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- VER 1.10
- (c)Copyrighted 1987 by James Moriartey
- 174 Garnet Crescent
- Wetaskiwin Alberta
- Canada T9A-2S6
- Table Of Contents
- JEM LOGO Table of Contents (c)Copyright 1987 by James Moriartey
- Disclaimer.................................1
- Shareware Concept..........................1
- Permission to Copy.......................1,2
- Information for Teachers...................2
- What Need to get Started...................3
- Minimum System Needed......................3
- List of Files..............................3
- JEM overview...............................4
- Primary Word List......................5,6,7
- Variables..................................8
- Explain to Turtle..........................9
- Run Mode..................................10
- end Command...............................11
- Explain Overview.......................12,13
- Limitations...............................14
- Order Form................................15
- page 1
- This software will perform as described when used
- properly. By using this software you acknowledge That this
- software may not
- suit your particular needs or be completly completely trouble free
- If this software does not perform as discribed, our liability to
- you is limited to replacing the software or refunding the purchase
- price if registered.
- In no event will James Moriartey be liable to you for any
- damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or other
- incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or
- inability to use this program , even if James Moriartey has been
- advised of the possibility of such damages.
- The Shareware Concept
- JEM is distributed as user supported software, and you may freely
- copy this program to use , you are in fact encouraged to make
- copies for your friends. As long as the program is not modified in
- any way and the copyright notice is not removed or tampered with.
- And that all the files including this manual is copied also and
- the manual is not modified or tampered with.
- BBS operators may ARC the files for transmission as long as all
- the files are sent in the library.
- No one can make charge for JEM , except authorized users groups,
- which may charge a cost based fee not to exceed $10.00.
- page 2
- Teachers and other Educators
- Educators may make as many copies to use on site (in the same
- building) for no charge if the first copy is a registered copy.
- Any additional copies for use off site may be purchased at one
- half the current price for JEM. And the following lines are given
- to the user.
- This program is brought to you by
- James Moriartey
- 174 Garnet Crescent
- Wetaskiwn Alberta Canada
- T9A-2S6
- and " Educators Name "
- If you have any questions or comments
- about JEM please write to the address
- above.
- Please address any comments or questions about JEM to the above
- address even if you do not wish to register as JEM owner.
- What you need to get going
- First make a copy of JEM-Logo to floppy disk. JEM will run under
- PC-DOS 3.1 and MS-DOS 3.0 it should run under DOS 2.2 but it has
- been tested in the 3.0 and higher DOS only. It will run on the IBM
- XT,AT and all true Compatible computers. JEM needs 256K of memory
- and a single 5 1/4 Floppy Drive. To use JEM on a Hard Drive create
- a directory (MD JEM) and copy the disk to that directory. If you
- have any problems look in your DOS manual.
- JEM-LOGO must have two files to run they are JEM.COM and JEM.DAT
- these files must be in the same Directory for JEM to work.
- JEM.COM is the main program JEM.DAT is a list of words that JEM
- uses JEM.DAT is a ASCII file it may or may not contain some data.
- LIST of Files You Should Have
- JEM.COM The Program
- JEM.DAT Data file used by JEM must be in the
- same Directory as JEM.COM
- JEM.DOC This Manual
- Read.me File list and How to Start JEM
- Jem Logo was written to teach my children the basics of computer
- programing. I have never seen any version of LOGO nor do I care to see
- one. JEM is written in Turbo Pascal and the source code is not available
- JEM has three basic modes they are Help Mode , Explain Mode and Run mode
- the first mode you see is Run Mode when the Logo's are displayed and one
- line says " Type in help for Help" if you type in this word you will
- shown four pages of text these page give a brief description of the words
- in the help file. JEM is a interpreter and runs at quite slow speeds
- ,there are ways to make JEM run fast these commands will be explain
- later.
- JEM has two types of words they are Primary words and Secondary words.
- Primary words are the base of JEM all secondary words are created out of
- primary words.Primary words are the simplest commands used by JEM
- the most important words to the beginner are : help , end. The word
- help displays the help file the word end saves all the work done and
- exits JEM LOGO.
- Primary words can be entered in a short hand version the first three
- characters must be entered. (Note JEM runs faster if only the first three
- letters are used of the Primary Words only).
- Secondary words are the way you program the turtle to do higher
- functions they many be any combination of primary words and
- secondary words the more levels of secondary words the slower the
- response of the turtle all secondary words must be type in exactly
- as created. Also a secondary word that is called the same as
- primary word will be ignored and a secondary word with two
- meanings the first found will be used the second will found will
- be ignored. Care must be taken to ensure that two meanings do not
- share the same word as JEM does not check for double meanings for
- a word. Secondary words must be at least five characters or more
- long otherwise the interpreter will not find them.
- This list will explain each word in more detail and the syntax
- and give the short hand word also.All words must be typed in
- exactly in upper or lower case.
