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MicroHelp | 1990-06-01 | 41.9 KB | 997 lines |
- MicroHelp Library
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- Table of Contents
- Astrology & Oracles
- Almanac -- Best Dates for Things
- Today's Astrology Reading
- Hundreds of traditional methods
- Astrological Chart Wheel
- used to pick correct dates.
- Table of Planetary Hours
- Enter and/or Modify Dates
- The Moon (Current update)
- View Date & Place:
- 5-Month Lunar Calendar
- Sky Watch: Astronomy Tables
- Action Graphs (30-Day Forecast)
- Planets: Rise & Set
- 7-Day Action Graph
- Hunting & Fishing Tables
- 24-Hour Action Graph
- Metric Conversion Tables
- Current Hour Action Graph
- U.S. To Metric
- Astrology (Yes or No Questions)
- Metric to U.S.
- Find Missing Objects
- Updates, Networking, Information
- Will This Relationship Work?
- About Matrix Software
- Oracles (Answer Questions)
- A Good Home Business
- I-Ching (Book of Changes)
- Advertisement -- Special Offer
- The Almanac Oracle
- Only a Mother Could Read This
- Tarot Cards (Major Arcana)
- Exit to Dos (End this session)
- Lucky Lotto Numbers for The Day
- Almanac Instructions:
- Use the cursor keys to move
- the Light-Bar to a desired
- Matrix Software Presents
- item and press the <Enter>
- key. It's easy to use.
- The Electric Almanac
- A Traditional Almanac
- in Electronic Form
- Alt-P = ASCII Screen Dump
- Alt-S = Fix mono screen with
- Press a key to open book
- color board problems
- (c) Copyright 1989
- by Matrix Software
- 315 Marion Avenue
- Big Rapids, Michigan 49307
- 1-800-Planets
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- Chinese I-Ching (Book of Changes)
- Here is the classic oracle used
- Consider Your Question
- throughout the East to obtain
- guidance and direction when all
- and then
- other signs seem confusing. The
- program goes through the entire
- Touch A Key
- ritual technique to select the
- proper hexagram. Some hexagrams
- are not static but contain lines
- of change resulting in a second
- hexagram which represents the
- eventual outcome of the question.
- If this is the case, the second
- hexagram will appear where you
- now read this text.
- With your question held in mind,
- press any of the computer keys.
- Page 1
- Page 2
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- Ask Almanac -- Here are hundreds
- Farm & Garden
- of traditional almanac features in
- Cultivation
- modern electronic form. Using the
- Harvesting
- Moon and planets to select times
- Miscellaneous Farm
- to start and end things is cent-
- Planting
- uries old. The major categories
- Flowers
- are shown at the right. Pick one
- Fruits & Trees
- and receive a series of optimum
- Vegetables
- dates in easy-to-read calendar
- Personal & Home
- format.
- Starting Things
- Writing, Contracts, etc.
- Use the cursor keys to move the
- Personal Relationships
- Light-Bar (also PgUp & PgDn) to a
- Beautification, Hair, etc.
- category that interests you and
- Transactions
- press the <Enter> key.
- Medical & Dental
- Repair & Maintenance
- Mining & Drilling
- Miscellaneous
- Page 3
- Page 4
- nne 4
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- Lotto Numbers -- Provides a range
- Pythagorean Resonant Numbers
- of lotto numbers based on ancient
- Pythagorean numerology. Using the
- current computer system date, the
- program produces numbers that are
- numerically resonant and filters
- out non-resonant combinations.
- Set the system date for the day of
- the drawing in your state, or to
- your personal birthdate, and the
- program returns a matched series
- of harmonious numbers that are
- numerically in tune with the given
- Set State Lotto Features -- You
- date.
- may customize the program to work
- with your particular state's
- Use cursor keys to activate the
- lotto number series.
- "Set State Lotto" feature.
- Current Lotto Range: to
- Number of Combinations:
- Lowest Number (0 or 1):
- Page 5
- Page 6
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- Most Active Days
- Most Clear Days
- Lunar Calendar
- Very Active = Date
- Very Clear = Date
- New Moon = Date
- Most Active = Date
- Most Clear = Date
- Full Moon = Date
- 5 2nd & 4th Qtr. = Date
- 30-Day Forecast -- Here is a quick overview of the current month, broken
- down into three sections: (1) Hot Spots (most energetic and perhaps even
- hectic days), (2) Cold Spots (Clear-seeing days), and (3) Lunar Phases.
