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- User's Guide For:
- (A Shareware Disk)
- (c) KIDware 1989
- Portions (c) Microsoft Corp. 1989
- KIDware
- 1380 156th NE, Suite H2
- Bellevue, WA 98007
- (206) 725-4859
- MATH AND LOGIC GAMES FOR KIDS presents six programs for the
- IBM-PC that challenge a child's mathematics and thinking
- skills. The programs are aimed at grade levels K through 6, but
- can be enjoyed by all. The programs TARGET MATH and JELLY
- BEANS are competitions between two players, or one player versus
- the computer. In TARGET MATH, you take turns adding numbers
- trying to reach a target sum, while in JELLY BEANS you take
- turns removing beans from a jar and the one who takes the last
- bean loses! I SHOT AN ARROW is a simple simulation of an arrow
- flying through the air; the program introduces estimation and
- answer refinement skills. LEAKY TUB simulates filling a leaky
- bath tub with hot and cold water. This program helps teach
- logical thinking and is just plain fun. In MATH RACE, up to
- four players take turns answering flash card arithmetic
- problems. The faster you answer your problem, the further down
- the track your car travels. Each player can race at a skill
- level appropriate to their grade level. Finally, MATH AS ART
- simply draws pretty pictures using the ideas of fractal math.
- In this note, I briefly describe operation of the six
- computer programs provided to you on your shareware disk.
- Hopefully, these programs will be of some use to you in your
- home or classroom. If you use the programs, we ask that you
- register your copy (use the registration form at the end of this
- document). With registration, you will be sent a printed user's
- manual describing program operation in detail, including playing
- strategies and the equations behind each program. Also with
- registration, you will made aware of new programs and any
- updates to this disk. Now, let's talk about computer
- requirements.
- You need an IBM-compatible machine equipped with a minimum
- of 256K of memory and a CGA (Color Graphics Adapter) or Hercules-
- compatible monochrome graphics card. A color monitor is
- recommended. Before using the programs, you must do two
- things: install the program on your own disk, then configure
- the program to your particular system. Depending on the number
- and types of disk drives you have, follow the given instructions
- for installing the programs.
- Installation on Single Floppy Drive System:
- Working with a single drive system can be tricky. Please
- pay close attention to instructions provided.
- 1. Place DOS disk in drive A and start system.
- 2. You first need to format a disk and put a copy of the
- operating system on it. Type: FORMAT A:/S
- 3. Replace DOS disk with blank disk and follow
- instructions provided by computer.
- 4. When formatting is complete, replace blank disk
- with MATH AND LOGIC GAMES FOR KIDS disk and type: COPY
- A:*.* B: This will allow you to copy the files from the
- MATH AND LOGIC GAMES FOR KIDS disk (referred to by DOS
- as disk A) to your newly formatted disk (referred to by
- DOS as disk B). Follow instructions provided by
- computer.
- 5. Installation is now complete. Put the original copy of
- the MATH AND LOGIC GAMES FOR KIDS disk in a safe place;
- you will always use your copy. Now, place that copy of
- the program in drive A and proceed to configuration
- instructions.
- Installation on Dual Floppy Drive System:
- Pay close attention to instructions provided.
- 1. Place DOS disk in drive A and blank disk in drive B;
- start system.
- 2. You first need to format a disk and put a copy of the
- operating system on it. Type: FORMAT B:/S
- 3. Replace DOS disk in drive A with MATH AND LOGIC GAMES
- FOR KIDS disk. Type: COPY A:*.* B: This will allow you
- to copy the files from the MATH AND LOGIC GAMES FOR KIDS
- disk in drive A to your newly formatted disk in drive B.
- 4. Installation is now complete. Put the original copy of
- the MATH AND LOGIC GAMES FOR KIDS disk in a safe place;
- you will always use your copy. Now, place that copy of
- the program in drive A and proceed to configuration
- instructions.
- Installation on Hard Disk System:
- Pay close attention to instructions provided.
