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Text File | 1992-07-07 | 54.9 KB | 1,227 lines |
- 1. What is Steve's Resumé Program?
- 2. Running SRP
- 3. Entering resumé data
- 4. Printing your resumé
- 5. Registration Information
- Steve's Resumé Program, or SRP, is designed to make resumé creation easier.
- Though it is not the single most important thing to getting a new job, a resumé
- is one of the things you will need to have in your job search. And having your
- resumé right puts your best foot forward. If your resumé commands attention,
- then you, too, will command attention.
- SRP allows you to keep information about yourself and your experience on file
- and on hand at all times. SRP can provide you with a complete and up to date
- resumé for distribution to all potential employers.
- SRP has many advantages over several similar commercial and shareware products
- on the market. First, it is shareware, so if you don't like it after trying it
- out, you haven't shelled out 30 or 100 bucks for something you won't use.
- Second, if you do use it and you register it, you get a great, warm feeling
- inside that you are a part of the shareware phenomenon. Third, all of SRP's
- data is in one file - and you name it. Call it whatever you want, and store it
- wherever you want. There's no wondering if a mystery file belongs to SRP.
- Fourth, SRP uses a simple Function Key interface. Press one key to get where
- you want - not ten UpArrows and then an ENTER. And lastly, SRP gives you as
- much flexibility as I could think to put in.
- This manual will explain how to use SRP to its fullest potential, selling
- yourself and your talents by making you shine. So read on, and get a job!
- To run SRP, you need the following:
- - an IBM PC compatible computer
- - color video (CGA or better)
- - 256K RAM
- - a printer is optional, but highly recommended
- SRP's requirements are really quite simple and aside from the color video
- requirement, quite low. SRP, then, will run on just about any IBM PC
- compatible system. To begin SRP, type SRP at the DOS prompt:
- C:\> SRP <ENTER>
- The SRP intro screen will appear. The intro screen will show the program
- name, the version number, and the copyright notice. Press any key to go on to
- the main menu, which is show below:
- ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ │
- │ Steve's Resumé Maker │
- │ Main Menu │
- │ │
- │ F1. Edit Resumé │
- │ F2. Load Saved Resumé │
- │ F3. Erase Loaded Resumé │
- │ F4. Print Resumé │
- │ F5. Quit │
- │ │
- │ Press the Function Key of Your Choice │
- │ │
- └─────────────────────────────────────────┘
- To make its use as easy as possible, SRP uses a menu and function key
- interface where ever possible, as shown here. There are five choices from the
- main menu, and you press the function key (F1-F5) which corresponds to your
- choice. We begin with choice number one, Edit Resumé.
- 3. Entering resumé data
- When you press F1 from the main menu, you will be shown the edit menu, which
- looks like this:
- ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ │
- │ Steve's Resumé Maker │
- │ Edit Resumé Menu │
- │ │
- │ F1. Edit Entire Database │
- │ F2. Personal Information │
- │ F3. Job Objectives │
- │ F4. High School Education │
- │ F5. College Education │
- │ F6. Military History │
- │ F7. Employment History │
- │ F8. References │
- │ F9. Save Changes │
- │ F10. Back to Main Menu │
- │ │
- │ Press the Function Key of Your Choice │
- │ │
- └─────────────────────────────────────────┘
- Use this menu to edit your resumé, either a new one or a previously saved one
- (we will address loading a previously saved resumé a little later). For quick
- data entry of all categories, press F1 (Edit Entire Database). This will bring
- you through each of the seven data entry categories non-stop. Or you can edit
- each piece of the database one at a time. We will look at each SRP screen in
- the order presented in the above menu.
- F2. Personal Information
- You have come here by either pressing F1 to edit everything, or F2 to edit
- just your Personal Information. Either way, you will see the following screen:
- Personal Information
- Full Name..............
- Address Line 1.........
- Address Line 2.........
- City, State, Zip....... -
- Home Phone.............
- Work Phone (w/ext.).... x
- Sex (M/F)..............
- (S)ingle, (M)arried, (D)ivorced, (W)idowed..
- ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Use TAB, DownArrow or ENTER to move to next field. Use Shift-TAB or Up- │
- │ Arrow to move to previous field. Press F1 when entries are complete. │
- │ │
- │ Work Phone, Marital Status, and Sex are optional fields. When you │
- │ print your resumé, you will be given the choice of including these │
- │ fields or not. In general, Marital Status and Sex are not printed. │
- └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- Each of the fields is relatively self-explanatory, but we will go over each in
- turn:
- Full Name: Type in your full name as you wish it to appear on the resumé. You
- are given 40 spaces to type your name.
- Address Line 1, Address Line 2: Type in your address, also as you like it to
- appear on your resumé. Two lines of 45 characters each are provided.
- City, State, Zip: Type in your City, State, and Zip Code. The City field is
- 20 characters long. The State field is two characters long. It should hold
- your two-letter state code. This field uppercases all input automatically.
