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- @TEXT@
- A pearl-handled black-backed bath brush. In addition, verify class-of-service.
- Function keys are labeled F1 thru F10. Slim Sam slid sideways, sliding slowly.
- Juggling 9 balls simultaneously- hurts! From three to 50 items may be ordered.
- @TEXT@
- Cross crossroad crossings cautiously! Friday the 13th occurs several times.
- Six silver thimbles, two yellow yo-yo's Page 3-65; A Summary of DOS Commands.
- Double bubble gum bubbles dangerously. The two twenty-two tore through town.
- @TEXT@
- The dude dropped in at the Dew Drop Inn. Good eye contact is developed in stages.
- The box is 12-1/8W x 15-3/4H x 17-3/8L. Which wristwatches are Swiss watches?
- What! How can this item cost $3,693.88? Sally's six sick shellfish seldom sell.
- @TEXT@
- Shipping weight: 3 pounds + 10 ounces. When does a wristwatch strap shop shut?
- Init. a diskette; FORMAT [d][/S[/1]. Six broken rubber baby buggy bumpers.
- The Async. card measures 4"H x 5"W. Nine nimble noblemen nibbled nine nuts.
- @TEXT@
- It uses 4 'C' batteries (not included). First select I/O addresses 3F8 to 3FF.
- Flocking shoppers shopping for flour. This item's stock # is X33-HY-80343F.
- Wise wives whistle while weaving wares. Your shipment will arrive in two days.
- @TEXT@
- Tom threw Tim three thumbtacks. The Color Adapter operates at 15,750Hz.
- Multiply 62.5 times 43 then by .0188. She says she shall sew a sheet soon.
- More pure food for four pure mules. Tuesday's stew day. Stew day's Tuesday.
- @TEXT@
- 100% solid-state, 12-1/2" speakers. Break codes are formed by adding x'80'.
- Davy dined on the deck of a dinghy. One lemon, half a lemon, left a half.
- Seven strange strategic statistics. 10 milligrams [mg.] = 1 centigram [cg.]
- @TEXT@
- One duck? Which duck? That duck? No! Review the basic formula for p{n,t}.
- The display buffer starts at X'b8000'.
- @TEXT@
- Sarah sings a sappy song soulfully.
- Lumps of red leather, red leather lumps.
- @TEXT@
- "Cogito ergo spud." - I think, therefore I yam.
- "Veni, vidi, Visa." - We came, we saw, we shopped.
- @TEXT@
- Does the wristwatch shop shut soon? 24 grains (gr.) = 1 pennyweight (pwt.).
- Sick sheep should sleep in sick sheds. A plane flew from Boston to San Diego!
- Fresh fish fish for Fritz Fischer. The interface contains power at [5Vdc].
- @TEXT@
- Raw wheat, raw rice, raw eggs. 1 millimeter[mm.]=.001 = .03937 inches.
- Refer to Example 15, pg.31 in the text. Select either 40x25 or 80x25 ALPHAmode.
- PC-FASTYPE is a great typing tutor! Red leather, yellow leather.
- @TEXT@
- The Oscillator operates @ 14.31818Mhz. We surely shall see the sun shine soon.
- French friars fanning a fainted flea. FACTORS of numbers are exact divisors.
- Six cents for these six sick sausages? A 17.0-cubic ft. HIGH-EFFICIENCY model.
- @TEXT@
- 60 seconds [sec. or "] = 1 minute [']. Do not pepper the porker with paprika.
- His chest size is 2XL (50-52 inches). The green grub goes to the green grass.
- D=BR states that D is equal to B * R. Wild winds whipped Whit from the wharf.
- @TEXT@
- In addition, a string enclosed in matched pairs of single quotes
- ('), or double-quotes ("), forms a
- partial word; metacharacters in such a string, including any
- SPACE or TAB characters, do not form separate words.
- @TEXT@
- Within pairs of quote (') or double-quote (") characters, a
- NEWLINE preceded by a backslash (\) gives a true NEWLINE
- character. Additional functions of each type of quote are
- described, below, under Variable Substitution,
- Command Substitution, and Filename Substitution.
