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- All rights reserved - Copyright 1990-91
- Member Association of Shareware Professionals
- This is a SHAREWARE Program
- Program designed and written by
- Roger A. Johnston
- Flying Mouse Software
- P.O. Box 606
- Midway City, Ca 92655
- *******************************
- SECTION 1 ----------------------- Getting Started & Hardware
- SECTION 2 ----------------------- MMF & Windows
- SECTION 3 ----------------------- General Description
- SECTION 4 ----------------------- Initialization Screen
- SECTION 5 ----------------------- Flashcard Screen
- SECTION 6 ----------------------- About Shareware
- SECTION 7 ----------------------- Problems & Tech Support
- SECTION 8 ----------------------- Planned Upgrades
- SECTION 9 ----------------------- Permissom to Copy
- SECTION 10 ---------------------- Disclaimer
- SECTION 11 ---------------------- Upgrades this Version
- SECTION 12 ---------------------- Registration Information
- SECTION 13 ---------------------- ASP (Ombudsman)
- SECTION 14 ---------------------- Registration Form
- SECTION 15 ---------------------- Vendor Information
- SECTION 16 ---------------------- ASP Vendor
- -Page 1-
- Flying Mouse Software
- SECTION 1: Getting Started & Hardware Requirements
- Hardware;
- You must have a minimum of EGA to display program.
- Your system must also have a mouse with the latest driver.
- One Drive System;
- Start your computer as you normally would (with the DOS diskette)
- then insert the Melissa's MF Diskette into drive "A", at the
- DOS prompt type in "A:\FMSMMF.EXE". The program will run slowly
- from diskette but is acceptable.
- Hard Disk System;
- Start your computer as you normally would. Make a directory
- for MMF (consult your DOS manual for instructions on how to
- make a directory and copy files). Copy all the files from your
- MMF diskette into this directory. At the DOS prompt type in
- "FMSMMF.EXE" to run the program.
- To insure proper operation of the program it is best to place it
- in it's own directory. This is only a precaution, progams that
- are in there own directories do not bother or are not bothered by
- any other program. This is not a must, just good practice. This
- program does not write any file to disk.
- SECTION 2: Melissa's Music Flashcards in Windows
- To use MMF in Windows 3.0 and install the Icon, use the normal
- procedure to start Windows. Select the window in which you want
- to install the program (refer to your windows manual for
- installation of programs). Once you have installed the program in
- Windows, single click on the program just to highlight it. Pull
- down the "FILE" menu and select properties. Click on change icon.
- In the "File Name Box", type in the Drive:\path\icon name.ico,
- (ie: C:\MMF\FMSMMF.ICO). Click OK & OK. You should now have the
- FMSMMF icon on the screen above the program. If you have a problem
- with this procedure consult your windows manual.
- SECTION 3: General Description
- In watching kids try to learn the notes and keys of the music staff
- for piano lessons, the use of old-fashioned flashcards was boring
- to the kids (and the adults). This program was written with those
- flashcards in mind. An interactive computer environment would be
- both entertaining and interesting. The use of this program probably
- requires some knowledge of music, such as what a note is, what sharps
- and flats do, the difference between treble and bass clefs, etc.
- However, when this program is used in the context of learning a
- musical instrument, the theory should pose no problem. Fundamentally,
- this program allows one to choose the clef and the number of sharp or
- flats in the key signature after which key signatures and notes are
- displayed at random on the staff. You can guess at the note or have
- it displayed as a key on the keyboard.
- -Page 2-
- Flying Mouse Software
- Animating the notes adds interest to the process of learning the
- names of the notes and keys.
- SECTION 4: Initialization Screen
- The opening screen consists of a column of key boxes, a column
- of clef boxes and a row of option boxes at the bottom of the
- screen. The KEY and CLEF boxes may be scrolled through with the
- cursor keys or selected with the mouse.
- The four KEY boxes are:
- KEY OF C - To practice notes in the Key of C
- SHARP KEYS - To practice notes in the sharp keys only
- FLAT KEYS - To practice notes in the flat keys only
- FLAT & SHARP KEYS - To practice all possible key signatures
- NOTE: Except in the case of the Key of C option, pressing a number
- key between 0 & 7 will set the upper limit on the number of sharps
- and/or flats that will be displayed (the left & right cursor keys
- will also increase & decrease this value). This feature is handy
- when introducing the concept of keys to a student.
