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- JEM Tutor
- First make a backup of the JEM disk.
- If you are unsure how to make a copy read the section in your
- DOS manual under the copy command.JEM must have a CGA or a EGA to
- work a color monitor is not necessary a mono (one color) monitor
- is ok with a CGA EGA.
- --------------------------------------
- To use this tutorial print this file out to the printer or go
- back to DOS and type in "copy tutor.prn prn" hit enter.You will
- need a copy of this in front of you to use this tutorial.
- This tutorial assumes that you know some DOS commands , if you do
- not you will need your DOS manual. This tutorial will teach you
- how to use JEM step by step.So start on the first page and go
- through it slowly if you have a problem go back a page.After you
- get the hang of the commands JEM is very is easy to program in.
- First JEM is a LOGO like computer language or a Graphics
- language. You can write computer programs in the JEM language that
- will create geometric shapes by ordering the Turtle around the
- screen. The following tutorial will teach the basic commands of
- JEM. The commands must be enter exactly as in this tutorial if the
- screen does not look like the tutorial says it should reenter the
- commands.
- ---------------------------------------------------
- Put the JEM disk in Drive A , type "jem" the screen should blank
- and a small pyramid shape should appear in the center of the
- screen. The small pyramid shape is called the Turtle. The display
- should also be switched To the 40 character per line mode. The
- bottom line of the screen will look like the line below.
- ?- !
- This is the command line all JEM commands are entered here.
- Type in help the screen will now be in 80 character per line help
- mode. The screen will have two columns the column on the left is
- the list of the commands "built into JEM" . The column to the
- right is a brief description of the command on the left,the last
- line reads "Press any Key for more Help".
- Press the space bar five (5)times. You have the Turtle in the
- center of the screen and the bottom line should look like the line
- below if the not press the space bar until the line appears.
- ?- !
- This line is called the command line.
- Page 1
- Moving the Turtle forward and back.
- To start to order the turtle around the screen type in forw [10] forw [10]
- then hit enter the turtle will move ahead ten (10) spaces. And
- will leave a line behind it. Type in back [20] then hit enter the back [20]
- turtle will back up twenty (20) spaces. Try moving the turtle
- forward 15 spaces type in forw [15] hit enter forw [15]
- The turtle should move ahead fifteen spaces. Try moving the turtle
- back 12 spaces type in back [12] then hit enter. back [12]
- Try moving the turtle yourself when you feel confident in moving
- the turtle go on to next section.
- Clearing the Screen
- To clear the screen type in cs hit enter. The screen should be cs
- clear now.
- Turning the Turtle
- To turn the turtle type in turn [180] hit enter the turtle should turn [180]
- be facing the command line. Type in turn [360] hit enter the turn [360]
- turtle should be facing the top of the screen. The turtle may
- turned in any direction between 0 and 360 using this command.
- 0
- 270 T 90
- 180
- Think of the top of the screen being 0 degrees and the bottom of
- the screen being 180 degrees. Or think of a compass ,the
- turn [angle] command will turn the turtle around like the pointer turn [angle]
- of a compass.
- Page 2
- Hiding and Showing the Turtle
- The Turtle may be hidden (made to disappear) type in hide hit hide
- enter. The turtle should be gone type in show hit enter the turtle show
- should be back. Try this commands a few times.
- Drawing Lines and Centering the Turtle
- You can turn the line drawing by turtle on or off. Type in the
- command upen hit enter. Now type in the command back [25] hit upen back [25]
- enter. The turtle will have backed up 25 spaces and there will be
- no line drawn. Type in dpen hit enter , type in forw [25] hit dpen forw [25]
- enter. The turtle will have moved forward 25 spaces and drawn a
- line. Type in upen forw [30] hit enter the turtle should be 30 upen forw [30]
- spaces forward and there should be no line drawn.
- To put the turtle back in the center of the screen type gh hit gh
- enter. The turtle should be in the center of the screen.
