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- A simple observation: the first accessory any computer user
- should buy is hard drive. On a dollar for dollar basis nothing
- speeds up processing and expands convenience like a hard drive.
- The bad news? The substantial storage capacity of a hard drive
- contains the seeds of data catastrophe if you don't understand
- how to CAREFULLY maintain a hard drive.
- Many computer operations tend to slow down at the critical
- bottleneck of information transfer from computer memory (RAM) to
- disk. The faster the transfer, the faster the program operates.
- Nine times out of ten it is the bottleneck formed when
- information flows to or from a disk that you and your program
- must wait. This is where a hard drive really shines - speed.
- Given the best possible treatment, a hard drive should last from
- eight to fifteen years. Drive manufacturers typically suggest
- 30,000 to 70,000 hours of routine life for a hard drive before
- failure. If you kept your PC on for a 40 hour work week for 50
- weeks - you could expect about 15 years of service for a drive
- rated at 30,000 hours. Some hard drive users even suggest
- leaving the drive on continuously or alternatively turning it on
- in the morning and off at night to minimize motor and bearing
- wear since it is the starting shock which wears most heavily on
- a drive. However, given marginal treatment or abuse, you can
- expect about fifteen minutes of service followed by a $250
- repair bill. Obviously a little information about hard drives
- and their care can't hurt.
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- What is a hard drive? If you have worked with a floppy disk you
- already understand something about hard drives. Basically the
- hard drive unit is a sealed chamber (sealed against dust and
- dirt) which contains rapidly spinning single or multiple stacked
- platters. The platter(s) are similar to a floppy disk in that
- they store information magnetically - data can be erased and
- rewritten as needed. The trick is, however, that the storage
- capability is immense on a hard drive.
- A floppy typically holds about one third of a million computer
- characters (360,000 or 360K bytes). The hard drive can commonly
- hold 20 to 40 million (or more!) bytes or computer words. In
- addition, the hard drive motor spins the magnetic platter
- quickly so that information is transferred rapidly rather than
- the tedious rate of the leisurely spinning floppy. A small
- read/write head hovers and moves above the hard drive magnetic
- platter much like a phonograph needle above a record. The
- difference is that the read/write head of the hard drive rides
- slightly above the platter on a thin cushion of air. In the
- floppy drive mechanism, the read/write head is in direct contact
- with the floppy. All hard drives are installed in two parts: the
- drive (a box containing the disk and read/write head) and the
- controller (a circuit board). The hard drive stores the
- information. The controller assumes the role of a high speed
- "translator/traffic cop" to help the hard drive move its massive
- amount of information smoothly.
- Back to the magnetic platter for a moment. The read write heads
- are mounted on a moveable arm and each position of the head
- above the platter defines a circular TRACK just like the track
- of a phonograph record. As the arm changes positions, different
- circular tracks are traced magnetically upon the surface of the
- platter. Most hard drives have several read/write heads which
- service both the top and bottom of each platter. A set of tracks
- on different platters define a vertical CYLINDER somewhat like
- the surface of a tin can whose top and bottom are missing. Large
- hard drives can have six or more platters and therefore 12 or
- more sides for information storage. The tracks can also be
- defined as divisions of equally divided data called SECTORS
- which are something like portions of the outer edge of a circle.
- Finally, the sum collection of tracks, sectors and cylinders
- define the entire VOLUME of the hard disk.
- Each piece of data has an address which tells the read/write
- heads where to move to locate that specific piece of
- information. If you tell the read/write heads to move to and
- hover over a specific track, sooner or later your data will pass
- beneath it. Since you can move the heads directly to a given
- track quickly, the early nomenclature for a hard drive was the
- Movement of the read/write head arm takes a little time. For
- this reason an ACCESS TIME is associated with hard drives and
- stated in advertising and specification sheets. Generally this
- time is stated as the AVERAGE ACCESS TIME and is frequently in
- the thousandths of seconds or millisecond range which is fast
- indeed. The old IBM XT class machines featured access times
- around 85 milliseconds with the AT class machines featuring
- access times around 40 seconds. Newer hard drives post times in
- the 28 to 15 millisecond access range. Remember, the faster you
- can move the read/write heads, the faster you can get to your
- data.