- @TEXT@
- A simple command is composed of a sequence of words. The
- first word (that is not part of an I/O redirection) specifies
- the command to be executed. A simple command, or a set
- of simple commands separated by a vertical-bar (|) or vertical-bar
- and ampersand together (|&), forms a pipeline.
- @TEXT@
- Variable substitution can be suppressed by preceding the $
- (dollar sign) with a \, except within double-quotes where it always
- occurs. Within single-quotes, variable substitution is
- suppressed. A $ is "escaped" if followed by a SPACE, TAB or
- @TEXT@
- It always does seem to me that I am doing more work than I
- should do. It is not that I object to the work, mind you; I
- like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and watch it for hours
- at a time. I love to keep it by me; the idea of getting rid of
- it nearly breaks my heart.
- @TEXT@
- I never saw a Purple Cow,
- I never hope to see one;
- But I can tell you, anyhow,
- I'd rather see than be one.
- @TEXT@
- If I had a nickle for every time I typed
- "Now is the time for all good men to come to
- the aid of their country", I could have
- retired years ago. - Author, PC-FasType
- @TEXT@
- To type words in ALL CAPITALS, use the CAPS LOCK
- key on the keyboard. If you do this you will
- be able to type SMOOTHER and FASTER. Don't forget
- to release the CAPS LOCK key or ALL OF YOUR
- @TEXT@
- Famous quotes:
- Don't be humble, you're not that great. -Golda Meir
- I never met a kid I liked. -W.C. Fields
- I hate quotations. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
- @TEXT@
- The man with the best job in the country is the Vice President.
- All he has to do is get up every morning and say, "How's the President?"
- - Will Rogers (1879-1935)
- @TEXT@
- "Bad spellers of the world, untie!" - Graffiti
- Dr. Livingstone I Presume
- -- is the full name of Dr. Presume.
- "Computers are useless. They can only give you answers"
- -- Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
- @TEXT@
- Dear Mary, I'm very glad to hear that your sister-in-law
- Margaret passed the examination for high school teacher.
- Say Joe, do you happen to know how far the equator is from
- Houston, Texas? What do you estimate?
- @TEXT@
- The mighty Babe Ruth and the great hitter Ted Williams are
- the only two sluggers in baseball history to receive more
- than 2,000 bases-on-balls (walks). Babe Ruth drew 2.056,
- and Ted Williams, 2,018.
- @TEXT@
- Alexander Cartwright, a New York sportsman, drew up the first
- rules for the game of baseball in the year 1845, when he
- organized the first baseball club, the "Knickerbocker Base
- Ball Club of New York". Cartwright's rules established
- foul lines, the strikeout, three-out innings, nine-man teams, and
- a distance of 90 feet between bases.
- @TEXT@
- The "Father of Baseball" is considered to be Alexander Cartwright,
- Jr., a member of one of the first baseball teams in the early 1800's
- - the New York Knickerbockers, is considered by many sports experts
- to be the "Father of Baseball". Cartwright is credited with formulating
- the first baseball rules and getting them published in 1845.
- @TEXT@
- The only baseball player who holds the National League
- record for the highest season batting average is Hugh Duffy
- of the old Boston Red Stockings. In 1894, Duffy batted a
- hefty .438 - a BA that has never been topped.
- @TEXT@
- The USSR, a federation of the RSFSR, the Ukraine, Byelorussia,
- and Transcaucasia, was formed in December 1922, and its flag
- was adopted in November 1923.
- @TEXT@
- Many of the measurements we use today are combinations of
- the basic "dimensions": mass (weight), length (distance), and
- time. Speed is a combination of distance traveled in a give
- time.
- @TEXT@
- Atmospheric pressure is the "weight" of air acting on a given
- area (length by length) of the Earth's surface.
- @TEXT@
- Absolute zero is the lowest temperature that can be obtained
- theoretically - 0 Absolute or - -459.6 degrees F (-273.1 degrees C).
