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- Two concepts best summarize computer/modem telecommunications:
- addiction and mild frustration.
- Put simply, modem communication is perhaps the most addictive,
- useful and powerful application of a computer - albeit a process
- fraught with the need for patience and persistence. No pain, no
- gain, as they say. First let's look at the pieces of the puzzle.
- Computer telecommunications, simply stated, is the process of
- hooking one (or more) computers together via a telephone line to
- exchange files of information and programs or carry on a live
- conversation. Your computer will need a device called a MODEM
- which allows data to be converted into a special signal which
- can be transmitted over phone lines to another computer which
- awaits the information.
- There are two types of modems: internal and external. External
- modems are slightly more expensive than internal modems and are
- housed in an external box or enclosure. External modems require
- a socket on the computer or port (usually the serial port on the
- back of your computer.) The serial port is also called a COM
- port, com for communications.
- Most PC's come with a serial port, a few must have it installed.
- If you are already using the serial port for something else
- (e.g., a mouse or pointing device) you may need an additional
- port installed or temporarily unplug the device using the serial
- port. External modems take up a bit more space and add a bit
- more clutter (internal modems mount inside the computer.)
- However some people like the external modem with its blinking
- lights which instantly displays call status - something a hidden
- internal modem cannot do unless special display software is also
- installed or activated. Another consideration is that external
- modems are portable, you can move from machine to machine by
- simply unplugging the external modem and taking it home or to
- the next job site.
- Next some basic terminology to help things along. The "host
- computer" refers to the computer your PC is calling. Sometimes
- this is a commercial service such as The Source or Compuserve
- which are large interactive services. Other times the host may
- be another pc your friend is using on the other side of town or
- perhaps a BBS (bulletin board system) which is a computer
- operated for general public access by a private individual or
- company with files and messages of general public interest and
- access.
- Another important term is the baud rate associated with the
- modem transmission process. Essentially baud is a reference to
- the speed at which your modem and the host modem exchange
- information. Some common rates are 300 baud, 1200 baud and 2400
- baud. A 1200 baud modem is roughly 4 times faster than a 300
- baud modem. And since you may be transmitting information via
- long distance lines, speed and brevity of the modem link is of
- interest. Some BBS (bulletin board systems) will not allow
- slower 300 baud modems to load or access software files since
- this ties up the "board" for other users. As an aside, a 2400
- baud modem can be switched to transmit and receive at the slower
- 1200 and 300 baud rates so there is some "downward" flexibility
- in purchasing a high speed modem which allows lower baud rates
- as needed.
- Curiously the software which controls the modems and computers
- linking during this exchange will "synchronize" the two modems,
- determine which modem is using the slower speed and adjust the
- faster modem downward to a that speed. Many BBS systems use the
- 2400 baud rate and some are even capable of 9600 baud - in this
- case the BBS host computer will slow to your rate. If you plan
- to do much long distance modem work, the 2400 baud modem is the
- wisest choice. The somewhat higher initial purchase price which
- will obviously be offset by savings in reduced long distance
- rates.
- Next we dip into the software pool. While DOS controls the
- internal workings of your computer, you'll need communications
- software (sometimes called terminal software) to enable the pc,
- modem and telephone line to work together. Many commercial
- software packages have a communications package built in or
- added as a separate module.
- Shareware and public domain packages also exist (which are
- themselves obtained from BBS systems via modem!). Some of the
- more dependable software packages include Qmodem, Procomm,
- Boyan, Telix, and GTpowercom. Good communications software is
- flexible and powerful without being difficult to start and use.
- The best packages have help screens and tutorials as is common
- with application software in general. Telix, for example asks a
- few simple setup questions then attempts to set the variety of
- numerical settings needed without operator intervention or
- frustration.
- The favorite modem software package for the author of PC-LEARN
- is the shareware software product: TELIX.