- WORD Short hand Explanation and Syntax
- upen upe Lifts Pen up Turtle does not draw
- a line or leave a mark if pen is up
- pen stays up
- dpen dpe Puts pen down begins to draw or
- leave a mark if pen is down pen
- stays down.
- hide hid Hide turtle from view turtle can
- still perform all functions the
- turtle itself is hidden.
- show sho Display turtle (default setting)
- cs cs Clear screen contains of screen are
- gone. Turtle is sent to center of
- screen.
- wrap wra Screen wrap is on turtle will wrap
- around the display (default setting)
- nwrp nwr Sreen wrap is off turtle will not
- wrap around display.
- med med Medium Resolution graphics mode
- preferred setting (default setting)
- Hi Hi High Resolution graphics mode
- not recommended.
- gh gh Turtle goes to the center of the
- screen no line is drawn.
- pse pse Pause and wait for any key to be
- pressed before doing next command.
- 1 1 Use colour Palette Number 1
- 2 2 Use colour Palette Number 2
- Clr [x] Clr [x] Clr<space>[number]
- Set pen colour between 0 and 3
- colour depends on Palette Number
- forw [x] for [x] forw<space>[distance]
- Turtle moves forward x spaces
- back [x] bac [x] back<space>[distance]
- Turtle moves back x spaces
- turn [x] tur [x] turn<space>[compass degree]
- Turtles turns to face degree on the
- compass example turn [90] turtle
- will turn to the 90 degrees of
- home position.
- ltrn [x] ltr [x] ltrn<space>[angle]
- Turtle turns at that angle from
- current position. example ltrn [90]
- will turn the turtle 90 degrees from
- current position
- rtrn [x] rtrn [x] rtrn<space>[angle]
- see ltrn turns to right
- again [x] aga [x] again<space>[number of times]
- Do following word x number of times
- example again [4] forw [1] would
- move the turtle ahead five spaces.
- again statement must precede the
- statement you wish to again.
- NESTED again statement are not
- allowed Turtle does check for nested
- again statements.
- help hel Display help file contains of screen
- are lost.
- B [x] B [x] Sets Background colour between 0-3
- colour depends on Palette Number
- end end End JEM Logo save all secondary words
- in file "JEM.DAT" and exit JEM Logo
- if JEM.DAT is not found all secondary
- words are lost.
- Rept Rep Repeat following words until a "p"
- key is pressed and wait until a "s"
- key is pressed then stop if the "s"
- key is not pressed the continue the
- repeat until a "p" key is pressed.
- off off Turns command line off it is no
- longer displayed .
- Lineon Lin Turns command line on command line
- is displayed
- secondaryword Do secondary word see explain
- explain exp Enter explain to Turtle mode
- see explain mode and explain mode
- commands.
- Variables
- JEM Logo allows the use of two variables only they are "var1" and
- "var2" they are numeric values only the only operations allowed on
- them are addition and subtraction.
- The syntax for the variables is :
- s [var1=x] s<space>[var1=x]
- Sets the value of the var1 to x
- example s [var1=1] would set the
- value of var1 to 1.
- s [var1+x] s<space>[var1+x]
- Will add x to the value of
- var1 and set the value of
- var1 to var1+x. example
- current value of var1 is 2 so
- s [var1+1] would set the
- value of var1 to 3. x can be
- any number.
- s [var1-x] s<space>[var1-x]
- Will subtract x from the
- value of var1 and set the
- value of var1 to var1-x.
- example current value of var1
- is 4 so s [var1-2] would set
- the value of var1 to 2. x can
- be any number
- The syntax for var2 is the same as it is for var1. Variables can
- not perform operations on each other. The commands listed above
- are the only commands that will be performed. Also each operation
- can be preformed in any word , the value of the variable is passed
- to the next word. See sample secondary words.
- Variables are used to create spirals and other shapes
- the uses of the variables are limited.
- EXPLAIN to Turtle Mode
- Explain turtle mode is the way you can add secondary words to the
- turtles vocabulary.The explain mode has three main commands they
- are show , forget and tell
- show show will have turtle display
- the show subfunctions they are
- find and all. find will ask for
- the word to find if the word
- exists it will be shown. all
- will display All the secondary
- words in the JEM.DAT file all
- the secondary words are in
- memory for faster execution.
- show all will display all
- secondary words
- show word will find and display a
- specific secondary word
- forget will have turtle forget the
- secondary word. If you do not
- use the end command to exit
- turtle the word will still be
- in the JEM.DAT file to make
- forget changes permanent use
- the end command to exit JEM
- and save all changes.
- tell tell turtle mode
- when you enter tell command
- turtle will let enter a
- secondary word example
- "wordd =forwd [10] rtrn [90];"
- all words must be 5 or more
- characters long
- This is the normal mode of the turtle when you are in run mode
- you will see the turtle in the center of the screen and the last
- line of the screen you will see a
- ? !
- (Note command line is limited to 40 Chars input)
- That is the command line all commands are enter in the command
- line. Enter a cs command the turtle will clear the screen and
- home the turtle to the center of the screen. Enter a f [10] turtle
- will move forward 10 spaces and leave a line from the start
- position to the current position. Enter a r [90] the turtle will
- turn right 90 degrees. Enter a l [90] the turtle will turn left
- 90 degrees.