- The Zip field should hold your Zip code. Space is provided for either a five
- or nine digit Zip code. If you do not enter a city, none of this information
- will print on the resumé.
- Home Phone: Type your home phone number, plus area code, into these two
- fields.
- Work Phone (w/ext.): Type your work phone number here, with area code. Four
- characters are provided for an extension, if desired.
- Sex (M/F): Enter either an M, F, or a blank here.
- (S)ingle, (M)arried, (D)ivorced, (W)idowed: Note your marital status here by
- typing an S, M, D, or W. You also may leave this field blank.
- The help text on the bottom of the screen explains the keys available on this
- screen. The ENTER, DownArrow, and TAB keys will all advance to the next field.
- The UpArrow and the Shift-TAB keys will go back through the fields. Other keys
- available in a field are Right and LeftArrow, BackSpace, Delete, Insert, Home,
- and End. Press F1 when finished with your input.
- The help text also notes that the Work Phone, Sex, and Marital Status fields
- are optional. Inclusion of these fields on the resumé will be determined by
- you when you print the resumé. Also, if you enter invalid information (such as
- an invalid area code) you will be shown an appropriate error message.
- F3. Job Objectives
- Knowing that we should not put all of our eggs in one basket, SRP is designed
- to allow you maximum flexibility. Since everyone has multiple talents, your
- resumé should be able to reflect each talent. The way you do that is by having
- multiple objectives. If your main goal is to just find a job, then your
- objectives will be multi-faceted. For example, here are two completely
- disparate objectives that I put on two resumés during my job search:
- "To acquire a position which makes use of my experience with MS-DOS based
- computers."
- "To acquire a position in print journalism as a reporter or copy-writer which
- makes use of my experience and offers room for growth."
- The point is to vary your offerings. It may even be to your benefit to
- custom-tailor an objective to a particular position you are eying. It can give
- the personnel representative the feeling that your goals match just what they
- are looking for. If it is enough to get you into the door for an interview,
- then it has been well worth it.
- You will come here if you just entered your Personal History and had hit F1 at
- the edit menu, or if you hit F3 at the edit menu. You will see a dialog box
- such as this:
- ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ │
- │ Steve's Resumé Maker │
- │ Edit Objectives Menu │
- │ │
- │ The following Objective records exist: │
- │ │
- │ F1. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F2. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F3. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F4. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F5. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F6. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F7. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F8. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F9. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F10. Return to Edit Menu │
- │ │
- │ Press function key, ENTER when done. │
- │ │
- └─────────────────────────────────────────┘
- This box allows us to discuss the concept of the Keyword. This discussion
- will apply to each of the remaining sections of the edit portion of SRP, so
- read carefully.
- The Keyword concept is used for two main reasons: First, by using a Keyword
- for each of your Objectives, you can make quicker selections. No guessing
- about which keyword you want to update or print. And second, the Keyword
- concept helps save disk space. Instead of setting aside unneeded space inside
- the data file for empty records, only those records with Keywords attached are
- saved.
- To choose an Objective (or any other data type in SRP), find the Keyword you
- wish to edit. Press the function key corresponding to that Keyword (the phrase
- "** Not Entered **" will appear if there is no Keyword (and hence, no data)
- assigned to a function key). You will see the edit screen for this data type:
- Job Objectives
- Keyword for Objective...
- Objective:
- ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Use TAB, DownArrow or ENTER to move to next field. Use Shift-TAB or Up- │
- │ Arrow to move to previous field. Press F1 when entries are complete. │
- │ │
- │ To delete this record, leave the Keyword blank (you will be asked │
- │ to confirm this action). │
- │ │
- │ A typical personnel professional can look at your resumé for only 10 sec- │
- │ onds. This fact is sad but true. The Objective MUST make an impression. │
- │ Tailor it to each employer. Stress how the company can benefit from │
- │ hiring you, not how much you want the position (that's a given!). Word │
- │ your Objective carefully. Ask a spouse or friend for their opinion. │
- └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- Keyword: Type the Keyword for this objective here. The Keyword may mean
- something or not - it is up to you. If you leave the keyword blank and press
- F1 to save the objective, the program will assume that you intend to delete
- this objective. You will see the following dialog box:
- ┌───────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Keyword Blank. Delete Record? N │
- └───────────────────────────────────┘
- This gives you a chance to delete this record or save it. Say N (the default)
- to save the record. You cannot save an objective with a blank keyword - you
- must have something in this field to avoid this dialog box.
- Objective: You are given three lines of 65 characters each to type your
- objective. These lines are completely free-text. Some words of warning,
- however. Do not hyphenate words from line to line. The print portion of the
- program will keep these hyphens. Also, do not worry about extra spaces between
- words. The print portion will flow the entire paragraph, deleting all extra
- spaces.
