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- * GuessIT: A PC-Based Game to Guess Words or Phrases (Version II) *
- * *
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- * tests your knowledge of words and facts
- * can be adapted for different levels of difficulty
- * can run flashcard quizzes on many subjects
- * can use your personal word and fact lists
- * comes with several challenging lists
- * distributed as shareware (suggested contribution: $10)
- Copyright Gary Perlman 1989
- Box 791, Worthington, Ohio 43085 USA
- _______________________ QUICK START INSTRUCTIONS _______________________
- Put the floppy disk in drive A: and type the commands:
- Then, type letters to guess the letters in the words.
- For an idea of the quiz capabilities of GuessIT:
- When GuessIT asks you to Choose a Secret, type 3 (for Capital).
- When GuessIT asks you to Choose a Hint, type 1 (for State name).
- Then, type letters to guess the capital cities of states.
- ____________________________ DISK CONTENTS _____________________________
- GUESSIT .EXE The word/phrase guessing program
- GUESSIT .DOC This file describing GuessIT
- ANIMALS .LST Names of animals, groups, male, female, and young
- AUTHORS .LST Books and their authors
- ELEMENTS.LST Chemical elements and facts about them
- LANGUAGE.LST Months, weekdays, and numbers in several languages
- PROVINCE.LST Names, capitals, and confederation dates in Canada
- NATIONS .LST Nations and facts about them
- SPORTS .LST Sports teams and where they play
- STATES .LST U.S. states and facts about them
- WORDS .LST A list of about 30,000 difficult words
- __________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS ___________________________
- [1] WELCOME TO GuessIT
- [1.1] The Purpose of GuessIT
- [1.2] System Requirements
- [1.3] A Short History of GuessIT
- [1.4] The Shareware Concept
- [2.1] Installation Instructions
- [2.2] Running GuessIT
- [3.1] The Secret List (-L)
- [3.2] Managing a Directory of Secret Lists (-D)
- [3.3] Controlling the Degree of Difficulty (-G, -C)
- [3.4] Hints in Secret Lists (-H, -T)
- [3.5] Creating a Custom BATCH File to Run GuessIT
- [4.1] Lists Supplied with GuessIT
- [4.2] Advanced Information About GuessIT Lists
- [1] WELCOME TO GuessIT
- GuessIT is a word game that comes with lots of challenging lists
- and tables of words and facts. You can play it for a minute or an
- hour, and you can make your own lists.
- [1.1] The Purpose of GuessIT
- GuessIT is based on a popular word-guessing game. In GuessIT, a
- template for a secret word or phrase is displayed on the screen, and
- your goal is to guess all its letters. With some lists of secrets,
- you can get hints. For example, to guess the French word "janvier"
- your hint might be "January" or even "enero" (Spanish for January).
- Part of the playing "Arena" might look like this:
- Spanish: enero
- French: _______
- You only get a limited number of guesses, so you can't simply type
- the whole alphabet. As you make your guesses, the GuessIT display
- keeps track of your progress. The Scoreboard displays how many
- guesses you are allowed and how many you have used. The Scoreboard
- also displays how many words or phrases you have tried and how many
- you have guessed. The Peanut Gallery makes superfluous but benign
- comments, and also asks you if you want to try another secret. The
- Arena contains a record of the letters you have used and your
- progress with the current secret. If you run out of guesses, the
- secret will be displayed in the Arena.
- [1.2] System Requirements
- [1.2.1] CPU Requirements: Any PC Compatible computer.
- [1.2.2] Software Requirements: No other software needed.
- [1.2.3] Disk Requirements: Minimal. GuessIT can run directly from
- a 360 Kbyte floppy disk. You can install Guess-IT on your hard disk,
- but that is not necessary for good performance.
- [1.2.4] Display Requirements: Monochrome or color text displays.
- If you are running GuessIT on an LCD or shaded "color" display, you
- might find that the display is more readable if you run the program
- in black and white (BW) mode; before running GuessIT, you may want
- to run one of the following DOS commands.
- GuessIT runs in 40 or 80 column modes, and uses the mode that it
- detects when it starts. If you prefer the 40 column mode, which is
- nice for younger players, you might set up a BATCH file to set the
- display mode to 40 column, run GuessIT, and reset back to 80 column:
- GuessIT displays directly to screen memory for high speed. If this
- causes "snow" then you should run GuessIT with the -V option to
- turn off direct video display.
