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- QuizMaker is an Educational tool and a Trivia game. Quiz questions can
- be created for almost any subject - English, History, Geography or Sports,
- World Records etc. The Quizzes which Intelligent Educational Software will
- produce and distribute through Bulletin Boards will deal largely with
- subjects that Dr E.D. Hirsch has defined in his best seller 'Cultural
- Literacy - What every American needs to know'.
- QuizMaker has three types of Quizzes :
- - Question and Answer pairs, where a number of questions is presented
- with their answers in random order, and you match the question with
- the answer.
- - Multiple-Choice Quizzes, where a question is posed and you choose
- the correct answer from a number of answers presented.
- - Standard Quizzes (Tests), where a question is posed and you type
- in your answer.
- The program has two Modules - QUIZPLAY and QUIZMAKE. QUIZPLAY presents
- Quizzes to the player. QUIZMAKE allows you to create Quizzes.
- ************************************************************************
- --------------
- Type QUIZPLAY and choose from the Menu the type you want to play - Quiz,
- Test or Multiple-Choice.
- You will be shown the available Quiz files of the type you have chosen.
- Highlight the file you want and press <ENTER>.
- If you choose QUIZ, you can either Play immediately or Review the Quiz.
- The Review option will list all the questions contained in the Quiz in
- a Menu format. If you highlight an entry and press <ENTER> you will be
- shown the answer to that question. This is useful when the Quiz is being
- used for Education e.g. learning State Capitals etc. The player can 'study'
- the subject before trying the Quiz.
- When you Play, you will be told how many questions are in the Quiz and
- asked how many you want to try. The minimum is five questions. The number
- you have requested will be chosen randomly from the questions available
- and presented, eight at a time, on screen. The answers to these eight will
- also be shown, in random order. You choose a question, then choose its
- answer. If you have correctly matched the question and answer, your score
- will be increased.
- As each screen is completed, you will be given the choice of Continuing
- with the next screen or Quitting, until the desired number of questions
- has been presented. When the final question has been answered, a comment
- on your performance will be given.
- **********************************
- If you choose TEST or MULTIPLE-CHOICE, then you may be offered an option
- to Review the questions, but not always. The author of the Quiz can decide
- whether to allow Review or not. If the Review option is available, you will
- be shown a Menu of Subjects in the Quiz, and when you highlight and select
- one, the information available on that subject will be presented.
- **********************************
- When you take a TEST, you will be told how many questions the Test contains
- and asked how many you want to try. The desired number of questions will
- be chosen at random from the Test, and presented one at a time. You type
- in the answer to the question, and if it is correct, your score will be
- increased. At the end of each question, you can choose to Continue or
- Quit. You may also be presented with a choice - Information. If this
- appears on the Menu, it means that there is extra information available
- on this subject. Highlight and choose Information to see the extra material.
- ***********************************
- Taking a MULTIPLE-CHOICE is almost the same as TEST, but the question is
- presented together with up to five answers, only one of which is correct.
- If you choose the correct one, your score will be increased and you may
- have the Information Option described above. (If you play later and get
- the same question, the answers will be in a different order because they
- are presented randomly each time).
- **************************************************************************
- --------------
- Type QUIZMAKE and choose the type of Quiz you want to create. If any
- files of that type are available, you will be given a list of them. If
- this is a new Quiz, type in a file name. QuizMaker will automatically
- add an Extension to the filename - QRC for a Quiz, TRC for a Test and
- MRC for a Multiple-Choice. These are the 'souRCe files'.
- All three types have the same initial information. You will be asked to
- give the Quiz a Title and to type in the Author's Name. The Title and
- name will be presented at the top of the screen when the Quiz is played.
- You will also be given the opportunity to 'customize' the Comment which
- will be given to the player when the Quiz is completed. If you do not
- customize these, the default Comments shown will be used.
- If you are creating a Test or a Multiple-Choice, you will be asked whether
- you want to allow the Review Option. If you do, the player will be able to
- look at the questions and answers before playing. With the Quiz, the option
- to Review is always allowed.
- Then you will be given the opportunity to add an Introduction which will
- be shown at the start of play.
- Pressing F1 will give you Help on any screen entry you are making!!!
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ******************************
- If you are creating a QUIZ, type in the Question and the Answer. Continue
- until all the Questions and Answers are in. The Quiz will hold a maximum
- of 100 Questions and Answers. The Edit function allows you to make changes
- to items already entered. When you Quit from the program, QuizMaker will
- create the Quiz file which will have the same filename, but the Extension
- will be QIZ. The file QRC will still be there. This is the SouRCe file and
- you use it to add delete or modify your Questions and Answers. A point to
- note is that QuizMaker will not create a QIZ file if the source file has
- fewer than 5 Question and Answer pairs!!
- ******************************
- If you are creating a TEST, type in the Question and the Answer you want
- to be displayed after the question has been attempted. Then type in one or
- more MATCHes. When the player types in an answer, if it contains any of
- the MATCHes it will be assumed correct. The matching process converts
- everything to UPPER case and removes all spaces.
- If you are going to allow Review, fill in the Key. This is the entry which
- will appear in the Review menu.
- If you want to provide further Information, fill in the Text.
- N.B. Text with no Key will be shown as Information when the question has
- been answered. Text with a Key will also be shown as Information,
- but in addition, it will be available for the Review option. A Key
- with no Text will be ignored.
- Pressing F1 will give you Help on any screen entry you are making!!!
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A Test file can have up to 100 Questions but the file will be very large
- (approximately 100K ). 50 Questions per file is recommended (50K).
- When you Quit, QuizMaker will create a Test file with the Extension TST.
- Only Questions which have an Answer and at least one Match will be
- included. Others will remain in the souRCe file ( TRC) but will not be
- copied to the TST until they meet these requirements.
- *******************************
- Creating a MULTIPLE-CHOICE is the same as creating a Test, but instead of
- Matches you provide a Correct Answer and up to four Wrong Answers. The
- order in which the Wrong answers are entered is not important. When the
- Quiz is presented, all the answers will be shown in random order, and the
- order will be different every time the question is presented.
- Everything else is the same as Test, described above.
- Pressing F1 will give you Help on any screen entry you are making!!!
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- When you Quit, Quizmaker will create a Multiple-Choice file with the
- Extension MLT. Only questions with a Correct Answer and at least one
- Wrong answer will be included. The others will be retained in the souRCe
- file (MRC) until they meet these requirements.
- *************************************************************************
- -------------------------
- When you have created your Quizzes, Tests or Multiple-Choice Quizzes,
- you can pass them to others by giving them a copy of QUIZPLAY and the
- finished Quizzes i.e. the QIZ, TST and MLT files. You do not need to
- pass out the souRCe files - QRC, TRC and MRC. These are used to make
- changes in the Quizzes, either adding or deleting questions or modifying
- existing questions.
- *************************************************************************
- And now that you have created them, why not upload them to your local
- Bulletin boards? Or to Compuserve (the IBMNEW Forum - WordGame library
- or the Education Forum - ShareWare library). Identify your files with the
- key word Quizmaker so others can find them easily. And watch for more of
- ours on Compuserve!
- Have fun!
- Intelligent Educational Software.