- Page 7
- " Page 8
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- Planet Positions on the Equator, Horizon and in the Zodiac.
- Equatorial Coordinates
- Horizon
- Zodiac
- Planets
- R.A. Hrs.
- R.A.
- Decl.
- Azi.
- Alt.
- Long
- Lat.
- Mercury
- Venus
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune
- Pluto
- Lunar Node
- Sidereal Time:
- # Page 9
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- Planets to the Four Angles
- Here is another very old
- method of measuring planet
- Planets to the Four Angles for
- activity throughout the
- day. The moment when any
- Planet
- Rise
- Above
- Under
- planet is overhead (above),
- underfoot (below), rising,
- or setting are times of
- Moon
- significance during any
- Mercury
- 24-hour period. Here is
- Venus
- a table for the current
- Mars
- date for the Sun, Moon and
- Jupiter
- major planets.
- Saturn
- Uranus
- '<' = Previous date
- Neptune
- '>' = Next date
- Pluto
- Page 11
- ! Page 12
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- USA/Metric Conversion
- USA to Metric Conversion
- Here is an easy way to convert
- Inches to Centimeters
- U.S. standards of measure into
- Feet to Centimeters
- metric and vice versa. Using the
- Feet to Meters
- cursor keys, position the light-
- Yards to Meters
- bar to the particular conversion
- Miles to Kilometers
- you require and hit the <Enter>
- Teaspoons to Cubic Centimeters
- key. You will be asked to input
- Tablespoons to Cubic Centimeters
- the amount to be converted. After
- Cups to Liters
- doing this, press <Enter> again to
- Pints to Liters
- view the converted amount. Press
- Quarts to Liters
- <Esc> to exit.
- Gallons to Liters
- Bushels to Liters
- Pecks to Liters
- Ounces to Grams
- Pounds to Kilograms
- Tons to Kilograms
- Farenheit to Celsius
- Page 13
- Page 14
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- '<'= Previous Day
- Hunting & Fishing Tables
- '>'= Next Day
- Date
- @ Major Good Times
- @ Minor Good Times
- It is an accepted fact that some
- technique is centuries old. The
- of the best times for hunting and
- major best fishing times are when
- fishing are when the Moon is at
- the Moon is up or down, and the
- an angle: overhead, underfoot,
- minor best times are when it is
- rising or setting. These tables
- rising or setting. Above left
- have appeared in various magazines
- you will find tables adjusted to
- for decades and the use of this
- your area for the current week.
- Page 15
- Page 16
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- Traditional astrology
- Planetary Hours for
- divides the day into 24
- Daytime Hours
- Nightime Hours
- sections, each ruled by
- and having the quality
- Planet
- Starts at
- Planet
- Starts at
- of a particular planet.
- The planet for each hour
- holds force and colors
- that section of time.
- Sun
- Look to authority
- Venus Appreciate, enjoy
- Mercury Think, communicate
- Moon
- Support, nurture
- Saturn Organize, build
- Jupiter Decide, guide
- Mars
- Act, move
- # Page 17
- Action=
- Clarity=
- 3 AM
- Hot & Cold Spots
- Here is a quick look
- at hour-by-hour and
- day-by-day planet
- activity. Hot spots
- indicate action and
- things happening,
- cold spots are times
- of increased clarity
- 12 PM
- and judgement.
- The Electric Almanac
- Hot Spots
- Cold Spots
- 11 PM
- The Week's Activity Index
- Hour-by-Hour Activity
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- Lunar Calendar
- New Moons are shown as
- a block '
- ', Full Moons
- as '
- ' (blinking), and
- the other two quarters
- (2nd & 4th) are shown
- in high intensity '31'.
- # Page 19
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- The Lunar Calendar
- is a time for appreciation and
- dissemination -- learning from
- Much of the world lives by the
- what we have produced via the
- lunar calendar. Instead of having
- Full Moon. The 4th quarter is
- Saturday and Sunday off, Eastern
- reserved for harvest, for pulling
- peoples may have the Full or New
- back and taking stock. This is
- Moon days off each month. Here in
- not a time to tackle new projects.
