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- Sometimes the best thing to do for a computer problem that
- stumps you is to pick up the phone and call one of several
- support services. In most cases the small charge paid either
- through your credit card or via a toll charge 900 telephone
- number is well worth the time and money invested - especially if
- you need an answer fast and don't have the time for research.
- Listed alphabetically are a few of the more reputable telephone
- support services . . .
- Advanced Support Group (1-900-456-HELP), 268 Lamp and Lantern
- Village, Town and Country, Missouri 63017 offers support for
- users in a variety of areas: technical support for DOS, Windows
- 3.0, word processing, desktop publishing, hardware and software
- troubleshooting, system configuration, product reviews if you
- are trying to select from several software or hardware items and
- more. Ask about their monthly publication, The ASG Insider
- Newsletter. Support calls are $2.00 per minute, the first 24
- seconds are free. ASG returns the call on their own line if the
- tech support specialist needs to research the answer. Visa and
- Mastercard. Subscription basis 800 toll free service also
- available. Info available on disk and hard copy. Further
- information: 314/256-3130.
- CompuAdd: 900/990-0111 - also offers similar services. More
- info: 512/250-2000.
- Kirin International 900/446-2468 - claims support for over 600
- software and hardware products, both MSDOS and Mac. Both prepaid
- and pay as you go plans. 24 hours a day. Further info about
- Kirin: 800/753-2468.
- Micro Support Resources: 404/452-7676 -Yearly support contracts
- for those needing more continuous industrial strength support.
- Flat $200 per year. Focus is small business.
- PC-Helpline: 800/366-8125 - good customer support on a variety
- of packages. More info: 800/366-8125.
- The Help Network: 900/88-4HELP - offers many folks on call who
- specialize in various software packages and has special
- expertise in accounting software such as DAC, Peachtree and
- Bradford.