawing ready for printing, choose the PRINT
- option from MAIN GRAPHICS MENU. Once in the print routine,
- wait at least 4 seconds, press the SHIFT key then the PRINT
- key without releasing the SHIFT key. Your drawing will then
- be printed on your dot matrix printer. When it's completed
- press the RETURN key to go back to MAIN GRAPHICS MENU.
- Choose this option from MAIN GRAPHICS MENU to return to the
- Main Menu. You'll find that this option exists in all the
- menus. In all cases it returns you to the previous menu.
- If you have questions or comments you may write to me at my
- permanent address:
- Dr. Andy Motes
- 1632 Brooks St.
- Fayetteville, AR 72701
- I will always write back.
- _______
- ____|__ | (tm)
- --| | |-------------------
- | ____|__ | Association of
- | | |_| Shareware
- |__| o | Professionals
- -----| | |---------------------
- |___|___| MEMBER
- DAD'S CHOICE is produced by a member of the Association of
- Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the
- shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve
- a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the
- member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can
- help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but
- does not provide technical support for members' products. Please
- write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI
- 49442-9427 or send a Compuserve message via easyplex to ASP
- Ombudsman 70007,3536.
- Registration Letter
- TO: Dr. Andrew Motes
- Motes Educational Software
- 1632 Brooks St.
- Fayetteville, AR 72701
- FROM: ________________________________
- ________________________________
- ________________________________
- ________________________________
- Please register my copy of DAD'S CHOICE version 1.0. Also, send
- me my free evaluation copy of your popular children's education
- program SCHOOL-MOM. I've enclosed the $15.00 registration fee
- for DAD'S CHOICE. I understand that I can deduct $10 from the
- SCHOOL-MOM registration fee if I decide to register it.
- I use 5.25 inch _____ / 3.5 inch _____ disks. (Please check one)