- the West, convenience has allowed
- us to lose sight of the very
- important lunar calendar (New &
- Lunar Update
- Full Moon, quarters, etc.). At the
- right is a lunar phase update. In
- general, the 1st quarter Moon is
- 3rd Quarter Moon
- a good time to start things and
- The Sun/Moon Phase Angle is
- put your ideas to work. The second
- quarter (until Full Moon) is good
- There is
- % Lunar Light
- for shaping and building projects
- toward completion. The 3rd quarter
- Page 21
- Page 22
- Matrix Software Presents
- Astrological Chart Wheel -- This
- is the age-old astrological wheel
- of the 12 houses adapted to the
- text screen. The diagram below
- shows the house numbers. Planets
- are placed in the appropriate
- Electric Almanac
- houses.
- Ar Aries
- Su Sun
- Ta Taurus
- Mo Moon
- Ge Gemini 12
- House
- Me Mercury Cn Cancer
- Cusps
- Ve Venus
- Le Leo
- Ma Mars
- Vi Virgo
- Ju Jupiter Li Libra
- Placidus Houses
- Sa Saturn Sc Scorpio
- Ur Uranus Sa Sagittarius
- Ne Neptune Cp Capricorn
- Pl Pluto
- Aq Aquarius
- Pi Pisces
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- Working
- The best times for
- The program will search and find calendar dates that include a variety of
- specific requirements such as the Moon's phase and sign. In addition, more
- complex searches take into account a variety of planetary aspects or lack
- of aspects. In the more complex cases, there may be very few dates that
- satisfy all of the search requirements.
- Press <Esc> at any time to end the search
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- Time -- Enter time in hour and
- Date
- minute format. Example: 04:03PM,
- Time
- or 4 3 PM, 16 4, etc.
- Zone
- Long
- Zone -- Enter zone in hours as a
- Lat
- three-letter Time Zone abbrev. For
- example: EST or 5 can be entered
- for Eastern Standard Time, etc.
- Press <F1> to clear data box
- Press <F2> for computer date & time
- Longitude & Latitude -- Geographic
- Press <F3> to save your city Long,
- coordinates are entered in degree
- Lat, Zone (above) for program use.
- and minute format with 'E' or '-'
- Press <F4> to make above entered
- for East longitudes and 'S' or '-'
- Time the computer system's time.
- for South latitudes. For example,
- Big Rapids, Michigan (where we are)
- Enter or Edit Event Data
- would be entered as:
- Date -- Enter dates using Month,
- Long 85W29'08" or 85 29 8
- Day, Year format. July 18, 1941
- Lat 43N42 or 43 42
- entered 7-18-1941, 7/18/41, etc.
- Page 25
- Page 26
- Matrix Software Presents
- The current forecast for today
- can be displayed by pressing a
- key. The particular planetary
- aspect combinations in effect
- will be shown along with a brief
- interpretation. The planets that
- Electric Almanac
- are involved are shown below
- along with the angle separating
- them (the aspects).
- Planetary Aspects
- Placidus Houses
- /
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- 24-Hour Tables of Planetary Activity (Up, Down, Rise, Set)
- 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
- 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
- Emphasis, Strong Times
- Times of Action or Crisis
- Times of Clarity, Ease
- Planet Above or Below
- Planet Rising or Setting
- Planet Easy Aspect
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- One-Hour Table of Planetary Activity
- Emphasis, strong times
- Times of Action or Crisis
- Times of clarity, ease
- Angles Emphasis
- Hard Aspects to Angles
- Easy Aspects to Angles
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- The Almanac Oracle -- There is not
- a thing ancient about this oracle.
- It picks an answer at random by
- means of your computer's system
- clock. However, old or new, an
- oracle is an oracle is an oracle.
- Press any key for answer
- The response always reflects the
- sincerity and earnestness of the
- questioner. With your question in
- mind press any key to access this
- timeless oracle.
- Press <esc> to exit the oracle.
