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- Shareware Version 1.4
- (c) Copyright 1989 by Larry O'Rear
- For best results in improving your reading, you will need to practice
- your new skills regularly, especially at first. Thirty minutes or an hour
- is probably the longest period that you should work on the eye-span
- exercises or paced reading, unless you find that you can work longer
- without fatigue. If you have a longer time available, you could take a
- short break about every hour and then continue.
- Here is a suggested schedule. Each number refers to one session as
- mentioned above, about thirty minutes to an hour at first.
- 1. Start the READFAST program by typing READFAST <Enter>. Of course
- <Enter> means hit the ENTER key, also called RETURN. It probably has a
- crooked arrow pointing to the left.
- Hit 1 to read the introduction. When finished, hit the <Esc> key to
- continue.
- Choose 2, First Reading Exercise, from the menu. Have a book ready to
- read and follow the instructions to find your present reading speed.
- You will also need some kind of notebook to keep a record of your
- progress.
- Now hit 5 to leave the READFAST program for a while.
- Your disk includes the READTACH program and a text file named
- READCISE.TXT. (You can display READTACH.DOC, the instructions for
- READTACH, by entering READFAST TACH at the DOS prompt.)
- Type READTACH <Enter>, and when you are asked for the name of a file to
- read, enter READCISE.TXT (capital letters aren't necessary when you
- enter the name). Choose a rate of 400 words per minute. The lines are
- short; you won't really be reading that fast. After you start, you may
- find that you need a faster rate. (You shouldn't have time to read the
- words one at a time.) You can stop READTACH at any time by hitting the
- space bar. Start over and choose the new rate.
- Now go back to READFAST. Choose 3, First Paced Reading, and follow
- the instructions.
- And that's about enough for starters.
- 2. If it's been a day or more since your first session, warm up by using
- READTACH with the file READSOLR.TXT. Choose a rate of 500 words per
- minute or faster. You can skip the opening screen of READTACH by
- entering READTACH Q.
- Mark vertical lines on about ten pages of the book you are going to
- read. (Instructions for marking a book were given at the end of Choice
- 2 on the menu. Type COPY READMARK.SHO PRN at the DOS prompt if you
- want to print out the instructions about marking.) Then start the
- READFAST program and choose 4, Main Reading Program. Choose 300 for
- the rate, unless you want to try a faster speed. You can select one
- click per section of a line (the number of clicks will be one more than
- the number of vertical lines), or just one click per line.
- Record your rate, write a summary of your reading, and evaluate your
- summary.
- If you did well on that reading, select 4 from the READFAST menu again
- and this time choose a rate 10% or 20% faster than last time; multiply
- the previous words per minute by 1.1 or 1.2. Of course you will read a
- different set of pages this time. If you divided the lines into four
- sections before, use three sections this time.
- If you had trouble on the previous reading, select a slower speed. Be
- sure you are not trying to look at each word. If you had three
- sections per line last time, use four this time.
- Now read the new section, record your speed, and write a summary and
- evaluate it.
- How much has your speed improved since the first reading, 2 on the
- menu? That was before you started pacing as you read.
- 3. Start this session with READTACH, using some text file that you have on
- disk. You could use READFAST.DOC or the documentation for some other
- shareware program. If you enter READTACH or READTACH Q, the speed will
- automatically increase from one screen to the next. If you want the
- speed to stay the same, enter READTACH NO or READTACH Q NO. (You can
- also do this when using READCISE.TXT or READSOLR.TXT.) Enter 600 for
- the speed.
- Now we will see how you do without the vertical markings. Select about
- ten pages to read, and mark the last page so you will know when you
- have read ten pages. Enter 400 for the speed. If you found the
- previous reading easy (session 2), select a higher speed. If you had
- difficulty at the speed in session 2, enter 300 for the speed this
- time. For this reading, use one click per line.
- Read, record your time, write the summary, and evaluate it. You will
- do this after each reading; I won't tell you every time from now on.
- If you did okay on that, let's select about fifteen pages to read at
- 450 words per minute (or more, if you read over 400 wpm last time). If
- your speed was 300 last time, select 330 this time. Again, choose one
- click per line.
- 4. Begin with READTACH, using READSOLR.TXT as the file to read at a speed
- of 700. Remember, it's not really that fast with the eye-span
- exercises! Then use READTACH to read a different text file at 500 wpm
- or more.
- From now on, when I suggest a speed I will assume that you will adjust
- the actual speed that you use, according to the results of your last
- reading.
- Select about twenty pages to read, and mark the last page. Read at 500
- words per minute using READFAST with one click per line.
- After you have done your recording, etc., select about twenty-five
- pages and read at 550 wpm with one click per PAGE. Be careful not to
- fall behind the clicks--they won't be reminding you as often!
- 5. Use READTACH to read READCISE.TXT at 800 wpm, then some other document
- file at 600 wpm.
- Choose about thirty pages to read at 600 wpm with one click per page.
- Select about thirty more pages. This time we will try something
- different. When asked for the words per minute for pacing, enter 0.
- That's right, zero. This turns off the clicker. You are on your own
- to keep up your speed! You will still hit the space bar when you start
- and when you have finished, to find your reading rate.
- 6. Use READTACH to read READSOLR.TXT at 900 wpm.
- Now comes the real fun! Choose a book that has about 120 pages. You
- are going to read an entire book at one whack.
- Start READFAST. If you did okay last time without the clicks, enter 0
- again for the words per minute. If you fell behind last time, enter
- 600 or more. Hit the space bar, read the book, and then hit the space
- bar again. After you finish, write a summary of the book you read.
- You might want to look back through the book to check the accuracy and
- completeness of your summary. Be sure to record your reading rate.
- Good luck!
- 7. Continue according to this pattern, increasing your speed each time by
- about 10%. Sometimes you will hit a "plateau" when it seems impossible
- to make any progress. If this happens, try a speed about one and one
- half times the last speed you used, and read about thirty pages, using
- one click per line. Read it by the clicks even if you don't seem to
- be getting anything from the reading. Then go back to a speed about
- 10% greater than the previous speed, and see how you do.
- I will appreciate very much a report on your success with this program,
- and any suggestions you might have.
- Thank you, and best wishes.
- Larry O'Rear
- 703 Cielo Drive
- Georgetown, TX 78628