The maximum permissible power for a station in Beaconoperation is 100 WattsStation ID can always be made using emission modeA1A (Morse Code)Technician Privileges80 meters - 3700 kHz to 3750 kHz40 meters - 7100 kHz to 7150 kHz (plus Alaska and Hawaii special privileges)15 meters - 21,100 kHz to 21,200 kHz10 meters - 28,100 kHz to 28,200 kHz6 meter band - 50.1 - 54.0 F3E emissionsMaximum bandwidth allowed 220 MHz to 902 MHz -- 100 kHz 50 MHz to 220 MHz -- 20 kHzMaximum sending speed for F1B 28 MHz to 50 MHz is 1200 baud 50 MHz to 220 MHz is 19.6 kilobaud above 220 MHz is 56 kilobaud52.525 MHz is available to Technician thru Extra class146.52 MHz is available to Technician thru Extra class223.50 MHz is available to Technician thru Extra class446.00 MHz is available to Technician thru Extra classMaximum output power on 146.52 MHz is 1500 WattsF3F emissions are allowed between 144.1 MHz and 148.0 MHzMaximum frequency shift permitted for F1B Below 50 MHz -- 1000 Hz Above 50 MHz -- 1000 Hz or the CW sending speed in baud, whichever is greater.The following are Standard International phonetics:A Alpha G Gulf N November U UniformB Bravo H Hotel O Oscar V VictorC Charlie I India P Papa W WhiskeyD Delta J Juliette Q Quebec X XrayE Echo K Kilo R Romeo Y YankeeF Foxtrot L Lima S Sierra Z Zulu M Mike T TangoThe usual Frequency separation between input and output onrepeater is: On 70 centimeters -- 5 MHz On 1.25 meters -- 1600 kHz On 2 meters -- .6 MHz On 6 meters -- 1 MHzQ- Signals QRL meams is Frequency in use?The most common frequency shift for F2B in VHF is 170 HzThe Ionosphere is the region of the atmosphere whichmakes long distance communications possible by bendingradio waves. Tropospheric ducting occurs most often in VHFcommunications as a result of temperature inversions.Atmospheric Layers pertinent to the Technician exam: F2 layer - Mainly responsible for long distance sky wave propagation D layer - The lowest Ionospheric layer, most responsible for absorption of signals during daylight, especially on 80 meters, limiting 80 to short distances during the day. F1 and F2 Combine at night into one layer. E layer Ionization is maximum at middayActual transmitter forward power = Forward indicated power - Reflected indicated powerPower supply color scheme Black or Red wire -- To the fuse connection White wire -- To one side of Transformer's primary winding Green wire -- To chassisBasic unit of capacitance is a Farad.Basic unit of inductance is a Henry.Basic unit of resistance is a Ohm.Ohm's Law has the following three forms. Use whichever isappropriate to give the value you are trying to determine.E = I * R R = E / I I = E / RWhere E = voltage I = current R = resistance1 Henry = 1,000 millihenrys1 Henry = 1,000,000 Microhenrys1 Farad = 1,000,000,000,000 Picofarads1 Farad = 1,000,000 MicrofaradsFilter characteristics: Low Pass - passes energy below a certain frequency and attenuates energy above that frequency. High Pass - passes energy above a certain frequency and attenuates energy below that frequency. Band Pass - attenuates energy above a certain frequency and attenuates energy below a lower frequency.Emission types F2B - AF Shift Keyer on F3E transmitterSWR or Standing Wave Ratio is the ratio of maximum tominimum voltage on a line, or the ratio of forward andreflected voltages on a line. Forward power is thepower traveling from the transmitter to the antenna,reflected power is the power returned to the transmitterfrom the antenna.Loss in a feed line generally increases as frequencyincreases.Cubical Quad Antenna polarization characteristics: * Feedpoint at center of vertical side - Vertical * Feedpoint at center of horizontal side - Horizontal * All sides at 45 degrees to earth & feedpoint at a side corner - Vertical * All sides at 45 degrees to earth & feedpoint at bottom corner - HorizontalCubical quad antennas contain ~ 1 wavelength of wire 1/4wavelength on each of 4 sides, compose a square closedloop driven element The antenna also contains additionalparallel non-driven loops.