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- ' A SPELLBOUND! Spelling Tutor Word List
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- ' +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ' Long "A" Words
- (1) dare late mate jade fade rate came dame same cage
- (2) page sage lane lace wake fate date lame made wade
- ' Long "E" Words
- (3) me fee feel seek we jeer leer veer she feed
- (4) meek beef heed deed keep reel weed deep peep weep
- ' Long "I" Words
- (5) pile file mile dike like pike fire tire sire life
- (6) rife wife bide hide ride hike bike dire hire time
- ' Long "O" Words
- (7) code node dolt jolt bolt bone cone hone tone hope
- (8) pope rope cope dote note vote hold bold colt nose
- ' Long "U" Words
- (9) lure cure pure cube tube lute mute duke jute prune
- (10) dune use huge cue tune sue sure ruse cute June
- ' Short "A" Words
- (11) am an as at axe rat sat cat bad mad
- (12) pad sad gad sap gap bag gag hag lag sag
- (13) tag ban can fan pan ran tan van cap man
- (14) map nap rap jam ham man bad lad lap sap
- (15) pat tap nag had dram crab grab drab slab stab
- (16) brag cram clan clad dash cash sash slam clam scab
- ' Short "E" Words
- (17) bed led red wed beg leg hen den ken men
- (18) jet let met net pet set yet fell bell sell
- (19) nest zest test pest rest jest tent rent sent went
- (20) felt pelt melt den get web ten wet bet pen
- (21) peg help bled fled sled sped then bent best hemp
- ' Short "I" Words
- (22) if it is bit hit sit rid lid sip tip
- (23) nip lip him rim fix six din pin sin tin
- (24) dig fig big pig jig rig bib rib fib fin
- (25) fit did dim mix dip lid hid his lift chip
- (26) ship drip slip flip clip skin slim miss skim brim
- 'Page 1
- ' Short "O" Words
- (27) on ox got cot hot cob job rob sob cod
- (28) God nod pod rod log hog dog box hop mop
- (29) sop pop top dot jot lot pot rot not hot
- (30) sod fog fob log dot cog flog con plod shod
- ' Short "U" Words
- (31) up us cub hub rub dud mud dug mug pug
- (32) tug jug rum sum bun run sun rut hung lung
- (33) sung hulk gush dust must rust gust drum rug hum
- (34) butt fun hug gun hut gum cut rush punt runt
- (35) flinch mince smote store crush thrush bleach glean large snarl
- ' Words Containing Various Vowels
- (36) bard card hard bark dark dint hint lint mint tint
- (37) deal veal meal neat heat bang fang gang hang rang
- (38) tank rank sank hank dank dime lime tine fine mine
- (39) dell tell well yell belt rave gave lave pave save
- (40) ill bill fill rill hill cull dull gull hull mull
- (41) clasp grasp flask graft craft book good took foot hook
- (42) small stall fall wall squall boon spoon bloom broom stool
- (43) cramp stamp grand stand lamp stork horse snort short north
- (44) bring cling sling swing thing wad was wash wasp what
- (45) moan coast toast roast roach pod rob rock soft lost
- (46) June dupe tune flute plume glue droop gloom loop hoof
- (47) furl hurl turn churn hurt curl deck neck next text
- (48) husk musk rusk stung pluck drunk chill drill quill skill
- (49) from pomp romp long song strong for corn fork form
- (50) halt malt salt waltz swan want sheath shell shorn shout
- (51) blade glade grade shade trade skate brisk quilt filth pinch
- (52) plaid clash crash smash trash slash drove grove stove clove
- (53) seam cream dream gleam steam stream blush flush slush brush
- (54) dress swell spend speck fresh whelp cheap peach teach reach
- (55) twine blind grind spike smile while carve farce sparse barge
- (56) abbey abbot atom ashes captor carrot evil chap chat fathom
- (57) record check edit level method splendid vest west bedlam despot
- (58) pity distant dingy dizzy finish give spirit timid prig tinsel
- (59) colt focus glory locust mow potent cove dote note storage
- (60) shake snake baste haste taste paste bunch hunch lunch punch
- (61) chose prose those froze force porch broth cloth froth moth
- (62) march parch starch larch lark stark prism sixth stint smith
- (63) pine wild mild tile slide glide spent fence hence pence
- (64) oil boil coil foil soil toil boy coy joy toy
- (65) clay play roof proof desk nest spill frill sort torch
- (66) shrub shrug gallon gall rend tempt tipped whit story protest
- (67) plump stump botch stock whist midst thence whence front chance
- ' Various Words for children
- (68) about after again airplane all alone along an and animal
- (69) another any apple are around as ask at aunt away
- (70) baby back bag ball balloon barn basket be bear bed
- (71) bee before began behind being best better big bird black
- (72) blue boat book box boy bring brown bus but buy
- (73) by cake calf call called came can car cat catch
- (74) children circus clown coat cold color come coming cookie could
- (75) cow cream cry daddy dark day did do dog doll
- 'Page 2
- ' Various Words for Children (cont.)
- (76) door down dress duck each eat egg every far farm
- (77) fast father feet find fire fireman first fish fit flew
- (78) flower fly for four friend from fun funny game garden
- (79) gave get girl give glad go goat going gone good
- (80) grass green ground grow guess had hand happy hard has
- (81) hat have he head hear heard hello hen her here
- (82) high hill him his hold home honey horse house how
- (83) hurry ice if in into is it jump just kitten
- (84) know lamb last laugh letter light like little live living
- (85) long look looked lost lunch made make man many may
- (86) me men met milk miss money monkey more morning mother
- (87) much my name near nest never new next night no
- (88) noise nose not nothing now of off old on once
- (89) one or other our out over paint painter painting parade
- (90) park party peanut penny people pet picnic picture pig play
- (91) pocket pony pretty prize pull puppy put rabbit rain ran
- (92) read ready red ride right road run running said sang
- (93) sat saw school see she shoe show sing sit sleep
- (94) snow so some soon squirrel stay step stop store story
- (95) street sun surprise take talk tell than that the their
- (96) them then there these they thing think this three time
- (97) to too toy train tree trick truck try two uncle
- (98) under up very wagon walk was water way we went
- (99) were wet what when white who why will wish with
- (100) without woman word work would yard year yellow yes you
- 'Page 3