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- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- WORDPLAY (c) 1986 Jerry Schonewille version 1.01 July 3, 1986
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- This program is shipped with the following four files
- It may be that by the time you get this game additional files with
- the 'PUZ' extension are included. It is also possible that a file
- "WORDPLAY.PRM' is included. The latter is a parameter file that
- remembers how the game was set up the last time it was played. If
- it does not exist then the program will create it for you. Before
- you do anything else I suggest you make backup copies of these
- files.
- This game will run on the IBM-PC/XT/AT and true clones equiped
- with a color graphics card.
- Like many of my friends, and apparently a lot of people across the
- country, I found myself becoming addicted to the "Wheel of Fortune"
- game on television. My addiction was related to solving the
- puzzles. Yes, I like watching Vanna White turn letters and I enjoy
- Pat Sajak's charm but I really didn't care who won the game and I
- certainly didn't care who won the ceramic Dalmatian. And how many
- people do you know who would spend $14,000 for a watch? Give me a
- break please! I just wanted to solve the puzzle's. To overcome
- these distractions I began video taping the show and watching it
- later so that I could fast forward through all but the puzzle
- solving. Having now reduced this game to it's basics , it occurred
- to me that it should be a simple thing to write a computer program
- to do the puzzles.
- Well, it wasn't that simple but that's what I did and that's what
- this is. Funny thing, now that I've written it I wish I could
- figure out how to get Vanna to turn the letters.
- If you're like me then you're probably tired of reading this
- "document file" at this point and want to jump in and start playing
- the game. I've attempted to write this game so you can do just
- that. Before you do however, please note that in adapting 'The
- Wheel of Fortune' to the computer there are some necessary
- variations should be aware of. You might want to read the 'Getting
- Started' section as well.
- o The focus of this game is puzzle solving rather than buying
- prizes. While you do accumulate points (dollars) in the
- style of the TV game you does not pause to spend it on prizes
- after solving a puzzle. Nor are there commercial breaks
- (except when you quit playing). Accordingly, there are no
- bonus rounds or other variations that show up when time runs
- out. Every time a puzzle is solved a new one shows up.
- o To maintain the spirit of competitiveness you have the option
- of setting up a game timer. I suggest you keep the timer off
- until you get the feel of the game. After that you can set
- it according to your skill, from an extremely fast 5 seconds
- per move to an anemic 45 seconds per move.
- o The TV show changes wheels after each game with progressively
- higher values and increasing risk of loosing your turn or
- going bankrupt. This game contains the three wheels as
- seen on the nighttime show and it selects the first one at
- the start of play. Whenever a puzzle is solved the next
- wheel is selected. After all three wheels have been used the
- first one is selected and the cycle repeats.
- o The wheel will spin continuously as long as you hold down the
- 'SPIN' button. Once you release the button, the wheel slow
- down and eventually come to a stop. If you are playing with
- the timer on, the wheel will slow down and stop by itself if
- you hold the 'spin' button down for more than 3 seconds. The
- timer will pause while the wheel is spinning.
- o Unlike the TV show where diction is important to solving the
- puzzle, your ability to spell is required to win here. Close
- doesn't count. You have to be exact. A former boss of mine
- once told me that if you can't fix it FEATURE it. The
- requirement that you have to be able to spell the puzzle as
- well as pronounce it is a great educational FEATURE. It
- doesn't matter if you mix upper and lower case letters and
- extraneous spaces before, after, or between words don't
- matter either. But you better get the letters right or you
- won't win.
- o Whenever you give a keyboard entry that is inappropriate to
- the particular situation the program will either ignore it or
- give you a friendly message and then patiently wait for you
- to do the right thing. Just keep trying until you get it
- right. That's how Pat would want it. Note however, that if
- the timer is turned on, the clock keeps ticking away.
- o You will eventually get tired of the puzzles I've supplied
- with this game and want to create your own. The reason the
- code for this program is twice as big as it should have been
- and took 4 weeks longer to write than planned is because I
- decided at the last minute to include a puzzle editor. Once
- having made that decision I was faced with a moral dilemma.
- To be effective I felt the editor should give you complete
- access to the puzzles. In doing so, it leaves itself open to
- abuse by those who are inclined to cheat. I finally reasoned
- that people who enjoy cheating probably wouldn't enjoy this
- game anyway. I won't try to stop them. Should you be
- basically honest but in a moment of weakness jump into the
- editor that's Ok. In doing so however, you will find that
- when you return to the game everything will have been reset
- just as if you just started playing from scratch.
