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- @PAGE@
- PC-FasType - Quick HELP Facility -- Beginner Menu
- NOTE: All menu items can be selected by moving the highlighted cursor bar
- with the arrow keys or spacebar and then pressing the ENTER key to select
- it. As a shortcut to using the highlighted cursor bar, most menu items
- can also be selected by pressing the indicated Function Key.
- The BEGINNER DRILLS menu is where you should start if you're not
- familiar with the standard "QWERTY" style keyboard and wish to learn the
- generally accepted methods of touch-typing using the HOME keys as a base
- for your finger placement. The HOME keys on the QWERTY-style keyboard are
- the letters "asdf jkl;" located on the middle row of the keyboard.
- If you're already familiar with the keyboard that you selected when
- you started PC-FasType, but want to brush up on your typing skills, you'll
- find these beginner drills helpful.
- @PAGE@
- *** PC-FasType's Teaching Technique ***
- The drill technique used by PC-FasType for teaching you how to touch-
- type using any of these drill selections is 'RANDOM PROMPTING'. That is,
- PC-FasType will randomly select a character from the list displayed in the
- text window above the screen keyboard and prompt you to type the key where
- that character is located by changing the color of it on the display and
- "clicking" it on and off. After you press the matching key on the
- keyboard, the color will change back and another character is selected
- randomly. This goes on until you have successfully typed the number of
- characters shown in brackets on the text window title line at the top of
- the screen. The displayed time in the upper right corner will start
- ticking away with your first keystroke, and the number in brackets will
- begin to count backwards until it reaches zero. Of course you can press
- the escape key anytime to end your drill early, but we suggest you go for
- the full count.
- Keystroke errors are indicated by a beeping noise and a large "X"
- shown over the key you incorrectly pressed. The keyboard prompting
- continues until you type the correct character.
- @PAGE@
- A Neat Option: CHOOSE YOUR OWN
- This selection from the Beginner's Menu deserves special mention
- because it is such a powerful tool for selective reinforcement of your
- typing skills.
- Common selections include all of the keys in one row, or all of the
- keys in one or more "columns" of keys. For example, you could practice
- typing numbers on the keypad area by selecting all the numbers on the
- number row ( 1 thru 0 ), then press the NUM LOCK key so it's ON. When you
- BEGIN TYPING, you can type the numbers you're prompted for using the
- KEYPAD area of the keyboard; this will reinforce your "calculator" skills.
- Another example is to choose all of the characters for particular
- fingers. Suppose you wanted to practice typing all of the characters
- addressed by your two index fingers, which type more characters than any
- other pair, you could CHOOSE the following sequence of letters:
- f g r t v b j h m n u y
- and optionally, the numbers 5,6,7,8. Then BEGIN TYPING to exercise your
- two index fingers ONLY. Can you think of other ways to use this option?
- @PAGE@
- The BEGINNER DRILLS Menu selections are described as follows:
- ** Begin Typing -------------- F10 **
- Display the Screen Keyboard and begin typing any previously selected
- drill or exercise. If nothing was selected, you'll be drilled on
- the HOME keys only - 'asdfjkl; and space bar', - the default
- selection.
- ** HELP! Facility ------------- F1 **
- Call up the Quick-HELP Facility of PC-FasType.
- ** HOME Keys Only ------------- F2 **
- The HOME Keys (asdf jkl;) are where the fingers of both hands are
- placed when you start to type, and where each finger returns after a
- different letter is typed. This selection chooses just the home
- keys and space bar; you will be drilled on these keys only. All
- previous drill or exercise selections you previously made are RESET.
- You can also select the HOME-keys-only from the "Add More Letters"
- menu. (next HELP page)
- @PAGE@
- ** Add More Letters ----------- F3 **
- This selection will display a pop-up menu of all the alphabet
- letters you can add to the list of characters you are learning to
- type. You need selections from this menu to add more letters to
- your typing vocabulary. Any row of characters in the menu can be
- selected. All selections will be check-marked and the letters added
- to your list. See the "Add More Letters" selection in this Quick
- HELP Facility for more information. After you learn to type the
- HOME keys, the next letters you should learn are e, i, and the
- ENTER key. Therefore you would select the "e,i" entry from the "Add
- More Letters" sub-menu which will add them to the list of HOME key
- letters and the space bar.
- ** Add More Numbers ----------- F4 **
- Numbers are hard to learn; this pop-up menu lets you select all, or
- just a few at a time. Numbers you select from the menu will be
- added to your drill list and displayed in the text window. See the
- "Add More Numbers" selection in this Quick HELP Facility for more
- information.
- @PAGE@
- ** Choose CAPITAL Letters ----- F5 **
- This selection works the same as Add More Letters except you choose
- CAPITAL letters instead. Any CAPITAL Letters you choose from the
- menu will be added to your drill list and displayed in the text
- window.
- ** Add Punctuation and Symbols- F6 **
- If you feel brave and want to practice typing the special characters
- and symbols (both upper and lower case) on the keyboard then make
- this selection. These characters will be added to your drill list.
- ** CAPITAL Letters Only! ------ F7 **
- You will be drilled on CAPITAL Letters only; no lower case letters,
- numbers, or symbols will be included. These drills will teach you
- accurate use of both the left and right SHIFT keys. Any previous
- drill or exercise selections you made will be reset.
- @PAGE@
- ** Do It All! ----------------- F8 **
- Make this selection if you want to be drilled on ALL of the keyboard
- characters. The drills will include all lower case letters, all the
- numbers, shifted characters, symbols, and CAPITAL letters.
- ** Choose Your Own ------------ F9 **
- Making this selection will pop-up a dialog box listing all of the
- characters for the selected keyboard. You simply type in the ones
- you want to learn. You can practice typing a specific row of keys on
- the keyboard by selecting ALL of the characters on that row; for
- example, to practice typing the characters on the number row only,
- enter all of the numbers, the minus and equal signs and press F10.
- ** KAPS for Kids ---------------- **
- Very young children sometimes have a hard time telling the
- difference between capital and lower-case letters. This 'toggle'
- will cause all of the letters in any beginner drill selection to be
- shown in CAPITALS (upper-case). Just type the letters as you
- normally would but you won't have to use the shift key.
- @PAGE@
- ** Return to Main Menu -------- <- **
- Make this selection with the cursor bar and Enter key if you want to
- return to the MAIN menu. Pressing the left arrow key will get you
- there too.
- ** Display Next Menu ---------- -> **
- Make this selection with the cursor bar and Enter key if you want to
- display the INTERMEDIATE DRILLS menu. Pressing the right arrow key
- will get you there too.
- @PAGE@
- If you choose a drill or exercise and the checkmark appears but
- nothing else happens, you have to then select BEGIN TYPING by either
- moving the highlighted cursor bar there and pressing the ENTER key or just
- press the F10 function key after making your drill or exercise choice. If
- you don't do anything in a short time ( 7 to 10 seconds), PC-FasType will
- prompt you to select BEGIN TYPING. The reason is to let you make sure of
- your choice before beginning to type. If the choice you've made is
- really the one you want, then you have to tell us by selecting BEGIN
- TYPING or pressing F10 to begin typing.
- Using the left and right arrow keys will get you quickly from one
- menu to another too. Notice that the highlighted cursor bar of the next
- menu that gets displayed will be resting on its own "next menu" choice.
- @PAGE@
- "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country."
- Let's see...that makes 374,981 times I've typed this phrase!
- - PC-FasType Author