# | What is a stop log? | A log or board in an outlet box or device to control the water level. | A log or board to indicate water level in a pond. | A log or board used to find short circuiting in a pond. | A log or board jammed in the outfall. | none of the above | 1
1 | Which of the following forms of plant life is necessary for the proper functioning of a stabilization or oxidation pond? | algea. | cattails. | water lilies. | weeds. | none of the above. | 1 |
2 | Cattails growing in a lagoon will | cause short circuiting in affected lagoon. | eliminate mosquito larvae. | increase the diurnal ph fluctuation. | all of the above. | none of the above. | 1 |
3 | At what time of day is the dissolved oxygen content highest in a lagoon? | 3 a.m. | 7 a.m. | 9 a.m. | 12 p.m. | none of the above. | 1 |
4 | The greatest bacterial activity & the highest BOD5 removal in a lagoon will occur when there is | good sunlight, cold temperature and strong wind. | warm temperatures, strong windsand heavey overcast. | moderate breeze, cold temperatures and good sunlight | warm temperatures, moderate breezes, and good sunlight. | none of the above. | 4 |
5 | The highest concentration of algae growth in a lagoon is usually growth in a lagoon is usually observed | near mid-depth. | near bottom. | near top. | below 10.0 feet. | none of the above. | 3 |
6 | Which of the following is not a possible cause of short-circuiting in a pond? | excessive weed growth. | high influent BOD. | poor arrangement of inlet and outlet. | irregular pond bottom. | none of the above. | 2 |
7 | Which of the following is not biologically active in a lagoon? | aerobic bacteria. | anaerobic bacteria. | algae. | fungi. | none of the above. | 4 |
8 | Disaster planning is | having manuals ready so they can be read if a disaster occurs. | something that, if properly done, will not need to be revised. | useful in reducing confusion in the event of a disaster. | none of the above. | all of the above. | 2 |
9 | Trees and brush should be removed from areas to be flooded by waste stabilization ponds to reduce | aeration. | leakage. | silt. | turbidity. | none of the above. | 2