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Text File  |  1990-07-12  |  3KB  |  346 lines

  1. alligato.pic
  2. alligator
  3. alligator
  4. not translated
  5. alligator
  6. anteat.pic
  7. anteater
  8. fourmilier
  9. ameisenfresser
  10. not translated
  11. ape.pic
  12. ape
  13. singer
  14. affe
  15. not translated
  16. baby.pic
  17. baby
  18. petit enfant
  19. saugling
  20. bebe
  21. bear.pic
  22. bear
  23. ours
  24. bar
  25. oso
  26. beetle.pic
  27. beetle
  28. escarbot
  29. kafer
  30. not translated
  31. bell.pic
  32. bell
  33. cloche
  34. glocke
  35. campana
  36. book.pic
  37. book
  38. livre
  39. buch
  40. libro
  41. boot.pic
  42. boot
  43. botte
  44. stiefel
  45. bota
  46. bottle.pic
  47. bottle
  48. bouteille
  49. flasche
  50. botella
  51. boxer.pic
  52. boxer
  53. soufflet
  54. boxer
  55. not translated
  56. bread.pic
  57. bread
  58. pain
  59. brot
  60. pan
  61. bulb.pic
  62. bulb
  63. ampoulle
  64. knolle
  65. bombilla electrica
  66. bull.pic
  67. bull
  68. taureau
  69. bulle
  70. toro
  71. butter.pic
  72. butterfly
  73. papillon
  74. schmetterling
  75. mariposa
  76. auto.pic
  77. car
  78. auto
  79. auto
  80. carro
  81. cat.pic
  82. cat
  83. chat
  84. katze
  85. gato
  86. cow.pic
  87. cow
  88. vache
  89. kuh
  90. vaca
  91. crown.pic
  92. crown
  93. couronne
  94. krone
  95. corona
  96. deer.pic
  97. deer
  98. daim
  99. hirsch
  100. not translated
  101. dolphin.pic
  102. dolphin
  103. dauphin
  104. delphin
  105. not translated
  106. dove.pic
  107. dove
  108. pigeon
  109. taube
  110. paloma
  111. duck.pic
  112. duck
  113. canard
  114. ente
  115. not translated
  116. eagle.pic
  117. eagle
  118. aigle
  119. adler
  120. aguila
  121. elephant.pic
  122. elephant
  123. elephant
  124. elefant
  125. elefante
  126. fish.pic
  127. fish
  128. poisson
  129. fisch
  130. pez
  131. frog.pic
  132. frog
  133. grenouille
  134. frosch
  135. rana
  136. giraffe.pic
  137. giraffe
  138. giraffe
  139. giraffe
  140. not translated
  141. glass.pic
  142. glass
  143. verre
  144. glas
  145. vaso
  146. hammer.pic
  147. hammer
  148. marteau
  149. hammer
  150. martillo
  151. hand.pic
  152. hand
  153. main
  154. hand
  155. mano
  156. heart.pic
  157. heart
  158. coeur
  159. herz
  160. corazon
  161. horse.pic
  162. horse
  163. cheval
  164. pferd
  165. caballo
  166. house.pic
  167. house
  168. maison
  169. haus
  170. casa
  171. karate.pic
  172. karate
  173. karate
  174. karate
  175. karate
  176. lady.pic
  177. lady
  178. dame
  179. dame
  180. dama
  181. leaf.pic
  182. leaf
  183. feuille
  184. blatt
  185. hoja
  186. lizard.pic
  187. lizard
  188. lezard
  189. eidechse
  190. not translated
  191. lock.pic
  192. lock
  193. serrure
  194. schlob
  195. cerradura
  196. mailbox.pic
  197. mailbox
  198. boite faux lettres
  199. briefkasten
  200. buzon
  201. mouse.pic
  202. mouse
  203. souris
  204. maus
  205. raton
  206. owl.pic
  207. owl
  208. hibou
  209. eule
  210. buho
  211. paintbr.pic
  212. paintbrush
  213. brosse
  214. pinsel
  215. brocha
  216. parachut.pic
  217. parachute
  218. parachute
  219. fallschirm
  220. not translated
  221. pig.pic
  222. pig
  223. cochon
  224. ferkel
  225. puerco
  226. puppy.pic
  227. puppy
  228. petit chien
  229. welpe
  230. not translated
  231. bunny.pic
  232. rabbit
  233. lapin
  234. der Hase
  235. conejo
  236. rhino.pic
  237. rhinoceros
  238. rhinoceros
  239. rhinoceros
  240. not translated
  241. rose.pic
  242. rose
  243. rose
  244. rose
  245. rosa
  246. school.pic
  247. school
  248. ecole
  249. schule
  250. escuela
  251. scissors.pic
  252. scissors
  253. ciseaux
  254. schere
  255. tijeras
  256. shark.pic
  257. shark
  258. requin
  259. haifisch
  260. tiburon
  261. shoe.pic
  262. shoe
  263. soulier
  264. schuh
  265. zapato
  266. skunk.pic
  267. skunk
  268. mouffette
  269. stinktier
  270. not translated
  271. snail.pic
  272. snail
  273. limacon
  274. schnecke
  275. caracol
  276. squirrel.pic
  277. squirrel
  278. ecureuil
  279. eichhornchen
  280. ardilla
  281. statue.pic
  282. statue
  283. statue
  284. standbild
  285. estatua
  286. stove.pic
  287. stove
  288. cuisiniere
  289. ofen
  290. estufa
  291. sword.pic
  292. swordfish
  293. epee-de-mer
  294. schwertfisch
  295. not translated
  296. tower.pic
  297. tower
  298. tour
  299. turm
  300. torre
  301. tree.pic
  302. tree
  303. arbre
  304. baum
  305. arbol
  306. turkey.pic
  307. turkey
  308. dindon
  309. durchfall
  310. pavo
  311. turtle.pic
  312. turtle
  313. tortue
  314. schildkrote
  315. tortuga
  316. tv.pic
  317. television
  318. television
  319. fernsehen
  320. television
  321. umbrella.pic
  322. umbrella
  323. parapluie
  324. schirm
  325. paraguas
  326. walrus.pic
  327. walrus
  328. morse
  329. walrub
  330. not translated
  331. whale.pic
  332. whale
  333. baleine
  334. wal
  335. ballena
  336. witch.pic
  337. witch
  338. sorciere
  339. hexe
  340. bruja
  341. worker.pic
  342. workman
  343. ouvrier
  344. arbeiter
  345. obrero