- 1. Start system.
- 2. You first need to create a directory for the programs.
- At C: prompt, type: MKDIR C:\MLOGIC\ This creates a
- directory named MLOGIC on your hard disk (you may use
- another name if you want). Now, move to that directory
- by typing: CD C:\MLOGIC\
- 3. Place MATH AND LOGIC GAMES FOR KIDS disk in floppy drive
- A. Type: COPY A:*.* C: This will allow you to copy the
- files from the MATH AND LOGIC GAMES FOR KIDS disk to
- your hard disk.
- 4. Installation is now complete. Put the original copy of
- the MATH AND LOGIC GAMES FOR KIDS disk in a safe place.
- Proceed to configuration instructions.
- Configuration Instructions:
- To configure the program to your system, place your copy of
- the program disk in drive A (or go to directory C:\MLOGIC\ on a
- hard disk) and type: MLCON
- You will be asked a single question; answer accordingly.
- The question asks you if you have color graphics (press 1) or
- Hercules monochrome graphics (press 2). If you have both, press
- 1 and use color graphics, because the monochrome graphics
- simulator will not work properly when both color and monochrome
- graphics cards are installed.
- Once the program is installed and configured, you can run
- it. Please note if you ever change your system configuration,
- you should rerun the configuration program. Running the program
- is simple. If you are using floppy drives, place your copy of
- the program disk in a drive. If using a hard disk, move to the
- proper directory by typing: CD:\MLOGIC\ Type GO and press
- <Enter>. The program will begin running after a few seconds of
- loading some needed files and a selection menu will appear. (If
- the selection menu is unreadable, rerun the configuration
- program making sure you answered the question concerning
- graphics correctly.) Use the cursor control key to make your
- menu selection, then press <Enter>. Individual program
- instructions follow.
- In this game, a target number is selected at random. You
- and another player (or the computer) take turns adding numbers
- to a sum trying to reach the target number. You are limited to
- how large a number you may add each turn. The winner is the
- player who completes the sum, i.e. reaches the target number.
- In the program, the target number is graphically represented by
- open boxes (10 in each row). As numbers are added to the sum,
- these open boxes are replaced by colored boxes indicating how
- many boxes have been added and how many boxes remain to reach
- the target number.
- The game is played by selecting TARGET MATH from the menu
- screen. When loaded, you indicate whether there is one player,
- playing against the computer, or two players, competing against
- each other. If playing against the computer, you are then asked
- whether you want to go first or you want the computer to go
- first. Once these questions are answered, play begins,
- alternating turns. At each turn, simply indicate the number of
- boxes you wish to add.
- The game ends when the target number is reached. Pressing S
- will stop the game at any time. Once the game ends, you are
- asked if you wish to play again (press 1 for yes, 0 for no).
- This game is very similar to TARGET MATH, with a slightly
- different goal. A random number of jelly beans is placed in a
- jar. You and another player (or the computer) take turns
- removing beans from the jar. You are limited to how many beans
- you may remove each turn. The winner is the player who makes
- the other player take the last bean (we've all been taught it's
- not polite to take the last one of anything!). In the program,
- the jelly beans are graphically depicted by colored star shapes
- (5 in each row). As beans are removed, the remaining number is
- seen in the jar.
- The game is played by selecting JELLY BEANS from the menu
- screen. When loaded, you indicate whether there is one player,
- playing against the computer, or two players, competing against
- each other. If playing against the computer, you are then asked
- whether you want to go first or you want the computer to go
- first. Once these questions are answered, play begins,
- alternating turns. At each turn, enter the number of jelly
- beans you want to remove from the jar.
- The game ends when the jar of jelly beans is empty.
- Pressing S will stop the game at any time. Once the game ends,
- you are asked if you wish to play again (press 1 for yes, 0 for
- no).