- Although baffling at first, the modem software setup process
- allows configuring the software package to your specific PC and
- modem. The modem software needs to be told if you are using
- serial port (com port) one or two. You will need to tell the
- communications software which directory or drive where files
- will be sent or downloaded. The baud rate must be set as well as
- noting if the modem is Hayes compatible. Hayes compatibility
- refers to a standard set of transmission instructions which many
- modems share. In some ways this is similar to the DOS standard
- within operating systems for IBM compatible computers.
- The modem software must also be told other basic details such as
- PARITY, and DATA BITS which refers to how the data is "grouped
- or packaged" during the actual modem transmission. Generally
- data bits are set to 8. Parity is usually set to NO. Commercial
- services such Compuserve offer exception to these settings and
- will tell you these settings in their literature.
- An example: If parity is required, set data bits to 7. Set stop
- bit to 1. This is a total of 1 + 7 = 8 Bits. The final bit is
- usually used to check parity/accuracy. The above setting is
- somewhat cryptically referred to as 8N1 which means 8 bits, no
- parity, one stop bit. Don't worry about this too much now -
- frequently this is a one time setup which you will not have to
- fiddle with once the software has been set.
- Other settings can include ANSI standard terminal emulation (a
- standard selection you should check if given the choice). ANSI
- terminal emulation is usually the default setting and should
- only rarely be changed.
- PROTOCOLS must also be specified. In simplest terms a protocol
- is a method of checking for errors between modems as the data
- transmission progresses. In a precise fashion, these protocols
- tell the first modem to transmit a small packet or "chunk" of
- data then the receiving modem will play back a short verifcation
- "checksum" or "password." The transmitting modem stops, listens
- for the checksum and if that item matches the information which
- it sent, the first modem then transmits the next packet/chunk of
- the message. This continues, one small chunk of data at a time.
- The concept here is to protect data integrity over noisy,
- static-prone telephone lines.
- UPLOADING data to the host (you transmit data to the other
- computer) and DOWNLOADING data (you receive data from the other
- computer) requires selection of a protocol method.
- Several common protocols include Xmodem, Ymodem, Xmodem-CRC and
- Zmodem. Xmodem is generally offered by most BBS systems and is a
- safe bet if you are not sure. Other protocols are somewhat
- faster and/or slightly more dependable, but Xmodem will usually
- do the job. Trial and error or simply logging onto the BBS
- system with Xmodem and then inspecting the menu of other
- protocols available will give you more detailed information and
- clues about other possible protocols.
- Ymodem offers a faster transmission rate than Xmodem, better
- data security through a refined CRC checksum method and finally
- a method for "batching" or sending/receiving several files one
- after another unattended. Zmodem is faster still, somewhat more
- secure with respect to data loss, likewise offers batch
- transmission of many files and additionally allows a file to be
- partially stored if transmission connections are lost and then
- completed when the connection is restablished so you do not have
- to transmit the entire file again!
- General considerations in selecting software for modem use
- include:
- * The dialing directory is of crucial importance. The idea is
- that the package will store and dial your most frequently dialed
- numbers. Some packages hold only a few, some quite a lot! Does
- the package store your individual password and comments next to
- each number? You may wish to use different passwords for each
- BBS system you call.
- * Consideration of transfer protocols offered. Xmodem is a
- basic, but you may want more efficient protocols later. Make
- sure the package supports several or can be upgraded to more
- protocols later. Zmodem one is the best at the time this
- tutorial was prepared.
- * How does the package dial numbers from the list? Will it call
- back and continue trying? Can it dial numbers from the list in a
- certain order. Can it do circular dialing (several numbers are
- called in a row, then the program jumps from the bottom of the
- list and starts at the beginning again - around and around in a
- circle)? This type of dialing efficiency is important if you
- deal with busy communications services and BBS systems where it
- may take time and several attempts to log on to a system
- especially during the busy evening peak time.
- * Does the package offer scripts or macros? Simply stated a
- script is a way of having the package automate several steps.