- Switching Line Colors
- You can switch the color of the lines first clear the screen by
- using the clear screen command. Type in cs hit enter. cs
- Type in forw [5] Clr [3] forw [5] hit enter. You should have forw [5] Clr [3] forw [5]
- one line in two different colors. Type in Clr [2] forw [5] hit Clr [2] forw [5]
- enter. The number of pen colors are 4 per palette (between 0 and
- 3). Try using the Clr command.
- Switching Palettes
- To switch palettes type in 1 hit enter you now have the first 1
- palette of colors. Type in 2 hit enter you now have the second 2
- palette of colors.
- Turning Command line on or off
- You can turn the command line on or off to turn the line off type
- in Off hit enter. To turn the command line on type in Line hit Off Line
- enter.
- Switching to 80 or 40 Characters per line mode
- You can switch from 40 characters per line mode to the 80
- character per line mode. Type in Hi hit enter you are now in the Hi
- 80 character per line mode. Type in med hit enter you are now in med
- the 40 character per line mode.
- Page 3
- Exiting JEM
- Type in end hit enter the screen will clear and the dos prompt end
- will appear.
- To go on with this Tutorial -
- At the DOS prompt Type in jem hit enter jem
- You will now be back in the the JEM program.
- If the user has created a command JEM will ask if you wish to
- save the file before returning to DOS.
- (Note see loading and saving files).
- The next commands are more complex make sure you understand The next commands are more complex make sure you understand
- everything up to this point. everything up to this point.
- Drawing a Box
- Using the commands shown so far you may now order the Turtle to
- do some complex commands. Like drawing a box first clear the
- screen use the cs command. cs
- Type in cs hit enter. cs
- Type in forw [20] turn [90] forw [20] hit enter. forw [20] turn [90] forw [20]
- Type in turn [180] forw [20] hit enter. turn [180] forw [20]
- Type in turn [270] forw [20] hit enter. turn [270] forw [20]
- Now to hide the Turtle
- Type in hide hit enter. hide
- You will now have a box drawn on the screen.
- Now clear the screen and show the Turtle
- Type in cs show hit enter cs show
- Right and Left Turns
- You can turn the turtle right of its current position by using
- the right turn command.
- Type in rtrn [10] hit enter rtrn [10]
- (The turtle should be ten degrees right of where it started) (The turtle should be ten degrees right of where it started)
- Type in ltrn [10] hit enter ltrn [10]
- (The turtle should be 1ten degrees left of where it started) (The turtle should be 1ten degrees left of where it started)
- The rtrn [angle] and the ltrn [angle] will turn the turtle from rtrn [angle] ltrn [angle]
- the current position.
- To draw a box using the rtrn command rtrn
- First Clear the screen
- Type in cs hit enter cs
- Type in forw [20] rtrn [90] hit enter. forw [20] rtrn [90]
- Type in forw [20] rtrn [90] hit enter. forw [20] rtrn [90]
- Type in forw [20] rtrn [90] hit enter. forw [20] rtrn [90]
- Type in forw [20] rtrn [90] hit enter. forw [20] rtrn [90]
- Type in hide hit enter. hide
- Using the again Command
- You can use the again command to make the computer do the hard
- work. To use the again command first clear the screen using the
- cs command and show the turtle. cs
- Type in cs show hit enter. cs show
- Type in agn [4] forw [20] rtrn [90] hit enter agn [4] forw [20] rtrn [90]
- You now have a box on the screen.
- Page 4
- Using the Faster command
- If speed of the drawing seems slow there is a way to speed the
- Turtle up using the F command. First clear the screen. F
- Type in cs hit enter cs
- Type in F agn [4] forw [20] rtrn [90] hit enter. F agn [4] forw [20] rtrn [90]
- This is the fast mode for the Turtle.