- This program is used to discover the basics of ballistics,
- or motion in the x-y plane. The program has no right or wrong
- answers--it simply provides an arena for trying different things
- and seeing the results. The general idea of the program is to
- determine at what angle (measured from the x-axis) an arrow
- should be launched (starting at x=0, y=0) to hit a specific
- point. The arrow moves in the x-y plane (y=0 representing the
- ground) under the influence of gravity in the negative y-
- direction, i.e. the arrow will fall down. The x-y plane and
- concept of an angle should be explained to the user, at a level
- the user can understand. With this general basis, several
- exercises can be tried.
- The program is loaded by selecting I SHOT AN ARROW from the
- menu screen. When loaded, you indicate the value of the x point
- (0-100) you wish to hit and the value of the y point (0-50) you
- want to hit. To stop the program, enter 999 as the x value.
- Next, enter the arrow angle (from 0 to 90 degrees). Enter an
- angle of zero to re-select the desired x-y point.
- After answering these questions, a plot of the arrow's
- trajectory is drawn and you are told whether or not you hit your
- desired point. You clear this screen by pressing any key. If
- you hit the point, you are asked to enter another desired
- point. If you missed, you are asked to enter another angle and
- the new trajectory is plotted.
- This program demonstrates a principle used extensively in
- engineering and mathematics disciplines, that of computer
- simulation. Simulation is used to test designs and procedures
- before actually building some device or structure. For example,
- we use simulators to train airline pilots--this is much safer
- than training them in actual planes because if they make a
- mistake, there is no loss of airplane or life. Before
- constructing a building, we simulate it on a computer to see if
- it can withstand winds and possible earthquakes. In this
- program, we will simulate filling a leaky bath tub to help teach
- logical thinking skills.
- There are no correct answers or predeveloped goals for this
- program. The child can just play with it and make up his/her
- own goals. The idea is that you have a tub with a leak. You
- can decide how much hot water to put in the tub and how much
- cold water to put in the tub. Once you set these values, the
- computer will show you how the level in the tub changes and what
- the temperature of the water in the tub is. On the screen
- display, the column on the left of the tub indicates how much
- hot water is going into the tub, the column on the right of the
- tub shows cold water flow. Thus, in the program you can control
- two quantities: tub level and water temperature. You can tell
- the tub leaks because if you fill it up then turn off both the
- hot and cold water flows, the tub will drain!
- The program is loaded by selecting LEAKY TUB from the menu
- screen. When loaded, simply press 1 to get to the tub display
- screen. The tub starts out empty. Flow into the tub is
- controlled with a two key sequence: you first hit H or C to
- adjust the hot and cold water flows, respectively. After
- pressing H or C, the computer will ask you whether you want to
- increase the flow (press +), decrease the flow (press -), or
- stop changing the flow (0). After pressing a key, you will see
- the requested change take effect. Changes will be seen in the
- column associated with the hot and cold water flows (an empty
- column indicates zero flow while a full column indicates maximum
- flow) and in tub level and water temperature. Note once you ask
- for the flow to change in a certain direction, it will continue
- changing until you turn it off by pressing H or C, then 0.
- The program is stopped and the display erased by pressing
- the S key at any time. After pressing S, the computer will ask
- you if you wish to continue (press 1) or stop (press 0).
- One thing every kid likes is competition, whether it be
- against a computer (how do you explain the immense popularity of
- Nintendo?) or against a classmate (friendly only, of course!).
- In this program, from one to four kids can compete in basic
- flash card math skills. The faster you answer your problem
- correctly, the further down the track your race car travels.
- The first to the finish line wins!
- The nice thing about this game is that each player selects
- the level of problems she/he wishes to answer. Thus, an adult
- can compete (using very difficult division problems) against a
- first-grader (doing simple addition). Another selected variable
- is how long one has to answer the problem. I speak from
- experience in tutoring at-risk students that kids love to beat
- adults at math!
