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Text File | 1990-08-05 | 98.8 KB | 2,810 lines |
- Q & A Study Aid (Q&ASA)
- User's Guide
- Version 3.80
- August 4, 1990
- _______
- ____|__ | (tm)
- --| | |-------------------
- | ____|__ | Association of
- | | |_| Shareware
- |__| o | Professionals
- -----| | |---------------------
- |___|___| MEMBER
- Hal Endresen
- Quid Pro Quo Software
- P.O. Box 1248
- Cedar Rapids, IA 52406-1248
- CompuServe ID [73760,2032]
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- Table Of Contents
- -----------------
- Revision Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
- Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
- Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
- The Association of Shareware Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . 4
- Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
- Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
- A Special Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
- User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
- Q&ASA Command List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
- The Command Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
- /FL - Load A Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
- /FS - Save a Database and Exit To DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
- /FC - Continue with a Saved Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
- /FE - Set Screen Colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
- /FM - Set Menu Selector Character . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
- /FX - Exit to DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
- /MS - Sequential Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
- /MR - Pseudorandom Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
- /MC - Clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
- /N - Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
- Scoring Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
- Answering Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
- Creating a Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
- The Q&AC Database Compiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
- Using Q&AC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1990 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 1
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- Q&AC Language Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
- The Q= and A= Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
- The N= Keyword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
- The M= Keyword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
- The T= Keyword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
- The C= Keyword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
- The S= and R= Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
- The F= Keyword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
- The E= Keyword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
- The D= Keyword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
- The W= Keyword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
- The Q&AD Score File Decoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
- Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
- Appendix : Q&AC Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
- COPYRIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
- Q&A STUDY AID V3.80 REGISTRATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
- USER SUPPORTED SOFTWARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1990 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 2
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- Revision Information
- --------------------
- Version 1.0 January 7, 1988
- Initial public release.
- Version 2.0 March 22, 1988
- Major enhancements to allow Q&ASA to be used in a formal class-
- room environment. Among the changes are the following:
- o Optional logging of scoring information to a disk file.
- o Compiled database eliminates run-time interpreter errors and
- permits the database to be encrypted.
- o Display of the database name as the window title.
- o Faster response when loading questions.
- o Greatly improved help system allows selection and viewing of
- any help category at any time.
- o Optional locking of selected mode and lockout of certain
- commands.
- o Ability to assign a weight to each question and have this
- weight determine the number of points awarded for a correct
- answer to a question.
- o Ability to specify a time limit to answer all questions.
- o Elimination of all index files.
- Version 2.1 July 31, 1988
- Minor enhancements to help system.
- Version 3.0 May 1, 1989
- Corrected a bug in the random mode termination function, and
- enhanced the random mode search speed. Version 2.1 would continue
- to ask questions after they had been answered, allowing a user to
- gain a score exceeding 100%. Also enhanced the registration func-
- tion.
- o Added the 'D=' command to Q&AC and Q&ASA to allow the data-
- base author to disable display of the correct answer if the
- user answers incorrectly.
- o Added the ability to specify and execute a database from the
- DOS command line.
- Version 3.1 July 31, 1989
- Made some minor corrections and additions to this manual, and
- corrected a minor bug related to locating the executable file on
- disk.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 1
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- Version 3.50 August 10, 1989
- The menu was modified to eliminate the /FD and /FS commands,
- which were replaced with the single command /FL (File/Load
- Database). The directory defaults to the current working directo-
- ry. The directory may be changed if desired.
- Major internal enhancements were made to the video system. Q&ASA
- will now detect the type of display adapter in use, and will
- operate properly with 132-column and 43- and 50-line modes. The
- screen update rate has been increased. The /S? commands are
- necessary only in extreme cases where snow is a severe problem
- (these commands have been retained, however). Q&ASA will now
- autoselect the screen update method.
- The registration functions have been entirely replaced. The new
- registration system now sets the executable file to read-only to
- prevent inadvertent overwriting of the executable image. The
- serial number now provides certain essential information about
- the system Q&ASA is running on. Q&ASA will detect certain changes
- to itself and refuse to execute if it is modified. A demonstra-
- tion mode has been added (although the program is not distributed
- as a demo; it is a full-featured program with no crippling of any
- function).
- Q&ASA now intercepts the Control-C and Control-Break keys and
- will perform a graceful exit with proper updating of the score
- file. Hardware error detection and handling of critical errors
- has been improved, and now offers the options of Retry or Cancel
- (Cancel aborts only the command that experienced the error, not
- the program as a whole).
- The Help key (F1) is now active in the opening screen. You may
- obtain an overview of the operation of Q&ASA at the opening
- screen, or exit the program by pressing ESCape. Several new
- categories have been added to the help file for registering and
- for reporting problems.
- Version 3.60 December 10, 1989
- A potential problem was found and corrected with the calculation
- of weights. This problem would be encountered only if the total
- weight exceeded 32767, which is the maximum weight permitted.
- The /FS (File/Save Database) and /FC (File/Continue Database)
- commands were added. This combination allows the user of Q&ASA to
- save the current state of a test or quiz database and return to
- it later. The database will be restored to its previous state.
- These commands will not work if the database has a time limit
- associated with it.
- The "E=" option has been added to the database compiler Q&AC.EXE.
- This option specifies that the score file is to be encrypted so
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 2
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- that a user cannot complete a test or quiz, and then edit the
- resulting score in the score file. A new utility, Q&AD.EXE,
- restores the score file to plain ASCII text.
- A configuration file was added. This file must be located in the
- same directory as the help file Q&ASA.HLP, and the same rules
- that govern its access apply to the configuration file. The
- configuration file is named Q&ASA.CFG. It is not included in the
- distribution, since Q&ASA will automatically create it the first
- time it is executed.
- A new command, /FE, allows the screen colors to be changed. The
- new values are saved in the configuration file.
- A new command, /FM, allows the menu selector character to be
- altered. This defaults to the forward slash character ('/'), but
- may now be changed to any other character in the printable ASCII
- range of '!' through '~', inclusive. Once changed, the new
- selector character is saved in the configuration file so the
- effect of the change will be permanent unless changed again.
- The weighting system was altered to permit questions to have a
- weight of zero. If desired, all questions may be weighted as
- zero, but this will cause all scores to be zero also.
- Version 3.70 December 30, 1989
- Fixed a major bug that caused all screen attributes to be set to
- zero if the configuration file was missing. Since the configura-
- tion file is not distributed with Q&A Study Aid, the effect was
- to present a blank screen. Although commands could be entered and
- the screen colors set, all of this had to be done with a blank
- screen.
- Also fixed a bug in the answer screen that would not allow an
- altered menu-select character to be used to escape into the menu
- system. This bug was reported by a concerned user; our thanks go
- out to him.
- Version 3.80 August 4, 1990
- Changed Mode/Random from /MA to /MR.
- Eliminated the screen control menu.
- Left-justified the mode in the status window.
- Added a check to insure that the screen is free before updating
- the time left.
- Recompiled with aggressive optimizations using the new version
- (V6.0) of the Microsoft C Optimizing Compiler. The .EXE file size
- has been significantly reduced.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 3
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- Compatibility
- -------------
- The database files used by Q&ASA 3.80 are source-compatible with all
- previous versions, but are not binary-compatible. All that is required
- is that you recompile your database files with Version 3.80 of Q&AC.
- Credits
- -------
- Microsoft(R), Microsoft Windows(R), MS-DOS, and Microsoft C Optimizing
- Compiler(R) are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
- IBM and PC-DOS are registered trademarks of International Business
- Machines Corporation.
- dBASE is a registered trademark of Ashton-Tate.
- The Association of Shareware Professionals
- ------------------------------------------
- The Association of Shareware Professionals is an organization whose
- purpose is to promote the shareware distribution concept, and to
- provide a forum for the resolution of disputes between ASP members and
- their customers.
- Quid Pro Quo Software is a member of the Association of Shareware
- Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware princi-
- ple works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related
- problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may
- be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or
- problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for
- members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786,
- Bellevue, WA 98006 or send a Compuserve message via EasyPlex to ASP
- Ombudsman [70007,3536].
- Introduction
- ------------
- Q&ASA is a general-purpose program designed to present questions from
- a database. The user is then prompted for an answer and graded accord-
- ingly.