- The Three CLEF boxes:
- TREBLE CLEF - To practice notes in the treble (or G) clef
- BASS CLEF - To practice notes in the bass (or F) clef
- BOTH CLEFS - To select both treble & bass
- The Bottom option boxes:
- BEGIN - Starts flashcard generation (See section 5)
- HELP - Displays a one page quick help
- EXIT - Exit this program to DOS
- SECTION 5: Flachcard Screen
- You can either supervise the student along with the progam or let
- them practice at the students own pace.
- The Flashcard screen displays a musical staff with clef sgin, a
- note, and sharps or flats if selected in the initialization menu.
- There is also a row of boxes across the top of the screen showing
- note letters with sharp and flat symbols. Across the bottom of
- the screen are the option boxes. To be shown the name of the
- displayed note, simply press the enter key or the right mouse button
- with the cursor positioned to the right of the note. Pressing the
- enter key or left mouse button will cause the new note to be
- displayed. To guess the name of the note, move the mouse cursor to
- the upper row of boxes and click the right mouse button when you
- are positioned over the note name. A correct answer will result in
- an animated happy face; whereas an incorrect answer results in an
- animated sad face. If the note name is sharped or flatted due to
- the key signature, the sharp or flat symbol associated with the
- note name should be selected. A display of the note on the keyboard
- can be seen by clicking on the hint box at the bottom of the screen
- or by pressing the "H" key. To really cheat, clicking in the center
- of the note on the staff will highlight the correct note box at the
- top of the screen. Selecting the EXIT box at the bottom of the
- screen returns you to the initialization screen where perameters
- may be changed or the program exited.
- -Page 3-
- Flying Mouse Software
- SECTION 6: About Shareware
- Shareware is a try-before-you-buy process in which you are allowed to
- use the program for a specific amount of time. This time will vary
- from program to program. The grace period for this program is 3 weeks.
- If after that time you find the program useful, you are expexted to
- register with the author (see registration form below). If however
- after the specified time you do not find the program useful you are
- required to remove it from use. Remember that the shareware system will
- only work if you support it by registering your program with the
- author. This does a few thing like, encourage the authors of shareware
- to continue to write quality programs, upgrade existing programs and
- supply support for those programs.
- If you choose not to register, we would still like to hear about any
- comments or suggestions you may have on Melissa's Music Flashcards.
- SECTION 7: Problems & Technical Support
- Some older mouse driver may not work with this program.
- If you encounter any problems with the program, write us stating the
- problem along with the version number of the program or you can
- give us a call at (714) 898-7262 between 5:00 - 7:00 PST for
- technical problems. We will be glad to do everything we can to get
- your problems solved quickly. Please limit calls to problems ONLY,
- send in your comments or suggestions. Note: We will NOT accept collect
- phone calls. Phone help is only for Registered users. If you call and
- get our answering machine. Please leave you name, phone number,
- program, version number and the problem you are encountering. We will
- get back to you as quickly as possible.
- Also on CompuServe User ID : [70233,1315]
- SECTION 8: Planned upgrades
- The planned upgrades to the program include:
- 1. We plan to include an accurate representaion of the note through
- the system speaker in the next version.
- 2. Also a HINT modification which will show the note on the violin
- fingerboard.
- SECTION 9: Permission to Copy
- Clubs, Individuals and other Organizations are granted permission to
- freely distribute this program and its associated documents by Flying Mouse Software.
- Distribution Requirements:
- 1. The registration fees for this program are to the author ONLY.
- No fees charged for the software and it's documentation above and
- beyond the fees for disk duplication and distribution,
- (normally under $6.00)
- -Page 4-
- Flying Mouse Software
- 2. No advertisment made as to the program being public domain, free
- or cheap. All advertisements must state this program is SHAREWARE.
- 3. No modifications made to this program, it's name or to any of the
- accompanying documentation or files.
- 4. All persons whom this program is distributed to should be informed
- of and encouraged to support the shareware concept.
- 5. Doc files with Melissa's Music Flashcards must remain together and
- be distributed on the same diskette or Arc'd together.
- 6. This program may NOT be rented or leased by anyone.
- SECTION 10: Disclaimer
- The author reserves all rights to Melissa's Music Flashcards and it's
- associated documentation. Flying Mouse Software assumes no liability
- to you or any other party for the use or misuse of this program for
- damages caused either direct or consequential.
