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- User's Guide For:
- (c) 1989 by KIDware
- Portions (c) 1988 by Microsoft Corp.
- KIDware
- 1380 156th NE, Suite H2
- Bellevue, WA 98007
- (206) 725-4859
- BALLOON SPELLER User's Guide - Page 2
- BALLOON SPELLER is a program for home or school. You can
- play three different spelling games using lists of words you
- input or any of the 70 built-in lists. In each game, you move a
- hot air balloon around the screen picking up the letters you
- need. In "Word Flash," the word to be spelled is flashed to you
- and then you spell the word. In "Word Jumble," the letters of
- the word are scattered around -- you pick them up in proper
- order. And, in "Word Guess," you guess the letters in the word
- to be spelled (a Hangman type game).
- To use BALLOON SPELLER, you need an IBM compatible computer
- with at least 256K of memory, at least one floppy disk drive,
- DOS 2.0 (or higher), and color or monochrome graphics. Before
- using the program, you must do two things: install the program
- on your disk, then configure the program to your particular
- system. Depending on the number and types of disk drives you
- have, follow the given instructions for installing the programs.
- Working with a single drive system can be tricky. Please
- pay close attention to instructions provided.
- 1. Place DOS disk in drive A and start system.
- 2. You first need to format a disk and put a copy of
- the operating system on it. Type: FORMAT A:/S
- 3. Replace DOS disk with blank disk and follow
- instructions provided by computer.
- 4. When formatting is complete, replace blank disk
- with BALLOON SPELLER disk and type: COPY A:*.* B:
- This will allow you to copy the files from the
- BALLOON SPELLER disk (referred to by DOS as disk
- A) to your newly formatted disk (referred to by
- DOS as disk B). Follow instructions provided by
- computer.
- 5. Installation is now complete. Put the original
- copy of the BALLOON SPELLER disk in a safe place;
- you will always use your copy. Now, place that
- copy of the program in drive A and proceed to
- configuration instructions.
- BALLOON SPELLER User's Guide - Page 3
- Pay close attention to instructions provided.
- 1. Place DOS disk in drive A and blank disk in drive
- B; start system.
- 2. You first need to format a disk and put a copy of
- the operating system on it. Type: FORMAT B:/S
- 3. Replace DOS disk in drive A with BALLOON SPELLER
- disk. Type: COPY A:*.* B: This will allow you to
- copy the files from the BALLOON SPELLER disk in
- drive A to your newly formatted disk in drive B.
- 4. Installation is now complete. Put the original
- copy of the BALLOON SPELLER disk in a safe place;
- you will always use your copy. Now, place that
- copy of the program in drive A and proceed to
- configuration instructions.
- Pay close attention to instructions provided.
- 1. Start system.
- 2. You first need to create a directory for the
- programs. At C: prompt, type: MKDIR C:\SPELL\
- This creates a directory named SPELL on your hard
- disk (you may use another name if you want). Now,
- move to that directory by typing: CD C:\SPELL\
- 3. Place BALLOON SPELLER disk in floppy drive A.
- Type: COPY A:*.* C: This will allow you to copy
- the files from the BALLOON SPELLER disk to your
- hard disk.
- 4. Installation is now complete. Put the original
- copy of the BALLOON SPELLER disk in a safe place.
- Proceed to configuration instructions.
- BALLOON SPELLER User's Guide - Page 4
- To configure the program to your system, place your copy of
- the program disk in drive A (or go to directory C:\SPELL\ on a
- hard disk) and type: BSCON
- You will be asked two (or three) questions; answer
- accordingly. The first question asks you if you have color
- graphics (press 1) or Hercules monochrome graphics (press 2).
- If you have both, press 1 and use color graphics, because the
- monochrome graphics simulator will not work properly when both
- color and monochrome graphics cards are installed. The second
- question asks if you have a single floppy system (press 1), a
- dual floppy system (press 2), or a hard drive system (press
- 3). If you answer dual floppy system (2), you will then be
- asked which letter designates the drive you will be storing
- your spelling lists on (press A, B, C, D, or E).
- Once the program is installed and configured, you can run
- it. Please note if you ever change your system configuration,
- you should rerun the configuration program.