- In the context of this document, and within all program and other
- files included with the Q&ASA package, the word 'database' is used in
- its generic sense. For our purposes, a database is simply a collection
- of questions, answers, and options that is created by the user,
- compiled, and interpreted by the Q&ASA program. Like the more general
- database programs such as dBASE(R), Q&A Study Aid uses an indexed
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 4
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- database, although the index is an integral part of the database
- itself and not a separate file. All of the details of the database
- implementation, such as the index, records, fields, and data types,
- are handled automatically by the Q&A Study Aid package. You need not,
- therefore, be concerned with these, or even know what they mean.
- Q&ASA provides two methods of reading the questions from the database:
- sequential and random. The program starts up in sequential mode.
- A menu-driven command interface is provided with pull-down menus.
- Filenames are selected from a directory by pointing. It is never
- necessary to type in a filename unless a database is specified on the
- command line.
- Q&ASA supports a comprehensive context-sensitive help system accessi-
- ble via the F1 key. Help is provided by a single support file, Q&ASA.-
- HLP. This file may be located in the current directory or in any
- directory specified in the PATH environment variable. Q&ASA may
- therefore be placed in the \bin (or equivalent) directory and accessed
- from any other directory, provided that PATH environment variable
- includes "\bin". If you place Q&ASA in a directory that is not in the
- PATH string such that it is unable to locate its help file, Q&ASA
- will, as a last resort, pop up a window and ask you to enter the name
- of directory containing the help file. If you do not enter a directory
- name (by pressing RETURN at the prompt), the Help key will be inac-
- tive.
- Q&ASA uses a compiled database. The database compiler is included with
- the package to allow you to create and compile your own databases. The
- database compiler is called Q&AC.EXE. Both Q&ASA.EXE and Q&AC.EXE are
- written in the C language (with some assembly-language) and compiled
- using the Microsoft C Optimizing Compiler Version 6.0.
- This package contains the following files:
- Q&ASA.EXE Q&ASA main program
- Q&AC.EXE Q&ASA database compiler
- Q&AD.EXE Q&ASA encrypted score file decoder
- Q&ASA.HLP Q&ASA help file
- Q&ASA.DOC documentation file (this file)
- REGISTER program registration form
- SAMPLE.Q&A sample database (compiled)
- SAMPLE.DEF database definition file for SAMPLE.Q&A
- The Q&A Study Aid package is SHAREWARE and is copyrighted by the
- author. If Q&ASA meets your needs, you are expected to register and
- pay for its use. The SHAREWARE concept allows users to obtain high
- quality software at bargain prices, and rewards authors for their
- efforts. Please support this distribution concept by registering your
- copy. You will find a registration form at the back of this manual and
- in the REGISTER file. You have unlimited rights to copy and distribute
- the program, provided you distribute it as the complete UNMODIFIED
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 5
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- package Q&ASA380.ZIP. Comments, bug reports, or other information that
- may help me improve this program are welcome and are encouraged. Only
- you can tell me what you need!
- Q&ASA is offered as is. There is no guarantee that it will work on
- your particular system; however, it has been tested with CGA, MDA,
- EGA, and VGA monitors on PCs, ATs, and 386 systems. Text mode is used;
- no graphics card is needed. Q&ASA will NOT use an EMM if one is
- present. A minimum of 80K of available RAM is needed by the program;
- it will tell you if you do not have sufficient memory to execute it.
- The maximum amount of memory that Q&ASA will use is 126K.
- All I/O is performed through system calls, with the exception of the
- screen, which is controlled by direct writes to the screen buffer.
- Under Microsoft(R) Windows, you must give Q&ASA control of the screen
- in the Q&ASA.PIF file. Commands have been provided to control the
- screen updating method to eliminate any 'snow', although these should
- not be required. Q&ASA will start in the FAST screen mode, meaning
- that it will not wait for any synchronizing signals before writing to
- the screen. This is the best mode for use with EGA, VGA, and mono-
- chrome (MDA) systems.
- Q&ASA assumes that your screen is set to any text mode (color or mono-
- chrome). If not, it will NOT reset the mode. If your screen is in any
- of the graphics modes when Q&ASA is invoked, you will see garbage.
- Exit Q&ASA using the /FX command (or press ESC if you are still in the
- opening screen) and reset the mode manually using the DOS MODE com-
- mand.
- Installation
- ------------
- Q&A Study Aid requires no special installation other than that ex-
- plained in the section entitled "A Special Note" below.
- The configuration file Q&ASA.CFG is not supplied with the distribution
- package, since it is created automatically if it is missing. The first
- time you execute Q&ASA, you will get a prompt asking you for the
- directory containing the configuration file, since Q&ASA will not be
- able to locate it on the disk. This prompt will appear anytime Q&ASA
- is unable to find its configuration file. If you move the file, enter
- the name of the directory containing the file; otherwise, press RETURN
- without entering a directory to cause Q&ASA to create the file.
- If you are using a hard disk, you may place the executable files in
- any directory (note that the files Q&ASA.HLP and Q&ASA.CFG are consid-
- ered to be part of the executable files). If you wish to execute the
- program from a different directory than the one in which the files are
- placed, you must include the directory containing the executable files
- in the PATH environment variable. To view the PATH, issue the MS-DOS
- command SET with no arguments; all environment variables will be
- listed to the screen.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 6
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- If you do not have a PATH variable, as evidenced by a line of the form
- PATH=[list of directories]
- then you may enter one. If you have placed all executable files in the
- directory C:\Q&ASA, for example, issue the command
- Do not include any spaces after the word PATH. Also, it is unwise to
- include any removable drive in the PATH, since DOS will attempt to
- search the directory of that drive when you attempt to execute Q&ASA.
- If the floppy has been removed, you will constantly get an error from
- DOS.
- If you wish to append a new directory, C:\Q&ASA for example, to an
- existing PATH, then simply retype your existing PATH and add the
- directory to it as follows:
- You type:
- MS-DOS responds with (for example):
- (other environment variables)
- You type:
- Note the position of the semicolon - it is REQUIRED.
- You should place the 'SET PATH=xxxx' command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT
- file, so that it will be set automatically whenever your system is
- booted.
- The Q&A Study Aid package is small enough to be placed on a single
- 5.25" 360KB diskette if desired. If your database is too large to fit
- on one diskette, you may place it on a second diskette in the B: drive
- if you have one.
- To create a database file, you need only a database definition file,
- which you create, and the database compiler Q&AC.EXE. Similarly, once
- you have created a database, the only files needed to execute the
- database are the compiled database file (".Q&A"), Q&ASA.EXE, and
- Q&ASA.HLP. If space is really at a premium, you may omit the configu-
- ration file Q&ASA.CFG and the help file Q&ASA.HLP, but the HELP key
- (F1) will no longer function. If you do this, Q&ASA will complain that
- it cannot find the help file, and ask you to enter the directory in
- which it resides. To omit it, simply press ENTER without entering a
- directory.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 7
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- A Special Note
- --------------
- Special mention is made here of a particular characteristic of Q&ASA.
- The program, to enforce its registration policies, will, at certain
- times, modify its own executable image on disk. This is brought to
- your attention as this behavior may trigger some virus-protection
- programs. Please do not be concerned if this occurs; this is normal
- behavior. You must allow Q&ASA to modify itself or it will not exe-
- cute. Each time it is executed, Q&ASA will set itself to a read-only
- file. The MS-DOS ATTRIB command may be used to alter this should you
- desire to erase or move the program file.
- Q&ASA must be able to locate its own .EXE file. Under MS-DOS 3.0 and
- above, you should experience no problems, even if you rename the file.
- However, under MSDOS 2.x, if you rename the program, you must specify
- the new program pathname using an environment variable. For example,
- suppose Q&ASA.EXE is in the directory C:\BIN, and you rename it to
- QUIZ.EXE. You must then issue the command
- You may place this command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file if you wish. You
- MUST specify the COMPLETE pathname, including the .EXE extension.