- The files WORDPLAY.COM, WORDPLAY.000, and WORDPLAY.PRM (if it
- exists) must be in the same directory. The puzzle file(s) - those
- with the '.PUZ' filename extension - may be in any directory,
- though you will probably want to keep these in that same directory
- as well. To start the game type WORDPLAY. After a short pause,
- the length of which will depend upon whether the program files are
- on floppy disk, hard disk, or RAM disk, you'll see and hear a
- little message announcing who wrote the program, followed a few
- second later by a program information screen. When you're done
- reading that, or if you already read it before, just press any key
- to go into the setup screen. If you are a fast reader, there may
- be a slight delay before the setup screen appears after you press a
- key. The reason is that the program is busy at work in the
- background creating some of the game screens you will see later on.
- The setup screen will show you what the current default values are
- and allow you to change them before proceeding. As will be the
- case for all screens in this game, there is an information line at
- the bottom that informs you of your options and what keys you need
- to press. In most cases, the defaults will have been set by you in
- a previous session (the program remembers what you did last time
- and stores the information in the WORDPLAY.PRM file) and there is
- no need to change them. From this screen you can turn the sound
- effects ON or OFF, set the duration of the timer - or turn it OFF,
- set the number of players and their names, define the disk and
- directory where the puzzle file(s) is located, enter the editor, or
- play the game.
- As you jump into the game several things happen, and they happen
- quickly. The game screen appears, the wheel is spun to get it
- ready for action, and a player is selected to start the game. You
- might be overwhelmed by all this the first time you see it so lets
- review, slowly, the individual elements of the game screen.
- The upper left hand corner contains what I call the 'prompt
- window'. If somehow Pat Sajak could have been programmed into this
- a game he would appear in this prompt window. The type of things
- that you would normally expect Pat to say will appear in this
- window. Play the game for a while and you'll see what I mean. The
- top bar of the prompt window informs you of how many puzzles are in
- the current puzzle file and how many are available for use. The
- game selects a puzzle at random, and once it is solved that
- particular puzzle is marked. It won't be used again until all the
- puzzles in the file have been solved. At that point all the marks
- are removed. The prompt window also keeps track of elapsed time if
- you have the timer turned on.
- To the right of the 'prompt window' are the player boards. There
- will be one, two, or three of these depending on how many players
- are playing the game. The board corresponding to the active player
- (the player who's turn it is) will be highlighted by a unique color
- (red in the current release). Each player board is divided in two
- sections, the top half showing the player name and his/her total
- account, the bottom half showing the account for the current game.
- Whenever you are awarded a 'free-spin', that information is shown
- above your player board.
- Below the prompt window and player boards is the puzzle board
- itself. Each letter in the puzzle is represented by a black box
- which is filled in as you guess the letters. The lower right hand
- corner of the puzzle board show what type of puzzle is being
- played.
- To the right of all this is the 'wheel'. It's just like the wheel
- you see on TV except that instead of having a top view, you get an
- end view. You'll quickly become accustomed to this perspective.
- There are pointers near the top of the wheel corresponding to the
- number of players. Whenever you spin the wheel the ending square
- will be highlighted.
- As with all screens,the bottom contains a help line. During the
- course of play this line will keep you informed of your options for
- each situation.
- As you begin choosing letters a line just above the puzzle board
- will keep you informed about which letters have been chosen so far.
- You can quit the game any time by pressing the <ESC> key. This
- will place you back to the setup screen. From here you can re-
- enter the game but remember that doing so is just like starting
- from scratch.
- It is possible that by the time you got this program it may
- include other puzzle files. The editor imbedded in the program
- allows you to create your own puzzle files. If you're proud of
- that file you can, and in fact are encouraged, to give a copy of it
- to the next person - just as you are encouraged to pass this
- program along to others. The editor will automatically assign the
- filename extension of '.PUZ' to any puzzle file that you create and
- the program will read/load any puzzle file created by the editor.
- To my way of thinking, the more '.PUZ' files the better.