- The AVERAGE WAIT TIME is a less frequently discussed number but
- equally interesting. Once the read/write head is positioned over
- the track holding your data, the system must wait for the
- correct sector to pass beneath. Obviously, the average wait time
- is one half the time it takes for a full rotation of the
- platter. This figure is rarely given in advertisements and is
- usually comparable for most drives of the same type and is
- generally much shorter than the access time. Speed matters to a
- hard drive! Average wait time is published if you dig it out of
- the specification sheet or write to the manufacturer.
- An extension of this logic brings us to consider the INTERLEAVE
- FACTOR for a disk. Generally a hard drive reads and writes
- information in sectors of the same, repeatable size such as 512
- bytes. However programs and data files are usually much bigger
- than this and obviously must be scattered onto many sectors. The
- problem is that the disk rotation is much too fast for a large
- file to be written in perfectly contiguous sectors on the same
- track. If you tried to write the data onto a track, one byte
- after the next, the central processing unit chip or CPU could
- not absorb the data fast enough.
- The solution is to place sectors to be read in ALTERNATING
- fashion which gives the CPU time to digest the data. Thus if a
- circular track on the platter had 8 sectors you might number and
- read them in this order: 1,5,2,6,3,7,4,8. This way the CPU has a
- "breather" in between each sector read. The number of rotations
- it takes the heads to read ALL tracks in succession is the
- INTERLEAVE FACTOR. Slow CPU chips can force a disk to use an
- interleave factor of 3 or even 4. A faster processor might be
- able to handle a disk interleave of 1:2 (such as 80286 processor
- chips) or even 1:1 (such as 80386 processor chips.) It is
- possible to low level format a disk and change its interleave
- factor; but if the CPU cannot keep up, the adjustment is
- worthless. To the processor operating in millionths of a second,
- the time drain of waiting for a hard drive which operates in
- thousandths of a second or floppy drive which operates in tenths
- and full seconds is wasted time. The obvious point of logic is
- that when using a hard drive you need to organize files for
- minimum time delays for the processor.
- The first outer track on a disk is always the boot record which
- loads the main protions of DOS into the machine. Following this
- is the file allocation table or FAT which we discussed in
- earlier tutorials. The FAT maintains data in CLUSTERS which, for
- an XT class machine are 4096 bytes. On the AT class machine the
- cluster size is 2048 bytes which is much more efficient and less
- wasteful of disk space. Following the FAT are the sectors for
- the root directory of the hard drive. Each directory entry is 32
- bytes in length. Curiously, and to our good advantage, unused
- entries in the directory have a unique first character byte.
- When a file is deleted though DOS, ONLY the first character is
- reset.
- Fortunately this allows various utility programs to attempt to
- recover the deleted file since ONLY the directory data is
- altered but NOT the file itself. However, as time goes on and
- additional files are added to the disk, the original file is
- overwritten by new information. This is why you need to act
- immediately if you discover you have accidentally deleted a
- file. An advantage to the use of the FAT is that files do not
- have to be given a fixed amount of space on a disk - they can
- use as many or few clusters as needed. The downside is that the
- file pieces can be scattered wildly over the surface of the disk
- in a non contiguous fashion which only the FAT can track. This
- means more read/write head motion and more wasted time as far as
- the CPU and the performance of your program is concerned.
- Additionally, if you have many deleted files within the
- directory, DOS must search tediously through each one from top
- to bottom of the directory to find a match for the file you are
- trying to locate. Obviously, then, programs and data of high use
- should have their directory entries located near the top of the
- directory to speed the search. Each time the read/write head
- moves takes time: searching the directory and finding the pieces
- of the scattered file all take movement of the read/write arm.
- There are several ways to unfragment files which boost disk
- performance, and we'll talk about those techniques it a bit.
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- Before we examine methods for improving hard drive performance,
- several simple "care and feeding" precautions should be
- mentioned.
