# | Leadership occurs as a result of | supervisory authority and position. | being born with certain traits. | the supervisors ability to achieve employee willingness to follow. | the number of years on the job. | | 3
1 | What is the most important and all-inclusive aspect of supervision? | proper utilization of finances. | proper utilization of people. | proper utilization of equipment. | proper utilization of all resources. | | 4 |
2 | The amount of the earth's surface that is covered with water is | one third | two fifths | three forths | nine tenths | seven tenths | 3 |
3 | The ocean contains over ______percent of the earth's water. | 97 | 75 | 85 | 35 | 60 | 1 |
4 | The death rate due to waterborne diseases has been greatly reduced because of improvements in | radioactive tracers. | water treatment. | surgical techniques. | analytical chemistry. | vaccinations. | 2 |
5 | Optimum coagulant dosage can be established by | the breakpoint of chlorination. | performing jar tests. | performing suspended solids tests. | performing total solids test. | observing the pilot filters. | 2 |
6 | A chemical commonly used for coagulation in water treatment facilities is | soda ash. | copper sulfate. | lime. | chlorine | aluminum sulfate. | 5 |
7 | Turbid water containing alkalinity which is treated with alum forms ________, which increases in size and settles out. | caogulants. | coagulant aids | floc particles | aluminum ions | aluminum sulfate ions | 3 |
8 | Polyelectolytes are used as | coagulants. | coagulant aids. | pH adjusters. | disinfectants. | none of the above. | 2 |
9 | In a conventional water treatment facility | sedimentation precedes filtration. | sedimentation follows filtration. | | | | 1 |
10 | A toxic substance or compound is always | poisonous. | tasteless. | disease causing. | odor-less. | | 1 |
11 | Surface runoff refers to | surface water thet overflows the banks of steams and rivers. | water that flows into creeks, ponds and lakes after a rainfall. | rain that returns to the atmosphere after a rainfall. | water that soaks into the ground. | | 2 |
12 | A water-bearing geological formation is commonly called | the zone of saturation. | the aqueduct. | layer of infiltration. | the water table. | an aquifer. | 5 |
13 | The continous exchange of water between the earth and the atmosphere is called what? | reverse osmosis. | osmosis. | hydrological cycle. | evapotranspiration. | evaporation. | 3 |
14 | Name one of the following terms which is not part of the hydrological cycle. | condesation. | evaportation. | adsorption. | precipitation. | percolation. | 3 |
15 | Preasure is usually measured in what | psi. | cfs. | fps. | cu. ft/sec. | gpm. | 1 |
16 | What is the unit of electrical resistance called? | amp. | kilowatt | ohm | watt | cycle | 3 |
17 | What are the standard units of electrical power. | currents | watts | ohms | Joules | volts | 2 |
18 | What is the definition of static head? | energy of motion of water | preasure loss due to friction | preasure due to depth or elevation of the water | sum of the above three | none of the above | 3 |
19 | The ___________ is the liquid that stands above a sediment or precipitate. | slough | effluent | influent | sludge blanket | supernatant | 5 |
20 | A temporary cloudiness in a freshly drawn sample of tap water may be caused by | air. | chlorine. | silica. | hardness. | floride. | 1 |
21 | Which of the following unit processes would diatoms most likely affect? | coagulation | filtration | sedimentation | floculation | precipitation | 2 |
22 | The top of the zone of saturation in porous soil is the | water table | impervious stratum | line of declination | water-vascular line | watershed | 1 |
23 | Vent openings on resivoirs, clearwells, etc. should be | chlorinated frequently. | well lubricated to allow the air presure to equallize inside. | screened against rodents, birds and insects. | provided with an overlapping cover. | sealed during the winter to prevent ice buildup inside. | 3 |
24 | Plants give off water vapor into the atmosphere through a process called what? | precipitation | evaporation. | condensation | transpiration | perspiration | 4