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- "Do they comprehend Spanish? (do not use pronouns)","¿Comprenden el español?"
- "Yes, we comprehend Spanish","Sí, comprendemos el español"
- "Does Paul learn English?","¿Aprende Pablo el englés?"
- "Do you eat bread?","¿Come pan usted?"
- "I eat like Mr. Como","Como como señor Como"
- "What does she read?","¿Qué lee?"
- "I read magazines","Leo las revistas"
- "Do they drink wine?","¿Beben vino?"
- "Who enters the house?","¿Quién entra la casa?"
- "We live in the United States","Vivimos en los Estados Unidos"
- "Mary plays the piano","Maria toca el piano"
- "They chat in Spanish (do not use pronouns)","Platican en español"
- "He listens with attention","Escucha con atención"
- "You (fam) visit frecuently","Visitas con frecuencia"
- "Who talks with him?","¿Quién habla con él?"
- "They know the city","Conocen la ciudad"
- "Do you still love me?","¿Aun me amas?"
- "I have a brother","Tengo un hermano"
- "They have a car","Tienen un coche"
- "They have to drive","Tienen que manejar"