- @TEXT@
- Galileo saw Saturn's rings through his telescope in 1610.
- He was probably the first person to do so, but he could
- not see them clearly and reported them as odd bulges. "Saturn
- has hears," he wrote. In 1656 the Dutch astronomer Christian
- Huygens identified the "ears" as a ring.
- @TEXT@
- Neptune's puzzling moons don't act like any other planet's.
- Nereid, only 200 km wide, follows the most elliptical path
- of any satellite. It needs an entire Earth year to complete
- one orbit.
- @TEXT@
- The greatest distance ever covered in one hour on a bicycle was
- accomplished by Leon Vanderstuyft of Belgium when he covered 76
- miles, 604 yards during the Montlhery Motor Circuit in France
- on September 30, 1928.
- @TEXT@
- The world record for the greatest recorded number of sit-ups is
- 25,222. It was established at Idaho Falls High School's gymnasium
- on December 23, 1972 by Richard John Knecht, who was eight (yes - 8)
- years old at the time.
- @TEXT@
- Chiquito de Cambo (Joseph Apesteguy), whose career spanned 38
- years from 1900 to 1938, was one of the best jai alai players who
- ever lived. Jai alai is the fastest and most dangerous ball game
- in the world. The world's largest jai alai "fronton" is in Bridgeport,
- Connecticut. Built at a cost of $16 million, it seats 12,000 people.
- @TEXT@
- Christopher Sholes, born on February 14, 1819, made the first
- practical typewriter. He got a patent for his machine in 1868.
- Touch typing, though, was first introduced in 1878 by Frank
- E. McGurrin.
- @TEXT@
- Good skills, of course, will help you get that job. Yet is not
- enough to make you hold it and get ahead in it. You must also
- learn to work well with the others in a helpful and good-will
- spirit.
- @TEXT@
- Franklin D. Roosevelt, born January 30, 1882, became President
- on March 4, 1933. He was re-elected in 1936, 1940, and 1944.
- On August 14, 1941 he joined in drafting the structure of the
- Atlantic Charter.
- @TEXT@
- Here is what it cost us to put our men on the moon: $1.1 billion
- for research; $3.3 billion for designing; $9.4 billion for the
- Saturn Rocket Engines; $7.8 billion for spacecraft; and $2.25 billion
- for salaries to scientists, office supplies, and help. Total cost
- of the moon flight: about $24 billion
- @TEXT@
- The World Health Organization (WHO) was established on April 7,
- 1948 when 26 members of the U.N. had accepted its constitution,
- adopted July 22, 1946, by the International Health Conference
- in New York City.
- @TEXT@
- The Warsaw Pact was signed on May 14, 1955, by Albania, Bulgaria,
- Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the
- U.S.S.R. Albania, barred from meetings in 1962, withdrew in 1968
- after ideological differences.
- @TEXT@
- The Wisconsin region was first explored for France by Jean Nicolet,
- who landed at Green Bay in 1634. in 1660 a French trading post
- and Roman Catholic mission were established near present-day Ashland.
- @TEXT@
- The history of America is closely tied to that of Virginia, particularly
- in the Colonial period. Jamestown, founded in 1607, was the first
- permanent English settlement in North America.
- @TEXT@
- Kingman Reef, located about 1,000 miles south of Hawaii, was discovered
- by Capt. E. Fanning in 1798, but named for Capt. W. E. Kingman, who
- rediscovered it in 1853.
- @TEXT@
- The Caroline Islands, east of the Philippines and south of the Marianas,
- include the Yap, Truk, and the Palau groups and the islands of
- Ponape and Kosrae, as well as many coral atolls.
- @TEXT@
- Selected Degree Abbreviations:
- B. A. Bachelor of Arts
- B. E. Bachelor of Education
- B. E. E. Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
- M. D. Doctor of Medicine
- M. C. S. Master of Computer Science
- M. B. A. Master of Business Administration
- Ph. D. Doctor of Philosophy
- S. Sc. D. Doctor of Social Science
- @TEXT@