- Hard drives are touchy if mistreated! Once brought up to speed,
- a hard drive should never be bumped or moved. The read/write
- head (similar to the phonograph needle resting on a record) will
- smash or chip into the surface of the spinning hard drive
- platter and take your data with it. Either the head or the
- magnetically coated platter can be permanently damaged. Allow
- the hard drive to some to a complete stop before moving the
- computer.
- In addition always use a "parking" software package to move the
- read/write head to the safety zone before turning off the
- computer. A parking program usually accompanies most computers
- which have hard drives installed or can be obtained from
- commercial or shareware sources. A few drives automatically park
- the heads when turned off but this tends to be a rare feature
- seen mostly on high priced hard drives.
- Always maintain copies of data and programs outside the hard
- drive by "backing up" onto a floppy or tape. How often should
- you back up your files? Daily if you use the computer to produce
- many changes to important documents. Weekly backup is probably a
- bare minimum considered reasonable for occasional computer
- users. Other computer users maintain vital data on floppies or
- other backup systems and use the hard drive to store programs or
- applications only such as a spreadsheet or database. Backups are
- a good idea even for floppy disk systems which have no hard
- drive.
- Make two copies of every file regardless of whether you have a
- hard drive or not. Some shareware and commercial utilities ease
- the backup chore by only copying those files to a floppy which
- have been changed or updated since the last backup has been
- performed. They ignore files which have not changed and thus do
- not require copying again. This can save a lot of time when
- backing up valuable files from your hard drive to a floppy for
- safekeeping.
- Hard drives should periodically be reorganized (files
- unfragmented) to ensure speedy retrieval and access to data.
- Inexpensive or free software programs known as "disk file
- unfragmenters" do this job nicely. As disk files are created and
- deleted, blank spaces and unused sectors begin to build up.
- Gradually files are broken into pieces and scattered over the
- many tracks and sectors of the disk. This happens to both
- floppies and hard drives, but is especially annoying on hard
- drives because of the dramatic increase in time it takes to load
- a program or data file. The File allocation table is the
- culprit, sense all data is packed away in the first and handiest
- sector on the drive which the FAT can find.
- The FAT allows files to be fragmented down to the cluster level.
- One way to unfragment a disk is to copy all of the files off to
- floppies and then recopy them back to the hard drive - a tedious
- nuisance at best. You would do this with the DOS XCOPY or COPY
- commands but not DISKCOPY since this would retain the tracks and
- their fragmentation as you first found them.
- Defragmenting programs perform this task without requiring
- removal of the files from the hard drive. They perform their
- magic by moving around the clusters of a scattered file in such
- a way as to reassemble it into contiguous pieces again. Some
- customization is permitted with the more sophisticated
- "defragmenting" programs. For example, subdirectory files can be
- relocated after the root or below a different subdirectory or,
- in another example, high use files might be placed higher in the
- directory listing for faster disk access.
- The first time a defragmenting program is run may require
- several hours if a hard drive is large and badly fractured with
- scattered files and clusters. It is a good idea to backup all
- essential files prior to "defragging" just in case there is a
- power failure during a long "defrag". Subsequent runs of the
- "defragger" produce runs of only a few minutes or so since the
- heavy work was done earlier. Essentially, "defragging" the hard
- drive should be done regularaly, perhaps weekly. Defragging is
- not a substitute for caching, ramdisks, or buffer - instead it
- is a maintenance function which should be done regularly.
- Yet another possible avenue to improve disk performance is that
- of changing the disk interleave factor which we will discuss a
- bit later in this tutorial. By way of brief introduction: the
- disk interleave indicates how many revolutions of the magnetic
- platter are required to read all the sectors of data from the
- spinning track. A ratio of 1:1 means all data can be read
- sequentially. One sector of data after another.
- There is some overhead time required for the read/write head to
- zip to the FAT area of the disk (if it is not in a cache or
- buffer) to determine location of the next sector along the disk
- track.