- Using the Pause Command
- If you wish to have the Turtle stop and wait you may use the the
- pse command. The pse (pause) command will stop the turtle and wait pse pse
- for a key to be pressed before going on the next command. To use
- the pse command first clear the screen - pse
- Type in cs hit enter cs
- Type in forw [30] pse rtrn [90] forw [20] hit enter forw [30] pse rtrn [90] forw [20]
- The turtle will go forward 30 spaces and wait now hit any key on
- the key board. The turtle will now turn and go forward 20 spaces
- and stop.
- Switching the Background color
- To switch the background color use the B command. B
- Type in B [3] hit enter B [3]
- Type in B [0] hit enter B [0]
- There are 0 to 15 background colors that you can use with a CGA.
- To reset to the default settings
- Type in cs hit enter cs
- The Repeat Command
- The Repeat command will repeat all the commands following it. The
- repeat command has to control keys they are the p key and the s p s
- key. When the repeat command is running hitting the p key will p
- pause the turtle hitting any key but the s key will continue the s
- Repeat command. If you hit the s key the turtle will stop. to use s
- the repeat command-
- Type in Rept rtrn [93] forw [11] hit enter Rept rtrn [93] forw [11]
- To pause the repeat command hit the the p key. p
- (Note do not hit the enter key)
- To continue the repeat hit the spacebar.
- (Note do not hit the enter key)
- To stop the repeat -
- Hit the p key then hit the s key. p s
- (Note do not hit the enter key).
- Type in cs hit enter cs
- To Enter Text on the screen
- To enter text on the screen use the T command. To use the text T
- command-
- Type in T [2] Hello There , hit enter T [2] Hello There ,
- The number in the brackets is the line number to write the text.
- The message you wish displayed on the screen must end with a
- comma.
- Page 5
- Creating your own programs or commands
- JEM allows you to create your own commands using the commands you
- have be shown. To create your own commands
- Type in expl hit enter expl
- Type in tell hit enter tell
- Type in Rightbox= F agn [4] forw [30] rtrn [90] ; hit enter Rightbox= F agn [4] forw [30] rtrn [90] ;
- The screen will now be back with the turtle and the command line.
- Type in Rightbox hit enter. Rightbox
- The turtle will have drawn the box.
- Listing your own commands
- Jem allows you to list your commands that you have created by
- using the the show command. To list your commands - show
- Type in expl hit enter expl
- Type in show hit enter show
- Type in all hit enter all
- Jem will now list all the commands or words in memory.
- Forgetting a command you have created
- Jem allows you to forget or get rid of commands that you do not
- want or simple do not work as planned. To use the forget command- forget
- Type in expl hit enter expl
- Type in forget hit enter forget
- Type in Rightbox hit enter Rightbox
- Hit enter
- Hit enter
- The command Rightbox is now gone.
- Page 6
- Loading Files
- To load a file use the G command to use the the get file command- G
- Type in G hit enter G
- You will now be asked for the file name -
- Type in jem.dat hit enter jem.dat
- (Note if JEM.DAT has been removed from your disk you will get a
- error comment)
- Type in expl hit enter expl
- Type in show hit enter show
- Type in all hit enter all
- Hit the enter key until you get the command line back.
- When the Turtle and the command line return -
- Type in window hit enter window
- You now have a window on the screen.
- List the commands again and try some of the words listed in
- jem.dat
- Saving Files
- If you use the expl command during a session when you enter the expl
- end command Jem will ask you if you wish to save the word file if end
- you answer yes you will be asked for the name you wish to give the
- file. Or you may use the the Save command to use the the save Save
- command.
- Type in S hit enter S
- You then be asked to give a file name
- Type in Myfile.dat hit enter Myfile.dat
- Chaining Files
- JEM allows you chain files and commands to use this command you
- must know the file name and the first command you wish to execute
- in that file.
- Type in Do "jem.dat window" hit enter Do "jem.dat window"
- Jem will load the file jem.dat and execute the command window. jem.dat
- The Do command can be used to load files also to use as file Do
- loader only see page 9.