- [1.3] A Short History of GuessIT
- GuessIT grew out of a computer version of the game "hangman" in
- which you guess the letters of words. I did not like the violent
- nature of hangman, which constructed gallows as you missed letters,
- and I wanted to have a game that had a fun display. The first
- version of GuessIT accomplished this but I was not satisfied with
- the ability to play GuessIT with children. In GuessIT II, I added
- hints so that children could guess an answer without using detailed
- knowledge about the structure of words. The ability to interchange
- secrets and hints made GuessIT a good program for quizzes.
- [1.4] The Shareware Concept
- GuessIT is distributed as shareware. It is copyrighted, so you
- should not modify it or sell it, but you can copy and distribute it
- free of charge, provided that you distribute the program and this
- document file intact. If you use and enjoy GuessIT, then please
- send $10 to me for my efforts. I'll send you an upgrade of GuessIT
- when it becomes available.
- Gary Perlman, Box 791, Worthington, Ohio 43085 USA
- [2.1] Installation Instructions
- You do not need to do any installation of GuessIT because you can
- run GuessIT from a floppy disk. You can also install GuessIT in any
- directory on your hard disk. If you install GuessIT in a directory
- on your hard disk, you may want to edit a BATCH file to point to
- the directory.
- To install GuessIT in a directory, say C:\GUESSIT, all you need to
- do is create the directory and copy all the files on the floppy,
- which, in the following example, is assumed to be in drive A:
- GuessIT can read huge lists of words or phrases, but it only needs
- one word or phrase at a time. Disk access time is not a problem for
- GuessIT so you can keep GuessIT on a floppy disk and save the
- space used by the program and word lists. Being able to run from a
- floppy makes GuessIT an ideal game for people on the road with a
- portable computer. GuessIT is a good game to play on a laptop for
- a few minutes while you wait for a plane.
- [2.2] Running GuessIT
- [2.2.1] Starting GuessIT: If you are running GuessIT from a floppy or
- you are in the directory where it is installed, you only need to type:
- See the section on options to customize the way GuessIT works.
- [2.2.2] The GuessIT Display: The top line shows the name of the game
- and an instruction or two. The top two windows are The Scoreboard and
- the Peanut Gallery. The bottom window is The Arena, where the guessing
- takes place. The bottom line shows the copyright and a 24-hour clock.
- [2.2.3] Guessing Letters: Depending on the secret list, you may have
- hints available to help you guess the secret word. For secret lists of
- facts about things like nations or states, you will be shown a menu of
- what you would like to guess (the secret) and what hint you would like
- to be shown. This setup, if applicable, is done in the Peanut Gallery.
- Select from menus with digits. After setup, you begin guessing letters.
- [2.2.4] Stopping GuessIT: You can quit GuessIT at any time by typing the
- Escape (ESC) key. At the end of a round of trying to guess a secret,
- GuessIT asks in the Peanut Gallery if you want to try another. Typing
- the letter N here will also get you out.
- The following table is printed when you use the -O option when
- starting GuessIT or when an option error is detected. Explanations
- of the options follow the table.
- GuessIT: Guess the Word or Phrase [Version 2.0 (July 1989)]
- -C chars minimum characters in secrets 7
- -D directory directory holding lists . . . A:\
- -G guesses maximum guesses per word . . 7
- -H hintchar char between secret and hints :
- -L listfile file of list of secrets . . . words.lst
- -O print this option summary . . NO
- -T print table of listfile . . . NO
- -V turn off direct video output
- [3.1] The Secret List (-L)
- GuessIT comes with a list of over 30,000 words that will provide
- many hours of challenge. GuessIT can be adapted to any list of
- words or phrases, provided that they are on one line that fits on
- the display (for long phrases, 80 column display mode is best). To
- choose a new list of words or phrases for GuessIT, use the -L
- option. For example, you might have a list of quotes called
- QUOTES.LST. You could run GuessIT on this list with the command:
- [3.2] Managing a Directory of Secret Lists (-D)
- GuessIT comes with many secret lists (described later). Instead of
- requiring that you type in the whole pathname of a secret list (for
- example, C:\GUESSIT\ANIMALS.LST), GuessIT lets you select the
- directory where it will look for lists. First, GuessIT looks in the
- current directory for a list. If it does not find it there, it looks
- in the directory where the GuessIT program (GUESSIT.EXE) resides.