- For example, five clusters of data on a track might require four
- trips back to the FAT track to find the cluster addresses even
- on a completely defragmented disk. We will talk more about
- cluster and defragmenting a bit later in this tutorial.
- Nevertheless, depending on the speed of your central processor
- or CPU, using a program which tests and alters the interleave
- factor, IF THIS CAN BE DONE, may yield better performance. Most
- interleave adjustment software first performs a test to
- determine the current interleave, the possible changes and of
- course how much performance time might be gained. A few of these
- packages can alter the interleave with the files in place but
- you should backup truly essential files before starting the
- process. Interleave factor adjustment are mainly derived from
- the CPU speed NOT the disk speed. Thus a fast AT or 80386
- equipped machine will more likely be able to take advantage of
- an interleave adjustment.
- Tinkering with a hard drive for optimum results might best be
- divided into two categories: DISK SUBSTITUTION and DISK
- ALTERATION. DOS allows two clever ways substituting RAM memory
- for disk memory.
- In the first, using BUFFERS, the small CONFIG.SYS file on your
- hard drive is modified to contain a buffers statement. A sample
- might be: BUFFERS=20. A DOS buffer is an area of RAM memory
- capable of holding a 512 byte mirror image of a disk sector.
- This allows DOS to quickly search the buffer area for frequently
- used data instead of the slower disk. In the older XT class
- machine, if you did not specify a buffer size, DOS defaulted to
- 2 buffers while later versions of DOS default to about 10
- buffers. Most users settle on about 20 buffers but you can
- specify up to 99 with current releases of DOS. But you don't get
- something for nothing. If you used the full 99 buffers
- available, you would soak up 45K of your main RAM memory! The
- downside of using buffers is that more is not necessarily
- better.
- Unfortunately, DOS searches the buffer area of RAM sequentially
- rather than logically so if DOS requires data which is in the
- buffer area, it will search each 512 byte area in sequence from
- top to bottom even though the data it needs may be at the end of
- the buffer. Logically, then, there is an optimum number of
- buffers - too many used with a small program and you can slow
- things down, not enough and DOS will be forced to go out to the
- disk to retrieve what it needs. If you rarely use the same data
- within a program twice but load lots of different programs and
- data, a large number of buffers won't help. However if you need
- frequent access to a certain data file or portion of that file,
- buffers will help. Portions of the FAT are kept within the
- buffers area, so dropping your buffers to zero has the damaging
- effect that DOS must always go to the disk to read the FAT which
- isn't helpful either.
- Another way of substituting RAM memory for disk memory involves
- using a RAMDISK. The idea is to create in RAM memory an entire
- disk or a small portion of a disk. This works like magic on many
- machines since the reading of tracks and sectors takes place at
- the high speed of RAM memory rather than the mechanically
- limited speed of the read/write heads on a floppy or hard drive.
- But be careful. Three areas of difficulty can arise. First you
- must remember to take the data from a floppy or hard drive and
- move it into the RAMDISK. Many people do this automatically from
- within an AUTOEXEC.BAT file or may have several floppies, each
- with a different RAMDISK configuration depending on the task at
- hand. Copying data to the RAMDISK usually moves along briskly.
- Secondly you must sacrifice a large area of memory for the
- RAMDISK which can no longer be used by your main program. Users
- of computers with extended or expanded memory usually choose to
- put their RAMDISK in the extended or expanded memory area of RAM
- so that precious main memory is not lost. Still, a small RAMDISK
- can soak up 64K of RAM memory and one or two MEG RAMDISKS area
- common for many users. The third and most serious problem when
- using RAMDISKS is that they are volatile - switch off the
- machine or experience a power failure, and your data is lost
- forever! Rather than residing safely on a magnetic disk, the
- data is "floating" in RAM memory and should be - MUST BE! -
- written to a disk before the machine is powered down.