- The help text on the bottom of the screen explains the keys available on this
- screen. The ENTER, DownArrow, and TAB keys will all advance to the next field.
- The UpArrow and the Shift-TAB keys will go back through the fields. Other keys
- available in a field are Right and LeftArrow, BackSpace, Delete, Insert, Home,
- and End. Press F1 when finished with your input. The help text also reminds
- you about leaving the Keyword blank.
- The help text also gives a few notes about the purpose of the objective. Keep
- these tips in mind as you type your objective.
- Once you have entered all the objectives you wish, press ENTER. If you
- pressed F1 and came here in sequence, you will move on to the High School
- Keyword list. If you pressed F1 to come here and do not wish to go any
- further, press F10. You will be returned to the edit menu. If you pressed F3
- to come here, either ENTER or F10 will bring you back to the edit menu.
- F4. High School Education
- You will come here if you just entered your Objectives and had hit F1 at the
- edit menu, or if you hit F4 at the edit menu. You will see a dialog box such
- as this:
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ │
- │ Steve's Resumé Maker │
- │ Edit High School History Menu │
- │ │
- │ The following High School records exist: │
- │ │
- │ F1. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F2. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F3. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F4. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F5. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F6. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F7. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F8. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F9. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F10. Return to Edit Menu │
- │ │
- │ Press function key, ENTER when done. │
- │ │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- If you need instructions on this Keyword box, see the discussion in F3.
- Objectives. Then press the function key corresponding to the High School
- record you wish to edit. You will see a screen similar to this:
- High School Education
- Keyword for this High School... (Blank to Delete)
- High School Name:
- Location of HS (City, State)...
- Years Attended/Diploma (Y/N)... 19 - 19 / N
- ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Use TAB, DownArrow or ENTER to move to next field. Use Shift-TAB or Up- │
- │ Arrow to move to previous field. Press F1 when entries are complete. │
- │ │
- │ Your High School records should account for all of your High School │
- │ years. For each record, note the years at the High School. For │
- │ example, Burlington High School, 83-85. Note if your diploma was │
- │ from this High School by saying (Y)es to the Diploma question. If │
- │ you have an equivalency certificate, note that in a High School record. │
- └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- We will go over each field in turn:
- Keyword for this High School Record: Type a Keyword for this record, up to ten
- characters.
- High School Name: Type the name of the High School for this record. You are
- given 45 spaces to type the High School name.
- Location of HS (City, State): Type the city and state for this High School.
- Years Attended/Diploma (Y/N): Type in the last two digits of the years you
- attended this High School, and change the default N to a Y if you graduated
- from this school.
- The help text on the bottom of the screen explains the keys available on this
- screen. The ENTER, DownArrow, and TAB keys will all advance to the next field.
- The UpArrow and the Shift-TAB keys will go back through the fields. Other keys
- available in a field are Right and LeftArrow, BackSpace, Delete, Insert, Home,
- and End. Press F1 when finished with your input.
- The help text also instructs you on how to enter the dates attended, and how
- to answer the Diploma question. If you got an equivalency certificate instead
- of a High School diploma, note that fact in a High School record.
- Once you have entered all the High School records you wish, press ENTER. If
- you pressed F1 and came here in sequence, you will move on to the College
- Keyword list. If you pressed F1 to come here and do not wish to go any
- further, press F10. You will be returned to the edit menu. If you pressed F3
- to come here, either ENTER or F10 will bring you back to the edit menu.
- F5. College Education
- You will come here if you just entered your High School records and had hit F1
- at the edit menu, or if you hit F5 at the edit menu. You will see a dialog box
- such as this:
- ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ │
- │ Steve's Resumé Maker │
- │ Edit College History Menu │
- │ │
- │ The following College records exist: │
- │ │
- │ F1. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F2. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F3. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F4. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F5. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F6. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F7. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F8. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F9. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F10. Return to Edit Menu │
- │ │
- │ Press function key, ENTER when done. │
- │ │
- └────────────────────────────────────────┘
- If you need instructions on this Keyword box, see the discussion in F3.
- Objectives. Then press the function key corresponding to the College record
- you wish to edit. You will see a screen similar to this:
- College Education
- Keyword for this College... (Blank to Delete)
- College:
- Location of College........
- Years Attended / Degree.... 19 - 19 /
- Major......................
- Minor......................
- ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Use TAB, DownArrow or ENTER to move to next field. Use Shift-TAB or Up- │
- │ Arrow to move to previous field. Press F1 when entries are complete. │
- │ │
- │ Your College records should account for all of your College years. │
- │ For each record, note the years at the College, your major there, │
- │ and any degree received (abbreviation). For example, University of │
- │ Vermont, 85-89, Political Science, BAPS. Fill in minor if applicable. │
- └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- We will go over each field in turn:
- Keyword for this College Record: Type a Keyword for this record, up to ten
- characters.
- College: Type the name of the College for this record. You are given 45
- spaces to type the College name.