- You can force GuessIT to look in a specific directory with the -D
- option. If GUESSIT.EXE is in one directory and your secret lists are
- in C:\GUESSIT, you could access the list about nations with:
- I save this information in a BATCH file, GI.BAT, to avoid retyping.
- In the future, a menu of lists may be available from inside GuessIT.
- [3.3] Controlling the Degree of Difficulty (-G, -C)
- You can make it easier to guess a word or phrase by allowing more missed
- letters to guess a secret. The -G option will allow you to specify the
- minimum number of guesses allowed. You can also make it easier to
- guess secrets by using longer secrets. The -C option sets the minimum
- number of characters in secrets, blank spaces included. The more
- letters in a secret, the easier it is to guess because it is more likely
- that a guessed letter appears in the secret. The following command will
- allow 11 guesses for secrets with at least 9 characters:
- GUESSIT -G11 -C9
- GuessIT may not be able to find secrets if you ask for ones that are too
- long. The number of characters (-C) option is ignored in short lists.
- [3.4] Hints in Secret Lists (-H, -T)
- With some secret lists, GuessIT lets you see a hint about the
- secret. For example, you might make a list of famous events in
- which the hint is the date on which the event took place. The hint
- for a secret follows the hint character (by default, the colon) as
- shown below.
- Battle of Hastings : 1066
- Signing of the Magna Carta : 1215
- Columbus Discovers America : 1492
- If you make your own lists, you should use the colon (:) to separate
- secrets from hints. But if you have a list in about the right form,
- you can use the -H option to tell GuessIT to use a different
- character. The next command says to use a comma.
- Many lists contain useful information that can be printed in a table
- with the -T option. All columns are aligned in the output, which
- can be saved in a file with a command like the following:
- Tables can be very wide, so for printing, use small text!
- [3.5] Creating a Custom BATCH File to Run GuessIT
- Instead of typing long commands, you can save them in a BATCH file.
- You have to know how to edit files to be able to create and modify
- a BATCH file. Any editor like LINEDIT is adequate for this.
- Before running GuessIT, you might want to put the screen in
- 40-column mode to get big letters on the display:
- For MONO screens, only 80-column mode is available. For black and
- white displays emulating color with shades, use MODE BW40. After
- running GuessIT, you would reset the screen with a command like:
- Now, assume that the GuessIT program, GUESSIT.EXE, is in C:\GAMES and
- the lists (like WORDS.LST) are in D:\GUESSIT. You can substitute your
- own directories. The following will point GuessIT to the right directory:
- To be able to set or reset options from the BATCH file, BATCH file
- variables: %1, %2, .... can be added to the commands in GI.BAT:
- C:\GAMES\GUESSIT -D D:\GUESSIT -G7 -C8 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
- Place GI.BAT into a directory on your PATH command in AUTOEXEC.BAT.
- Then, to run GuessIT on the list of facts on nations of the world,
- allowing for 2 missed guesses, you would run:
- To avoid typing the -L and the .LST part, you could use:
- C:\GAMES\GUESSIT -D D:\GUESSIT -G7 -C8 -L %1.LST %2 %3 %4 %5
- and type:
- Besides ordinary words, which are fun to guess, you can get a lot of
- enjoyment and even some education from lists with hints in them.
- For example, a list of states or countries and their capitals can
- help you learn about geography. A list of chemical elements and
- their symbols can help you learn some science. A list of books and
- their authors can help you learn about books you never read! Famous
- quotes, biblical names, famous physicists, historical events, ....
- The possibilities are unlimited. Send your ideas for lists to me,
- or better yet, send me your lists on a floppy!
- [4.1] Lists Supplied with GuessIT
- Here are the example lists that come with GuessIT. They provide a
- rich set of challenges for all types of people, both young and old.
- Although I have worked hard at getting the information in the lists
- right, please don't stake anything of value on them. By looking at
- the contents of the files, it is easy to figure out how to modify
- them or make your own new lists, but a detailed explanation follows.