- Many applications fly with a RAMDISK. Users of word processors
- find that moving the spelling checker and thesaurus to the
- RAMDISK speeds up things considerably since these are used
- heavily in a random manner. Spreadsheet users find that reading
- and writing short data files to RAMDISKS is a boon. Programs
- which use overlay files or temporary files as well as
- programming compilers benefit from RAMDISK use. Batch files
- which are disk intensive as well as small utilities really
- sprint when placed on a RAMDISK. Basically, any program file
- which is frequently used and loaded/unloaded repeatedly to a
- disk during normal computer operation is an excellent candidate
- for RAMDISK placement. DOS contains a RAMDISK which is called by
- using the statement DEVICE=VDISK.SYS or DEVICE=RAMDRIVE.SYS (if
- you are using MSDOS) which is placed in your CONFIG.SYS file.
- Your DOS manual details the specifics such as stating the size
- of RAMDISK and giving it a drive letter. You must still copy
- your target files into the RAMDISK and place it in the search
- path (with the PATH= command) as we mentioned in a previous
- tutorial. And the RAMDISK should always be the first drive
- letter mentioned in the path command so that DOS searches it
- first for optimum results.
- Yet another area of investigation is that of CACHE software.
- Essentially a CACHE is an extension of the buffers idea we
- discussed earlier. But the twist is that the CACHE is searched
- intelligently by a searching algorithm within the CACHE software
- rather than from top to bottom as with the more typical DOS
- buffer search system. Disk CACHE software can be obtained as
- either commercial software or shareware. As with a RAMDISK, the
- CACHE requires a chunk of RAM memory to operate. This can be
- extended memory, expanded memory or main RAM memory. Some
- manufacturers include a CACHE program with the software package
- or DOS disk. A CACHE is a sophisticated type of RAMDISK, in a
- rough sense.
- CACHE software allocates a large area of memory for storage of
- frequently used disk data. This data is updated by an
- intelligent CACHE search algorithm in an attempt to "guess"
- which tracks of a disk you might read or need next. The CACHE
- also stores the most frequently used disk data and attempts to
- remove less frequently used data. Whenever DOS requests disk
- data, the CACHE software first tries to fill the order from data
- currently stashed in the CACHE which prevents a slower disk
- search.
- When data is written from the program to the CACHE, first a disk
- write is done to prevent data loss in case of power failure and
- then the data is stashed in the CACHE in case it is needed
- again. Usually the hard drive data is the target of the CACHE
- activity, but a floppy disk could also be cached. All CACHE
- software allows you to allocate the size of the CACHE as well as
- the drive or drives to be cached. And some even allow you to
- specify exact files or data to be cached. The key is that high
- use data lives in RAM memory which keeps tedious disk access
- times low. In general, if your computer has a megabyte or more
- of memory and a speedy processor such as an 80286 or 80386
- either or both a CACHE or RAMDISK option does improve
- performance.
- As we leave hard disk boot camp, let's finally look at hard
- drive formatting processes. Two basic formatting operations are
- of concern: physical formatting or low level formatting and
- logical or high level formatting. When you use the format
- program on a floppy disk both low level and high level
- formatting is accomplished. On a hard disk, formatting performs
- only logical or high level formatting. On a hard disk, low level
- formatting is usually done to a disk before shipment. As an
- aside, the FDISK command of DOS has little to do with either
- type of formatting, but is a method of partitioning or arranging
- the data onto the hard drive tracks. Each disk platter is
- separated into circular concentric tracks where data is stored
- as we saw earlier. During physical formatting the tracks are
- divided into further subdivisions called clusters and further
- yet into sectors. High level formatting involves the specific
- ordering of the space for the exclusive use of DOS and is a bit
- more analogous to the formatting of a floppy disk.
- Some software programs of use by hard drive owners:
- The following two programs perform low level formatting and
- simple diagnostic routines on a hard drive:
- Disk Manager and CheckIt
- Data recovery and "unerasing" programs also containing
- diagnostic routines are:
- PC Tools Deluxe, Norton Utilities, Mace Utilities
- Extensive diagnostic and maintenance/data repair functions as
- well as interleave alteration and head parking are offered by:
- SpinRite II, Optune, Disk Technician
- Shareware programs with unerase functions include:
- Bakers Dozen
- Shareware programs with defragmentation capabilities include: