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- This section provides all the information you need to get
- IDEA TREE up and running. It tells you how to install and
- start IDEA TREE. It also tells you how to print the manual
- included in this diskette. Finally, we recommend that you
- run the IDEA TREE tutorial. This is the fastest way to get
- familiar with the system, and it shows you how to use the
- command tree as an on-line help facility.
- 1. Hardware And Software Requirements
- Hardware: IBM or IBM-compatible, 256K RAM, hard disk and one
- 5.25" floppy disk drive, or two 5.25" floppy disk
- drives.
- CGA, monochrome or black and white monitor
- Epson, or Epson compatible dot matrix printer, or
- IBM ProPrinter or compatible.
- Software: DOS 2.1 or higher
- 2. Files On This Diskette:
- BW.ATT Black and white monitor attributes
- CLR.ATT Color monitor attributes
- DEMO1.TNS Sample tree - Quick command reference
- DEMO2.TNS Sample tree - Lawn Party
- DEMO3.TNS Sample tree - Order Management
- DEMO4.TNS Sample tree - Requirements Statement
- GO.BAT Batch file for first-time start-up
- IDEA.BAT Batch file to start program
- IDEA.PTR Printer description file
- INSTALL.IT Installation instructions - text
- MANUAL.BAT Batch file to print the manual
- PRNSPEC.PRT Printer name(s)
- README.IT Start-up information - text
- TUTORIAL.BAT Batch file to print the tutorial
- IT.EXE IDEA TREE program
- TUTORIAL.IT IDEA TREE tutorial - text
- MANUAL.IT Complete manual - text
- 3. Installing The Program
- Your IDEA TREE package includes a manual and a 5.25" floppy
- diskette containing the IDEA TREE program. Before using
- IDEA TREE, you should make a backup copy of the program.
- 3.1. Backing Up With Two Floppy Disk Drives
- If you have a computer with two disk drives, turn on
- the computer and boot the system with your DOS
- diskette. When the "A>" prompt appears on the screen,
- remove the DOS diskette from Drive A. Put the program
- diskette into drive A and a blank diskette into Drive
- B. Type
- COPY A:*.* B:
- and press <ENTER>. This command copies all the program
- and demo files from the original program diskette to
- your backup. When the message
- 17 files copied
- appears on the screen, remove the diskettes from the
- drives. Put your original program diskette in a safe
- place. You should use the backup copy as your working
- diskette.
- 3.2. Backing Up With A Hard Disk Drive
- If you have a computer with a hard disk and one floppy
- disk drive, we will assume that your hard disk is
- formatted and is running DOS Version 2.1 or higher.
- Turn on your computer. The "C>" prompt should appear.
- Place the program diskette into Drive A. Type
- and press <ENTER>. This creates a separate directory
- on the hard disk called "C:\IDEA". Now type
- and press <ENTER>. The prompt should now look like
- this:
- C:\IDEA>
- This is the directory where your working copy of IDEA
- TREE will be stored. Type
- COPY A:*.* C:\IDEA
- and press <ENTER>. All of the program and demo files
- are now copied into the C:\IDEA directory. When the
- message
- 17 files copied
- appears on the screen, remove the program diskette from
- Drive A and put it in a safe place. Use the copy of
- IDEA TREE stored in your C:\IDEA directory as your
- working program.
- II.7. Getting Help in the IDEA TREE manual.
- 4. Starting The Program
- The way IDEA TREE is started depends on whether you have a
- system with one floppy disk drive, two floppy disk drives or
- a hard disk with one or more floppy disk drives.
- 4.1. Starting Up With One Floppy Disk Drive
- Turn on your computer and boot up with your DOS
- diskette in Drive A as usual. Remove the DOS diskette
- and place your working copy of IDEA TREE into Drive A.
- Now type
- and press <ENTER>. This loads IDEA TREE, during which
- it figures out what type of monitor is on the machine.
- However, with certain computers with earlier operating
- system versions, this may come out wrong if it is other
- than a color monitor. In this case, exit IDEA TREE
- (press <G>o to <E>xit) and start again by typing
- and pressing <ENTER>.
- When you are ready to save a tree file to a diskette,
- remove the IDEA TREE diskette from Drive A. Put a
- formatted, blank diskette into Drive A. When you use
- the <F>ile <S>ave function, your tree file will be
- saved to this diskette. You should then put your
- working copy of IDEA TREE back into Drive A in order to
- continue working with the program.
- 4.2. Starting Up With Two Floppy Disk Drives
- Turn on your computer and boot up with your DOS
- diskette in Drive A as usual. Remove the DOS diskette
- and place your working copy of IDEA TREE into Drive A
- and a formatted, blank diskette into Drive B. The
- diskette in Drive B will be used to store your IDEA
- TREE files as you create them.