- ---------
- Q&ASA.EXE selects a random serial number and combines this with
- certain system information the FIRST time it is executed. This becomes
- your serial number, and this number MUST be supplied to register the
- NUMBER WILL NOT WORK (you will have to send for a new registration
- number, although once you have paid the registration fee, new regis-
- tration numbers are supplied free of charge if they are needed). Make
- a backup copy after you have executed it the first time, and again
- after registering your copy. Once you have registered and entered your
- registration number, the serial number will change; for this reason,
- it is important that you include the most recent serial number in all
- correspondence. This applies ONLY to the file Q&ASA.EXE; all other
- files are standard executable or data files.
- Q&ASA also requires that the time and date provided by the MS-DOS
- operating system be correct, since it uses this information in the
- score file. When Q&ASA is started, the current time and date are
- checked; if either is invalid, Q&ASA will abort after displaying a
- message requesting you to set the system date and time to the proper
- values.
- Q&ASA NEVER modifies any file other than its own executable image on
- disk, the score file (if defined in the database), the saved database
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 8
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- file(s) (".SAV") if this feature is used, and the configuration file.
- You need not be concerned about modifications to your database source
- files or any other files on your system.
- User Interface
- --------------
- Commands are entered into Q&ASA via a pull-down two-level menu system.
- The uppermost screen region is the menu system. Each word group on the
- menu line is the title block of a pull-down menu. Whenever one of the
- titles is selected, the menu expands to display any options available
- under it.
- Under most conditions, Q&ASA will be prompting for an answer to a
- question. Some means must therefore be provided to break out and into
- the menu system so that an option can be selected or a command given.
- There are two ways of doing this: via an ALT key sequence or by
- pressing the menu selector character, the forward slash ('/'). Note
- that this character may be changed using the /FM (File / Menu Selec-
- tor) command. This document will, however, assume that you have NOT
- altered the default.
- If an ALT sequence is used, it is only necessary to press one or two
- ALT keys to select any command option. A top-level selector is speci-
- fied by ALT-shifting the highlighted letter. For example, the "Mode /
- Sequential" command is executed with ALT-M/ALT-S.
- If you use the '/' menu selector character, the word MENU will first
- appear at the right of the menu line to indicate that you are in the
- menu system. At this point, any combination of highlighted and under-
- scored letters (as defined by the screen colors you choose) and cursor
- keys can be used to select a command option. Note that F1 will always
- get help no matter where you may be, in or out of the menu system. The
- only exception to this is for error messages ("Problem"), for which
- you may not obtain help. Once the desired option has been selected,
- RETURN executes it. Note that neither the slash nor the RETURN are
- necessary when using ALT-key sequences.
- Versions 3.0 of Q&ASA and above provide the ability for you to specify
- a database file on the command line. If you do so, you will still see
- the opening screen, but as soon as you press a key, the database will
- be loaded and the first question will be displayed. If the database
- specifies a time limit, the timer will be started immediately.
- If the database you specify cannot be found, then an error message
- will be displayed, and you must select the database normally using the
- /FL command. For example, the DOS command
- C>Q&ASA sample
- will load the sample database and display the first question. Note
- that you do not have to specify the ".Q&A" extension. If you do
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 9
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- specify an extension, it MUST be ".Q&A"; Q&ASA will force this exten-
- sion for all database files.
- Q&ASA's menu system commands are listed on the following page.
- Q&ASA Command List
- ------------------
- /FL load a database
- /FS save a database for later resumption
- /FC continue with a previously-saved database
- /FX exit to DOS
- /FE set screen colors
- /FM set menu selector character
- /MS set mode to sequential
- /MR set mode to pseudorandom
- /MC clear score
- /N enter name
- The Command Line
- ----------------
- Q&ASA does not require any command-line parameters or arguments. It
- will, however, allow you to specify the name of a database file on the
- command line so that the program may be invoked from a batch file.
- If you specify the name of a database file on the command line, you do
- not have to enter the extension. Q&ASA will change the extension as
- required, and add one if it is omitted. For example, to start Q&ASA
- using the sample database provided, you simply type
- The opening screen will be displayed normally, but once you press
- ENTER, the database file SAMPLE will be automatically loaded.
- /FL - Load A Database
- ---------------------
- When you issue this command, Q&ASA will display the name of the
- directory you started Q&ASA from; e.g., the current working directory.
- If you database files are located in this directory, simply press
- RETURN to accept the default name. If your database files are located
- in another directory, you may edit the directory name. Q&ASA will
- remember the new directory name and present it as the default the next
- time you use this command.
- When specifying the directory, you may select a different disk drive
- followed by the path name to the database files in conventional DOS
- form:
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 10
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- D:\DIR\DIR.....
- If you clear the name of the directory by using the backspace key or
- by using the HOME key followed by Ctrl-End, Q&ASA will automatically
- insert the name of the current working directory after you press
- RETURN. Note that you will not see this occur as the window will be
- closed as soon as you press RETURN. However, the directory shown the
- next time you invoke the /FL command will be the current working
- directory again.
- If you enter a drive or directory that does not exist, you will
- receive an error message and you must enter the command again to
- specify the proper directory. If you enter the drive identifier of a
- floppy disk drive, and the drive door is open, you will receive an
- error, and you will be given the opportunity to close the drive door
- and retry the command.
- Note: Certain DOS configurations can cause errors that Q&ASA
- cannot detect. If, for example, you have installed a 'fo-
- reign' disk drive using "DEVICE=DRIVER.SYS <parameters>" and
- reassigned the name of a diskette drive using the DRIVPARM
- command in your CONFIG.SYS file (MS-DOS and PC-DOS 3.3
- only), and you enter the original drive letter, Q&ASA will
- appear to hang. Actually, what is happening is that DOS
- wants you insert the diskette for the drive you have reas-
- signed it to, although you will not see the message DOS
- normally displays. All that is necessary is for you to press
- the RETURN key.
- Once you have entered the name of the directory containing your Q&ASA
- database files, Q&ASA will pop up a window to allow you to select from
- the compiled database files available in that directory. If there are
- no database files in the directory, Q&ASA will display "[ empty ]".
- Q&ASA will NOT display any files other than compiled database files.
- To select a compiled database file, move the selection bar to it using
- the cursor keys, PgUp and PgDn, or Home and End. Each of these permits
- traveling up and down the scrollable list in larger increments.
- Alternatively, you may also press a letter key that corresponds to the
- first character of the database filename; Q&ASA will find the first
- file beginning with that letter. Successive depressions of the same
- key will step to each database name that begins with that letter. The
- search stops at the last file that begins with that letter. The search
- always proceeds down the list; to restart the search, press HOME to
- move the selector back to the first file in the list.
- Once you have pointed to the file you desire, press RETURN. The
- compiled database file will be loaded. If the optional score logging
- has been enabled in the database, Q&ASA will request that you enter
- your name for the score file (you may not proceed until you have done
- so). The first question will then appear on the screen, along with the
- number of questions in the database in the scoring window. The name of
- the database will also be shown in the center of the top border of the
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 11
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- question window if it has been specified in the database. If not, then
- the window title will default to "Question".
- Note: When you load a database file that specifies a score file
- name, and that score file already exists, Q&ASA will check
- to insure that the encryption modes are compatible. If not,
- it will display an error message and override the encryption
- setting in the database file you loaded.
- For example, if you create two separate databases, both of
- which specify the same name for the score file, but only one
- has score file encryption enabled, you will receive an error
- when you load the second database. You will receive an error
- no matter which one you load first. The order will affect
- only the encryption of the score file, which is determined
- by the first database loaded. If you always use a different
- score file for each database, or are consistent with score
- file encryption, you should experience no problems. Note
- that Q&ASA will still function properly, however.
- Each time you load a database file with score file logging enabled,
- Q&ASA will request your name, even if you have already entered it.
- This is to allow other users to reload the same database without using
- the same name for all users. If score file logging is not enabled,
- Q&ASA doesn't force you to enter your name. You may do this anyway if
- you wish, using the /N (Name) command, and Q&ASA will politely display
- it when it displays your final score.
- If the database you load has a time limit associated with it, the time
- remaining will be displayed in the status window under the heading
- 'Time Left', and the clock will start. The time is counted down to
- zero, and always shows the time you have remaining before Q&ASA stops
- you and calculates your final score. If the database does not specify
- a time limit, the 'Time Left' will be displayed as 'No Limit'. If you
- allow the time to count down to zero, it will change to 'Time Out'.