- Auto Run JEM
- Jem allows you to create an auto run file or an auto load file to
- use the auto feature. You must use the file name jem.run rename or jem.run
- create a file with this name. To use the the auto run feature the
- word or command startup must be in the jem.run file. The command startup
- startup can be defined as what ever you wish.(See page 9)
- Page 7
- Variables
- Jem allows two variables they are var1 and var2. To set the value var1 var2.
- in the variables -
- Type in s [var1=1] hit enter s [var1=1]
- Type in s [var2=5] hit enter s [var2=5]
- To add to the current value of the variables
- Type in s [var1+2] hit enter s [var1+2]
- (this will add 2 to the current value of var1) var1
- Type in s [var2+3] hit enter s [var2+3]
- (this will add 3 to the current value of var2) var2
- To subtract to the current value of the variables
- Type in s [var1-2] hit enter s [var1-2]
- (this will subtract 2 from the current value of var1) var1
- Type in s [var2-3] hit enter s [var2-3]
- (this will subtract 3 from the current value of var2) var2
- To use a variable -
- Type in forw [var1] turn [var2] hit enter forw [var1] turn [var2]
- Screen wrap ON or OFF
- The screen normally wraps around that is to say that the turtle
- if it goes off the top of the screen it will appear at the bottom
- of the screen. You can turn the the wrap off if you wish that
- means the turtle will not appear at the bottom of the screen if
- the turtle runs off the top of the screen. The command to turn the
- wrap off is nwrp to turn the wrap on the command is wrap. nwrp wrap
- Page 8
- To print out JEM's display turn the command line off,turn your
- printer on, hit the print screen key.
- JEM is language similar to the computer language FORTH , user
- words or commands may definded using the pre-defined commands
- and/or user defined commands to create more commands. Load the
- file JEM.DAT to see examples of user created commands.
- Chaining of files the user can chain any number of files to each
- other. The Auto run feature must have the JEM.RUN in the same
- directory as JEM.COM and the word startup must be used in the file startup
- JEM.RUN to start the auto run feature. To see how the auto feature
- works rename the file JEM2.DAT as JEM.RUN the load JEM. There is a
- small demonstration command in that file.
- User defined commands can be repeated in the same data file but but
- JEM will use the first definition only. The same word can be
- defined in a different file as a different command. User defined
- commands must be longer than five (5) characters in length for JEM must be longer than five (5)
- to use them.
- When using the ag (again) command care must used not to nest the ag
- the again command. Example of a nested command is ag [5] forw [10] ag [5] forw [10]
- ag [4] forw [10] rtrn [3]. ag [4] forw [10] rtrn [3].
- To use the Do command to load files only simply do not give the Do only
- command a word to execute. Example of a file load using the the
- Do commmand. Do
- Type in Do jem.dat hit enter Do jem.dat
- Jem will load the file and return to the command line.
- Also a user defined command can call itself if you do this JEM
- will go in to endless loop. You can try Ctrl c to stop JEM but you
- may need to shut the system off to end the loop.
- Look at the JEM.DOC for addition information see next page for
- command abbreviations.
- Page 9
- Jem basic commands can be shorten to one character to save time
- and space when the user creates their own commands here is a list
- of the shorten commands.