- Select MATH RACE from the menu. Several questions must be
- answered to get the program started. First, you enter the
- number of players (from 1 to 4). Enter a zero to stop the
- program. Next, each player is asked a series of questions. You
- are first asked to type in your name, so the program can keep
- track of who's turn it is. Next, you select the type of
- problems you want to try--press 1 for addition, 2 for
- subtraction, 3 for multiplication, 4 for division, and 5 for
- mixed problem types. The next question concerns how large you
- want the numbers in your problems to be; enter a number from 5
- (easy) to 500 (difficult, especially in division and
- multiplication). Lastly, you enter the clock speed, i.e. the
- time you want to answer the problem. Each problem is worth a
- maximum of 10 points. With each tick of the clock, one point is
- removed from your possible score. With a slow clock, there are
- about two seconds between ticks, with a medium clock, about 1.5
- seconds, and with the fast clock, there is about 1 second
- between ticks. Once each player has answered the corresponding
- questions, the race begins.
- In the same order they entered their names, players are
- given problems to answer. To see their problem, the player
- presses the space bar when asked to. The problem is then
- displayed. At that point, the player types in the answer to the
- problem and presses <Enter>--remember you must press <Enter> in
- order to get the computer to check your answer. You can erase
- your answer (before pressing <Enter>) by tapping the space bar.
- If your answer is correct, your car will move across the screen
- a distance related to how much time was left when you answered.
- If incorrect, you are given another chance. You can continue to
- answer until time runs out.
- The game is completed when one or more players reaches the
- finish line. It takes a total of 84 points to reach the line,
- so you must answer at least 9 problems fairly quickly to win.
- After completion, the winner(s) and runner-up(s) are displayed.
- At this point, another race can be run (press 1) or the
- programmed stopped (press 0).
- This is not a game, but just a demonstration of how
- mathematics can be used to generate pretty pictures. What this
- program does is generate a coarse color picture using the
- mathematics of fractals. What are fractals you ask? Fractals
- describe in a pictorial sense how fast certain equations tend
- toward large numbers. Such descriptions are very useful to
- mathematicians trying to solve very complicated problems which
- may have many potential solutions. All we have to worry about
- is that they can draw pretty pictures. The pictures drawn here
- are very rough because I use screen text coordinates (40 boxes
- wide by 24 boxes high). This was done to save computation
- time. Using pixel (individual dots on the screen) coordinates
- make prettier pictures, but take a lot of time to draw (about 60
- times longer).
- The program is very easy to use. Select MATH AS ART from
- the menu screen. You are asked to enter some number between 0
- and 20 (enter 999 to stop the program). Then, enter another
- number from 0 to 20. These numbers are used to start the
- drawing process and each pair of numbers gives a different
- picture. Once these numbers are entered, the computer draws its
- picture (the drawing process can be stopped by pressing the S
- key).
- If you use the shareware version of MATH AND LOGIC GAMES FOR
- KIDS and like it, we ask that you register your copy. Upon
- receipt of your registration, we will send you printed program
- documentation including playing strategies and the equations
- behind the mathematics. This material will enhance your
- understanding of the programs. Also registration entitles you
- to information about other KIDware programs and any future
- program updates. Furthermore, registration allows us to
- continue program development efforts. Thank you!
- Please register my copy of KIDware's MATH AND LOGIC GAMES
- FOR KIDS disk. The registration price is $11.95 (WA residents,
- add 8.1% sales tax.)
- Name ___________________________________________________________
- Address ________________________________________________________
- City _________________________ State _________ Zip _____________
- Payment Method:
- _______ Check _______ Money Order ______ VISA/MasterCard
- Card Number _________________________________ Exp. Date _______
- Signature _____________________________________________________
- I obtained my copy of MATH AND LOGIC GAMES FOR KIDS from
- ________________________________________________________________
- and my computer type is
- ________________________________________________________________
- Send your registration to:
- KIDware
- 1380 156th NE, Suite H2
- Bellevue, WA 98007
- (206) 725-4859