- Location of HS (City, State): Type the city and state for this College.
- Years Attended/Degree: Type in the last two digits of the years you attended
- this College, and type the abbreviation for the degree received, such as BAPS
- (Bachelor of Arts in Political Science), MBA, etc.
- Major/Minor: Type your major in the space provided. If you maintained a
- minor, type it in the space provided. Thirty-five spaces are provided in each
- field.
- The help text on the bottom of the screen explains the keys available on this
- screen. The ENTER, DownArrow, and TAB keys will all advance to the next field.
- The UpArrow and the Shift-TAB keys will go back through the fields. Other keys
- available in a field are Right and LeftArrow, BackSpace, Delete, Insert, Home,
- and End. Press F1 when finished with your input.
- The help text also instructs you on how to enter the dates attended, to be
- sure to enter a major and minor, as well as the degree, and gives an example.
- As it also mentions, for a complete resumé, be sure to take all dates into
- account.
- Once you have entered all the College records you wish, press ENTER. If you
- pressed F1 and came here in sequence, you will move on to the Military
- Experience Keyword list. If you pressed F1 to come here and do not wish to go
- any further, press F10. You will be returned to the edit menu. If you pressed
- F3 to come here, either ENTER or F10 will bring you back to the edit menu.
- F6. Military History
- You will come here if you just entered your College records and had hit F1 at
- the edit menu, or if you hit F6 at the edit menu. You will see a dialog box
- such as this:
- ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ │
- │ Steve's Resumé Maker │
- │ Edit Military History Menu │
- │ │
- │ The following Military records exist: │
- │ │
- │ F1. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F2. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F3. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F4. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F5. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F6. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F7. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F8. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F9. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F10. Return to Edit Menu │
- │ │
- │ Press function key, ENTER when done. │
- │ │
- └─────────────────────────────────────────┘
- If you need instructions on this Keyword box, see the discussion in F3.
- Objectives. Then press the function key corresponding to the Military record
- you wish to edit. You will see a screen similar to this:
- Military History
- Keyword for this Military record... (Blank to delete)
- Branch of Service..................
- Rank / MOS......................... /
- Title or Duty Position.............
- Stationed at.......................
- Term of Service.................... 19 - 19
- ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Use TAB, DownArrow or ENTER to move to next field. Use Shift-TAB or Up- │
- │ Arrow to move to previous field. Press F1 when entries are complete. │
- │ │
- │ Use the Military records to show any history of military service. │
- │ You will be given the choice of having these records print as a part of │
- │ your employment history or separately. If the bulk of your experience │
- │ is in the military, then use the Employment records instead. │
- └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- We will go over each field in turn:
- Keyword for this Military Record: Type a Keyword for this record, up to ten
- characters.
- Branch of Service: Type the name of the service for which you served. There
- are 25 spaces to type the branch of service name.
- Rank / MOS: Input your four-character (or less) rank code (such as PFC or
- BGEN) for rank. Also enter your MOS (Military Occupational Speciality) such as
- 19E or 19K (three characters).
- Title or Duty Position: In the 35 spaces provided, type your title (such as
- Company Commander) or Duty Position (such as Tank Gunner), which ever is more
- applicable to you and would make more sense in a civilian context.
- Stationed At: Fill in the town or base to which this record applies. You are
- given 40 spaces to type this information.
- Term of Service: Type in the last two digits of the years to which this record
- applies.
- The help text on the bottom of the screen explains the keys available on this
- screen. The ENTER, DownArrow, and TAB keys will all advance to the next field.
- The UpArrow and the Shift-TAB keys will go back through the fields. Other keys
- available in a field are Right and LeftArrow, BackSpace, Delete, Insert, Home,
- and End. Press F1 when finished with your input.
- The help text also instructs you to use the Military History section of SRP
- instead of the employment section only if the bulk of your experience is not in
- the military.
- Once you have entered all the Military records you wish, press ENTER. If you
- pressed F1 and came here in sequence, you will move on to the Employment
- Experience Keyword list. If you pressed F1 to come here and do not wish to go
- any further, press F10. You will be returned to the edit menu. If you pressed
- F3 to come here, either ENTER or F10 will bring you back to the edit menu.
- F7. Employment History
- You will come here if you just entered your Military records and had hit F1 at
- the edit menu, or if you hit F7 at the edit menu. You will see a dialog box
- such as this:
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ │
- │ Steve's Resumé Maker │
- │ Edit Employment Menu │
- │ │
- │ The following Employment records exist: │
- │ │
- │ F1. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F2. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F3. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F4. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F5. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F6. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F7. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F8. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F9. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F10. Return to Edit Menu │
- │ │
- │ Press function key, ENTER when done. │
- │ │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
- If you need instructions on this Keyword box, see the discussion in F3.
- Objectives. Then press the function key corresponding to the Employment record
- you wish to edit. You will see a screen similar to this:
- Employment History - Demographics
- Keyword for this Employer... (Blank to Delete)
- Name of Employer............
