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- FASTSTART is an active program
- using eyes ears and hands through
- practicing to learn basic computer
- and mathematics skills.
- Type " FS " at the DOS prompt
- then press ENTER (RETURN) key. The
- screen will show the FASTSTART LOGO.
- At the bottom of the computer screen
- you will see a moving line that
- says: " VERSION 1.0 .........".
- FASTSTART had 9 sorted PROGRAMS.
- 1) S L I D E S H O W :
- After the first slide appears on
- the screen you will hear the BEEP.
- If your computer has a JOYSTICK,
- you can use the JOYSTICK to control
- the right button for continue slide
- show.
- the left button for previous slide.
- AUTO MODE: To begin the Show, Press
- the ESC. This will start the first
- slide and then process sequentially
- through the show.
- At any time during an AUTO MODE
- the show can be stopped by pressing
- the ESC key and you will hear a BEEP
- acknowledging your command and you
- will return to MANUAL MODE.
- MANUAL MODE: After you hear the BEEP,
- press space bar or
- + for next slide and
- - for previous slide.
- Press Ctrl-End : quit and go to
- 2) A B C S O N G :
- You will see the letters A, B, C. . .
- with the Picture and hear the
- A B C 'S song.
- Press ESC key any time to return
- 3) F U N L E T T E R S :
- In the middle of the Screen you will
- see the Picture with the accompanying
- letter. Press the key with the same
- letter on the Screen in order to make
- the ELEPHANT jump on the Screen.
- Press ESC to return MAIN MENU.
- 4) L E T T E R S :
- The PICTURES on the right of the
- Screen and the LETTERS on the left.
- Use the arrows key to match them
- with the BIRD. When the match
- finished the BIRD will sing a song.
- Press ESC return MAIN MENU.
- 5) F U N C O U N T I N G :
- Kid have to count the things on the
- screen and Press exactly the number
- that they see on the keyboard. When
- it finished you will hear the song:
- " J O Y T H E W O R L D "
- The program will repeat until ESC
- key pressed and return MAIN MENU.
- 6) B I R D O U T :
- This program helps learn the ARROW
- keys. Press the ARROW keys to move
- the bird up, down, left and right.
- The bird will continue to move until
- it get out at the bottom of the gate.
- When the bird is out it will jump up
- and sing a song.
- 7) T E L L I N G THE T I M E :
- The clock on the screen runs. When
- you press any key the clock will stop
- and ask for HOURS and MINUTES. If
- your answer is wrong you will hear
- the BEEP. The Clock will continue to
- run and will wait for another attempt.
- Press ESC to return to MAIN MENU.
- 8) M A T H E M A T I C S :
- Will have 5 choices on the SUB MENU:
- From (1) to (4) on the SUB MENU will
- give unlimited mathematical samples
- and wait for the answers. The computer
- will tell you whether your answers
- are right or wrong.
- 9) M U S I C :
- We have 6 songs:
- (1) Deck the Halls
- (2) Jingle Bells
- (3) Joy to the Worlds
- (4) We wish you a Merry Christmas
- (5) Silent night
- (6) Silver Bells
- Press any number from 1 to 6 and
- you will hear the chosen song.
- If you want to stop the song, simply
- press the ESC key.
- Press ESC to return to MAIN MENU.
- We hope that you will enjoy these
- programs as much we do.
- Enjoy learning!