- Function Command Short Command
- Moving the turtle forward forw [spaces] f [spaces]
- Moving the turtle backwards back [spaces] b [spaces]
- Clear screen cs c
- Turn to a compass point turn [angle] t [angle]
- Hide the turtle from view hide h
- Show the turtle show s
- Turtle pen up upen u
- Turtle pen down dpen d
- Switch line colors Clr [number] C [number]
- Switch to Palette 1 1 1
- Switch to Palette 2 2 2
- Command line on Line L
- Command line off Off O
- 40 Chars per line(default) med m
- 80 Chars per line Hi H
- Exiting JEM end end
- Right turns rtrn [angle] r [angle]
- Left turns ltrn [angle] l [angle]
- Again x times agn [times] a [times]
- Faster command Fast F
- Pause wait foe keypress pse p
- Seting Background Color Back [number] B [number]
- Repeat Command Rept R
- Put text on screen T [line] here , T [line] here,
- Get a data file G G
- Get a data file Do filename D filename
- Save a data file Save S
- Get file Do a command Do file command D file command
- Screen wrap on wrap w
- Screen wrap off nwrp n
- Variable # 1 var1 var1
- Variable # 2 var2 var2
- Explain to Turtle explain exp
- Page 10
- The following page will let you try some user defined commands in
- the data file JEM.DAT to see how the commands work.
- You can get a print out of the file JEM.DAT to look at by going to
- DOS put the JEM disk in the disk drive. At the DOS prompt-
- Type in copy jem.dat prn hit enter copy jem.dat prn
- After the printer is done load the JEM program at the DOS
- prompt -
- Type in jem hit enter jem
- This page has a number of commands in the JEM.DAT file the user
- can try and look at. First load the data file jem.dat-
- Type in D jem.dat hit enter D jem.dat
- Type in R shapes hit enter R shapes
- Jem will draw a number of shapes on the screen
- Type in cs R shapes2 hit enter cs R shapes2
- Jem will draw some more shapes on the screen
- To see the difference in drawing speed using the Repeat command
- try this
- Type in cs shapes2 hit enter cs shapes2
- When the turtle is finshed try the same word using the Faster
- command.
- Type in cs F shapes2 hit enter cs F shapes2
- There is a noticeable difference in drawing speed.
- You can use the turtle to draw letters also try
- Type in cs F startwrite hit enter cs F startwrite
- Now you can try some of the other words in the JEM.DAT file. Try
- creating some words try
- Type in expl hit enter expl
- Type in tell hit enter tell
- Type in myword1= cs F startwrite ; hit enter myword1= cs F startwrite ;
- Get back to the command line and the turtle on the screen then -
- Type in myword1 hit enter myword1
- Try creating your own words on your own now.
- Page 11
- Index
- Page 1 Command line, help command
- Page 2 Moving the Turtle forw , back commands
- Page 2 Clearing the screen cs command
- Page 2 Turning the Turtle turn command
- Page 3 Turtle on or off hide,show command
- Page 3 Drawing lines penup pendown command
- Page 3 Centering the Turtle gohome command
- Page 3 Switching line colors Color command
- Page 3 Color Palettes 1 , 2 commands
- Page 3 Command line off Off Line command
- Page 3 80 ,40 Chars pre line Hi ,Med command
- Page 4 Ending a Jem session end command
- Page 4 Drawing a simple Box
- Page 4 Right turn command rtrn command
- Page 4 Left turn command ltrn command
- Page 4 Using the rtrn command
- Page 4 Using the again command agn command
- Page 5 Using the Faster command F command
- Page 5 Using the Repeat command R command
- Page 5 Switching the Background color B command
- Page 5 Using the Pause command P command
- Page 5 Using the Text command T command
- Page 6 Creating Commands
- Page 6 Using the explain command expl command
- Page 6 Using the list command show command
- Page 6 Forgetting a command forget command
- Page 7 File handing
- Page 7 Loading a data file Get command
- Page 7 Auto command excute Do command
- Page 9 Loading a data file Do command
- Page 7 Saving a data file Save command
- Page 7 Automatic load and run of JEM
- Page 8 Variables
- Page 8 Setting the variable value
- Page 8 Addition with the variables
- Page 8 Subtraction of the variables
- Page 8 Screen wrap on or off
- Page 8 Using nwrp command
- Page 8 Using wrap command
- Page 9 Chaining data files
- Page 10 Basic Command Short hand
- Page 11 Using the tell command
- Page 11 Creating commands
- Page 11 Practice using commands
- Page 12
- Page 13