- Address Line 1..............
- Address Line 2..............
- City, State, Zip............ -
- Phone Number................
- Title.......................
- Supervisor..................
- Employed From - To (MM/YY).. / - /
- ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Use TAB, DownArrow or ENTER to move to next field. Use Shift-TAB or Up- │
- │ Arrow to move to previous field. Press F1 to advance to next screen. │
- │ │
- │ Leave the "Employed To" fields blank if this is you rcurrent employer. │
- └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- We will go over each field in turn:
- Keyword for this Employer: Type a Keyword for this record, up to ten
- characters.
- Name of Employer: Type the name of the employer for this record. There are 40
- spaces to hold this information.
- Address Line 1, Address Line 2: You are given two lines of 45 characters each
- to type the address of this employer.
- City, State, Zip: Type the city, state, and Zip code of this employer. The
- city field is 20 characters long. The state field should hold the two-
- character abbreviation of the state. Input will automatically be entered in
- caps. And Zip can be either a five or nine digit Zip code.
- Phone Number: Type in the phone number for this employer.
- Title: Type in your title here. You are provided with 35 characters to do so.
- Supervisor: Type in the name of your supervisor in the 35 spaces provided.
- Employed From - To (MM/YY): Type the month and year of your start and end
- dates for this employer. If you are presently at this job, leave the "To"
- fields blank. This will print as "Present" on your resumé.
- The help text on the bottom of the screen explains the keys available on this
- screen. The ENTER, DownArrow, and TAB keys will all advance to the next field.
- The UpArrow and the Shift-TAB keys will go back through the fields. Other keys
- available in a field are Right and LeftArrow, BackSpace, Delete, Insert, Home,
- and End. Press F1 when finished with your input.
- Once you have entered all the Employer Demographic information you wish, press
- F1. You will advance to this screen:
- Employment History - Description
- Keyword for this Employer... IDX
- Name of Employer............ IDX
- Title.......................
- Describe Accomplishments and Duties:
- ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Use TAB, DownArrow or ENTER to move to next field. Use Shift-TAB or Up- │
- │ Arrow to move to previous field. Press F1 when entries are complete. │
- │ │
- │ This is a crucial part of your resumé. All personnel professionals want │
- │ to see what you have accomplished in your career. Describe in detail │
- │ those things that make you stand out from your collegues - this is no │
- │ time for humility - sell yourself. Duty is second to accomplishment. If │
- │ you run out of room for them, save your resumé to a file and edit it with │
- │ your word processor. But whatever you do, list accomplishments first. │
- └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- This screen allows you to tell SRP what you did at this job.
- Objective: You are given five lines of 65 characters each to type your job
- description from this employer. These lines are completely free-text. The
- same words of warning from the Objective free text apply here: Do not
- hyphenate words from line to line. The print portion of the program will
- retain these hyphens. Also, do not worry about extra spaces between words.
- The print portion will flow the entire paragraph, deleting all extra spaces.
- Note that this screen also includes information at the top of the screen
- ("Keyword for this employer," "Name of Employer," and "Title."). This
- information is taken from the previous screen and is view-only. It may not be
- changed on this screen. It is provided as a reminder about which job you are
- entering for.
- Press F1 when you have completed entering your description data. You will be
- returned to the Employment menu.
- Once you are done with all of your Employment records, press ENTER. If you
- pressed F1 and came here in sequence, you will move on to the References
- Keyword list. If you pressed F1 to come here and do not wish to go any
- further, press F10. You will be returned to the edit menu. If you pressed F3
- to come here, either ENTER or F10 will bring you back to the edit menu.
- F8. References
- You will come here if you just entered your Military records and had hit F1 at
- the edit menu, or if you hit F7 at the edit menu. You will see a dialog box
- such as this:
- ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ │
- │ Steve's Resumé Maker │
- │ Edit References Menu │
- │ │
- │ The following Reference records exist: │
- │ │
- │ F1. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F2. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F3. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F4. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F5. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F6. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F7. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F8. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F9. ** Not Entered ** │
- │ F10. Return to Edit Menu │
- │ │
- │ Press function key, ENTER when done. │
- │ │
- └─────────────────────────────────────────┘
- If you need instructions on this Keyword box, see the discussion in F3.
- Objectives. Then press the function key corresponding to the Reference record
- you wish to edit. You will see a screen similar to this:
- References
- Keyword for this Reference...
- Full Name of Reference.......
- Relationship to you..........
- Title........................
- Organization.................
- Address Line 1...............
- Address Line 2...............
- City, State, Zip............. -
- Phone........................
- ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Use TAB, DownArrow or ENTER to move to next field. Use Shift-TAB or Up- │
- │ Arrow to move to previous field. Press F1 when entries are complete. │
- │ │
- │ Ensure this reference will be a GOOD reference before using it! │
- └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- We will go over each field in turn:
- Keyword for this Reference: Type a Keyword for this record, up to ten
- characters.