- You enter the editor from the setup screen by pressing <F5>. With
- the editor you can add, change or delete puzzles, you can reformat
- them (change the way they appear on the puzzle board) and you can
- create you own puzzle files. As with the game itself, I intended
- for the editor to be self-explanatory. While on the one hand I'm
- pleased with its power, its friendliness and intuitiveness leaves
- something to be desired. I have decided to release it in its
- present form because without feedback from you (i.e. 'user-
- supported') I'm not sure how to go about making it better. It is
- fully functional however, and with some practice you will be able
- to master it.
- The puzzle file name itself (without the .PUZ extension) is limited
- to 8 characters, a restriction imposed by MS-DOS/PC-DOS, not me.
- The editor automatically assigns the '.PUZ' extension so you do not
- need to include it in your filename - if you do it is ignored
- anyway. To insure the integrity and consistency of this game I
- request that you name your files anything you want, given the
- restrictions, but leave the file WORDPLAY for me. This is release
- 1.00 of WORDPLAY and as much as I've tried, it would be foolish to
- assume that it is bug-free. Those of you ever involved with having
- to "debug" a program know that step one is to duplicate the
- sequence of events that caused the bug and step two is to eliminate
- the variables. It is for this reason that I request you do not
- modify WORDPLAY.PUZ. Feel free however, to copy this file under a
- different name and do with it what you want.
- The editor will not allow you to save the puzzle file WORDPLAY.
- Those of you who are clever will find ways to circumvent this
- precaution but please bear in mind my reasons for asking you to not
- do so.
- About the puzzle files themselves, each can store up to 250
- puzzles. At the start of play the entire puzzle file is loaded
- into memory and one of the puzzle's is randomly selected. When
- that puzzle is solved, it is marked and will not be selected again.
- Another puzzle is then selected at random and the cycle repeats
- itself. When you quit the game, the puzzle file is updated
- (written to) to indicate which puzzles have been used since it was
- loaded. For this reason make sure that if your puzzles are stored
- on a floppy that the floppy is in the drive when you end the game.
- Eventually, all the puzzles will have been used and when that
- happens, all the puzzles will be automatically cleared and made
- available for use. You can also clear all puzzles from within the
- editor should you so desire.
- The parameter file WORDPLAY.PRM is created or updated when you quit
- the game. As a result, whenever you start off a new session of
- WORDPLAY, you will "default" to the same environment that existed
- the last time you played. The same comments about keeping the
- floppy in the drive when you quit apply here.
- It is possible to keep your puzzle file(s) in a different directory
- or even a different disk drive from the disk\directory containing
- WORDPLAY.COM. Being a hard disk user I always want to see programs
- offer that flexibility and I put it into all the programs I write.
- For this game however, there is probably is no need to take
- advantage of this feature and it can cause confusion. I suggest
- you keep the puzzle(s) and program in the same directory. The
- program defaults to looking for puzzle files in the same disk drive
- and directory from which you started the game. If you want to
- restore this mode after having changed it then go into the setup
- screen and press <F5>. In the next menu select either <F1> (change
- disk) or <F2> (change directory) and then just press <ENTER> when
- prompted.
- It has occurred to me that the development of this program would
- not have been possible if it were not for a few things,
- circumstances, and people. I would like to acknowledge them.
- My computer, a ZENITH-151 PC Clone running under MS-DOS 2.11
- equipped with 10 Mb hard disk, one 5 1/4" floppy, 640K RAM, color
- Graphics card, and Hayes 1200 Baud Modem. A steady workhorse and
- flawless performer. State of the art just a few years ago, rapidly
- becoming obsolescent. Isn't that the way with computers.
- The software, Borland's Turbo Pascal version 3.0. The best
- software value ever and a powerful program development tool for the
- PC. I would not have attempted this program nor completed it
- without TURBO. If you are still programming in BASIC then you are
- inflicting needless pain upon yourself. No, I'm not a Borland
- employee or stockholder, just a testimonial from a satisfied
- customer - though I did long for an incremental compiler once the
- source code got beyond 2000 lines.
- My good friends Amrish Patel, Paul Hock, and Randy Proal who took
- the time to give me unbiased views, suggestions and encouragement
- from the early stages of development to the final debugging state.
- I want to single out Randy for both his subtle perspective and
- painstaking detail that went into his analysis and suggestions. I
- suspect I won't be getting that $10.00 from him.
- A long time acquaintance Jim DeRosa who turned me on years ago to
- the underground world of telecommunications and the evolving public
- domain software concept.
- Merv Griffin, Pat Sajak, and Vanna White - for obvious reasons.