- Page 27
- Page 28
- Major Arcana Tarot Reading
- What is Feared
- The Final Outcome
- What Could Happen
- This is Passing
- The Questioner
- What Will Happen
- Foundation or Basis
- Other's Opinions
- The Opposition
- Hopes & Dreams
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- Tarot Card Reading -- Tarot cards
- (1) The questioner
- are quite ancient but still very
- (2) The opposing forces
- popular. A tarot reading provides
- (3) The foundation or basis
- something more than a simple yes
- (4) An influence now passing
- or no answer. Here we use only the
- (5) A possible outcome
- 22 court cards or major arcana and
- (6) The definite outcome
- each card may appear in a reversed
- (7) The questioner's fears
- (upside down) position as well as
- (8) Surrounding opinions, influence
- the normal position. Here we use
- (9) Questioner's hopes & dreams
- the Celtic Cross layout with the
- (10) The final outcome
- questioner at the center and the
- other cards spread around. Each
- card provides specific information
- Pose a Question
- pertaining to the question, and
- these areas are labeled as marked
- Press a Key
- on the opposite page.
- Page 29
- Page 30
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- More Information is available by
- The Astrology Hotline
- moving the light-bar to the topic
- Information available on a 24-hour
- and pressing <Enter>. Press <Esc>
- basis from the Heart Center Astro-
- to return to the main menu.
- logical Library. No charge.
- (616) 796-3940.
- Information Topics
- The Electric Almanac...
- Major Astrology Organizations --
- How to Get Almanac Updates
- Interest in astrology is growing.
- What is Astrology About?
- The major U.S. groups are:
- Making Money with Home Computer
- AFAN: Association for
- Astrological Networking
- Some Matrix Software Programs
- NCGR: National Council For
- Friends & Lovers Report
- Geocosmic Research
- Astro*Talk Natal Report
- AFA: American Federation
- Blue*Star Chart System
- of Astrologers
- Astro*Carto*Graphy Program
- Astrology Research System
- Cycle & Time Series Research --
- The Sky Within Natal Report
- Foundation for the
- Time Cycles (natural cycles)
- Study of Cycles
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- Make Money With Your Home Computer
- One customer sold our computer-
- generated reports by mail for $10
- Our software produces attractive
- each through an ad in his local
- printed astrological reports that
- newspaper. He made $1900 the very
- can be sold or given away as gifts.
- first month. Another in the L.A.
- Everyone enjoys reading about
- area has made over a quarter of a
- themselves from a new perspective.
- million dollars in the last few
- Our customers find that personal
- years selling our Daily Astrology
- astrology reports sell.
- Report -- a software investment of
- Our customers find that personal
- several hundred dollars. Not a bad
- astrology reports sell. Almost
- return. These reports sell.
- everyone enjoys reading about
- Our most popular Friends & Lovers
- themselves from a new perspective.
- compatibility report comes with
- Matrix reports
- everything you need (order forms,
- Everyone enjoys reading about
- posters, counter cards, etc.) to
- themselves from a new perspective.
- sell them in your local hair salon
- Matrix customers tell us that these
- or health club. Call for details.
- personal astrology reports sell.
- Page 1
- Page 2
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- Horary Astrology is an ancient way
- Press Any Key to Continue
- of answering questions. It too is
- an oracle, but one that requires
- that you enter the date and time
- Please note that the answer to
- when your question first came to
- most questions will appear as a
- mind (the Electric Almanac has a
- "Yes" or "No" answer. The horary
- menu option for time/date entry).
- chart is either favorable for your
- Except for relationship analysis,
- question or it is not. Additional
- you will now choose a life area
- information that serves to clarify
- that most reflects the nature of
- the issue will be shown when it
- your question. An horary chart will
- is warranted. Remember: An horary
- be created and analyzed using a
- astrology chart depends on having
- sophisticated series of astrology
- the time of a real question, phone
- rules. The resulting answer and
- call, letter arriving, etc. Write
- comments will be printed out in
- these times down, enter them and
- this space.
- enjoy this most ancient art.
- Page 33
- Page 34
- The Twelve Life Areas or Astrological Houses
- First: Yourself, questioner, Focus
- Seventh: Others, cooperation, partners,
- of things, Group acting as entity,
- marriage, sharing, counselor, lawyer,
- challenger, aggressor, home team.
- competition, outcome, fine arts.
- Second: Money, possessions, resources,
- Eighth: Death, initiation, removing all
- royalties, non-partner assistance,
- excess, finance, business, wills,
- goods, rights, income, increase.
