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- Association of Ideas - Introduction
- How many times have you been in the following situation - you are introduced
- to someone at work or a social function but, when you later try to recall
- his or her name, your mind seems to go completely blank ? This common
- occurrence is usually described, incorrectly, as 'forgetting'.
- When someone says 'I forgot...', the chances are that they didn't forget,
- really - they just didn't remember in the first place. Think about that
- idea for a moment - if you initially REMEMBER something , how can you
- subsequently FORGET it ?
- That leads us on to an important fundamental of memory training - INITIAL
- AWARENESS. If you are Initially Aware of something, you will not forget it.
- All the Memory Master systems which you are about to learn work on this
- principle - they concentrate the mind on whatever you are trying to remember
- for long enough to force Initial Awareness.
- This may sound like hard work at first, but in fact the Memory Master
- systems are childishly simple. Once you have taken the time and effort to
- learn them, you will be able to remember any new item of information you
- want to, easily and quickly.#
- The Ancient Greeks developed basic memory systems called MNEMONICS, a name
- derived from their Goddess of Memory, Mnemosene. In the ancient world, a
- trained memory was an immense asset, particularly in public life. There
- were no convenient devices for taking notes, and early Greek orators
- delivered long speeches with great accuracy because they learned the
- speeches using Mnemonic systems.
- The Greeks discovered that human memory is largely an ASSOCIATIVE process -
- that it works by linking things together. For example, think of a
- pineapple. The instant your brain registers the word 'pineapple', it recals
- the shape, colour, taste, texture and smell of that fruit. All these things
- are ASSOCIATED in your memory with the word 'pineapple'.
- Any thought, action, word, statement, or whatever, can trigger another,
- ASSOCIATED memory. When you recall what you had for lunch yesterday, that
- may remind you of something someone said during lunch, which may recall the
- memory of some background music which was playing, which may evoke something
- which occurred ten years ago, and this can go on and on. These associations
- do not have to be logical - they can be completely random or absurd.#
- The principle of association forms the basis of all the memory systems which
- you will be taught by Memory Master. The principle is that YOU CAN REMEMBER
- You have actually used this principle of association all your life, though
- probably subconsciously. Do you recall the five lines of the treble clef
- music staff, E,G,B,D,F ? If you were ever taught to think of the phrase
- Every Good Boy Deserves Favour, then you DO remember them. You remembered
- some new (abstract) information, the letters E,G,B,D,F by associating it to
- something you already knew or understood - the simple phrase Every Good Boy
- Deserves Favour.
- Do you remember the shape of Austria, Canada, Belgium, or Germany ? Probably
- not. What about Italy though? If you remember the shape of Italy, it is
- because you've been told at some time that Italy is shaped like a boot. You
- made an association with something already known, the shape of a boot, and
- Italy's shape couldn't be forgotten once you had made the association.#
- American students are told to think of HOMES on Great Lake to help remember
- the five great lakes Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior. Music
- students think of the word STAB to remind themselves of the four voices in a
- quartet - Soprano, Tenor, Alto, Bass.
- Each of these examples of association is limited to the extent that it works
- only for one specific thing. The Memory Master systems, however, can be
- applied to absolutely anything you wish to remember. When you have learned
- how to associate CONSCIOUSLY anything you want to remember to something you
- already know, then you will have a trained memory. It really is as simple
- as that.
- Press Page Down to proceed to Tutorial 1~