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GW-BASIC | 1982-11-02 | 1.9 KB | 29 lines |
- 5 KEY(10) ON:ON KEY(10) GOSUB 600:KEY(9) ON:ON KEY(9) GOSUB 700:DIM A(12):FOR I=1 TO 12:A(I)=I:NEXT I
- 10 CLS:R=0:N=0:GOSUB 59980:FOR I=1 TO 100:SWAP A(INT(RND*12+1)),A(INT(RND*12+1)):NEXT I
- 30 LOCATE 2,34:PRINT"Analogies 4":COLOR 7,0
- 90 PRINT:PRINT"Which analogy below is most similar to this one:"
- 110 REM
- 120 FOR X=1 TO 5:PRINT"(";:COLOR 15:PRINT X;:COLOR 7:PRINT") ";:READ A$,B$:PRINT A$ " is to " B$:NEXT X
- 210 IF XX<13 THEN C=A(XX):GOTO 50
- 600 RUN "iqbuild"
- 700 CHAIN MERGE "analog5",5
- 5500 DATA team, coach, carpenter, tools, club, advisor, army, general, truck, driver, men, man, 3, organized group
- 5510 DATA carelessness, accident, fire, burn, care, safety, punch, fight, flee, run, thoughtlessness, oversight, 5, human error
- 5520 DATA brake, car, thinker, doer, root, plant, choke, carburetor, nest, bird, block, movement,3, holds back unit
- 5530 DATA parsimonious, frugal, generous, spendthrift, joyful, happy, poor, miserly, hate, love, profit, capitalist, 1, 1st word extreme of other
- 5540 DATA choir, singer, fort, soldiers, orchestra, musician, college, professors, team, coach, men, man, 2, musical group
- 5550 DATA painting, frame, photo, album, frame, house, bristles, brush, water, rain, statue, chisel, 1, holds art
- 5560 DATA dentist, drill, pencil, paper, satirist, words, saw, wood, tooth, bite, doctor, disease, 2, tools need not be physical
- 5570 DATA heat, coal, fuel, gas, car, move, power, energy, gunpowder, explode, light, kerosene, 5, energy from a thing
- 5580 DATA unbrella, rain, hammer, chisel, computer, program, snow, storm, coat, cold, roof, house, 4, shield for the element
- 5590 DATA city, town, continent, island, mayor, council, house, barn, lawyers, farmers, smart, dumb, 1, size difference
- 5600 DATA disease, fever, allergy, sneeze, flu, spread, run, perspire, knife, whet, sick, cold, 1, problem to symptom
- 5610 DATA mozart, rock, inventor, invention, quality, junk, shakespear, soap opera, ballet, hastle, records, tape, 3, classical artist to pop
- 5620 REM
- 5630 REM
- 5640 REM
- 5650 REM
- 5660 REM
- 5670 REM