- legacies, reduction, karmic debt, sex.
- Third: Siblings, conveyances, books,
- Ninth: Religion, long journeys, law,
- inquiry, utilities, communication,
- reason, knowledge, morals, ethics,
- lost objects, exams, short trips.
- lectures, school, philosophy.
- Fourth: Home, family, soul, privacy,
- Tenth: Honor, position, authority,
- group cooperation, inheritance,
- dignity, career, job, judge, police,
- hidden things, realty, foundations.
- vocational skills, administrators.
- Fifth: Pleasure, pride, expression,
- Eleventh: Friends, acquaintances,
- creativity, talent, children,
- ideals, causes, groups, congress,
- sports, recreation, excess, spend.
- hopes, objectives, counsel, plans.
- Sixth: Service, servants, routine,
- Twelfth: Sacrifice, Confinement, envy,
- health, care, employees, food,
- hidden enemies, restriction, prison,
- salvage, crafts, conservation.
- failings, inhibitions, compasssion.
- Select the subject (Actor) in this question.
- Use the cursor keys to highlight category, Press <Enter> to select.
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- It may be found.
- Lost Objects & Missing Possessions
- It may not be found.
- It may not be hard to replace.
- In order to create an astrological
- It may be found, but altered.
- chart to help you find something
- There is nothing to worry about.
- lost you need a date & time when
- the question first came to you, or
- South
- a time when you are really asking.
- S.S.E.
- S.S.W.
- Enter this date and time into the
- E.S.E.
- W.S.W.
- Electric Almanac and access this
- East
- West
- option. The results of the horary
- E.N.E.
- W.N.W.
- chart will be marked on the next
- N.N.E.
- N.N.W.
- page by blinking characters.
- North
- Press a key to continue
- Below
- Low
- Middle
- High
- Hidden
- Exposed
- Planetary Ruler:
- Planet's Sign :
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- The Answer
- The Nature of the Question
- Signs From The Past
- The Future Signs
- Auspicious
- Auspicious
- # Page 35
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- Complete Astrology Reports
- Astro*Talk Report
- $20.00
- A complete natal report plus
- If you have enjoyed some of the
- current planet activity with
- short astrological paragraphs, you
- full interpretations. Report is
- may wish to order an in-depth
- almost 50 pages in length.
- computer printout for yourself or
- friends. These reports are the
- same as those produced by our
- Friends & Lovers Reports $15.00
- professional level software, and
- An 18-20 page report provides a
- are paged and formatted. You must
- relationship analysis for two
- include the birthdate & year for
- people, each to the other. Be
- each report ordered (birth place
- sure to send two sets of data.
- & time are optional, but help).
- Specify if Friends or Lovers.
- Required Data: Birth Day & Year
- Send data & check/money order to:
- Matrix Software
- Nice to Have: Place and time of
- 315 Marion Avenue
- birth. Look up birth certificate.
- Big Rapids, MI 49307
- All orders are postpaid.
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- Press any key to continue
- Press <Esc> to exit
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- The Electric Almanac was created
- Vice President: Margaret Erlewine
- by the Matrix Software staff as a
- General Manager: Phillip Erlewine
- fun project and a way to share our
- Tech Support:
- Frank Sturm
- work with others. We are:
- Jim Leveque
- Customer Support: Pat Kennaugh
- Programmers: Michael Erlewine
- Controller:
- Cathy Howe
- Stephen Erlewine
- Order Department: Pat Dorset
- Doug Dixon
- Chris Shapar
- Al Kester
- Production Head: Walt Crockett
- James Neely
- KTD Dharma Goods: David McCarthy
- Art Staff: Grace Young
- Maintenance:
- Al Prisbe
- Bryan Swanson
- Joyce Godbold
- Manuals:
- Malinda McCain
- School Kids:
- Tom Erlewine
- Testing:
- Kevin Fowler
- Iotis Erlewine
- Marketing: DeAnn Mason
- Anne Erlewine
- Librarian: Ellen Black
- Science:
- Bob Schmidt
- Visitors are welcome!
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- Make Money With Your Home Computer
- One customer sold our computer-
- generated reports by mail for $10
- Our software produces attractive
- each through an ad in his local
- printed astrological reports that
- newspaper. He made $1900 the very
- can be sold or given away as gifts.