- Full Name of Reference: Type the full name of the reference here (first name
- first, last name last). There are 35 spaces to hold this information.
- Relationship to you: Type in this person's relationship to you in the 35
- spaces provided.
- Title: Type in the title that this person holds, if any.
- Organization: Type the organization this person works for, if any. For
- personal rather than business references, you will probably want to leave Title
- and Organization blank.
- Address Line 1, Address Line 2: You are given two lines of 45 characters each
- to type the address of this reference.
- City, State, Zip: Type the city, state, and Zip code of this reference. The
- city field is 20 characters long. The state field should hold the two-
- character abbreviation of the state. Input will automatically be entered in
- caps. And Zip can be either a five or nine digit Zip code.
- Phone Number: Type in the phone number for this reference.
- The help text on the bottom of the screen explains the keys available on this
- screen. The ENTER, DownArrow, and TAB keys will all advance to the next field.
- The UpArrow and the Shift-TAB keys will go back through the fields. Other keys
- available in a field are Right and LeftArrow, BackSpace, Delete, Insert, Home,
- and End. Press F1 when finished with your input.
- Press F1 when you have completed entering your Reference record. You will be
- returned to the Reference menu.
- Once you are done with all of your Reference records, press ENTER. You may
- also press F10 here. Either way, you will be brought back to the edit menu.
- F9. Save Changes
- Once you have finished editing your database, you will want to save the
- information to a file for later retrieval and editing. This prevents you from
- having to retype all of the information multiple times. When you press F9, you
- will see:
- ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Filename to Save: │
- └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- There are 50 characters provided for you to type a pathname and filename.
- Obviously, all normal DOS file naming rules apply - eight characters with a
- three character extension, etc. (see your DOS manual for more details).
- If you leave the field blank (or, actually, if you leave the first character
- of the field blank), SRP will assume you do not really wish to save and you
- will be returned to the edit menu. If you enter a filename that exists, you
- will see this warning:
- ┌───────────────────────────────────┐
- │ File exists. Overwrite (Y/N)? N │
- └───────────────────────────────────┘
- The default is No, but you may change this. You will probably WANT to say Yes
- if you are overwriting an old version of a database file. The file will then
- save, barring any media errors. You will then be returned to the edit menu.
- F10. Back to Main Menu
- Press this key if you are all done editing your file. If SRP detects that
- your data may have changed since it was last saved, you will see the same
- prompts detailed in the above section (F9. Save Changes). Otherwise, you will
- be brought back out to the main menu.
- F2. Load Saved Resumé
- When you press F2 from the main menu, you will be see an entry box like this:
- ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Filename to Load: │
- └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- Enter the filename of a previously saved resumé. If the name you entered was
- invalid for some reason (invalid filename or path, for example), you will see:
- Invalid Filename and/or Pathname. Press Any Key.
- If the file you specify is not an SRP file, you will see this message:
- File is not a Resumé file. Press Any Key.
- You will also see one of several messages if the file you are loading is a
- resumé file but is corrupt in some way. The message will tell you where in the
- file the error occurred. If this happens, the best thing to do will be to get
- the file to me somehow (via mail, CompuServe, or America OnLine) and I will see
- if I can repair it for you.
- Once you enter the name of a proper resumé file, you will be returned to the
- main menu, where you can hit F1 to edit the resumé, or F3 to print the resumé.
- If you leave the filename field blank and press ENTER (or if the first
- character of the field is blank), you will be returned to the main menu and no
- file will be loaded.
- F3. Erase Loaded Resumé
- Press F3 at the Main Menu to erase all of the contents of the currently loaded
- resumé from memory (disk files are not effected). When you press F3, you will
- see the following dialog box:
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ Erase resumé (Y/N)? N │
- └────────────────────────┘
- If you type N and press ENTER, you will be returned to the Main Menu. If you
- type Y and press ENTER, the resumé will be deleted. Please be cautious with
- this option - there is no recovery from it. SPR also assumes that if you press
- this key, you mean to do so, and dos not prompt you to save your resumé
- informatikon to a file if it has not already been saved.
- 4. Print Resumé.
- After pressing F4 from the main menu, you will go to the Print Resumé menu.
- ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ │
- │ Steve's Resumé Maker │
- │ Print Resumé Menu │
- │ │
- │ F1. Print to File │
- │ F2. Print to Printer in ASCII │
- │ F3. Print to Epson Printer │
- │ F4. Print Options Setup │
- │ F5. Back to Main Menu │
- │ │
- │ Press the Function Key of Your Choice │
- │ │
- └─────────────────────────────────────────┘
- We will address each of the five choices in the pages to follow.
