# | Air binding is what? | A stuck valve on an air line. | The clogging of a filter, pump, pipe due to air released from water. | A condition that happens when a blower surges. | A condition when the filter media is blown out due to high air pressure. | none of the above | 2
1 | The main action of a mixed media filter is | straining. | disinfecting. | coagulation. | none of the above. | | 1 |
2 | Turbidity in wastewater is caused by | color. | dissolved calcium. | hardness. | finely divided suspended material. | none of the above. | 4 |
3 | What is the impact of increased viscosity on the effectiveness of mixed media filters? Mixed media filters are | effected only if temperature changes. | less effective. | more effective. | not effected. | none of the above. | 2 |
4 | The precipitate in coagulation with alum is aluminum | bicarbonate. | carbonate. | hydroxide. | sulfate. | none of the above. | 3 |
5 | The least amount of chemical used to remove turbidity is known as the | coagulation range. | combination dosage. | efficiency range. | optimum dosage. | none of the above. | 4 |
6 | ~Uniformity coefficient~ refers to | uniform floc formation. | running the test the same way each time. | quality of wastewater. | measure of uniformity of filter media. | none of the above. | 4 |
7 | What conditions determine the backwash rate for a pressure filter. | largest media size. | quality of the backwash water. | settleability of solids in the secondary clarifier. | suspended solids concentrations if the aeration tanks. | none of the above. | 1 |
8 | If the effluent turbidity changes from 200 t.u. to 500 t.u. and you want the pH not to increase any further, what chemical would one use? | alum. | ferric chloride. | polymer. | sodium aluminate. | none of the above. | 3 |
9 | The mixed media filtration process may be terminated for backwashing on the basis of | effluent turbidity. | elapsed run time. | total head loss. | all of the above. | none of the above. | 4