- SECTION 11: Upgrades this version
- 1. This is a new release.
- See above for future upgrades.
- SECTION 12: Registration Information
- Registration entitles you to the latest version of the program as they
- become available. You can also call us with any problems (see Tech
- support). Only registered users will receive over the phone help.
- We will verify registrations. Registered user you will be the first
- ones to be informed of any major upgrades or modifications made to the
- program. Your comments / suggestions will have the highest
- consideration for incorporation into the program.
- SECTION 13: ASP (Ombudsman)
- This program is produced by Flying Mouse Software, a member of the
- Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure
- that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to
- resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting
- the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can
- help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not
- provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the
- ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a
- Compuserve message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
- -Page 5-
- Flying Mouse Software
- Registration Fee (Circle disk size) Cal Tax
- Send 5 1/4 ------- MMF on (5 1/4) - $18.50 ($1.40)
- 3 1/3 ------- MMF on (3 1/2) - $19.50 ($1.50)
- Shipping & Handling - $ 1.50
- Calif Res. add 6.5% sales tax - ($_.__)
- (US FUNDS ONLY) Total = $___.__
- Make CHECK/M.O./P.M.O payable to Flying Mouse Software,
- fill in this form and return to:
- Flying Mouse Software
- P.O. Box 606
- Midway City, CA. 92655
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Name : __________________________________________________
- Address : __________________________________________________
- City : __________________________________________________
- State : _________________________ Zip : __________________
- Ver. # : __________ (Located on Title Page) MMF
- Where did you get this program from :
- Company : ______________________________ Disk # : ______
- Where did you hear about this program :
- _________________________________________________________
- Comments or Suggestions : _______________________________
- _________________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________________
- Thank You for your time in Registering this Program .....
- Please DO NOT send cash .....
- -Page 6-
- Flying Mouse Software
- **********************************
- ******* VENDOR INFORMATION *******
- **********************************
- SECTION 15: Vendor Information
- Program Name : Melissa's Music Flashcards
- Catagories : (in order of preference)
- 1 : Music
- 2 : Education
- 3 : Children
- Program Requirements :
- Minimum of EGA system
- Mouse with up to date driver
- (program was written using a Logitech mouse)
- List of Features :
- On screen help
- Acknowledge correct with happy face
- Acknowledge wrong with crying note
- Hint that shows note on piano keys
- Cheat which shows proper note on screen
- Modify to cycle through notes user selects
- normal, sharps & flats
- Easy to use for kid's
- Included Files :
- Only two other files exist with this program,
- they are NOT to be seperated. If you must
- ark the files, ark them together.
- They include,
- FMSReadM.1ST
- Registration Information :
- See above Registration form for pricing
- This varies by diskette size
- -Page 7-
- Flying Mouse Software
- Author Information : Vendors may contact us;
- Bert Fischer
- Flying Mouse Software
- P.O. Box 606
- Midway City, CA. 92655
- Phone/Fax
- (714) 898-7262
- CompuServe ID: 70233,1315
- Program Description :
- This program teachs kid's of all ages about musical notes.
- You can set the type of note that appears on the screen from flats
- to sharps. The program will acknowledge if your right with a happy
- face note or the note will cry if your wrong. This is a very
- entertaining way to learn the musical notes. The program was
- written to add some fun to the drudgery of trying to learn Music.
- You can click on hint and the program will show you the proper note
- on the piano keys. Very simple to use, just point and click.
- Help Us to Serve You Better:
- If you are going to include Melissa's Music Flashcards in you library
- or Catalog, please notify us so you can be placed on our update
- list. We would also very much appreciate anything you write about,
- review or enter in your catalog about Melissa's Music Flashcards.
- We would like to thank you for your time and for your support in
- the Shareware Concept.
- Software Reviewers:
- Please contact us to be sure you have the latest version of the
- program. This is to insure your information on the program and
- it's registration is correct at the time of your review.
- Thank You in advance.
- SECTION 16: ASP Vendor
- We would recommend that you think about becoming an ASP approved
- vendor if you are not one now. The ASP is working for all of us in
- the Shareware Market Concept. The ASP has guidelines for programs to
- meet thier standards, these help give customers confidence that they
- are getting quality programs and a place to turn if no one else can
- help. For more info about ASP contact them at:
- Association of Shareware Professionals
- Vendor Certification Committee
- 545 Grover Road
- Muskegon, MI 49442
- ---- End of Document ----