- Now type
- and press <ENTER>. This loads IDEA TREE, during which
- it figures out what type of monitor is on the machine.
- However, with certain computers with earlier operating
- system versions, this may come out wrong if it is other
- than a color monitor. In this case, exit IDEA TREE
- (<G>o to <E>xit) and start again by typing
- and pressing <ENTER>.
- 4.3. Starting Up With A Hard Disk Drive
- Your working copy of IDEA TREE should now be stored in
- the C:\IDEA directory on your hard disk. When you are
- in this directory, type:
- and press <ENTER>. This loads IDEA TREE, during which
- it figures out what type of monitor is on the machine.
- However, with certain computers with earlier operating
- system versions, this may come out wrong if it is other
- than a color monitor. In this case, exit IDEA TREE
- (<G>o to <E>xit) and start again by typing
- and pressing <ENTER>.
- 5. Printing The Manual
- This shareware diskette includes the IDEA TREE manual. You
- can print this manual out by typing
- at the DOS command line. Make sure that your printer is
- turned on, and then press <ENTER>. The manual is about 53
- pages long.
- 6. The IDEA TREE Tutorial
- The concepts of idea decomposition may be new to you. The
- IDEA TREE tutorial included in this diskette introduces you
- to these concepts by using a set of examples that develop
- idea trees in steps.
- IDEA TREE is completely menu driven and its commands should
- be intuitively easy to use. However, the tutorial will also
- present you with an overview of IDEA TREE's many
- applications.
- For these reasons, we strongly urge you to spend the 45
- minutes or so the tutorial requires before you start
- creating your own trees.
- If you choose to use IDEA TREE without going through the
- tutorial, start the program and then load the file DEMO1.
- DEMO1 contains a brief description of each of IDEA TREE's
- commands and how to use them.
- To print the tutorial, type
- at the DOS command line. Make sure that your printer is
- turned on, and then press <ENTER>. The tutorial is 12 pages
- long.
- Jim Button and Andrew Fluegelman originated the idea of
- user-supported software distribution back in 1982. Here's
- how shareware works. You can copy this diskette and share
- it freely with others. The diskette includes a complete
- version of IDEA TREE, a complete, printable manual and a
- a tutorial.
- If you like IDEA TREE and continue to use it, we request
- that you become a registered user by purchasing a complete
- version of IDEA TREE from Mountain House Publishing for
- $29.95 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling.
- Why pay at all?
- 1. You receive a CURRENT copy of the program.
- 2. You receive a printed manual.
- 3. Free technical support.
- 4. Notification of updates.
- 5. Inexpensive upgrade offers.
- 6. Notification of new products.
- 7. You help to keep software prices down by supporting a
- distribution method which doesn't rely on expensive
- advertising campaigns.
- Here's how to register: Fill out the form below and send
- it with your check, money order or VISA/MASTERCARD number.
- Or call us at (802) 496-5000 with your VISA/MASTERCARD
- number. A printed manual and the complete version of IDEA
- TREE will be shipped within 10 days of our receipt of the
- order.
- ************************************************************
- Mountain House Publishing
- RR1, Box 205-8
- Waitsfield, VT 05673-9621
- How did you learn about IDEA TREE? _________________________
- ____________________________________________________________
- NAME: ____________________________________________________
- STREET: ____________________________________________________
- CITY: _________________________ ST: ____ ZIP: __________
- VISA/MASTERCARD #:______________________ EXP DATE __________
- SIGNATURE: _________________________________________________
- Enclose your check or money order for $29.95 plus $3.00 for
- shipping and handling.
- ************************************************************
- Please be aware of the following restrictions. They are
- designed to protect shareware users and authors from those
- people who would take advantage of the hard work and trust
- that has gone into the creation of the shareware system.
- 1. Copies of this shareware version of IDEA TREE may not
- be sold. However, a distribution cost may be charged
- for the cost of the diskettes, shipping and handling,
- not to exceed $10 total.
- 2. The files and programs on the disk may not be modified,
- deleted or added to.
- 3. The program cannot be sold as part of some other more
- inclusive package.
- 4. The program cannot be "rented" or "leased" to others.
- 5. If you are copying the diskette for distribution to
- students in a classroom, you must provide them with the
- following written notice:
- This diskette is distributed to you
- through the courtesy of (your school or
- instructor name), and Mountain House
- Publishing. No royalty or registration
- fee has been paid for the program, which
- is for your use and evaluation as a
- student.
- If you wish to receive technical support
- from Mountain House Publishing, as well
- as announcements of updates and
- improvements to the programs, you must
- first become a "registered user." You
- do that by purchasing the program
- directly from Mountain House Publishing:
- Mountain House Publishing
- RR 1, Box 205-8
- Waitsfield, VT 05673-9621
- Send a check or money order for $29.95
- plus $3.00 for shipping and handling,
- and include your name and address.