- If you enter a word the turtle does not know turtle will display
- at the top of screen "I do not know the word 'xxxxx'" if you see
- this line its means turtle did not find the word and can not do
- that word check to see if the word was misspelled or in fact does
- exists in the secondary word file.
- Repeat Command
- Using the R command the Repeat command will make turtle perform
- much faster. Repeat command will repeat all words after the R
- until a "p" key is struck if the "p" key is struck repeat will
- halt and wait until any other key is struck or the "s" key is
- struck if the "s" key is struck the repeat will stop and the
- turtle will return to run mode. The R command can be used in the
- run mode on any word or it can be part of a secondary word.
- Using the end command the end command exits JEM and saves all
- secondary words into the file named JEM.DAT if you exit JEM
- without using the end command any new secondary words are lost and
- are not saved to the JEM.DAT file. If you create new secondary
- words and you wish to save them use the end command. To create a
- new JEM.DAT file simplify use the DOS copy con command leave one
- blank line close the file with a F6.
- example copy con Jem.dat
- blank line
- ^z
- JEM can use only one data file at one time,the whole file is
- entered in memory the reasoning behind this is to increase JEM
- logo's speed of operation.
- Getting JEM to run faster to make JEM run at the fastest posible
- speed use three characters or less for the primary words secondary
- words can not be abbreviated nor can var1 or var2. An example of
- the speed increase is enter a explain command turtle will enter
- explain mode hit the enter key turtle will return to the run mode
- now enter exp turtle will enter explain mode much faster. The
- speed increase is because of the way the interpreter checks each
- word. When entering a secondary word using the shorthand word is
- best way to get JEM to run at top speed.
- Try each primary word to see what its function is and purpose
- is.
- When JEM enters run mode the turtle is set to pen down, wrap on
- ,lineon , med and gohome.
- Explain mode is the most powerful part of JEM explain lets the
- user create their only words or commands. In run mode the entry of
- a secondary word causes the turtle to perform the commands within
- the secondary word. A secondary word can be a number of primary
- words or number of secondary words or a combination of primary
- words and secondary words. They may be in any order the in the
- word itself but any secondary words must be previously defined in
- the word list. To enter a secondary word in run mode just type in
- the word and turtle will perform that definition as it would a
- primary word.
- Explain mode has three main subfunctions they are tell , show and
- forget.
- We will begin with the show command while in run mode enter the
- command exp or explain. Turtle will enter explain mode you will
- now see the line asking for one of the subfunctions.
- Type in show turtle will now ask for the secondary word to find
- or all. Enter the word all turtle will display all secondary words
- currently defined. To display a current defined secondary word
- type in the word exactly as it is (caps and lowercase) JEM will
- then display the word and it definition.
- The forget command is used to remove secondary words from the
- word list. In run mode enter exp or explain now in explain mode
- enter the forget command turtle will ask for a string enter in
- the word you wish turtle to forget. Turtle will now not remember
- that word to make the changes permanent while in run mode enter a
- end command. Turtle will rewrite the data file and the changes to
- the secondary word list will be saved.
- The tell command is used to define a secondary word all secondary
- words must be five characters or longer. In run mode enter a exp
- or explain command then enter tell command turtle will now enter
- a edit mode. Enter the name of the word you wish to used followed
- by a "=" then the definition.
- Example :
- <space>wordd=<space>definition<;>
- wordd= f [10] r [90] ;
- This word after it is entered will now be a word turtle 'knows'
- and can be used in the same way as you would use a primary word.
- Return to run mode and enter the word "wordd" turtle will now
- move forward ten spaces and turns 90 degrees to the right.
- Error Codes
- There is only one (1) error code it is "I do not known the word
- xx " . JEM will display this code if a word it can not find is
- encountered. Check to see if the word is misspelled or in fact
- does exist.
- Limitations of JEM-LOGO
- The two biggest limitations of JEM are the number of data files
- allowed currently one (1). And the size of the data file that is
- about 48 K. JEM-Logo was made for the ages of about 5 years to 10
- years old it is not meant to be all things to all people. My
- daughter enjoys the program very much and my friends children also
- enjoy the program.If the program is teaching the idea of
- programming that is good. But its main purpose is to break down
- any apprehension of computers I think young or old alike will get
- some enjoyment of ordering the Turtle around the screen.
- Also the HiRes mode of the turtle does not create true geometric
- shapes. Try the word "shapes" it was created by my 6 year old.
- Order Form
- Please rush Me my Registered copy of JEM
- Last Name_______________________________
- First Name______________________________
- Mailing Address_________________________
- City/State/Prov_________________________
- Zip/PosalCode___________________________
- Enclosed is the donation of Twenty dollars ($20.00)
- Mr. James Moriartey
- 174 Garnet Crescent
- Wetaskiwin Alberta
- Canada T9A-2S6