- F1. Print to File
- Pressing F1 will bring up the following dialog box:
- ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Save to Filename: │
- └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- There are 50 characters provided for you to type a filename. Obviously, all
- normal DOS file naming rules apply - eight characters with a three character
- extension, etc. (see your DOS manual for more details).
- If you leave the field blank (or, actually, if you leave the first character
- of the field blank), SRP will assume you do not really wish to print your
- resumé to a file and you will be returned to the print menu. If you enter a
- filename that exists, you will see this warning:
- ┌───────────────────────────────────┐
- │ File exists. Overwrite (Y/N)? N │
- └───────────────────────────────────┘
- The default is No, but you may change this. You will probably WANT to say Yes
- if you are overwriting an old copy of your resumé. SRP will print out your
- resumé to the file in straight ASCII (unformatted) text. You will then be
- returned to the print menu.
- Information will print in the following order:
- Name
- Address
- Phone Number(s)
- Objective
- College Education
- High School Education
- Military Experience
- Employment History
- Personal Information
- References
- Once the resumé is printed to the file, you may then do what you will with the
- data. The most common use would be to import the file into a word processor
- such as Word or WordPerfect, format it with special font codes, and print it
- that way. You may also wish to see what the resumé will look like before you
- actually print it.
- If you press F1 and you have not yet loaded a resumé by pressing F2 at the
- main menu, or if you have not input any information for a new resumé by using
- the edit option (F1) from the main menu, then you will see this box:
- ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Filename to Load: │
- └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- This is the same box that appears if you press F2 from the main menu. The
- same warnings and errors, then, apply here as well as there. After entering a
- proper resumé filename, you will see the box described above.
- F2. Print to Printer in ASCII
- F3. Print to Epson Printer
- If you press either F2 or F3, SRP will print your resumé to the printer
- attached to port LPT1 or PRN. The resumés generated by these two options are
- identical except that the F3 (Epson) option will send formatting codes to the
- printer to underline some information and bold print other. The F2 (ASCII)
- option will send no formatting codes. The resumé will print in the same order
- as detailed above in F1. Print to File.
- If you press F2 or F3 and your printer is not ready in some way, you may see
- one of the following messages:
- Printer Timed Out.
- Printer Out of Paper.
- I/O Error with Printer.
- If your printer is not powered on, you may not see any message at all.
- Whether a turned-off printer will cause an error depends on your printer and
- your computer.
- Once the resumé has stopped printing, you will be returned to the print menu.
- F4. Print Options Setup
- If you press F4 from the print menu, you will see the following screen:
- Print Options Setup - 1
- Print name (R)egularly or in all (C)aps................ R
- Print work number (Y/N)................................ N
- Print Sex and Marriage info (Y/N)...................... N
- Print which Objective (1-9, 0 for none)................ 1
- Include High School info (Y/N)......................... Y
- If Yes, include only Graduating High School (Y/N)...... Y
- Print Supervisor name in Employment record (Y/N)....... Y
- Print address of company in Employment record (Y/N).... Y
- If printing references, print address (Y/N)............ N
- If not, print "References available upon request" (Y/N) Y
- Print "References..." (R)egularly or in all (C)aps..... R
- ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Use TAB, DownArrow or ENTER to move to next field. Use Shift-TAB or Up- │
- │ Arrow to move to previous field. Press F1 to advance to next screen. │
- └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- This is the first of two screens. Print Options are saved with your resumé,
- so you can set them once and forget them. Below, each field on this screen is
- explained:
- Print name (R)egularly or in all (C)aps: If you wish your name to print in
- capital letters at the top of your resumé, place a C in this field. If there
- is an R in this field, your name will print exactly as you typed in in the name
- field of Personal History.
- Print work number (Y/N): If you wish your work number (with extension, if
- entered) to print on your resumé, place a Y in this field. Otherwise, type an
- N.
- Print Sex and Marriage info (Y/N): If you wish this personal data to print on
- your resumé, place a Y in this field. Otherwise, type an N.
- Print which Objective (1-9, 0 for none): Type the number of the Objective you
- wish to print with this resumé in this field. You may only print one Objective
- per resumé. If you prefer no Objective, place a 0 in this field.
- Include High School info (Y/N): If you wish to include information from your
- High School records here, place a Y in this field. If you wish SRP to ignore
- your High School records, place an N here.
- If Yes, include only Graduating High School (Y/N): If you wish to print High
- School information, but only information about the school from which you
- graduated, place a Y here. This field will be ignored if you place an N in the
- previous field.
- Print Supervisor name in Employment record (Y/N): If you want the name of your
- supervisor to print in your employment record, place a Y in this field. Often,
- people do not wish that much detail to print. If this is the case, place an N
- here.
- Print address of company in Employment record (Y/N): If you want the address
- of your previous employers to print in the employment section of the resumé,
- place a Y in this field. Often, people do not wish that much detail to print.
- If this is the case, place an N here.
- If printing references, print address (Y/N): You will be given the opportunity
- to say which reference records to print later. In the meantime, if you will be
- printing references, place a Y here if you wish the reference's address to
- print in the reference section. Place an N here if not.
- If not, print "References available upon request" (Y/N): If you are not
- printing references, you have the option of printing the phrase "References
- available upon request" on your resumé instead. Place a Y here if you want
- this to print, or an N if not.
- Print "References..." (R)egularly or in all (C)aps: If you answered Y to the
- previous question, indicate if you wish the "References available upon request"
- phrase to print in Caps or with a capital/small letter combination. Often, if
- the name is printed in caps at the top of the resumé, this phrase will also be
- printed in caps, to balance the page.
- The help text on the bottom of the screen explains the keys available on this
- screen. The ENTER, DownArrow, and TAB keys will all advance to the next field.
- The UpArrow and the Shift-TAB keys will go back through the fields. Other keys
- available in a field are Right and LeftArrow, BackSpace, Delete, Insert, Home,
- and End. Press F1 when finished with your input.
- Once you have entered all the Print Option formation you wish, press F1. You
- will advance to this screen:
- Print Options Setup - 2
- In each category, place an X next to the records you wish
- to include on your resumé. The numbers correspond to the
- function key used to access each record.
- College records to include...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- Military records to include..... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- Employment records to include... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- Reference records to include.... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- The resumé will be printed with High School, College, Military,
- and Employment records sorted chronologically unless you specify
- otherwise. Should these records be sorted (Y/N)................. Y
- ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Use TAB, DownArrow or ENTER to move to next field. Use Shift-TAB or Up- │
- │ Arrow to move to previous field. Press F1 when entries are complete. │
- └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- The fields on this screen are explained below:
- College records to include...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9: As explained in
- the text at the top of this screen, place an X next to the numbers of the
- college records you wish to print on the resumé. The numbers correspond to the
- function key labels in the college keyword list. Leave the field blank if you
- do not wish to print a record. If there is no keyword for a number you have
- "x'ed", then SRP will ignore that number.
- Military records to include..... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9: Place an X next to
- the numbers of the military records you wish to print on the resumé. The
- numbers correspond to the function key labels in the military keyword list.
- Leave the field blank if you do not wish to print a record.
- Employment records to include... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9: Place an X next to
- the numbers of the employment records you wish to print on the resumé. The
- numbers correspond to the function key labels in the employer keyword list.
- Leave the field blank if you do not wish to print a record.
- Reference records to include.... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9: Place an X next to
- the numbers of the reference records you wish to print on the resumé. The
- numbers correspond to the function key labels in the reference keyword list.
- Leave the field blank if you do not wish to print a record.
- The resumé will be printed with High School, College, Military, and Employment
- records sorted chronologically unless you specify otherwise. Should these
- records be sorted (Y/N).................: Place a Y in this field for the
- default of Yes. If you place an N here, the records will not be sorted and
- they will print in the order they were entered in your resumé file. If Yes,
- records will be sorted chronologically with one exception. The High School
- records will be sorted with "graduation" records first, regardless of what the
- dates of the rest of the records are.
- Press F1 when you have completed entering your print option. You will then be
- prompted if you wish to save the file. Since the printer information is
- specific to each resumé file, any entries here are possible changes that you
- wish to save. You will see the same prompts detailed in the section F9. Save
- Changes.
- After saving your file (or not, as the case may be), you will be returned to
- the print menu.
- F5. Back to Main Menu
- Pressing F5 at the print menu will return you to the main menu.
- F5. Quit
- Once you are back on the Main Menu, the final option is F5. Pressing F5 on
- the main menu will return you to a DOS prompt. If SRP sees that you have not
- saved your file and it has been edited, you will be given one last chance to
- save it. You will see prompts similar to that explained in F9. Save Resumé.
- SRP is shareware, and I retain all copyrights to the program. If you use and
- like SRP, I request that you donate $15 to continue to use it. If you do, and
- also send a diskette (5¼ or 3½ Double or High density), I will include any new
- version of SRP, as well as any bonus utilities I have written at that time.
- Please enclose an extra $1 to cover postage, and be sure to enclose your
- address.
- If you would like to register your copy of SRP and would like me to send you a
- diskette with the latest version of SRP on it, please send an extra $2 to cover
- postage and diskette costs.
- Also see PRICE.LST for an invoice and other ordering info. The latest
- versions of all SRP can be downloaded from the IBMAPP forum on CompuServe or
- from America On-Line.
- You may now register SRP through CompuServe's Shareware Registration Service.
- SRP is shareware program #103.
- Steve Mount
- RR 1 Box 320
- Starksboro, VT 05487-9702
- Contact me on CompuServe.....: 73720,3404
- Contact me on America On-Line: Mountain
- Call for ordering/support...........: (802) 453-5273
- I have fax capability at the above number for orders, but you must call me to
- have my fax set up before faxing (it is a card and shares the line with my
- answering machine).