# | A combination of chemical symbols used to indicate a chemical compound is known as what? | A formula | An abreviation | An equation | A combination | A composition | 1
1 | Which of the following charateristics of water is a chemical characteristic? | alkalinity | bacteria | suspended colloidal matter | turbidity | coliform | 1 |
2 | An example of a chemical compound is | mercury | copper | zinc | table salt | calcium | 4 |
3 | Calcium hypochlorite is formulated as a | liquid | gas | powder | coagulant | coagulant aid | 3 |
4 | Copper sulfate is used primarily to | destroy algea | precipitate sodium phosphate | help prevent corrosion | lower pH | none of the above | 1 |
5 | Organic chemistry is concerned with compounds containing the element | iron | maganese | carbon | oxygen | hydrogen | 3 |
6 | The chemical formula for alum is | ALSO | Fe(SO4)3 | Al(CaCO3) | Al2(SO4)3 . 14 H2O | none of the above | 4 |
7 | The chemical name for muratic acid is | sulphuric acid | phosphoric acid | carbonic acid | nitric acid | hydrochloric acid | 5 |
8 | The atomic weight of chlorine is | 1.008 | 14.01 | 16.00 | 35.45 | 39.35 | 4 |
9 | The chemical symbol for sodium is | S | Si | K | Na | Sa | 4 |
10 | Specific conductance provides an estimate of | pH | dissolved solids | hardness | trace elements | chlorine resiual | 2 |
11 | The formula weight for hydorgen sulfide is | 1.008 | 2.106 | 34.076 | 64.01 | 194.18 | 3 |
12 | The chemical formula for common table salt is | AlCl | Cl2 | NaCl | NaCl2 | NaOCl | 3 |
13 | Which one of the following characteristics distinguishes a ~strong~ acid from a ~weak~ acid? | pH | production of hydroxyl ions(OH) | classification as a monacid | degree of ionization in a water solution | none of the above | 4 |
14 | Hydorgen sulfide in well water will cause the water to have an odor similar to | rotten wood | ammonia | rotten eggs | chlorine gas | decaying flesh | 3 |
15 | Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is often used as the base in acid-base titrations. It has a molecular weight of 40 (23 + 16 + 1 = 40). How many grams of NaOH are in 1 L of a 1N (normal) solution? | 20 | 40 | 60 | 80 | 120 | 2 |
16 | An example of a chemicl element is | ammonia | water | table salt | carbon | alum | 4 |
17 | The sum of the atomic weights of the elements making up a compound is known as the | molecular weight | compound weight | formula weight | gross weight | gross atomic weights | 1 |
18 | Which of the following chemicals are considered to be the most effective for removing or destroying the effects of phenol in water? | KMnO4 | Cl2 | Activated carbon | ClO2 | none of the above | 4 |
19 | Bluestone is what? | A mineral not dissolvable in water | A common name for copper sulfate | A stone for sharpening scraper blades in basins | A mineral in the water that causes blue stains | none of the above | 2 |
20 | The cheical symbol for iron is | Al | Ca | Fe | Ir | Na | 3 |
21 | The chemical symbol for potassium is | Al | Ba | K | Po | Mn | 3 |
22 | The chemical formula for calcium carbonate is | CaCO3 | CuSO4 | NaCl | NaCO | CaCO | 1 |
23 | The Chemical formula for copper sulfate is | CaCO | CaCo3 | CuSO4 | H2SO4 | NaF | 3 |
24 | The chemical formula for ferric oxide (red rust) is | FO | Fe | FeO | FeO2 | Fe2O3 | 5