- When you run GuessIT with a list with hints, you will be asked (in
- the Peanut Gallery) to choose from a menu the secret you want to
- guess and the hint you want to receive. By selecting the same hint
- as the secret, you tell GuessIT to provide no hint. With hints, it
- is much easier to guess secrets, so I suggest you use less guesses.
- Try running the following command to see how hints work.
- WORDS.LST: A sorted list of about 30,000 words. This is the default
- list, with no hints. Each word in the list has at least five
- letters, has only lower case letters, and any letter appears only
- once in a word. This list is a subset of a much larger list (almost
- 250,000 words) so many of the words are obscure. You need to use
- abstract knowledge of word structure to do well with this list.
- ANIMALS.LST: A list of names of animals, groups, male, female, and
- young. Before you play this with your kids, you might want to think
- about what a female dog (or wolf) is called.
- AUTHORS.LST: A list of works containing the name of the author, the
- title, and the date of authorship or publication.
- ELEMENTS.LST: A list of chemical elements including the element
- name, its symbol, its number, and its group in the periodic table.
- LANGUAGE.LST: A list of months, weekdays, and numbers in several
- languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, and Swedish.
- NATIONS.LST: A list of nations containing the name of the country,
- the capital city, the location (for example, the continent), the
- official or predominant languages, the money or currency used, and
- the year it was admitted to the United Nations.
- PROVINCE.LST: A list of Canadian provinces and territories, their
- capitals, and the dates they joined Canada.
- SPORTS.LST: A list of professional sports teams with their team
- names, division, and where they play.
- STATES.LST: A list of U.S. states containing the name of the state,
- the capital city, the two-letter postal abbreviation, the state
- flower, the state bird, the state tree, the state nickname, and the
- state motto (translated into English).
- [4.2] Advanced Information About GuessIT Lists
- There are two types of GuessIT lists: long lists with no hints and
- short lists with hints. Short lists with no hints are either too
- hard or too boring. Long lists with hints are a lot of work to
- create. A short list is one with less than 16000 characters. Short
- lists are loaded in their entirety into GuessIT when it starts, and
- the order of the secrets is randomized. Each secret in a short list
- is presented only once (during a run of GuessIT). In long lists,
- the file of secrets is opened and a secret is randomly selected;
- repeated presentations of the same secret is unlikely.
- To simplify the explanation of lists, we'll work through an example
- of a list that you could make for a child. FAMILY.LST is a fun game
- to play with your kid. Make a list of family member names, with
- hints that describe the member. Here is a list that might be made
- for Elroy Jetson:
- :Elroy : Your Name
- :George : Your Dad
- :Jane : Your Mom
- :Judy : Your Sister
- :Astro : Your Dog
- :Mr. Spacely : Dad's Boss
- The first line of the file describes the secret and hint. You can
- tell it is a description line because it begins with a punctuation
- character (others might be a bar or comma). Whatever is the
- punctuation character, it will be used as the separator between
- secrets and hints (over-riding the -H option). These descriptions
- (NAME, HINT) will be used in the GuessIT display, so they should be
- eight characters or less. If the description line is not present,
- then the part before the hint character is used as the secret and
- the part after is used as the hint. When a description line is
- used, secrets and hints are interchangeable; that is, you can be
- shown "Astro" and have to guess "Your Dog". When a description line
- is present, GuessIT displays a menu of all the possible hints and
- secrets in the Peanut Gallery and asks you to choose the secret and
- the hint. Menu selection is done with single number digits.
- Secret lists can have more than just one secret and one hint. For
- example, in the STATES.LST file, there is the state name, its postal
- abbreviation, its capital city, its state flower, and so on. From a
- state name (the hint) you might want to try to guess the state bird.
- Going the other way is also possible, but there are some birds that
- are the state bird of more than one state; the cardinal has been
- chosen by seven states. When there is more information about a
- secret than just the hint you selected, you can see it by typing ?
- and looking in the Peanut Gallery. For example, if you were guessing
- the state whose bird is the roadrunner, The Arena would contain:
- Bird: Roadrunner
- State: ___ ______
- and an extra hint (typing ?) would fill the Peanut Gallery with:
- Capital : Santa Fe
- Abbrev : NM
- Nickname: Land of Enchantment
- Motto : (It Grows as it Goes)
- Flower : Yucca
- Tree : Pinon