- Note: If you press the help key while a timed database is loaded,
- the time display will not be updated until you exit the help
- system. Q&ASA will, however, internally track the remaining
- time.
- To permit Q&ASA to utilize relatively large databases (>3000 questions
- and their answers), Q&ASA loads an index into memory rather than the
- database file itself. The database index is created by Q&AC in the
- form of a header in the database file itself. Note that this is true
- of the help file also to minimize the memory used by Q&ASA.
- The database file (.Q&A) should never be changed directly, as it is
- encrypted to prevent users from copying the file to the screen or a
- printer and thereby viewing the answers. If you wish to create a new
- database or alter an existing one, you must edit the database defini-
- tion file (.DEF) and recompile it using Q&AC. Q&AC will create a
- (.Q&A) file from your (.DEF) file. Q&AC will not permit you to use the
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 12
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- .Q&A extension on a definition file, so you cannot accidentally
- overwrite a definition file.
- You must create the database definition file and compile it before
- Q&ASA can be used. Instructions for doing this are in a later section
- of this guide. Note that this package contains a compiled database
- that you may use to test and evaluate Q&ASA. This file is called
- SAMPLE.Q&A. The database definition file it was created from is also
- included, and is called SAMPLE.DEF.
- /FS - Save a Database and Exit To DOS
- -------------------------------------
- This command will save the present state of a database so that you may
- return and continue with it later. IT WILL NOT WORK IF THE DATABASE
- If you issue this command on a database that has no time limit, the
- state of the database will be saved in a file in the current directory
- with the same base name as the database, but with an extension of
- ".SAV". You may have different .SAV files in different directories for
- the same database if you wish.
- Note: If you issue the /FL (File/Load Database) command, any
- existing .SAV file for that database will be erased from the
- current working directory of the disk, and you will not be
- able to resume it. The /FL command, by definition, specifies
- that you wish to restart the database from the beginning.
- Once you issue the /FS command, the database will be saved and you
- will be returned to the MS-DOS operating system.
- /FC - Continue with a Saved Database
- ------------------------------------
- This command will allow you to resume a database which was previously
- saved using the /FS (File/Save Database) command. It works exactly
- like the /FL (File/Load) command, except that the list of files
- displayed will have an extension of ".SAV" instead of ".Q&A". If no
- database file has been saved, "[none]" will be displayed.
- When this command is used, the previous state of the database is
- restored. The question that was on the screen will be redisplayed, and
- the scoring window will reflect the previous state of the database.
- Note that once you have completed a quiz or test database, any .SAV
- file in the directory from which the database was originally loaded
- will be erased. You cannot, therefore, resume a completed database.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 13
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- /FE - Set Screen Colors
- -----------------------
- This command is used to modify the screen colors. The function keys
- are used to change the colors, and a function-key map is displayed for
- reference purposes. A simulated menu is also displayed, which changes
- to display the effect of the color selections you make.
- You may set the foreground and background colors for up to four screen
- areas. Each function key cycles through each of 16 possible color
- values (16 foreground and 16 background).
- Once you have set the colors as you wish, press ENTER to save the new
- colors in the configuration file, or ESCape to cancel the changes. For
- the full effect of the changes to be seen, you must quit Q&ASA and
- then restart it so that it will redraw all screens using the new color
- set.
- /FM - Set Menu Selector Character
- ---------------------------------
- Q&ASA uses one character to escape (out of an answer prompt if dis-
- played) and into the menu system. This character defaults to the
- forward slash ('/'), but you may change it to any character you wish
- in the printable ASCII range of '!' through '~', inclusive. Once you
- change it, it is saved in the configuration file and will therefore be
- set each time you start Q&ASA. If you change your mind, you can reset
- the character or press ESCape to cancel the command if you have not
- yet pressed the ENTER key.
- /FX - Exit to DOS
- -----------------
- Use this command to quit a Q&ASA session and return to DOS. If you
- have loaded a database but have not answered all questions, the score
- file will be updated with your current score and a notation that you
- quit Q&ASA. You cannot exit Q&ASA, clear the database, or reload the
- current or new database without updating your score file. This pre-
- vents extending time limits and/or starting a quiz over again.
- Also, when you quit a Q&ASA session using this command, any saved
- database file of the same name is erased from disk, preventing resump-
- tion if the database had been previously saved. As a general rule,
- whenever your final score is displayed (and optionally, the score file
- is updated), or whenever you load a database using the /FL (File/Load
- Database) command, any associated .SAV file will be erased.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 14
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- Note: Pressing Control-C or Control-Break is interpreted the same
- as /FX without the RETURN. Simply press RETURN to update the
- score file and return to DOS.
- /MS - Sequential Mode
- ---------------------
- The sequential mode option tells Q&ASA that you wish to answer the
- questions in the same order as they appear in the database file. When
- selected, the new mode will appear in the scoring window. This option
- does NOT cause Q&ASA to start reading from the beginning of the file;
- it simply changes the method used to determine the next question.
- Sequential mode reads the questions from the database in a circular
- fashion until all questions have been answered. This allows switching
- between modes.
- When all questions have been answered, Q&ASA will update the optional
- score file and display the final score.
- Note that this command may be locked out by an option given in the
- database definition file. If this is the case, the command will simply
- be ignored. No warning will be given indicating that the command is
- locked out.
- /MR - Pseudorandom Mode
- -----------------------
- This mode is used when you want Q&ASA to choose the questions at
- random. The random number generator is seeded on each invocation of
- Q&ASA by using the PC's clock to insure that the pseudorandom sequence
- is different each time the program is run.
- In this mode, Q&ASA will select the next question at random from the
- set of unanswered questions. It will not, therefore, ask a question
- again once it has been answered.
- When all questions have been answered, Q&ASA will update the optional
- score file and display the final score.
- Note that this command may be locked out by an option given in the
- database definition file. If this is the case, the command will simply
- be ignored. No warning will be given indicating that the command is
- locked out.
- /MC - Clear
- -----------
- Use the Clear option to reset your score back to zero and to reset the
- question index back to the beginning of the file. The question index
- is cleared only here and when the database is initially loaded.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 15
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- Note that this command may be locked out by an option given in the
- database definition file. If this is the case, the command will simply
- be ignored. No warning will be given indicating that the command is
- locked out.
- /N - Name
- ---------
- This command is used to enter your name, which is placed into the
- score file and also displayed when the quiz session is completed or
- otherwise terminated.
- When this command is given, a data entry window will pop up and prompt
- for your name and/or any other identifying information. You may enter
- up to 35 characters.
- If you have not given your name when the session is terminated, and
- the optional score logging feature has been enabled, Q&ASA will force
- you to enter it before you will be permitted to enter any other
- command.
- Scoring Window
- --------------
- The scoring window always shows the current state of both you and
- Q&ASA. The items that appear in the scoring window are described
- below.
- Time Left This shows the time remaining to answer all ques-
- tions in the database. It will be blank until you
- load a database with the /FS command. If the data-
- base has a time limit associated with it, you will
- see this time counting down to zero. At zero, it
- will change to 'Time Out'. If the database has no
- time limit, this will be displayed as 'No Limit'.
- Mode This is the current question-indexing mode, and
- will be "Random" or "Sequential". Q&ASA always
- starts up in sequential mode.
- Questions When a database has been loaded, this specifies
- the total number of questions in the database.
- Answered Tells the number of questions that you have an-
- swered. When it equals the number of questions in
- the database, your final score will be displayed.
- Correct This is the number of questions that you have
- answered correctly.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 16
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- Score Your score is a simple ratio of the number of
- possible points to the number you have been award-
- ed, and is displayed in percent.
- Answering Questions
- -------------------
- Q&ASA does not require you to answer questions in the order Q&ASA
- presents them (as defined by the mode). Q&ASA will determine the next
- question using the mode you select, but once the question is dis-
- played, you may elect to skip it (intending to come back to it later)
- and let Q&ASA present the next one. Q&ASA will remember that the
- question was skipped and display it again at some later time, depend-
- ing upon the mode you have selected.
- Skipping a question is done simply by pressing the ESCape key when
- Q&ASA prompts for an answer. The question will not be scored, but
- Q&ASA will present it again after you have answered all of the remain-
- ing questions (sequential mode) or at any time (random mode). You may
- not omit a question, but you may essentially scan through the ques-
- tions and answer them in the order you choose.
- If you choose to answer a question, you must enter a response. Q&ASA
- will not accept a blank answer.
- Q&ASA will always display the number of points you will be awarded if
- you answer correctly at the right of the answer window. The number of
- points displayed is the ratio of the total number of points to the
- weight of the question in points, as defined in the compiled database.
- If you answer incorrectly, you are awarded zero points.
- You may also enter a command any time you are being prompted for an
- answer.
- Creating a Database
- -------------------
- The database is the heart of Q&ASA. Q&ASA receives virtually all of
- the information it needs to present and score your answers from the
- database.
- The database is created from a plain ASCII, or 'flat' file, and then
- compiled using the database compiler Q&AC. The input given to Q&AC is
- called the database definition file; the output of Q&AC is the com-
- piled database. Q&AC creates and destroys one intermediate file as it
- compiles the database definition file.
- Q&AC supports a large number of options that may be used to control
- the quiz session. Each option is specified using a keyword followed by
- zero or more lines of text. It is important to remember that keywords
- must be on a line by themselves with no other text.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 17
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- If you use a word processor program to create the database definition
- file, be sure to use its 'nondocument' mode to insure that it won't
- put in any formatting codes. A plain ASCII text editor is recommended
- (EDLIN, which is included with PC-DOS, is one such editor).
- To enable Q&ASA to handle all of the common question formats except
- 'essay' questions, a very general database arrangement is used. Q&AC
- expects each question to be followed by the correct answer, which it
- uses to check the answer typed in by the user.
- Q&ASA can handle multiple-choice, true/false, and fill-in-the-blank
- questions with equal ease.
- The database must contain one instance of each of two keywords for
- each question in the database. These keywords are, exactly, in quotes:
- "Q="
- "A="
- As you might expect, these stand for "question" and "answer". The
- question MUST precede the answer. Q&AC will complain about any irregu-
- larities it finds in the database when it constructs the compiled
- database file.
- The following is a simple example of a question and answer as they
- might appear in the database definition file. It is a multiple-choice
- question. The following text is entered into the database definition
- file:
- Q=
- Multiple-choice:
- What is the capital of Pennsylvania?
- A. Philadelphia
- B. Washington, D.C.
- C. Harrisburg
- D. None of the above
- A=
- C
- Q&ASA will display the question beginning on the line immediately
- following the 'Q=' line. The end of the question is marked by the
- 'A='. All lines between these markers form the question, which Q&ASA
- will display exactly as it appears in the database. You may, there-
- fore, format your questions any way that you wish. Q&ASA will impose
- NO restrictions other than the number of rows and columns; you may use
- up to 15 lines of 76 characters. If the question contains more than 15
- lines, the extra lines will be discarded. Blank lines between the end
- of the actual question and the 'A=' line are effectively discarded and
- do not count against the 15 lines allowed.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 18
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- Note that the 'Multiple-choice' prompt is actually a part of the
- database -NOT hard-coded into Q&ASA. You may include this as part of
- your database or omit it if you wish.
- The answer follows beginning on the line immediately after the 'A='.
- In this example, it is 'C'. All this means is that Q&ASA will score as
- correct any response to the question that is exactly 'C' OR 'c' - case
- is insignificant. Q&ASA does some preformatting of these strings prior
- to the comparison, however. Both the answer in the database and the
- answer typed in by you are processed the same way:
- 1. All leading whitespace is removed. This means that
- C
- and
- C
- are equivalent and are themselves equivalent to the 'C' in
- the example above.
- 2. All trailing whitespace, including newline characters, is
- removed.
- 3. All whitespace (blanks and tabs) between words is collapsed
- to a single space;
- "hello there"
- and
- "hello there"
- are equivalent.
- 4. All characters are folded to uppercase; 'Yes' and 'yes' are
- therefore equivalent.
- These steps insure that a response will not be scored as incorrect due
- to the position of any part of the response in either your answer or
- that in the database.
- Note that these same rules are also applied to the 'Q=' and 'A='
- markers. They may, therefore, appear anywhere on the line. You cannot,
- however, insert anything between 'Q' and '=', nor can you put anything
- else on the line with the marker.
- In the example above, one correct answer was specified. The only
- answer that could be scored as correct is 'C' (and 'c', of course).
- Note that we could just as well have used numbers as selectors and
- given '3' as the answer. Q&ASA makes no attempt to interpret this
- information; it simply looks for an exact match based on the criteria
- outlined above.
- This next example will demonstrate a true/false question.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 19
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- Q=
- Answer true or false:
- Q&ASA understands the information in the database.
- A=
- False
- Note the (valid) position of the 'A='. This time we have indented the
- question using tabs. When Q&AC compiles the question, it expands the
- tabs automatically (using 8-column tab stops) to maintain the align-
- ment as it is in the database definition file. We also have three
- blank lines after the 'Q='; this serves to shift the question down
- toward the center of the question window to make it look nicer.
- This example is not good practice (although it will be compiled
- correctly), since the 'A=' would be easy to miss if the database were
- edited, and the indentation is inconsistent. It does, however, have a
- more serious drawback: to get the question right, you must type in
- 'false', all 5 characters - and 'false' is one word I just cannot type
- (it always comes out 'flase')!
- For a true/false question, one would be likely to respond with 'T',
- 'F', 'yes', 'y', 'no', 'n', or possibly '1' and '0'. To accommodate
- these options, Q&ASA allows more than one correct answer. In fact,
- every nonblank line following 'A=' is treated as a correct answer. The
- second example above, then, would be more appropriately given by
- Q=
- Answer true or false:
- Q&ASA understands the information in the database.
- A=
- False
- F
- No
- N
- 0
- This permits any of the five answers to be regarded as correct.
- If you give an incorrect response to a question (e.g., one that is not
- among the list of correct answers), Q&ASA will display the correct
- answer for you, as well as omit one or more points from your score.
- When Q&ASA displays the correct answer, it uses the first one given in
- the answer list. What this means is that Q&ASA will display
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 20
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- Incorrect. The correct answer is
- False
- Press any key to continue.
- which is more professional than 'N', for example.
- This feature adds a lot of versatility to Q&ASA. Since Q&ASA is
- intended to be a study aid as well as a general-purpose testing
- program, it should provide reinforcement of incorrect answers by
- permitting a more complete correct answer. To demonstrate this, we'll
- use a third example; this time, a fill-in-the-blank question:
- Q=
- The speed of light is ______ km/sec.
- A=
- Light travels at 300,000 km/sec.
- 300000
- 300,000
- 300K
- In this example, an incorrect response will elicit
- Incorrect. The correct answer is
- Light travels at 300,000 km/sec.
- Press any key to continue.
- Of course, this is also a correct answer in itself, but not a likely
- one. If you do enter it, it will be scored as correct. You would,
- however, be required to include the comma, the slash between 'km' and
- 'sec', and the period.
- There are three more plausible correct answers that Q&ASA would
- consider to be correct. Any one of them is sufficient to credit the
- answer to you.
- Note that the display of the correct answer may be disabled beginning
- with Version 3.0 of Q&ASA. This is done by issuing the 'D=' (Display
- Off) command in the database. This a global command and will turn off
- the display of all answers, no matter where you place the command in
- the database definition file.
- When creating a large database definition file, it is annoying to have
- to type the four or more common answers to a true/false question. To
- make this easier, Q&AC supports simple macros. A macro is a block of
- text that is inserted in place of a macro identifier. We may therefore
- create a macro for 'true' and a macro for 'false', and use the macro
- identifier instead of typing all four answer lines. These macros would
- look something like the example on the following page.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 21
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- M=
- $TRUE$
- true
- t
- yes
- y
- M=
- false
- f
- no
- n
- Q=
- Answer true or false:
- Q&ASA understands the information in the database.
- A=
- The "M=" is the macro keyword, and tells Q&AC that the following lines
- form a macro definition. The first line following the macro keyword is
- the macro identifier. You may use any character string as a macro
- identifier, provided it does not contain blanks or tabs. The dollar
- signs are not necessary, but serve nicely to identify $FALSE$ as a
- macro invocation. When Q&AC reads the identifier, it will substitute
- all lines following the macro identifier up to the first blank line or
- keyword, whichever is found first. Note that Q&ASA will display
- "false" as the correct answer if the question is answered incorrectly,
- as it is the first answer in the answer list formed by expanding the
- macro.
- The above is a short introduction to creating a database definition
- file. The following section describes the Q&AC compiler in detail.
- The Q&AC Database Compiler
- --------------------------
- Q&AC is a separate program that is used only when a database is first
- created. Once the database definition file has been created, it is
- compiled with Q&AC, and the compiled database file (which has an
- extension of .Q&A) is distributed to the users of the Q&ASA program.
- This offers several advantages, among them:
- 1. The database is encrypted. A user of Q&ASA cannot look in
- the file using any viewing, listing, or debugging program
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 22
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- and see the questions and answers. Q&ASA knows the en-
- cryption method and decrypts the database as it reads it.
- 2. The author of the database definition file may specify a
- number of options to control the quiz session. These options
- cannot be seen or modified by the user of Q&ASA.
- 3. Since the database has been preprocessed by Q&AC, loading
- and display of questions is faster and error-free. It is not
- necessary to perform any formatting at run time.
- Using Q&AC
- ----------
- Q&AC has a simple invocation syntax, as follows:
- Q&AC <database definition filename> <ENTER>
- There are no other command-line parameters or options.
- Q&AC expects you to use an extension of .DEF for the database defini-
- tion file. If you use this extension, you do not have to type it. If
- you use any other extension, you must specify the entire filename. For
- example, the sample database definition file is called SAMPLE.DEF. To
- compile it, type
- If the database definition file were named SAMPLE.TXT, however, you
- would be required to type
- If you give the database definition file an extension of .Q&A, Q&AC
- will reject it, as this extension is reserved for compiled database
- files. The reason this extension is reserved is so that Q&ASA may
- filter the files in the directory when it displays the available
- databases.
- Q&AC will not make any changes to the database definition file (your
- 'source' file). It will create a compiled database file of the same
- base name, but with an extension of .Q&A. In the examples above, the
- compiled database files would all be named SAMPLE.Q&A. If the compiled
- database file already exists, it is overwritten by Q&AC, and the
- original contents will be lost. Q&AC will NOT warn you of this.
- When Q&AC is finished, it will display the options you selected in the
- definition file. The output below was produced by compiling the sample
- database SAMPLE.DEF.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 23
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- Q&A Study Aid Database Compiler Version 3.80 (SHAREWARE)
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software. All rights reserved.
- File SAMPLE.DEF compiled to file SAMPLE.Q&A
- Configuration
- Name ............... "Q&ASA Sample Database"
- Total weight ....... 29
- Score filename ..... "q&a.scr"
- Time limit ......... 00:10:00
- Mode lock .......... (none)
- Clear command ...... Enabled
- Answer Display ..... Enabled
- Macros
- $TRUE$
- 367 Source lines
- 20 Questions
- Q&AC Language Syntax
- --------------------
- Q&AC, being a true compiler, requires that you follow certain syntac-
- tical rules when creating a database definition file. The syntax was
- made as simple and forgiving as possible to minimize the learning
- time.
- The Q&AC language is line-oriented, meaning that Q&AC views its input
- in terms of whole lines. You may not, therefore, put two keyword
- markers on the same line, for example.
- The following is a short summary of the keywords that Q&AC uses.
- Q= Question text
- A= Answer list
- N= quiz Name
- M= Macro definition
- T= Time limit
- C= Clear not allowed
- S= lock in Sequential mode
- R= lock in Random mode
- F= output score Filename
- E= Encrypt score file
- W= assign Weighting
- D= disable Display of incorrect answers
- Each of these keywords is described in the following paragraphs.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 24
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- Q&AC scans and discards all text in the database definition file that
- is not part of a keyword interpretation. This means that you may
- insert comments almost anywhere, without using special comment delim-
- iters. Since Q&AC is line-oriented, you may not, of course, place a
- comment on the same line with any keyword or its associated text.
- Comments are otherwise unrestricted. The sample database definition
- file SAMPLE.DEF provides many examples of the use of comments.
- The Q= and A= Keywords
- ----------------------
- As mentioned previously, Q= and A= are the keywords for 'question' and
- 'answer', respectively. Each has the same basic syntax:
- Q= (or A=)
- <text>
- <text>
- ....
- <text>
- <termination>
- For all Q&AC keywords that take multiple lines of text as arguments,
- with the single exception of the Q= keyword, the <termination> is the
- same: a blank line, another keyword, or end-of-file. In this context,
- a blank line is any line that contains zero or more space or tab
- characters only. For the Q= keyword, a blank line is NOT a termina-
- tion; only the 'A=' keyword terminates a question. This is to allow
- blank lines in the question text. You must be careful not to place
- comment lines between the Q= and A= keywords, since these will be
- regarded as part of the question and displayed on the Q&ASA screen.
- A question may not have more than 15 lines of text associated with it,
- and you are limited to 76 characters per line. Within this rectangular
- boundary, you are unrestricted. If you exceed the allowed number of
- lines or if a line contains more than 76 characters (after tab and
- macro expansion), Q&AC will display an error message and stop.
- You are permitted any number of answer lines, limited only by the
- amount of memory available in the PC running Q&ASA. If the PC has 128K
- bytes or more of available memory (free memory above DOS and all
- TSRs), you are essentially unrestricted.
- The N= Keyword
- --------------
- The N= keyword is used to specify the quiz name. The name must appear
- on the line following the keyword, and may be up to 70 characters in
- length. When the database is loaded into Q&ASA, this name appears in
- the top border of the center (question) window.
- For example, to name a quiz on American history as such, you would use
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 25
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- N=
- American History Quiz
- The M= Keyword
- --------------
- The M= keyword is the macro definition keyword, and indicates to Q&AC
- that the following lines are a macro definition. The macro definition
- takes the following form:
- M=
- <macro identifier>
- <first macro line>
- <second macro line>
- ..............
- <Nth macro line>
- <termination>
- Macros are expanded recursively, so if you place the macro identifier
- in any of the macro definition lines, you will create a self-referen-
- tial macro that will be expanded endlessly. The recursion is allowed
- so that you may build complex macros from simple ones if you wish.
- For example, to build a macro for 'TRUE' from two other macros, you
- could use:
- M=
- $T$
- True
- T
- M=
- $Y$
- Yes
- Y
- M=
- $TRUE$
- $T$
- $Y$
- We have defined three macros, "$T$", "$Y$", and "$TRUE$". If Q&AC
- encounters $TRUE$ in the database definition file, it will replace it
- with
- True
- T
- Yes
- Y
- because "True" and "T" are expansions of $T$ and "Yes" and "Y" are
- expansions of $Y$. Note that blank lines are unnecessary between the
- macro definitions, since each is terminated by the M= keyword of the
- following macro.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 26
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- You may use a macro identifier anywhere in the database definition
- file except within its own definition, as has been pointed out.
- However, macro invocations MUST be surrounded by whitespace. For
- example, many multiple-choice questions use the blanket selectors
- "none of the above" and "all of the above". You may therefore use the
- following macros:
- M=
- $NONE$
- None of the above.
- M=
- $ALL$
- All of the above.
- and write a multiple-choice question as:
- Q=
- Multiple-choice:
- In what year did Christopher Columbus land in the New World?
- 1. 1592
- 2. 1492
- 3. 1066
- 4. $NONE$
- 5. $ALL$
- A=
- 2. 1492
- 2
- 1492
- Q&AC will expand this to:
- Q=
- Multiple-choice:
- In what year did Christopher Columbus land in the New World?
- 1. 1592
- 2. 1492
- 3. 1066
- 4. None of the above.
- 5. All of the above.
- A=
- 2. 1492
- 2
- 1492
- Remember that Q&AC is line-oriented, however. If you put the following
- in the database definition file:
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 27
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- M=
- $NW$
- New World
- Q=
- Multiple-choice:
- In what year did Christopher Columbus land in the $NW$?
- 1. 1592
- 2. 1492
- 3. 1066
- 4. None of the above.
- 5. All of the above.
- Q&AC will NOT expand it because there is no whitespace between $NW$
- and the '?'. If, however, you use
- M=
- $NW$
- New World
- Q=
- Multiple-choice:
- In what year did Christopher Columbus land in the $NW$ ?
- 1. 1592
- 2. 1492
- 3. 1066
- 4. None of the above.
- 5. All of the above.
- Q&AC will expand it to
- Q=
- Multiple-choice:
- In what year did Christopher Columbus land in the New World
- ?
- 1. 1592
- 2. 1492
- 3. 1066
- 4. None of the above.
- 5. All of the above.
- because the macro expansion includes the newline. You should not,
- therefore, attempt to use a macro in the middle of a block of text.
- Macros must be defined before they can be used. If you place a macro
- definition in the middle of the database definition file and use the
- macro identifier before and after it, then the identifiers that appear
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 28
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- before the macro definition will NOT be expanded. Define all of your
- macros before entering the first question.
- The T= Keyword
- --------------
- This is the time limit keyword. Include it in the database definition
- file to specify a time limit. If you omit it, the time limit is
- infinite.
- The syntax is as follows:
- T=
- where HH is hours, MM is minutes, and SS is seconds. If the time limit
- is less than an hour, you may omit the hours field; similarly, if the
- time limit is less than a minute, you may omit the hours and minutes
- fields. The sample database definition file contains a 10-minute
- timeout, given by
- T=
- 10:00
- Note: If you specify a time limit for a database, the /FS (File/-
- Save Database) command will be disabled. A user attempting
- to use this command will receive an error message, and the
- command will be ignored.
- The C= Keyword
- --------------
- This keyword is used to disable the Clear command. An individual
- taking a quiz with Q&ASA can use the Clear command to reset the score
- and essentially do the quiz twice. The author of the database defini-
- tion file may prevent this by entering
- C=
- in the database definition file. When this is done, Q&ASA will ignore
- the Clear command completely.
- Note that if the Clear command is allowed, by omission of the C=
- keyword, and the score file is enabled with the F= keyword (described
- later), then a score record will be written to the score file indicat-
- ing that the user cleared the score and restarted the quiz.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 29
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- The S= and R= Keywords
- ----------------------
- These are the mode lock keywords, where S= stands for "sequential" and
- R= stands for "random". These keywords are mutually exclusive; a
- database definition may not contain both keywords. If it does, an
- error will be generated by Q&AC and compilation will stop.
- These keywords are used to lock Q&ASA in the mode specified by the
- keyword. If you do not give either keyword, then the user of Q&ASA is
- free to use the Mode command to change modes.
- For example, to lock Q&ASA in sequential mode, use the following:
- S=
- and to lock Q&ASA in random mode:
- R=
- There are no other arguments. The lock remains in effect until another
- database is loaded (which may also be locked).
- The F= Keyword
- --------------
- The F= keyword controls logging of score information to a disk file.
- Logging is enabled by specifying a filename with the F= keyword, and
- disabled if you omit the keyword.
- The filename you specify may be any valid DOS pathname, up to 64
- characters in length. All scoring records are appended to the file if
- it already exists, or the file will be created automatically if it
- does not exist.
- The score logging file may exist on a file server of a networked
- system if desired. However, Q&ASA DOES NOT SUPPORT FILE SHARING.
- Typically, and networked system will require that a file be locked
- while it is being updated so that no other network user may access the
- file until the updating has been completed. If Q&ASA is used in a
- networked system, the networking extensions to DOS must provide this
- function.
- If networking is to be used, but the network does not perform locking
- on a file level, then you should specify a score logging file on the
- local drive of each PC, and collect these files at a later time.
- Otherwise, you may end up with a corrupted score file.
- All score log records are plain ASCII (except when encryption is
- selected). An example is reproduced on the following page.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 30
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- Student Name: John Q. Public
- Database Name: Q&ASA Sample Database
- Final Score: 72.41%
- Termination: TIME LIMIT
- Started: Monday, July 31, 1989, 15:44:44
- Completed: Monday, July 31, 1989, 15:46:45
- Elapsed Time: 00:02:00
- Database File: SAMPLE.Q&A
- Total Questions: 20
- Possible Points: 29
- Points Awarded: 21
- Point Matrix:
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- 0001-0010 10.34 3.45 3.45 ??? 3.45 --- ??? --- 3.45 3.45
- 0011-0020 6.90 3.45 6.90 3.45 --- 3.45 3.45 6.90 3.45 6.90
- **********************************************************************
- The '*****....*****' forms a separator between individual records.
- The first block contains summary information regarding the quiz
- session. The quiz taker's name is listed along with the name of the
- database (given by the N= keyword), the final score, and the reason
- the score record was written to the score file. In this example, it is
- given as 'TIME LIMIT'. This means that the quiz taker used up the time
- allotted by the T= keyword. The possible reasons for termination are:
- Completed The user answered all questions (and optionally,
- within the time allotted by the T= keyword).
- TIME LIMIT The user exceeded the time allotted by the T=
- keyword. This reason can only be produced if a
- time limit was given.
- ABORTED This indicates that the user quit the Q&ASA ses-
- sion before answering all questions using the /FX
- command or by pressing Control-C or Control-Break.
- CLEARED The Clear command (/MC) was used to clear the
- score and restart the quiz. This reason cannot be
- produced if the C= keyword is used to disable the
- Clear command.
- RELOADED The user reloaded the database, or loaded a dif-
- ferent database, or continued a previously-saved
- database before all questions were answered.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 31
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- The final score is always the ratio of the number of possible points
- to the total number of points awarded by answering correctly. Ques-
- tions that were not answered are scored as incorrect.
- The log record also specifies the time the database was loaded (there-
- by starting the timer, if a time limit was given), the time the quiz
- was completed or stopped (for any of the reasons given above), and the
- elapsed time.
- The third block of the record gives the name of the compiled database
- file, the number of questions in the file, and the number of possible
- points with the number of points awarded. Because Q&AC and Q&ASA
- support weighting, the number of possible points may be different from
- the number of questions.
- The last block is the point matrix. This shows the results of each
- question in the database, ten questions per line. Each question may
- have three possible outcomes:
- 1. The question was answered, and answered correctly. The point
- matrix will show the number of points awarded as a ratio of
- the number of possible points, relative to 100.
- 2. The question was answered, but answered incorrectly. The
- point matrix will show that no points were awarded with '---
- '.
- 3. The question was not answered, either by skipping over it or
- by exceeding the allotted time. The point matrix will show
- this with '???'. No points were awarded.
- In the example score record shown, you can see that questions 6, 8,
- and 15 were answered incorrectly, questions 4 and 7 were not answered
- (probably due to the time limit given as the reason), and the remain-
- ing 15 questions were answered correctly. The point breakdown will be
- described in the section on weighting.
- The E= Keyword
- --------------
- This keyword is used to instruct Q&ASA that the score file is to be
- encrypted. This prevents a user from completing a quiz session and
- then editing the score file manually to increase the score.
- When this keyword is used, the score file will not be human-readable,
- and must be converted back to plain text. This is done using the
- utility program Q&AD.EXE (Q&A Decoder). Q&AD will restore the score
- file to plain text using the same file name. If the score file is, or
- has already been converted to plain text, Q&AD will not reprocess it.
- If you enter the E= keyword anywhere in the database definition file,
- Q&AC will set a global flag that encrypts the entire score file.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 32
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- The D= Keyword
- --------------
- This keyword is used to disable the display of the correct answer if a
- question is answered incorrectly. If omitted, Q&ASA will display
- Incorrect. The correct answer is
- (Correct Answer)
- Press any key to continue
- The syntax of the D= keyword is as follows:
- D=
- If you enter the D= keyword anywhere in the database definition file,
- Q&AC will set a global flag that disables this display. Q&ASA will go
- on to the next question as though the answer was correct.
- The W= Keyword
- --------------
- This keyword is used to assign weights to each question. The weighting
- system you use is entirely arbitrary and up to you. Q&AC and Q&ASA
- impose only the restriction that you use integer weights, and that you
- use numbers between 0 and 32767 inclusive.
- The syntax of the W= keyword is as follows:
- W=
- <weight>
- When Q&AC encounters this keyword, it reads the weight and assigns it
- to all the questions that follow it. If Q&AC encounters the W= keyword
- again, it will change the weight to the new weight, and assign the new
- weight to all following questions. As each question is processed by
- Q&AC, Q&AC keeps track of the total weight. When Q&ASA scores a
- question, it determines the point score to be the ratio of the total
- weight to that of the question in percent. This point score is added
- to the running score shown in the scoring window, and also appears in
- the point matrix in the score file.
- If you do not specify a weight anywhere in the database definition
- file, all questions will be weighted as one point by default.
- Note that this arrangement allows you total flexibility in setting up
- a weighting system. You do not have to weight each question as a
- fraction of 100, for example. Q&AC and Q&ASA do this for you.
- The sample database weights each 'fill-in' question as three points,
- each true/false as 2 points, and each multiple-choice question as one
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 33
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- point. There is one 'fill-in' question, 7 'true/false' questions, and
- 12 'multiple-choice' questions. The points are calculated as follows:
- fill-in 1 times 3 points = 3 points
- true/false 7 times 2 points = 14 points
- multiple-choice 12 times 1 point = 12 points
- ---------------------------------------
- Totals: 20 questions 29 points
- There are therefore 29 possible points (as shown in the score file). A
- 'fill-in' question is worth 3/29 points or 10.34 points relative to
- 100. A 'true/false' question is worth 2/29 points or 6.90 points
- relative to 100, and a 'multiple-choice' question 1/29 or 3.45 points
- relative to 100. In the example score record, the user was awarded a
- total of 21 out of 29 possible points, for a score of 21/29 or 72.41%.
- Adding all of the points shown in the point matrix will produce the
- same result.
- Version 3.80 of Q&ASA allows you to assign a weight of zero to one or
- any number of questions. These questions will not affect the score, as
- the score for any question is the ratio of the total weight of all
- questions to the weight of the question being scored. If you assign a
- weight of zero to all questions, the score will always be zero.
- The Q&AD Score File Decoder
- ---------------------------
- The Q&AD.EXE program is a utility that will decrypt score files that
- have been encrypted by virtue of the 'E=' keyword in the database
- definition file. Q&AD will convert the encrypted file to plain ASCII
- text as though it had never been encrypted. Encrypting the score file
- prevents a user from completing a quiz and the manually editing the
- score file to change the score.
- Q&AD will not alter any file that is not encrypted. You may, there-
- fore, run it on a score file even if you are not sure if it is en-
- crypted.
- Q&AD replaces the encrypted file with the decrypted file; e.g., the
- filename is not changed. Since you may specify any filename as the
- score filename, Q&AD has no default extension. You must, therefore,
- supply the complete score file name.
- Q&AD has a simple invocation syntax, as follows:
- Q&AD <score filename> ENTER
- There are no other command line options or parameters. Q&AD will
- report if the decryption was successful or if the file was not en-
- crypted.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 34
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- Conclusion
- ----------
- Most of these examples can be found in the sample database definition
- file, SAMPLE.DEF. Experiment with it (remember to recompile it with
- Q&AC if you change it), but please don't pass on a modified copy to
- someone else.
- Hal Endresen
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 35
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- Appendix : Q&AC Error Messages
- ------------------------------
- Usage: Q&AC <definition filename>
- This error will be generated if you invoke Q&AC without speci-
- fying the name of a database definition file.
- Illegal definition filename: <filename>
- This error is generated if you supply a database definition file
- with an extension of .Q&A.
- Cannot find database definition file <filename>
- This error indicates that Q&AC was not able to open the database
- definition file you specified.
- Unable to create temporary file <filename>
- This error indicates that Q&AC was not able to create its inter-
- mediate temporary file.
- File <def file> : Line <line> : Answer omitted
- You specified a question without an accompanying answer, or your
- syntax is such that Q&AC could not determine where the answer is.
- File <def file> : Line <line> : Question omitted
- You specified an answer without a preceding question, or your
- syntax was such that Q&AC could not determine where the question
- is.
- File <def file> : Line <line> : Macro name missing
- You specified the macro definition keyword M=, but the next line
- is blank.
- File <def file> : Line <line> : Weight definition missing
- You specified the weighting keyword W=, but the next line is
- blank.
- File <def file> : Line <line> : Invalid weight
- You specified a weight that was outside the range 1..32767 or
- entered non-numeric characters.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 36
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- File <def file> : Line <line> : Title missing
- You specified the name keyword N=, but the next line is blank.
- File <def file> : Line <line> : Title too long - truncated
- The name you entered after the N= keyword is longer than 70
- characters.
- File <def file> : Line <line> : Time limit definition missing
- You specified the time limit keyword T=, but the next line is
- blank.
- File <def file> : Line <line> : Invalid time limit
- The time limit you specified following the T= keyword is not in
- the form HH:MM:SS.
- File <def file> : Line <line> : Mode lock already set
- You specified S= and R= in the same definition file. Q&AC is com-
- plaining about the second occurrence.
- File <def file> : Line <line> : Filename missing
- You specified an output score file with the F= keyword, but the
- next line is blank.
- File <def file> : Line <line> : Illegal filename
- You specified a filename after the F= keyword that has invalid
- characters or longer than 64 characters.
- File <def file> : Line <line> : Question line exceeds 76 characters
- You entered a line in a question block that will not fit into
- Q&ASA's window.
- File <def file> : Line <line> : Question exceeds 15 lines
- You entered a question that has too many lines.
- File <def file> : Line <line> : Answer line exceeds 76 characters
- You entered an answer line that will not fit into Q&ASA's answer
- window.
- Cannot create database output file <filename>
- Q&AC was unable to create the compiled database output file.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 37
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- Cannot open temporary file <filename>
- Q&AC was unable to create its temporary file.
- File <def file> : Line <line> : Insufficient memory
- Q&AC ran out of memory while processing your database. If this
- happens, you have several options. You may:
- 1. Reduce the number of questions or split the database into
- two files.
- 2. Reduce the number of macros.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 38
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- This program is copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1990 by Hal Endresen, Quid
- Pro Quo Software. All rights reserved.
- Q&A Study Aid is distributed as SHAREWARE, or User-Supported Software.
- You are encouraged to try the program and share it with others,
- provided that:
- The program is distributed in unmodified form as the complete
- archive Q&ASA380.ZIP, complete with documentation and the regis-
- tration form on the following page.
- No fee, charge or other consideration is requested or accepted.
- The program is not distributed in conjunction with any other
- product.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 39
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- --------------------------------
- If you intend to use Q&A Study Aid on a regular basis, please register
- it and show your support for the author. Commercial, business or
- governmental use by non-registered users is prohibited.
- -------------------------------------
- Name _______________________________________________________________
- Company ____________________________________________________________
- Address ____________________________________________________________
- City __________________________________ State ______ Zip ___________
- Phone ______________________________________________________________
- SERIAL NUMBER FROM OPENING SCREEN __________________________________
- Optional Information (in case you experience a problem):
- Display System _____________________________________________________
- DOS Version ________________________________________________________
- PC Make/Model/CPU __________________________________________________
- Disk Drives Type/Capacity __________________________________________
- System RAM _________________________________________________________
- To register, send this form and a check for $20.00 to:
- Quid Pro Quo Software
- P.O. Box 1248
- Cedar Rapids, IA 52406-1248
- Registered users will receive notification of upgrades of Q&A Study
- Aid, and a registration number to remove the registration notice from
- the opening screen. Registered users will also receive support either
- by telephone (as available), via CompuServe [73760,2032], or by mail.
- Non-registered users may make inquiries as to the suitability of this
- program for their particular purpose.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 40
- Q&A Study Aid V3.80 User's Guide
- -----------------------
- The user-supported software concept (usually referred to as SHAREWARE)
- is an attempt to provide quality software at low cost. The cost of
- offering a new product by conventional means is staggering, and hence
- dissuades many independent authors and small companies from developing
- and promoting their ideas and satisfying new market niches. User
- supported software is an attempt to develop a new marketing channel,
- where products can be introduced at low cost.
- If user-supported software works, then everyone will benefit. The user
- will benefit by receiving quality products at low cost, and by being
- able to "test drive" software thoroughly before purchasing it. The
- author benefits by being able to enter the commercial software arena
- without first needing large sources of venture capital.
- But it can only work with your support. If you find that you are still
- using Q&A Study Aid after a couple of weeks, then obviously it is
- worth something to you, and you should register.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Quid Pro Quo Software Page 41