- Without further input the package can call a BBS system, type in
- your password and then continue typing further keystrokes as if
- you were entering them from the keyboard yourself - in essence a
- script capability is a programming-like language which gives the
- communications software package a customized way to enter many
- keystrokes while you only input one or two strokes to start the
- chain reaction. Many programs let you even record the sequence
- of keystrokes during a communications session for playback and
- retrieval later. Beware though, if the system which you are
- calling changes log on sequences or you may have to go back and
- later revise your original script - not a major problem, just a
- concern.
- * Is it possible to capture screen information to your disk
- drive? Can you output screen information to your printer? Long
- communication sessions on line with your modem produce endless
- screens of information which scroll by quickly. The ability of
- your software package to output all or selected parts of your
- session to permanent disk file or printer output can be a tidy
- bonus.
- Local neighborhood BBS systems can offer the most entertainment
- and information for the first time user. The cardinal rule of
- behavior: "act as if you are in someone else's home." Courteous
- behavior is a must. How do you find telephone numbers for these
- systems? Consult local computer clubs for a few numbers for BBS
- systems and then call the BBS systems with your modem for lists
- of MORE local telephone numbers. BBS operators and users are
- quick to answer questions for new users and can serve as helpful
- "experts" on any computer question no matter how arcane.
- Operators of these BBS systems are frequently call SYSOPS and
- many provide BBS systems as a hobby activity much as other
- hobbyists enjoy short wave radio operation.
- Most BBS systems will allow you to tour within the various
- activities and parts of the system for 30 minutes to an hour on
- your first call. After that you are expected by some "boards" to
- leave your name and a phone number where you can be reached for
- verification. Some boards are free, some request a nominal use
- fee (usually around $25 per year.) Some boards request that you
- upload (send to them via modem) shareware files or public domain
- software in order to download their software. The process is
- something like two kids with bubble gum trading cards: "I'll
- trade you 125,000 bytes of this shareware file for 200,000 bytes
- of your files."
- On your first visit into a BBS board you usually are allowed
- access only to certain "low level" but interesting areas of the
- BBS "board." The SYSOP (system operator) may be available to
- come "online" if you experience difficulty. The software of the
- BBS system itself will safely keep you from damaging the host
- computer even if you hit an incorrect key or enter an erroneous
- command. You may leave messages for the SYSOP, leave messages of
- a general nature, ask for help on a specific question, download
- public domain software, play a game, or just generally explore
- the information within the system of the host computer.
- Downloading files is easy. For many boards the command is a
- simple "D" for download. The BBS will ask you the name of the
- file you wish to download and then give you an estimate of how
- long it will take and the modem protocol you will (or should) be
- using. After that you key in a keystroke or combination which
- tells the software in your computer to begin the process. When
- the transfer is complete, the host BBS takes over and presents
- the main menu of choices or selections - in essence you can
- continue to browse as before.
- Lists of phone numbers for online services and BBS numbers are
- available from the boards themselves and many local newsletters
- of computer clubs and many computer store salespersons.
- Most public domain and shareware software from BBS systems is
- stored and transmitted in a compacted form of either an ARC or
- ZIP format. You will need a small public domain program (ARC or
- NARC or PKZIP) also available from the BBS board to unpack the
- software. This archiving or "arcing" process is done to compact
- the software for shorter, more efficient transmission - it saves
- time and disk space for both the BBS host computer and your
- computer. The easiest way to visualize arc'd or zip'd software
- is to think of the many files of a typical software package
- compacted in size and then placed into one single file. You
- might also wish to compact your other files for storage on a
- hard drive aside from the modem process. File compaction is a
- useful tool unto itself! ARC and ZIP software are shareware
- packages available from BBS systems.
- Working with modems and telecommunications software sounds
- arcane and daunting at first, but it is a thoroughly enjoyable
- and rewarding pastime - and also a nice way to make friends and
- delve deeper into the global network of information and
- friendships this new form of communication represents.