- first month. Another in the L.A.
- Everyone enjoys reading about
- area has made over a quarter of a
- themselves from a new perspective.
- million dollars in the last few
- Our customers find that personal
- years selling our Daily Astrology
- astrology reports sell. We have
- Report -- a software investment of
- a variety of report-generating
- several hundred dollars. Not a bad
- programs that run on your home
- return. These reports sell.
- computer. They produce attractive,
- Our most popular Friends & Lovers
- paged, formatted reports that can
- compatibility report can include
- be sold or given to relatives and
- everything you need (order forms,
- friends. More details are provided
- posters, counter cards, etc.) to
- in the various other information
- sell them in your local hair salon
- screens.
- or health club. Call for details.
- Page 37
- Page 38
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- Ye Olde Disclaimer
- Limited License
- Accept this program as is, with
- As a purchaser of this program,
- no warranty. Matrix Software will
- you may copy and share the
- not be responsible for damages
- Electric Almanac with up to three
- resulting from the use or the
- persons of your choice provided
- inability to use this program.
- that you follow these restrictions:
- (c) 1989 by Matrix Software
- 315 Marion Avenue
- (1) Distribution fees for handling
- Big Rapids, Michigan 49307
- not to exceed $10.
- (616) 796-2483
- (2) The following files must be
- included in unmodified form:
- The Electric Almanac
- Almanac.EXE
- Almanac.SLB
- is under trademark protection
- Almanac.RND
- Almanac.ING
- Almanac.TXT
- Press A Key To Continue
- Page 1
- Page 2
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- Matrix Software
- An interest in almanacs, oracles,
- and astrology seemed natural then.
- We live and work in a small town
- Our company was the first to offer
- in mid-Michigan, about 60 miles
- astrological software on personal
- from a big city. The air is clean
- computers. One thing led to the
- here and you can see the stars at
- next, and we now have a year-round
- night. Not much of a nightlife, so
- center with guest lodging, library
- most of us are family people. We
- and so on. We are not a commune,
- cross-country ski in winter and
- but regular people busy raising
- tube down the river in the summer.
- families and working together. If
- Our interest in how the universe
- you are up our way, you are more
- works and is connected to our own
- than welcome to stop and visit.
- personal lives came from the fact
- that we came of age during the
- -- Michael Erlewine
- 1960s. During those heady years,
- it was easy to imagine that all of
- Matrix Software
- God's events worked in harmony
- 315 Marion Avenue
- with our own day to day lives.
- Big Rapids, Michigan 49307
- (616) 796-2483
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- Updates! Updates! Updates!
- Your Limited License to
- Share This Program
- This is the original release of
- The Electric Almanac. We welcome
- Since you purchased this program,
- your suggestions to improve and
- Matrix Software will allow you to
- expand this product. A version for
- copy and share the Electric Almanac
- users with graphic cards is in the
- with up to three other people of
- works. If you would like to be
- your choice, with the following
- informed when new versions of the
- restrictions:
- almanac are available, please let
- us know by sending your name and
- (1) Distribution fees for handling
- address to:
- not to exceed $10.
- (2) The following files must be
- The Electric Almanac Update!
- included in unmodified form:
- c/o Matrix Software
- 315 Marion Avenue
- Almanac.EXE
- Almanac.SLB
- Big Rapids, Michigan 49307
- Almanac.RND
- Almanac.ING
- Almanac.TXT
- Matrix Software Presents
- The Electric Almanac
- 24-Hour Tables of Planetary Activity (Up, Down, Rise, Set)
- 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
- 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
- Emphasis, Strong Times
- Times of Action or Crisis
- Times of Clarity, Ease
- Planet Above or Below
- Planet Rising or Setting
- Planet Easy Aspect
- ALM2"
- ALM10
- ALM13
- ALM14d*
- ALM15o/
- ALM16
- ALM17"7
- ALM18
- ALM19>?
- ALM20(C
- ALM22
- ALM23
- ALM24
- ALM25
- ALM27
- ALM29
- ALM30
- ALM31
- ALM32
- ALM33bm
- ALM34
- ALM35
- ALM36
- ALM37R
- ALM38L
- ALM39
- ALM40f
- ALM41n