- Running the program is simple. If you are using floppy
- drives, place your copy of the program disk in a drive. If
- using a hard disk, move to the proper directory by typing:
- CD:\SPELL\ Type BS and press <Enter>. The program will begin
- running after a few seconds of loading some needed files. Once
- the title screen appears, press any key to continue. (If the
- title screen is unreadable, rerun the configuration program
- making sure you answer the question concerning graphics
- correctly.)
- BALLOON SPELLER User's Guide - Page 5
- The first screen to appear is the list editor menu. You
- have six choices:
- 1. Input new word list: choose this option to input
- a new list. The use of the list editor is quite
- straightforward. All instructions are provided in
- the program. The cursor control keys move you
- around the list, the <Enter> key moves you from
- word to word, the <Space> bar deletes characters
- in a forward direction, the <Backspace> key
- deletes in the reverse direction, and the slash
- key (/) ends the editing session. Once the list
- is input, you may save it on disk or print it
- out. Note when saving a list, the list name must
- begin with a letter and be no more than 8
- characters long.
- 2. Edit current word list: choose this option to
- change/save/print the list currently being used by
- the program. You can add new words or delete old
- ones. To delete a word simply blank it out using
- the space bar or backspace key. The program will
- close up any gaps left in the list. To add a
- word, type it in a blank space or type over an
- unwanted word.
- 3. Read user list from disk: choose this option to
- read in a list you have previously saved using the
- list editor. The files you have stored (maximum
- of 54 files per disk) will be listed. Use the
- cursor keys to point to the file you wish to read
- in, then press <Enter>. Once read in, you may
- edit/save/print that list.
- 4. Use built-in list: choose this option to use one
- of the 70 built-in spelling lists. There are 10
- lists for each grade level from K to 6. The
- program will first ask which grade level
- (K,1,2,3,4,5,6) and then which particular list (1-
- 10). The built-in spelling lists cannot be
- changed. You may, however, read in a built-in
- list, modify it and then save it to your own disk
- for future use.
- BALLOON SPELLER User's Guide - Page 6
- 5. Change cursor/letter input option: choose this
- option if you want to change the method of
- inputting your answers in the spelling games.
- There are two input options. With the Cursor
- Input option, you use the cursor control keys to
- move the hot air balloon around the screen picking
- up letters. This option requires no keyboarding
- skills. Using the Letter Input option, you simply
- press the desired letter on the keyboard and the
- balloon will move and pick up that letter. This
- option results in faster game play and helps teach
- letter locations on the keyboard. We suggest the
- Cursor Input option for younger children, while
- older children like the faster play of the Letter
- Input option. Default option is Cursor Input.
- 6. Go to Game Selection Menu: choose this option to
- select a game to play. You may only choose this
- option if a word list has been input or
- selected.
- The final option from the list editor menu is stopping the
- program (press 0); select this option when you no longer want
- to use the program. Once your spelling list is selected and
- ready and the desired input option is chosen, you should
- proceed to the Game Selection Menu.
- BALLOON SPELLER User's Guide - Page 7
- You may choose from three different games. In each game,
- every word on the spelling list will be used (unless you stop
- the game before completing the list). Also, in each game, you
- maneuver a hot air balloon around the screen picking up the
- desired letters. If using the Cursor Input option, the cursor
- control keys are used to move the balloon. Once the letter you
- want is in the balloon's basket, press <Enter> to pick it up.
- If using the Letter Input option, press the desired letter on
- the keyboard. The balloon will move to that letter and pick it
- up. To stop any of the games, simply press the slash (/) key.
- These instructions are also printed on each game screen.
- The three games that can be played are:
- 1. Word Flash: In this game, you first flash the
- word to be spelled by pressing the <Space> bar.
- You must then pick up, in proper order, the
- letters to spell the word. If you make a mistake
- and pick up a letter out of order, an 'uh-oh' is
- heard. You are allowed three mistakes before you
- are given the proper spelling. If you need help,
- you may press the <Space> bar to flash the word
- again. But note each additional flash counts as
- one mistake.
- 2. Word Jumble: Here, the letters to spell the word
- are scattered about. You must spell the word by
- picking up the letters in proper order. Incorrect
- letters count as one mistake. The word may be
- flashed by pressing the <Space> bar, but each
- flash counts as one mistake. You are allowed a
- maximum of three mistakes per word.
- 3. Word Guess: A game like Hangman. You guess at
- letters in the word. If your guess is correct,
- the letters are shown in their proper position.
