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- 1.Ole! 2000 - Set 1 - the basic program set of the series.
- It is structured in 100 units of 20 entries each and consists of vocabulary
- groups, verb conjugation groups, short stories, expression groups & special
- usage groups. This program set also includes creating and editing routines.
- This program was designed under the premise that a language is learned faster
- if it is approached in short segments. Therefore, there are only 20 items to
- each drill unit. In addition, the first ten items rotate position with the
- last ten items at each sequence (except for short stories) to insure a more
- even impact of all the material in each unit. The user has control over
- content and level of difficulty through unit selection. Once a unit has been
- mastered, the student can immediately move on to new material. Each item is
- presented for matching by user input and scoring is automatic. However, input
- for matching is not required. The student can obtain correct translations by
- pressing enter and proceed through the units until ready to match. Early input
- for matching and scoring is encouraged and every correct match is rewarded with
- an encouraging statement of praise. In addition a score of 15(+) will be
- rewarded with one of three musical tunes.
- This program also differs from others in that accented characters are entered
- in the manner that a Spanish writer would stroke them. The most valuable
- aspect of the program set may be the creating and editing routines which allow
- the user to create an endless number of drills at his or her particular need
- and level. From this view, the program has value forever. The program was
- designed as a tool for teachers with the 100 units included as a start and as
- examples. Ole! 2000 was originally named Drills in Spanish; but since it was
- created to avoid the dull labor that the word drills connotates, please use the
- new title.
- 2. Ole! Tourist 1000
- This program set has the same operating routine as Ole! 2000 but consists of 50
- units of 20 entries each written specifically for the tourist. It is different
- also in that the entries are 95% complete phrases. The goal here was to give
- the tourist something really useful - the phrases one would most likely hear or
- want to say. THIS SET COMES WITH A 90 MINUTE CASSETTE recorded by Mexican
- nationals of the same 1000 entries and includes a printed script. This program
- does not include the creating and editing routines.
- 3. Ole! 2000 - Shareware version
- This program set is identical to Ole! 2000 except it contains only 40 units of
- 20 entries, a few of which are from the Tourist group; and does not contain the
- creating and editing routines which are reserved for registered users. This
- Try & See How You Like It program set contains ample material for its purpose.
- 4. Computor dictionary
- A very fast access computor dictionary of some 2500 commonly used words in both
- English to Spanish and Spanish to English format. This can be purchased with
- either of the registered program sets.
- 5. Story Book and Cassettes
- A dual translation book of humorous short stories along with a recorded reading
- of same - two 90 minute cassette readings by South American nationals. BRUN45 EXE = compiler run module
- Program files are:
- SET1.LST thru SET5. LST = titles of language units
- UNIT1.DAT thru UNIT40.DAT = 40 files of language data
- README.BAT initiates README1.EXE external to the main program and contains
- all the appropiate info and instructions
- ORDER = Order form