- If your guess is incorrect, you continue. If you
- make more than five mistakes, the proper spelling
- will be given to you.
- You can return to the List Editor Menu screen from the Game
- Selection Menu by pressing 4 and the program can be stopped by
- pressing 0.
- Once you have finished playing a game (either by trying all
- words in the list or stopping the game), your score will be
- given to you and a list of the words you had trouble with will
- be provided. At this point, you will be returned to the Game
- Selection Menu.
- BALLOON SPELLER User's Guide - Page 8
- Realizing this program will usually be used by unattended
- children, we have added an option that should prevent any
- accidental or intentional stopping of the program or changing
- of the spelling lists; it is the Hidden Menu option.
- The Hidden Menu option works with the Game Selection Menu
- only. What the option does is turns off the ability to stop
- the program (pressing 0) and the ability to return to the List
- Editor Menu (pressing 4). The option is turned off or on by
- pressing <Ctrl>-H while in the Game Selection Menu. Notice
- that when the option is on, only one of the three games can be
- selected and the message "HM On" appears at the lower right
- hand corner of the screen. When the option is off, the Menu
- appears as normal.
- Some other things to be aware of concerning the program:
- 1. When saving spelling lists on disk, please make
- sure the disk you want to save the list on is in
- the proper drive and the drive is ready. The
- program contains some error trapping routines, but
- at times erratic behavior occurs when trying to
- read/write from/to a disk drive that is not
- properly ready.
- 2. Similarly, when printing your list, make sure the
- printer is on-line and ready before starting the
- print option.
- 3. If you need to abruptly stop the program at some
- point, pressing <Ctrl>-Break will accomplish
- this. Note this will take you completely out of
- the program, so make sure you have saved any lists
- you may have input. This option is disabled when
- using the Hidden Menu option described above.
- BALLOON SPELLER User's Guide - Page 9
- 4. Note there are no provisions in the program for
- deleting unwanted spelling lists. This was done
- for a purpose--we did not want children to have
- the ability to accidentally erase a needed list.
- To delete a file, you must use the DOS ERASE
- command (refer to your DOS manual). Spelling
- lists are stored with the name you have given it,
- plus a .BSL extension. So if you want to erase a
- file named LIST1 from the disk in drive A:, you
- would type ERASE A:LIST1.BSL at the DOS prompt.
- 5. When using Hercules monochrome graphics, the
- screen may appear compressed; this is normal. If
- any screen appears scrambled, you have to adjust
- your monitor's vertical and/or horizontal hold
- controls.
- The BALLOON SPELLER program has been written with care, but
- there still may be bugs and problems. If you find any such
- problems, please let us know. We cannot guarantee the program
- is completely error free. We do guarantee it will load and
- run. If, within one year of purchase, the programs fail to
- load and run, simply return the original disk to us (postpaid)
- for quick replacement. This warranty only applies to
- manufacturing defects. No further guarantees are expressed or
- implied. Also note that copying this disk, other than for
- personal archival purposes, is strictly prohibited by US and
- world copyright laws. For further information or help, contact
- us at:
- KIDware
- 1380 156th NE, Suite H2
- Bellevue, WA 98007
- (206) 725-4859
- BALLOON SPELLER User's Guide - Page 10
- The commercial version of BALLOON SPELLER allows 20 words
- per spelling list, has 70 built-in lists, has a printed user's
- guide, and sells for just $11.95 ($12.95 for 3.5" disk).
- Purchasing the commercial version also keeps you informed of
- future program updates and new program releases. If you use
- the shareware version of BALLOON SPELLER and like it, we ask
- that you purchase the commercial version. Thank You!
- Name
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Address
- -------------------------------------------------------
- City State Zip
- ----------------------------- ------ -----------
- Please send BALLOON SPELLER on:
- 5.25" disk ($11.95) 3.5" disk ($12.95)
- -------- --------
- Washington residents must add 8.1% sales tax.
- Payment Method:
- Check Money Order VISA/MasterCard
- --------- --------- --------
- Card Number Exp. Date
- -------------------------------- --------
- Signature
- -----------------------------------------------------
- Where did you obtain your shareware copy of BALLOON SPELLER?
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Send order to: KIDware
- 1380 156th NE, Suite H2
- Bellevue, WA 98007
- (206) 725-4859